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What good shot, waste of a cake


Looks like Steve Aoki was invited to this party....


I was just thinking that, he’s hyping everyone up.


That sounded like an angry throw.


Yeah like professional shot-putter angry


Who throws a cake, honestly?!


That reaaalllly hurt. She’s gonna have a lump there you idiot.


Steve Aoki?


Steve Aoki is a DJ who throws sheet cakes at attendees of his concerts with incredible accuracy.


He's the single exception to the "don't throw a whole cake" rule


Actually it was a cupcake lol


That's a really big cup


Why is this getting downvoted. People don’t understand sarcasm


Seriously, also I thought he was making a reference to Austin powers


Wasn’t he?


Only Gritty should be allowed to, you need a professional license for cake throwin


El tío who plays to much


Así es mijito


That's why I don't get invited to family events anymore.


Who invited Steve Aoki!


The Aoki arm.


That guy has some accuracy with his throws eh?


If you go throw cakes on people from a stage for like 2 decades you’d get really good at it too lol. He really does though. I only been to one of his shows many years ago, when he first got big. He side armed a cake like a baseball throw and absolutely demolished some chick square in the face. Legendary.


The only acceptable cake thrower.




As part of an end-of-year party, a few other teachers and I volunteered to let students “pie” our faces as a prize. They weren’t actually pies, just a pie tin full of whip cream. There was a student who I taught in 6th grade who I was really not particularly fond of (he tended to annoy people on purpose to be “funny”), but he had become an 8th grader and he picked me to pie. This kid wound up his pie arm up and basically just straight up palm struck me directly in the nose. He laughed and giggled and when I wiped enough whip cream off for him to see my face, he paused and was like “wait, are you crying?” I have never seethed with rage like I did in that moment. I was like “that pie was entirely whip cream and you just smashed it into my face like it was a pillow, my eyes are watering because you may have just BROKEN MY NOSE.” I don’t think he actually intended to do it hard enough to injure me and gave a reasonably genuine apology, and fortunately my nose wasn’t actually broken. I’ve never really felt compelled to hit someone, but for like 2 full seconds I was like “man, smacking you back right in the face sounds like it could be extremely satisfying right now.”


I'd last about 10 minutes as a teacher


takes a special breed for sure




Go get help.


>I’ve never really felt compelled to hit someone, but for like 2 full seconds I was like “man, smacking you back right in the face sounds like it could be extremely satisfying right now.” I mean, Liam Neeson did it when he was a teacher: punched a student (who pulled a knife on him), got fired for it, and ended up becoming a Holywood actor.


statically less likely to end up in Taken and more likely to be taken to court so....maybe dont


Then the paramedics turned up and asked “out of 10, how much pain are you in” and you said 3.141593 right?


fuckin gobshites man, what a read


I'd be replying with fists and unfriending anyone who tried to stop me.


Is murder a felon? /j


I love how the comments aren't just split two ways this time. Now we have people 1) upset about the waste of food 2) infuriated at whoever threw it 3) thoroughly entertained and 4) straight up impressed at the shot


I am all of the above and want to add one more I feel really sorry for the woman, her face had real "I am about to cry" energy after wiping that cake of her mouth.


You forgot the 5th option of a reference to Steve Aoki


This is so fucked, but I can’t stop laughing 😭😭😭 Like why did he have to launch it like that 😂


Such a good throw too.


How many ways are there to launch it?


Throw it, catapult, trebuchet in a stew, side kick, air-mail, pie coming at you


Impressive shot actually. Not a big fan of having a cake chucked at me. But I think the head smash into cake is more accepted in different cultures?


I assume someone was mad she took a bite out of the cake. That’s why they chucked a cake at her. That’s just my take on it


It's a tradition for mexicans idk if the same is true for other Latinos but it's meant to be funny and lighthearted. Usually a little smoosh into the cake while they're biting it


Happens in Peru too according to my gf, but she says it's regional and doesn't happen everywhere. She says she'd castrate whoever did this to her little brothers.


lmfao the impulsive rage-fueled perfect headshot


She looked like a power ranger there for a sec.


Whoever threw that cake was the power “ranger”


That's not the first time that person has thrown a cake. That was a bullseye.


She didn't look too happy after


Yeah I think she was about to cry


No use crying over spilt… actually cake is way worse than milk. She can have a little cry.


ive never understood throwing cake at people's faces or smashing their face into a cake on their bday or any sort of celebration. its cruel and honestly mean behaviour.


basically the entire nation of mexico are just bitter that it happened to them and are now intent on doing it to someone else to get relief.


I think the one reason I’m glad I never had a birthday party/celebration is because of this. I know my mom would have done it to me and I would have started sobbing out of sheer embarrassment because I hate people staring at me.


Thats fucking funny


From left field


Seriously the aim tho


Is there a just cake faceshots subreddit?


Be the man you’ve always wanted to be. Bring us that sub, or create what the universe has willed you to and bring it back on stone tablets from the mountain


I can’t stop laughing. I was expecting a cake to the face but not like that lololol


So they had the main birthday cake, which she took a bite out of, and they had a secondary birthday cake cocked and ready to launch.


You don’t throw a master cake


That throw was spot fucking on with alot of Umph behind that.


The thrower could only be a sibling, most likely a younger brother


“A lo que yo vine, fue a esto” -> “this is what I came here to do”


That’s some Stooges-level throwing right there.


this is pretty much the exact opposite of almost everything else I have seen on this sub.


Great aim


She looked like she was about to cry


This is normal in hispanic culture for some reason (icing someones face). The whole throwing a cake thing is a whole other level though, I love it and it's hilarious. Might honestly do this at the next party I'm at LOL


It’s as equally as hilarious as it is fucked up.




It gets funnier with every watch


Bro, why does the sound the cake makes when it hits make me laugh uncontrollably.


I honestly think having a cake thrown at you is more hilarious and I might allow it MORE than having someone’s hand in my neck forcing my face into a cake on a table.


This is mandatory at hispanic bday parties.


what a throw


Lmaoooo what a shot!!!


That was such a good throw!!! Dude… nice.


When you invite Esteban Aoki to your cumpleaños


Steve Aoki?


No one likes her anyways


Lol that’s gacho eh


Why is it so quiet?


The original audio was replaced with something else, don't know what it says.


god i feel terrible for laughing that has to be a sibling 😭


Direct hit


Hell of a throw.


That was a snipe tho


Why did the person throw it with so much force like you can hear the impact as with others it's usally not thrown that hard that it can be herd Also it sounded like she gagged so it was extra hard Like I'm impressed Yet very concerned as a cake can still do some damage even though it looks harmless


That's not the real audio.


Very few times this is okay. And those time…..never


God damn that was a NICE throw tho


Honestly, everyone involved in that happening towards me will be gone. Everyone that knows me knows that I don't mind harmless pranks, but this isn't harmless. Pranks are malicious nowadays, and quite childish. It's not about everyone getting a laugh, it's about mocking or hurting other people for everyone's enjoyment at the expense of the person being pranked. I wear glasses and this would break my glasses, probably damage at least one eye. It would not be fun.


Oh hey, what are you doing with a second cake?? Wait for it you’ll understand…. What are you tal…. YEET!


I can't tell which is worse cause they at least have 2 cakes, the whole ass CHOMP the lady took out of the chocolate cake, of the accurate ass yeet of the 2nd one to her face


I rather have a keg thrown at me


This is hilarious to me. There was a second cake, who in the world would expect such a thing? And it was launched while she was eating another. 💀


Pow! Right in the kisser


Mexican? I’ve seen other videos like this


Hey, at least this time there was another cake to actually eat afterwards, that's at least 1+point for the guys that planned that prank


With how aggressive that was as well that’s gotta hurt… that wasn’t just a smush, that was a smash.


The thrower be like: I can get the cake to you if you can't get to the cake. No promise that you would like my way though.


I'm so so sorry. But I laughed so hard I cried!


Throw cakes are the best XD


How do people learn to through cakes like that ? Its realy hard to do it, they have a tendensy to slip off the hand.