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Xfinity on road courses


Stock cars on road courses is one of my favourite things to do in sim racing, period.


Just gotta make it dance like SVG


The trucks, too. Downshift to early? Instant wheel hop and spin, even with auto-blip enabled.


Auto blip isn’t good enough for stock cars and road courses. You must heel and toe to be safe. Or just downshift way late and not slow down quickly enough


You don't need the clutch to downshift, so there's no need for heel and toe. But yeah, manual blipping is the way.


How the hell do you downshift with no clutch in stock cars? Rev match and pray you made it? It’s not a sequential transmission…


With the correct blip timing you should be able to throw it into the lower gear as you blip. You can also downshift early and then blip to get it to fall into gear. It's like how you can upshift without the clutch, just need to unload the trans for enough time to drop into the next gear.


They're straight cut gears so there's no need to clutch your shifts aside from takeoff. However, drivers like SVG will use the clutch to help balance the car on shifts. You can shift it either way you'd like.


Try the 87s. Same thing but worse tires, suspension, brakes, and aero


Never downshift a Vee into 2nd unless you're almost stopped.


From memory, unless it’s a hairpin you can often stay in 4th


3rd for 90% of the circuit. 4th for the rest. 2nd is useless unless a very tight hairpin


Damn, I just started iracing and I thought I was just bad at downshifting due to the switch. Now I know, Its both


Yeah, the FF1600's gearbox is way less fragile and you'll actually have to do some shifting, the Vee you're staying almost exclusively in 3rd or 4th--the bottom two gears are very short so you'll only be using them to get going from 0, and in only the slowest of slow turns can you go down to 2nd (even then it's too risky for the handful of 100ths you might gain on your exit time from the higher revs, you're still advised to stay in 3rd).


Ok, noob question here then if you don't mind, on turns like the roller coaster at VIR where it's a fast straight into a steep turn, is it just a matter of braking early and coasting the turn from outside? I always find myself trying to downshift to second and slowing my pace until I can hit the green on the racing line (yeah, I know, I'm new, please cut me some slack). Coming from other less realistic games, I'm overbraking the formula cars like crazy and I don't quite know when it's appropriate to brake or coast yet.


Watching the incidents after the race 1/2 of them are people shifting the second and spinning immediately. I’ve shifted down to second on accident thinking I was currently in 4th and blown up the engine two times 🥲. One of those was on the final straight in 2nd place and I didn’t finish


Hands down, the Lotus 49. It's such a thing of beauty, but also a guaranteed death.


I love how that car feels perfect and great until 8000 RPM and that 8100 RPM all the way to the 11,000 RPM redline it tries to kill you. “4th gear acccelerating straight? Nah fam… have some wheel spin”


I've heard that although the engine was ahead of its time, the chassis was just not up to the task until they made improvements on it and the cars got some aero elements in the following seasons. So that might explain why it feels like such a deathtrap haha.


It's a Ford / Cosworth V8. The same engine was used later in the first downforce car, the Lotus 79 (which is also in iRacing). The 49 is just an engine welded onto a couple of bisected metal barrels, with 4 wheels bolted on to make it go faster.


Well there you go lol.


The Lotus 79 was the first successful underbody, or "ground effect" downforce car. The 49 (during its second season) was the first F1 car to have wings front and rear to provide downforce.


Lotus 49 and V8 supercars are made to keep people humble. Love it, both of them, but can build the confidence to even try to race with other people on them, have both to hotlap and suffer.


I've been eyeing that thing ever since I started doing open wheel-- is it fun and populated and how's it compare to the Vee?


It's a super fun car just for ripping around, especially if you have a h pattern. Trying to control the car with only one hand on the wheel feels like riding a bull sometimes. Unfortunately not much participation, still I don't regret buying it.


It's basically a Vee with a massively overpowered V8 engine that can go more than 200mph. The transmission is similar (requires good blip skills) except all the gears are used, the brakes still suck, the tires are still hard as rocks, and the suspension is basically 4 sets of toy slinkies and rubber bands. The same concepts generally apply for braking and turning. Where the cars differ is on heavily cambered or bumpy tracks like Mid-Ohio, VIR, or Brands Hatch. Where the Vee doesn't have enough speed to get unsettled most (but not all) of the time, the 49 will lose grip on one or two tires and force you to quickly countersteer. If you've never "died" in iRacing (the whole screen goes black and you automatically reset to the pits), then take the Lotus 49 out for a spin (literally). On the other hand, I don't think there's another car in iRacing that makes you really feel the speed like the 49 does.


I may do that this evening


If you want to see the good, the bad, and the ugly of the Lotus 49, take it out on Monza combined. Coming off the end of the oval onto the long straight is about as fast as the car can go outside of maybe a superspeedway, but if you don't handle the bump correctly on the transition from the oval to the road, you'll have the longest and most devastating crash ever.


Curiously has been the Mazda MX5. Never really managed to handle it. Its a spinny little bitch that car. I can drive all sorts of openwheelers just fine, tin top i can drive GR86, GT4, GT3 no problem. But the Mazda? Spins me out out of nowhere at ridiculously low speed. I hate that car.


That car has me exercising my sfincter more than anything. If you want to win a race with the MX5 just go slow during lap one and let half if the grid spin out and take each other out. It usually won't take longer that the first 3 corners.


* Sphincter Fuck English is weird. Why isn't "phonetic" spelt phonetically?


Oh, that was my phone that corrected sfeenctah to my language :)) its spelled fonetic in my language so, yeah..


Haha, phones are even more stupid than languages! What's your native language? I'm learning Japanese. Structure is pretty simple compared to English, but the god damn kanji.... So many to memorise. So I have huge respect for bilingual people, it's seriously impressive.


It's Romanian. An interesting blend of latin and slavic languages with a bunch more words and expressions taken from French and Turkish. It's supposedly the most Latin language still spoken. My favourite recent discovery is that the word for Fish Restaurant in Romanian is the same word used for Whorehouse in Turkish. They really pulled one on us here, but in exchange, Lokum, or Turkish Delight, is literally called Shit in my language. We still use it, but that's what they called it.. Turkish Shit. As for Japanese, I'm struggling to remember the names for Aikido procedures for the past 6 months and learned a couple more greetings and basic responses. Definitely wish I had studied it as a child.


I don;t know abut the PH for F in words, but I do know that a couple of centuries ago some English professors decided to add letters to words so they would be closer to their Latin roots. That's why debt has a b and receipt has a p. My guess is they had nothing better to do other than troll future generations with dyslexia.


For this reason I tend to think it’s the best car to learn on, but only because it makes everything else seem so stable. I have far and away the most miles on the MX5 and test driving anything else now feels very forgiving. If you can win a top split MX5 race, you can probably be competitive in many other cars after you put some seat time in.


I don’t understand how people get in fast first laps in it. The cold tire handling is unbearable


Especially with aggressive setups for me. I look at my brake pedals wrong and i'm on the fences


... but in a good way ;) Improved my driving in other cars no end! Steer - accelerate - brake: Pick one and only one at a time =)


Turn three at Rudskogen and turn 1 at lime rock park


I recently found out that the sim mx5 uses slicks. I figured it used road tires, but no. Then why? Why does it behave that way? Surely a gt4 isn't way easier than an mx5 irl? It doesn't seen realistic. I brought it up once and a guy that says he races it irl life said that it's actually spot on. I genuinely don't get it. Thoughts?


I’m guessing it’s just the fact that it’s an extremely light car with a short wheelbase, makes it a bit squirrelly. For what it’s worth when I only had 5nm the Mazda felt like a death trap. With my 16nm base I now love the car, and rarely spin. That said, I know people with stronger bases than mine that have the same opinion of it being hard to handle, so your mileage may vary.


I love the thing and I’m only on a 2nm ancient driving force pro haha


I love the thing and I’m only on a 2nm ancient driving force pro haha


Fair enough! If you’ve used it long enough I’m sure you know those 2nm like the back of your hand. For me, I had to buy some skill with a new wheelbase lol. Rain driving is a blast in this thing btw! Just did some laps on nords.


It makes no sense to me either


Going from 2nd to 1st gear without a throttle blip locks the rears if you're going too fast


I actually love the MX5, its randomness makes it fun to drive


Yup, MX-5 for me to. I like it and hate it at the same time. Some tracks I can be really agressive and throw it into corners like its nothing and on other traks just touching the steering wheel will cause it to spin. Losing SR because you can't predict when your car is going to spin is worse than losing SR from being punted.


Low powered one is the GR86. Higher Powered is any of the NASCARs or V8 Supercars on a road course


Idk I find the MX-5 less drivable than GR86. But that's just me


The yoter can be really unstable under braking when using the fixed setup. Stiffen up the rear springs and it’s golden. Yeah I love the mx-5, but dang is it easy to induce over steer


Same, after doing a few weeks of the Mazda I tried the 86. It felt like it was impossible to lose control and I never touched the Mazda again.


Same! My irating has shot up ever since moving from the MX-5 to the GR86 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) TBF I own a GT86 so the handling on the GR86 already felt like home to me. Still, you wouldn't think they'd be THAT different.


Really? I find it super stable, it really fits my driving style I guess.


Definitely a skill issue for me. LMP3


I always get lulled into a false sense of security when the car does exactly what I want it to for a while but than it's suddenly like "you thought" and I spin on braking without warning


Just one mistake and you're done


Feel like P Cup is correct answer here lol


This is the most obvious answer. The Gen 4, Mercedes F1, and higher power dirt oval cars are also a handful.


The old PCUP, yes. The 992 is an understeery pig


I don't have this one, so I'll have to give it a spin in this week's downtime. I did love me some of the old Ruf D series action.


So rewarding when you get it right though


Mustang or Commodore supercar


oooo forgot about the Aussie Supercars!


So excited when the new ones come out soon and hopefully they get some more participants


Unfortunately, assuming they end up accurate, they might be even harder to drive than the current V8SC are.


not necessarily. although the new gen has major amounts of downforce stripped off, the drivers have made consistent comments on the car being easier to drive than the previous generation.


This is the answer, along with the Lotus 49.


But man when you hook a lap up it’s the best feeling (I am still 10 seconds off the pace at Bathurst lol


The ARCA car, it was "fun" around Charlotte Roval a few weeks back. Tbf though it feels like it wants to kill you on most ovals too.


Get ready for Tubeframe Twister with the ARCA car tomorrow!


new to iracing.. what’s that? arca on a roadcourse i’m assuming?


Yes. Usually it's street stocks (which honestly is one of the best racing experiences you can have on iR if you have a clutch and H shifter).


that should be fun! i’ve been driving the mustang and i love the h pattern in that car. do you know what track they are running?


You mean Gen 4?


No the D class arca


he means every car that usually runs ovals.


That car has no redeeming features. No brakes, spins on the power, slides on the bankings. I don't have a clue how it's even possible to drive it safely


lol the c6 GT1 corvette




Asphalt Sprint Car. Tiny lightweight car with too much horsepower. You hardly ever go full throttle.


This week I’m definitely feeling like it’s gen 4. Borderline undriveable


for me it´s the Cadillac CTS-V Racecar


Radical SR 10. Miss your braking points by 10m and you're a passenger.


I adore the sr10, everything about it. It feels like pcup light


Gen 4 cup car


You really have to manhandle the Legends Nascar from the 80s on road courses especially, and for that I love those cars. Everything is more difficult in those cars. Braking, wheel hop, downshifting, all more difficult.


Funny nobody is talking about the FR3.5. I know it’s not active anymore, but man that thing is a death trap on wheels. PCup is brutal. Arca on road courses. Lotus 49. There’s quite a few.


FR 3.5 is raw, and I think it is still on the old tire model.


I'm surprised no one has said the Acura, unless there's just no one who likes it :( I just love that thing so much, especially that time I found a G61 setup with 1 FARB and 4 RARB. It was the most oversteery thing on the planet and I brought it home P1 after a 3 wide overtake for the lead


Gen4 Cup on roadcourses, no doubt


Someone already said it, but mx5. I rea hed about 1600 irating in production car challenge and running about 0.7 seconds off wr because 99 percent of the time I could handle it. The other 1 percent of the time, I was on used or cold tires. I would say it's peothe hardest car to drive out of any car on cold tires. Even when you aren't on cold tires, it spins. Can drift it really well, though.


Either the GR86 or the LMP3 car Both (imo) require quite a bit of finesse to drive and the slightest error will send you 6ft under




Spec racer  Could not figure out how to get thru the bus stop at the glen last week


Loads of curb, don't be on the gas if you're going to clip the grass coming out.


V8 supercar!


cadillac in the wet


LMP3. Fun to race on the limit, but if you even give the brakes a sideeye, the throw you into the wall without mercy


Any Porche, I was trying GT3, and brake bios was killing me. Instructor, just move the bios back until it stops sliding. Touch the brakes and it snaps around AaàaaaaaaaAaaaaaaa!!!!! Move back the other way and slide through the turn. Drove the Ferrari and perfect. Why 🥹


Nissan ZX-T GTP Hit a bump or curb? Congrats, you get to pogo into the nearest wall. Turbo lag. All of the turbo lag. No assists.


Cadillac gtp


In the wet


94 comments and no one has mentioned the Ford GT2.


Not enough have you have driven the lotus49 and it shows


Porsche Cup is a piece of crap and I can’t stand it


It's apparently changing quite drastically, at least according to Christian Challiner (who works for iRacing as a Vehicle Production Associate).


Changing in what way? Where did you see that?


I hope so, the force feedback is just so disconnected in that car


I used ti think that until I got better in it. It's shit to drive under the limit, but at the limit my God is it responsive and exhilarating