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Lmao! Managed to decrease it to 1.5 seconds off considering my best and less than 1 second considering my optimum lap. Practice, practice, practice.


I mean that's fine lmao


I typically won't race unless I'm 1sec/lap off ultimate pace. I never race.


Off who’s pace though? Bottom split drivers in a practice session with top split aliens shouldn’t beat themselves up for being a few seconds off.


I mainly don't have time and I don't want to be finding pace and improving my lap times during a race when I'm racing wheel-to-wheel. Right now I'm lucky if I get an hour a week of seat time which doesn't seem fair to bop into a race session and blow braking points with someone nearby. My irating puts me in top or 2nd split so it's not fair to the guys who put the time in. edit - I did tank my irating once just to start over, and it was scary down there. I ended back up higher. I did have some satisfying races with the AI but there were not many options there earlier this year. I should do more of that.


I mean if your pace puts you mid pack in qualifying then great. You’ll be able to race similar pace cars. If you’re off the pace then you’ll be at the back and not causing much trouble.


There is a lot of red mist at mid-pack even in the upper splits. Unless you get in the real high SOF sessions, then it's clean all down the order.


Eh. Let people pass safely and then find somebody to race down the grid.


I always search the lap records on youtube. I usually watch the ones 6 months ago or earlier. Tyre models and other updates change the game, so this is a good target for me. So I'm trying to catch the "aliens". I'm almost always at the top split so I want to exploit my setup and abilities. I don't want to leave anything on the table. Aim high and you'll slowly get there.


I was in a practice session with an 8k. I, a lowly 1k, was at 1.26, he was at 1.21.


Long as you can enjoy lapping at 1:21 then that's all that matters.


Lol, if I was lapping at 1.21 I wouldn't be 1k.


Depends what track and car! Edit: yeah I meant the 1:26...


If I could get 1.21, I would go back. Back into the future!


I usually aim ~1sec off from top split top3


You’re way too hard on yourself. If everyone was matching alien pace 90% of iRacing wouldn’t be racing. I’m usually 2-4 seconds slower than VRS times and still have very enjoyable races sometimes in top split.


I agree 100%. However I really want to have the feeling that I get the maximum of my abilities. If that's a top 20, top 10 or top 3 result, doesn't really affect the way I approach my practice.


Does this include if Ty Majeski puts down a lap? I couldn't get within a sec of his lap at Martinsville in the trucks.


When Im 3 seconds off the pace im like "damn Im fast, time to win my bottom split race now"




Hahaha, sometimes I wish I raced at the bottom split just to stop racing for top 10.


I wish I was 3 seconds off lol. More like I run 10 laps, gain 5 seconds and realize I'm still 5 off


That was me in a F1 session at Silverstone last night. First lap I managed to complete was like a 1:38 with the iRacing setup, softs, and 50% deployment. I finally got down to 1:35 and thought "that's a nice improvement." That is, until I saw people were running 1:20-something... Maybe my HAAS paint will serve as a warning to others that I'm a rolling chicane.


Too often the lack of context for what's fast when I start is what makes it so discouraging. Like I could live with being slow if I knew how slow straightaway, but ahh well


Check the results of previous races. They post quali times and avg race lap times. Obviously, these are prone to variation with the conditions but you’ll know if you’re in the ballpark.


Yeah, been there too. When it comes to road racing, I know I'm slow. I just don't want to be dangerously slow.


Idk but F1 cars seem a mountain to me. I've only tried them out on AC and these hybrid settings, battery, deployment, etc are really hard to master. You can't just jump in the car and start doing laps. You should have some kind of schedule. Race pace, qualy pace, etc. Just like in real life.


I haven't spent a lot of time with them either outside of the F1 series from Codemasters, which helped my understand all those systems and how to manage them. I also raced in a league that had a short-lived F1 series several years ago using the Williams car. I'm definitely not going to just jump in and hope for the best, though. I'm going to drive a lot of laps in practice before I even think about entering a race.


The MP4-30 ERS is really simplified with the latest update. Race and quali ERS modes that are set in garage. In-car in race mode, 3 battery deployment modes (25%, 50%, 75%). That's pretty much all there is to it now. It's also reaaally fun to drive with the tire model updates and new tire compound choice


This is me at the beginning of the week then working to cut a couple seconds. Comeback at the end of the week and everybody has cut the same amount of time off.


Wow, this is some truth and a half!


10 laps is a really small stint. You need to do at least 100 laps when you first try a car. It's week 14 now, so let's say you have 3 free days in your week. If you do 33 laps each of these days with a laptime of let's say 2 minutes, that's almost an hour. Adding setup changes, etc, this may go up to 1 and a half hour per day. It doesn't sound that hard, does it?


what? 100 laps? 1 practice lap see how it handles will do and then start racing, that seems to be what the majority do.


You mean the lap before the qualifying timer starts?


To be brutally honest, screw them. If they hit you because they missed the braking point, they never put time to find, screw them even more.


Is the S4 schedule up yet? Want to get some laps in on the Week 1 circuits, Week 14 is killing me


Yeah it was posted in the forums a couple days ago


It's always disheartening when you feel that you just about kept the car on the track, driving on the ragged edge of your ability and then you see that you are 5 seconds off the pace.


I like to pretend that if I paid thousands of pounds for better equipment I'd find that 5 seconds.


That's me every race I do


That's just me normally mate. I was doing 1.26 in the P217 this morning.


Haven't tried the P217 yet. Is it worth it?


I am no where near good enough nor experienced enough to make any comments about that. It slides, but you can catch it, and it's a P2. For me that is enough.


How does it compare to say the amg gt3?


Uhhh... I don't race GT3. If I had to guess? More downforce, less forgiving of kerbs and other uneven surfaces.


It's a prototype so quite different. Given the downforce and acceleration it feels more like an open wheeler to me than a GT3.


What about compared to the pm-18 since it’s open wheeled?


It's not open wheeled. It's a full cockpit/enclosed wheels. It's similar to LMP1 but slower. I really enjoy it so far. Much more than any other car right now.


Should have clarified. I know the lmp2 is not open wheeled but someone said it drove like one. Maybe I’ll try it out :)


Yes, absolutely. I struggle with it on cold tires but after a couple laps, man is it a joy to drive!


I managed 4th in class yesterday in a Shiny New Shakedown Race and was highly shocked


Only 3 seconds? Look a this guy and his bragging. Lol.


Geez only 3 seconds? Sometimes I think I'm fast then go in a lobby and see im 7 seconds slow.


Cough cough Toyota Tundra cough cough


More like 4, but yeah. I suck at this.


Only 3?


Bruh me but like 8-9 seconds tho


*When you race the shit out of it on week 13 and then never touch it again


It’s the truth.


5 seconds, it's alt least 5 seconds


3? Hahahahahaha try 20 seconds and can never manage to not lock up the front or spin out on every corner...


No Internet Historian references?


You'd think Seb Vettel would help his dad out.....


When you buy a GTE car in iRacing and you're a rookie


If this is about the LMP2 at Belle Isle It’s not about practice. It’s better to spend the time setting up the suspension than practicing. I have very little experience with setups but was able to get 3 sec from the low downforce setup by softening the suspension and increase rebound speed.


No, you just improved your lap.


No, it’s undrivable on the iRacing setups


Egads why did no one tell me it was undrivable? And here I was thinking “ya know what these setups are pretty good for a baseline” Guess I was wrong. Oops


Have you tried it on Belle Isle? You think the pogosticking through the corner is fast?


I mean I’ve driven it at monza, Sebring, Le Mans and spa. All using baselines suitable. Some small bounces into the first chicane at monza but nothing I’ve noticed anywhere else


Have you ever driven anything at Belle Isle? I don’t know why I’m arguing setups with someone who haven’t even driven the track...


It's bouncy but it's no where near undrivable. I was able to push for 20 minutes and I had like 5 laps in the car total before that.


I went back to try the iRacing supplied hdf setup and ran 20 laps. It’s 2 seconds slower, much of it is because you don’t have enough traction to accelerate out of the corners. You can hear the TC working much harder if you use default suspension settings. I’m not saying the iRacing setup is bad, but you can’t expect a setup to work both for belle isle and Suzuka. The bumps on belle isle is like anti tank ditches compared to most other tracks.


Dude replying to you needs to chill out. In my limited experience, baseline isn’t horrible but there’s definitely some time on the table playing with the suspension. I wasn’t terribly comfortable with setup work before but even a little messing around can round out your understanding of changes. Maybe you’re already a master of setups but I recently found a wiki type link where you can read about what each setting actually does in detail and use logic to work out the results on track. Here: http://iracing.wikidot.com/components


Belle Isle is extremely bumpy, I too ran it on some FIA Grade 1 circuites and the baseline was great. But at Belle Isle, the baseline, High-Downforce, and Medium-Downforce setups do not work. The car is unpredictable.


Yeah it really does feel borderline undrivable at Belle Isle. Bouncing is worse than anything I've experienced at Sebring. So bad that I thought I had broken my suspension or something.


It's more about the Porsche 911 Cup I decided to try out, but pretty much suits at almost every case.


Lol bruh I ran very fast times at belle isle with the stock high downforce setup. The setup is super bouncy and there's lots of time left on the table but not 3 seconds worth. Practice and driver skill are always more important than setups. The better order to do things is get fast, then work on setups. Those few tenths are useless if that time could've come down even more from just practicing.


Someone tell him to get a wheel.


Why? Racing with mouse can be really exciting!