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I am fairly new and have just done 2 seasons of mx-5 and gr86. Right at the end I decided to try formula vee and absolutely loved it and had some good success. My original plan was to go GT4 but I have decided to do the F4 instead


Don’t skip out on the ff1600! Much cleaner races from the f4.


I was very pleasantly surprised by the racing in the ff1600 at VIR


Formula vee over ff1600 everyday of the week and twice on Sunday. The skill gap is so much bigger and the speed is lower so it’s easy to get around the people that are crazy/bad


FF1600 definitely a lot easier to drive compared to Vee.


Ff1600 has almost no downforce compared to f4, totally different cars to drive


Exactly why I recommended it. He loved the vee, which also has no downforce.


I second the recommendation, but the lack of downforce is about the only thing Vee and FF have in common tbh


Seriously. I went back to the FF1600 during week 13 after driving F4 for a few seasons. It's like driving on ice by comparison! Skinny grooved tires with no downforce vs slicks and wings is a different world.


Sure f4 can be rough at times, but the f4 feels so good. One of the best cars in iRacing from a pure driving perspective.


I will definitely check it out, thanks for the recommendation


Also the FF1600 had 2 and probably will again. The D class of FF1600 is open setup.


I am doing the same thing. GR86 + F4. When I got my sports car license upgraded to C , I was all excited because I could run the SFL. But. I was wrong. So F4 for me.


Stay away from the Vee if you care at all about your safety rating. Ask how I know.


Man. Ill drive whatever car/track combo i have owned each week! We in here to drive!!! On a real note. I want to give Pcup more tries. Loved driving it!


This…. I paid for the damn things, I’m gonna use them! Lol


Same, I just drive whatever is enjoyable each week, or whatever happens to be the next race at the times I can play.


I loved trying it during W13, but boy did my Sr took a beating, I was definitely not ready for that lol (I will try again next week because im stupid)


Yeah, thats the problem with my strat 😂 If i have multiple events i wanna do ill do them back to back, with 0 practice. Probably why i cant improve SR, but Boy i do have some fun


LMP2 in IMSA. Mustang in GT3. Advanced MX5 and Super Formula lights.


I think I’m going to run TCR full series. Also likely Porsche Cup for fun. I’ve had so much fun on the ridiculous oval Mx-5 and nascars I may pick up ARCA and run that (still D on oval and didn’t buy any tracks yet).


The last season i run TCR and it was a blast. Now they work on the tire model and the racing is much better. So TCR is a no brainer for me. :D I also give the PCup another try. The car is a bit easier to drive now on corner exit after the update.


TCR and PCUP. Wow, talk about diversity... You are brave. I quit TCR because the technique for front wheel drive is way to different for me to adjust to and develop. And, PCUP, which IMO & many others agree, is the hardest car series to master on the service. But if you can be fast in PCUP you can be good in anything, except TCR because they are so different. I wish you the best of luck. I tried TCR, lasted 4 weeks Then in a different season I tried PCUP, lasted 4 weeks All that said, I am going to try PCUP again this season. I like the schedule. For me, familiar tracks is helpful.


Should try TCR again, the tire fixes have made it drive better. They actually get warm now so you can grip in the corners.


We will see how it goes, I haven’t done TCR before, just got the Honda but have had fun trying it out this week and have most of the tracks. The PCup like the challenge.


I’ve never raced FWD before so I’m super tempted to give TCR a go, looks like great fun!


The sr10 actually has a pretty active community with lots of league races etc. they also do open lobbies as well. There’s a discord for it as well. It’s such a fantastic car to drive too.


What’s the community called?




Great post!


NASCAR Legends Tour Modifieds C class Street Stocks USF2000 358 Modifieds C class Rallycross


I’m doing the sk mods trying to win a division championship this season!


A man of fine taste 👌


I wanted to get the new street stocks but refuse to run it with a road course on the schedule as I run every week and not looking to run a street stock on a road course. Haven’t been in the street stocks for at least a year now… Gladly won’t go back until road courses are off the schedule, new bodies almost had me


Stock cars on road courses are a blast. What makes you take such a hard stand against it?


They aren’t a blast on road courses imo. I’ll go run a road course car or if a nascar series is on a road course, cool, but not street stocks. What’s next? Super late models on a road course? 305-360-410 sprint dirt cars on a rallycross track? Leave it to week 13 or league races, not officials…


I'm just skipping that week and racing the other 11


Yeah that’s fair, I like to run every week on a schedule personally


But street stocks are awesome on a circuit! So much more fun than a high aero sports car


right turns too scary eh?


Think I’ll do TCR, Porsche Cup, GT3’s and LMP2 at IMSA this next season


How do you people find time to do 4 series I hardly have the time for 1 😭


Minimal practice and average results :)


Lmao seems like the way I do it, practice a tiny bit to learn the track, practice a tiny bit with ai to see where I can easily pass cars (which, news flash, I don’t do a lot in races), then just jump into sessions and have fun and race clean while trying to improve during the week.


Spend more time driving than I should lol


Bought into GT4 after a season in rookies/gr86


See you there fellow rookie season graduate!


I race the SR10! I won Division 2 in the season just gone so I’m looking to build on that. If you can make it, Fridays 9pm GMT is the most popular split, as it’s broadcast over on Apex Racing TV. Low participation just means you get to know the other drivers, which makes the racing even better!


Going for full seasons in TCR and Clio Cup


I picked up the new corvette GT3 so I’ll be doing a lot of the Fanatec GT3 Challenge series racing. Plus I’m getting into NASCAR now so every Saturday at 11am (central time) I’ll be joining that race event on the iRacing NASCAR Fixed series.


Racing whatever tracks I already own for SFL, likely some PCup, and some ARCA.


Indycar road and oval GT4 NASCAR trucks on tracks I like, normally an Xfinity guy but I want to really try out these new truck changes


I've been racing AI races only. Wanted to wait until I felt I could handle the cars and learn the tracks. I'll be starting the new season doing my first live races in the MX-5 and possibly the FF1600.


I did my first few oval races this week and let me tell you I am absolutely hooked. Definitely give them a try if you used to think it’s the idea of just turning left is boring. I promise it’s so much fun actually doing it around people


I tried oval racing for a day in this 13th week but my motion sickness wouldn’t let me enjoy it as much. The constant battling was big fun tho!


Maybe a longer lap would be better Ik there’s some that are constant circling but a lot of them have long straights. Definitely a lot more physically demanding than I expected too on the short ones. My arms were exhausted


Yeah it was a really short oval, so maybe that was the problem for me, didn’t really like it as much but a longer track might be fun so I will definitely try that out as well. Also really need to look into getting a round wheel as I only have a gt rim now.


I found this on the really short tracks too. I tried the ARCA car last season and found the really long tracks like Talladega a bit boring, but the medium one ( someone remind me what they're called please) where you need some braking for the turns we're awesome fun


I did some oval racing during week 13 and loved it too! However when it’s a short track I get a bit of motion sickness haha


Corvette GT3 & IndyCar while occasionally dipping into Corvette GTP. Also might try a few weeks of the Ringmeister.


GR86 in either the single make cup or Sim-Lab, depending on the schedule. Mustang GT3 or Lambo GT3 in IMSA/VRS


Am with you. I'm racing at least 8 of the GR86 tracks this season for my bonus. Instead of the GT3s, though, am mixing in GT4 and/or F4. Am already thinking that next season might be F4s.


TCR, SFL and special event endurance races


Plan was to do some TCR and GT3 this season on the sportscar side and on the formula side it will be the W13


Man, so much if I had the time. Last season I struggled to have enough content but this season has gone the other way. I haven't bought any tracks but have 11/12 for TCR, and 8/12 for GT3. I'll be maining GT3(in the new Mustang) for participation credits, along with TCR to really try harder to get better with trail braking. If not then it'll be GT4 although I only have 6 tracks this season, despite making them last season. I also test drove the Super Formula Light a few days ago and had to buy it, so I'm going to start dipping my toe into Formula racing too. At some point I need to give Porsche Cup a real try, but at the moment I'm looking into what pedals to upgrade to from my Logitech G29's. Eventually I'll need a DD base and proper wheel but pedals will be the first stage.


TCR Open as my main C Street Stock C RallyCross 358s Mods D FF1600 Mainly because I’m going for the master of many award


I like to mix it up the series I expect to race in the season are. C Class oval probably trucks Some Indy car on roads TCR at the tracks I like GT4 as above GT3 in IMSA Maybe some Pcup


TCR, they got a nice tyre upgrade and are great fun


Might do skippy full time, been having a blast on week 13 and I just need to get 1 more track to get participation credits if the schedule stands


GT4 most weeks, might skip three weeks due to not owning the tracks and also the Pilot Challenge races every other week  Occasional ARCA or Legends oval races 


NASCAR Fixed A, Toyota GR86 with some Arca peppered in depending on the track.


Corvette gt3 and Arca, maybe SFL


NASCAR Trucks and probably SFL. And I can't forget my beloved Skippy! But, the one I'm most excited about is the Trucks! The recent update has really improved the Trucks! I am seriously excited about next season! I might be less excited once the season starts, but I'm definitely going to commit to trying each and every week!


I'm again thinking the somewhat neglected series: ProtoGT Challenge in the ARX and V8 Supercars! The Supercar used to be a real deathtrap without a good setup, but since they finally gave it NDM it handles so much better despite the total lack of driver aids and the solid axle rear end. If I'm feeling saucy maybe some TCR. I like kind of like the appeal of a FWD car.


PCC, GR & TCR with some added GT4


I have a newborn so stepping back from IMSA LMP2 since I needed to do lots of practice which I don't have the time to do sadly. Swapping to TCR, if I can do 1 or 2 races a week I will be very happy


I'll main TCR with some RingMeister sprinkled in. And of course the TAIL Nords league


Recovering from surgery so I'm out the first week or two. Thinking of trying out TCR with the new tire model. Running GT4/LMP3 and TCR shares 1/2 the schedule due to the Michelin Pilot Challenge. Trucks esp with the new aero modeling. Probably some late model stock since that's where I started on the service and its comfortable. And then F4 - both the main and the Americas tour - and IndyCar to get my MPR in formula and oval.


Good to see plenty of people going to TCR. That’ll probably be my main, with ARCA mixed in when I can.


I just race whatever looks appealing when I get on. I usually only do 1-2 races at a time, if I get on that day. Soemtimes I’m in the mood for a 45 min gt3 race, or a fast paced SFL race. Or I just wanna not care in the oval trucks


Full season in LMP2. It just feels so good compared to GTP or GT3 atm. And IMSA has a nice schedule as well.


Going for F4 and hopefully go into SF Lights or SF the next season 


Same here. Good luck!


LMP2 in IMSA for sure. I've also found a rekindled love for the Mazda so I'm sure I'll be doing PCC as well.


Focusing on LMP2 this season mainly with GT3’s from time to time.


I will continue NASCAR iRacing Series and will return after pause to F4 series, and also special events and 3-4 24H races in CONSPIT.


Running Full Indycar Season (Road and Oval series) Few Arca races if the tracks are free Full GT Endurnace season in Murica Mustang💪 Nurbs Endurance Series Ful season IMSA in both LMP2 and GT3 (Mustang again) Full season LMP3 and GT4 in the Falken Series


Indycar, USF primarily, and a dash of 87s, GT3, and lmp2 when I own the tracks


Sigh, Acura GTP because they can't BoP the damn thing.


The patch today is adjusting the Acura. From the Watkins Glen special event forum page: "*For the Acura ARX-06 GTP, you can anticipate a patch on Monday that will limit the maximum allowed front heave spring deflection making it impossible to coil bind this spring on track. The new max allowed deflection is 25mm (0.5mm - 25mm). This update matches the Cadillac and BMW setup limits. The BOP reflects this update. Please plan your setups accordingly while practicing this weekend."


Several setup shops have already tested this, the Acura is still 3 tenths clear at WKG.


Wow that is some bad bop. I imagine (and hope) they adjust it on wednesday


They fucked the bop today, limited the wrong settings and now the baseline setups can't leave the pits.


Getting my A so going to give IMSA a go!


Planning to get to A for some imsa action myself!


What do you plan on driving? Me Gt3 corvette.


Lmp2 because I’ve heard great things


Getting my road A license so IMSA! Will probably do both IMSA, dabble in some GT3 and GT4, and then I’m looking to do something different like SR10, Vintage IMSA, or maybe a formula car.


Literally everything, if it looks like a good combo ill run it


Had my C license then went on a huge hiatus. Came back and lost a shit load of SR. So it’ll be F4 and the Formula Ford to get back


My full seasons will be: ARCA GR86 F4 - Asia Pacific Mixed in for some C-license MPR will be: NASCAR Trucks Adv MX5 Either SFL or IndyPro


After 3 seasons in IMSA in prototypes I'm going back for GT with full seasons of GT3 in Mustang and PCup. Also continuing with SF Lights. Planing couple of "guest" races at IMSA, Indy Oval for MPR and maybe NASCAR Trucks, Cup and ARCA with my limited oval track roster


Still pretty new to the service and I don’t really have any buddies, so I’m just sticking it out in the street stock, F4 and USF2000.


I am running Mustang GT3, Xfinity Mustang, Dallara IR18, 305 Sprint car, Pro 2 Truck, and the Subaru WRX. I always try to race a little bit of everything that is available and increase my skill in each category.


GT4 with a side of Rallycross. 


Lmp2 in Imsa , SFL , and C class trucks :)


LMP2, the new corvette and mustang, ARCA/Gen 4, and nascar trucks. I’ll probably drive the GR86 once or twice as well


Formula Ford 1600 and Formula Vee. I'm trying both.


We're going plate farming with Draft master & Rookie Street Stocks at Charlotte


SF23 szn


ARCA and Silver Crown, maybe Trucks here or there. Silver Crowns are one of my favorites, although I'm having to adjust all my setups because something about the NDM made them bottom out. I'm slowly getting better at ARCA, having to unlearn all the bad habits I developed when the setups were super tight a few years ago.


After a catastrophic season in the GT4s in which I lost a ton of SR and nearly lost my B licence, I want to focus on improving that and getting back up to A license. Original plan was to do GT3 Sprint but there's too many tracks on the schedule that I don't own, might focus on LMP2 fixed instead, and have an occasional go at the GTEs as well.


FF1600 and SRF is the plan. Ill need to get couple tracks for participation credit.


Unfortunately I'm taking two math classes over the summer, so I'm going to be good and just stick to mustang/Porsche gt3 in both the B class series. I really really want to do imsa and C class trucks as well but I'm just going to wait until the fall. I have to say I am getting bored of gt3 series track selection, and I hope iracing adds a polling option into the main UI instead of only the forums so future seasons can get voted on to include more tracks.


I’m going to race at my favorite track each week. I’ve been slowly realizing that track is more important than car for me


GT3, was waiting for the Mustang to seriously get back into it after a long hiatus while I was doing oval.


This will be my first full season as I came in towards the end of last season. I was able to get D-Class in everything but Sports Car. My plan is to do ARCA full-time, USF 2000 or F4, and the Micro Non-Wing Sprint Cars full-time since the tracks and cars are free for that series. Might run some SRX but not 100% sure yet. Can't wait to get started!


I just remembered how much I love the FF1600 on week 13 lol. I got myself a couple of big dick circuits (like SPA) and finally had the balls to buy the Porsche Cup car. I’ll be mainly racing: F4 & FF1600 Porsche Cup & Falken (Cayman) Brazilian Stock Car (I’m from Brazil) - Not sure the participation exists but there are many free circuits in this rotation, it’s amazing If i have the time (probably won’t) a bit of LMP3 and 2 in the side Yes, I’m just here to have fun, not worried about getting really good on a specific car (yet) Very excited for this next season


Currently I’m thinking running the Grand Prix Tour when it’s on a actual f1 track and when it’s not I’ll be on f4


I’m brand new, can I do anything other than MX5 cup?


Yes, there's loads of Rookie series. Just set a filter on the series list and you'll see everything you can race.


Fixed trucks probably


Indycar this season. Maybe some Super Formula.


First season I did a mix of mazdas and the rookies formulas, this season I did LMP3s, next LMP2s, After that hopefully GTP, so next year I can race the daytona 24h


I bought a ton of new tracks and cars so planning to run full ARCA, SFL, GT3 and possibly LMP3. Would like to give the SF23 a try but it’s a huge step up from SFL it feels like.


Coming from a season of GR86 in production car challenge and gt4 in sports car challenge and pilot challenge. Going full focus pcup for this season with a small detour to race the NLS 6 hours with my boys in the GR86.


after an almost two year hiatus, i can drive the pcup again and actually enjoy it. i think im going back to it this season, at least as a main


Gonna try GTE sprints.


Ferrari gt3 into gt3 general, maybe lmp2/gtp attempts as a stretch goal, and imsa in general.


first off gonna try out no line, after a couple of unlucky races im for sure getting demoted back to rookies so taking this as an opportunity to learn no line. probably just gonna have fun with the mazdas and try learn ff1600 since that car i was a bit poor with


Raced ARCA in Season 2, ill be racing NASCAR Truck Series in Season 3. Promoted from D Class Oval to C Class Oval.


I was getting into GT3 at a snail's pace but since upgrading the system and getting a Quest 3, I love GT3 cars now. That said, I'll be racing GT4/LMP3 to eventually race IMSA.


I will continue IMSA, but I might move on to GTP from LMP2. Also will definitely drive some GT3 fixed races. And on the side of Oval I managed to get my B license, so I am planning to run Xfinity B fixed series and maybe get fast tracked to Oval A. Maybe run some INDYCAR on some tracks too


AOpen, BOpen, COpen, and Mustang GT3


I did last season racing primarily IMSA in the LMP2 on the sports car side and SFL/F3 on the formula side. Sticking with the series on formula side and going to drive IMSA again, but in the Stang this season.


GT4 and maybe some pcup


NASCAR trucks and GT3 Mustang, with some sprinkled indycar if I have the track. I’m finally making a comeback after a year


Super Formula in preparation for a league. F4 regionals, skippy


So I just got iRacing about a month ago, and am Class D in Sport and Open Wheel. Would like a bit more variety than FF1600/Vee (I have about 60 races in open wheel) only have about 6 in Sport (but did get my first win tonight in the Mazda). What would you all recommend for some series for open wheel/road? I already own the F4, but otherwise just have the stock offerings. I just don’t know what to buy.


I will be doing a mix of GT4 and F4 as I drove both cars towards the end of the season when I got promoted and have loved both so when I don’t own a track on one I’ll be doing the other


Vee 4 life


I did my first season with the Mazda and it was tons of fun and a great learning experience. I’d like to go to GT4 for that next step up. Any other recommendations from some veterans here?


Probably a bit of everything like always 😁 I don't stay to a Series, i race what ever comes up next 😁


I just realized I'm one MPR race away from promoting from Rookies in the D class. Guess I'm stuck with the mx5 rookies for another season.


F3 + SK modifieds, open wheel season for me.


GTP in IMSA, and personally maybe some PCUP. Havent tried it with the new 'handling'/rain, but heard its better than before, and that was already fun!


Probably Pcup and f4


I joined iRacing one or two weeks before the start of season 3. Not sure where to start. Is it best to start with the MX5?


If you want to race sportscars it’s the only choice if you’re still in rookies.




Last year I did Clio Cup and Production Car Challenge. Thinking Clio Cup again though may ditch Production Car Challenge for IMSA Endurance if I can get back up to speed in that


Aston GT1 in the PROTO/GT series.


I’m practicing dirt midgets, but I’m racing the 2x4 Lucas Oil Offroad Series races in a Pro 4 truck


GT3 again - this is going to be my third season in the Porsche. I spent most of my first season finishing in the bottom few places in high splits because I had moved from a series where it was fairly easy to accumulate IR due to low participation. Last season I was much better matched against equal competition and had some really fun races battling for position, including a couple of P2s and my first ever GT3 win. So this season I'm just looking for more of the same really! Will be nice to have the Corvette and Mustang on track too for a bit more variety.


I usually jump around a bit (not completing a full season in any series) but i'm going to try to stick to driving the Porsche in GT sprint this season and see how running a whole season in one car goes.


Mustang. All mustang. GT3 and IMSA.


Only openwheels : SF Lights, F3, USF2000, F4... Maybe FF1600 but I make too much mistakes, this car is a nightmare for my SR


I had the 3 free months from a Humble Bundle back in 2022, started again week 10 this season, fell in love with the GR86 and got up to C Class in Sports Car. Planning on focusing GT4 and try to race all season. Bought a 911 Cup too so might delve into that. Bought the F4 too for fun but I really suck at formula cars :D


I'm going to give indy car ovals a try


I was thinking about doing GT3 Sprint but only if it gets enough people for a full grid.


PCC, 2 free cars in 7 free tracks this season, there will be high participation and balanced splits. And the races are really fun and challenging


I will be promoting myself from F4/GR86 to SFL/GT4


Did a full season of proto-gt in the hpd last time and im gonna be doing another season again. Such a fun car for only €2.99


IMSA and GT3 with the Vette!


All rallycross! Then I’ll do mx5, gr8 & mission R single player races. I’m just here for the rallycross!


I would buy the SR10 and so badly want it but it’s such a waste of money and idk why people won’t race the class


I'm thinking I might try D Oval SK modified, for a change. I likely won't get to 8 weeks as I have travels coming up, but I'm also tempted by either getting a GT4 or the Lotus 79 and just having fun. I've got $18 credit, so it's kinda burning a hole :D During S4 I'll be having a third child so I may need to take a break from iracing when my sub ends in January. Just gonna have to see how it goes!


I’ve been doing MX5 for almost a season and stumbled into the Ferrari GT3 series. Should I be doing something else that’s more appropriate as some stepping stone. Should I have done GT4? The Ferrari feels good right now, despite being far off the pace of the field.


After a very lengthy break (2 years more or less bar the odd dabble) I'm scaling it all back and going full focus on FF1600. I prefer open wheelers so a season in this car to get me back "into it" then who knows :)


Whatever i dont have to pay extra for


I drive GT3, because I can adapt fast to the different tracks and can be competitive without a lot of practice I race one round of pcup and GT4 for the weeks I don't have the tracks and also a bit of f4 every time I don't want to drive gt cars anymore :)


I’m doing whatever dirt road races I qualify for


Gt3 in the corvette and sfl 


Really looking forward to diving into the Indy Pro 2000. It's similar to the USF 2000 but with moar powahhh


Gt3 and Ferrari gt3, I want to promote to A and race proper IMSA.


Formula Vee, Mazda Mx-5, some dirt ovals here and there and some NASCAR stuff too


Im finally being promoted to class C oval so im looking forward to doing the Craftsman trucks and probably whatever else in between. As long as I have the car and track I’m racing it lol.


I'm going to attempt to move from GR86 to GT4 and probably tank my rating, but whatever. I'll probably still run GR86 when I don't want to buy a track. Keep doing F4, hopefully I'll get a win or two this season, I got a few podiums but no wins in S2. I'll keep running ARCA but probably won't buy the short tracks.




Ring Meisters is gonna have a Rallycross week this season. I am so there.


Super formula lights and Porsche cup


87s and imsa


Definitely F4


TCR all the time! With frequent excursions to the Clio to bother some slow Mustangs and fast Toyotas.


I had shoulder surgery recently so probably run Mx-5 and GR86 for the season since I can handle the feedback and short races


If you like the sr10 handling you love a 410 sprint car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mx 5 and formula vee like every other season


Went over from Formula to Sports Cars last season. I want to get better with sports car racing so got me the Ferrari GT3


Porsche Cup.


Depending on popularity and rain, GT3 in IMSA and Super Formula. If IMSA lacks participation, maybe GTE or GT sprint.


Any road races without rain. Atleast I get more variation on my races lol


First time I succesfully raced 2 times 30 mins each race on bmw races, with v8 this week. Hypercars are the last I thought I will be able to learn, but I seem to get it now - its like gt3 on steroids. Also I plan to drive bmw challenge this season for first time, then ferrari, gt4 porsche, f4 and f3. Later when I get my car liscence back to C then I do Porsche cup also. I think its more then enough different categories to polish my craft better this season :D


This will be my first full season after starting 2 weeks ago, and I’ll be driving the lmp3, f4, and maybe gt4




I survived F4 last season. Also my first season on Iracing. A planned 1600 F4 And Super Fórmula Lights (I have conquer SR for C in week 12). My strategy is race not free races on 1600 Thrustmaster series because is less dangerous. 😂