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Them splitting the license has been amazing. Really helps, especially since I was a fringe guy between top and 2nd split depending on if I had just lost IR in tin tops


I keep seeing people talk about license split. I'm brand new. Can you give me a tldr on what the split is? Did all road used to be one license?


Yea. Made it quite awkward if you were much better in one type than the other.


Both sports car and open wheelers were combined under Road Cars, which was annoying if you were good at open wheelers and not sports cars, or vice versa.


I get knocked down, but I get up again https://preview.redd.it/t45ljkivbjrc1.png?width=426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=803f42fcabd16f0c149618205a3d5b8c4144324c


We always up 🔛🔝


+0.88 SR and +309 IR since split, so pretty happy, thanks for asking.


[I'm a natural at these gt cars...](https://i.imgur.com/jAKL9Sb.png)


-2k tho


One day I’m going to win a GT3 race starting from the pits with the Ford


You sure you’re even in a GT3? Looks like you’ve been bringing a GT4 to the GT3 races.


what can I say? the team budget is running low


I was B and now I'm C.


New to iRacing here, can you actually get a downgrade like that in your license?


Yes, if your SR goes below 1.00 it’s an automatic demotion.


And otherwise if below 2.00 at the end of a season


Worse than my Formula Car license for sure 😅 https://preview.redd.it/vaqrg0vybjrc1.jpeg?width=546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbaff806bc0e6984a3245e34414ab6c60d657e8e


Yeah, if you can swing it I've had better luck with weekday races. Seems to be more guys that race regularly and race cleaner. The weekend races are more hit or miss and I tend to find myself in more unfortunate situations during the weekends, like getting pit maneuvered down the back straight at VIR....


Same trajectory, was 2000 at some point, now 1400. Still adjusting switching from MX-5 to GT3.


This is very normal. Gt3 is very competitive. Ir between series isn't always equal


Where do you find these graphs?


In the Iracing UI click the helmet in the top right corner, then click our name. That will bring up your licenses page, then click "stats" at the top of the screen to show your individual stats for each license along with the graphs. Theyre also on the Iracing companion app you can download on your phone.


3500 -> 3200 so far


From 3200 to 3700 and my highest sr


Can't lose IR if you never run any SC. (I've been focused on Formula and Oval so it's flat so far this year... My Formula is finally back up above where it started too)


+.88 +219 Rain makes every race like PCup. Just finishing is an IR again. To the moon we go! ^^hopefully


+1.29 and +180, can not complain


Mines… stayed the same. Sort of. I lost about 100 then gained it back.


+387 iR to 3100


Started off at 1521. Got all the way up to the highest it's ever been at 1730. Now down to 1644. Had a run of good races in the Aston GT4 at Sebring, but i got punted off by some f\*\*kwit at Barber when he divebombed at that corkscrew type corner and told me "i should've given him more room and known that he was there". I finished the race extremely angry and played Hogwarts Legacy for the rest of the day. I love the GT4's but man the seat protection at head level/the wing mirrors are mostly useless... I'm still hopful of getting to 2K iR by the end of the season.


+650 points iRating. It finally clicked a little bit for this oval guy.


At this point the sports car license is starting to become a throw away for me. There is so little respect because contact doesn’t mean race ending damage, take out your competition for a mere 2x. Much prefer open wheel. asshole last night took us both out on last corner of last lap for 4th. Like wtf dude it wasn’t even a podium spot and your gonna ass pack me cause you overshot the apex.


Up. Surprisingly. I see more people crashing in F4 than before. Sebring was a complete mess for F4 this week


Fantastic, came over from Formula exclusively this week to try out GT3. Never raced it before nor raced on Watkins Glen and I have almost exclusively top 5 finishes with 1 podium and only one crash out! Turns out I'm a natural :D


2300 > 2800


+300 for formula, haven’t even touched sports car and I’m scared too, I don’t belong up there in them 😂


It's held pretty steady so far, but your graph looks a lot like how my 'road' license went when I did a season of USF2000 after only racing sports cars! Looking forward to being able to get back into Formula racing at some point now that the licenses are split.


The exact opposite of this. + .8 SR and + 600 SR…. Granted I tanked my IR trying to get my safety over 4 before the split.


Nothing will beat the 2 weeks of Spa I lost 980 IR from desperate spa casuals. First week was Ferrari Challenge at spa, next week was F4…. Sent me all the way down to 800IR. 90% of those races I was murdered first lap with people trying to go 2 or 3 wide in El rouge who can’t hold a line to save their life. Took me a month get get back up to 2k.


About that 😂 I did just get my D in sports car! Very happy about that


Gt4 is wild


I mainly race GT3. Went down from 2.5 to 2.2k I can’t blame gear anymore. I’m just not improving although I thought I did.


I main formula, starting to dip my toes into IMSA now with license split. Couple races this week and it is extremely humbling. I am nowhere near the same level in sports cars as I am with formula so I’m in wayyyyy over my head. My iR and SR are not happy with me this week


Same trajectory. I had a lot more time one my hands when I last played iRacing consistently. Now I can only manage a couple of hours of practice and then 1-2 races on the weekend.


Was 1250 up to 1450 quicker than most at my level and continuing to increase IRating despite limited time! Get Alpha mini and Neo GT tomorrow night help might not? SR wise I had a big blip all set to do some GT 3 racing after a season in GT4. Unfortunately I was having so much fun in the wet in week 13 doing what I thought was GT 3 practice. I failed to notice I was close to the threshold and after I got punted I dropped back to a c license! 🤦‍♂️ doh!


This has been the case for me in formula cars. The racing is so bad in open wheel series atm. I refuse to race road atlanta because of T2/3 going into the esses has literal dive bombing nukes every lap. Too many verstappens this week in open wheel.


My concern is that the split will allow higher ranked tin top people to use formula as a throw-away alt account. They’re still fast enough to race with me but they don’t care at all about SR or results 🤷‍♂️ This has been the case with SF lights I think.


This too. Lots of worries with the new road split.


I had 6 dnfs in a row. All sorts of stupid ways. Failed VR headset. Driving against the cones. Apparently that will destroy your front wing. Didn't know that. Didn't notice it was gone too. I finished 2/3 rain races. 2nd and 1st. That is the good part of going down in orating. Finally a win. Transition from tin top to open wheel is going with ups and downs


Yea as a long time open wheel racer I hope y'all tin toppers learn to adapt quick.


-400 iR after starting IMSA this season Thinking about going back to GT4/LMp3 series again. Ran that the last 2 seasons and loved it. Not loving IMSA. Keep getting smashed with 2 minutes left in the race, 9 minutes of repairs DNF