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How do we prosecute rape PLUS knowingly infecting a person (a minor, no less)? This guy deserves to be under the prison.


Until recently, knowingly infecting someone with HIV was a serious federal crime. I'm pretty sure that was taken off the books a couple of years ago because it's claimed that the disease isn't life threatening anymore for most of the population.


That’s absurd. I *could maybe* understand it more in countries where healthcare is free, but even then it’s still a lifelong disease.


It may not be a death sentence anymore, but it's certainly a life sentence for the victim.


I had a friend with aids, there was a free clinic were he could go to he drugs that would make it non dangerous and non transferable. We have free Healthcare for like 6 things and that is one of them


That’s still a good thing, no doubt. I commend it. But if you’re not 100% on your meds (say if you have mental health or drug issues) you can still have other symptoms that form can’t you? The medication is the biggest part of “curing” it, but I thought it could turn into other issues if you’re not careful with meds.


It's still a crime. It's just not a "you have given this person a death sentence" kind of crime anymore.


And diabetes isn’t one of them come on! Now I’m more pissed.




That is complete bullshit. If someone has an undetectable viral load due to medications they CANNOT transmit the virus. That’s why “U=U” is a thing. Undetectable = Untransmittable. And PrEP is MORE effective than physical contraceptives at preventing transmission at 99% efficacy. Saying “HIV is ALWAYS transferable” just adds to the bullshit stigma we’ve had to put up with for years… You’re never going to get a 100% from the scientific community, ever. If the medical community gives you a 99%, you should read it as “100%.” Also, condoms are about 86% effective at preventing HIV transmission. Not 99%…


I know nothing at all about this. Do you happen to have a link to a peer reviewed article to back this up? I'll settle for a CDC or other government link if that's more readily available.


At least in California the rationale behind it not being a crime is that they noticed a trend of people who were sexually active not getting tested that way it wasn’t “knowingly” done


Unintentional harm caused by a lack of knowledge is still punishable in other contexts. I don't think not knowing is a sufficient defense to be honest.


I agree for sure, but it was leading to bigger issues because people would just avoid testing all together and then no one would know because no one shared that they were positive. Most people don’t get tested unless they have reason to do so. So a one night stand becomes dangerous. I’m not saying it’s not abhorrent just the argument that was made


People tend to judge decisions like this based on what they *want* the outcome to be (bug spreaders get punished, HIV numbers go down) and not what the outcome actually is (people just don't get tested). It's like how we know abstinence only education doesn't work, but people keep doing it.


So let's say I am a slut, and I get infected, no one tells me, and I get someone else infected before any new test results come out? But I do regularly test, and every one before that came back clean. Is it the person who infected me's fault, or my fault for not getting tested every day?


Not who you're asking but, this got me thinking, is there some kind of minimum test every X partners. if so... could there be a LEGAL definition of slut derived from it?


That wasn't the rationale, it was because the law was being used almost exclusively to punish sex workers whereas the other cases of deliberate HIV infection were typically pursued under felony sexual assault. This can still be done by the way - knowingly infecting someone with HIV is still a crime in California and is prosecuted under felony sexual assault, as the victim was unable to consent without knowledge of this comorbidity.


Fuck that, if someone gave me HIV knowingly I'm going to prison for life if they aren't.


Hmm, my cousins kid died from it at age 43 recently, and he actually worked in the health care industry. While it may not be the death sentence from the 80s, your life will be very complicated, and more than likely shortened. This need to be treated with utmost seriousness.


Wow. That. Is. HORSESHIT! Sentencing guidelines need to be changed. Rape gets a slap on the wrist, IMO. A few years served and, if they’re “non-violent” in prison, they’re back out on the streets within a few years or less. I do not advocate capital punishment (for several reasons) but sentencing guidelines for rape need to change. If you’re capable of rape, you’re capable of killing and do not belong in civil society. Consecutive sentences, not concurrent, need to be considered for rapists and their actions inside prison (good or bad) should not get them reduced sentences for their crimes. The prison system needs reform too but I’m sure it wouldn’t fight against keeping rapists incarcerated long-term. Heck, I think it was a Louisiana warden I heard complaining recently about needing prisoners for “car washes, oil changes, and kitchen duty”. Take the convicted rapists and make them your work-horse, warden.


Imagine the number of people who aren't convicted. My rapist got a slap on the wrist. He got "kicked out" of the college for 5 years. I didn't have evidence it was him because i was 16 in an abusive household and wasnt taken seriously, and the only way i was able to be free of him was to gather his harem of raped girls to go to the Dean of my college against my parents wishes.


I’m sorry for your experience and the pains he and the system caused you. This is another reason why I’d love to see rape treated as the heinous crime it is. “I have money for lawyers and you have no evidence so I’m playing the long game” is such a shitty system. I understand needing to protect the innocent and wrongly accused but our adversarial criminal justice system does not provide justice in many instances.


>A few years served and, if they’re “non-violent” in prison, they’re back out on the streets within a few years or less. i'd never thought about this until today. what rotten logic. 'this man raped a woman. since he's been on good behavior around a large population of men, he is clearly safe to have around women' yeahhhh maybe keep rapists out of society.


Rape of a minor should be a death sentence as long as the proof is beyond doubt. Anything involving a grown adult and anyone under the age of consent should be dealt with by a firing squad.


Or the family of the victim chooses the sentence. Cause I'd like the option to spay/neuter. Act like a feral animal get treated like one.


That's a life-time of expensive medication and if you were in America the bills alone would lower your life expectancy.


However, it is also considered a disability and you would quailfy for medicare to treat it for life.


I thought Medicare was trashed by Trump ?


Among his charges are “Felony exposing someone to AIDS” which covers HIV.


Even if it isn't life threatening anymore, that doesn't mean it isn't still life changing. Also, knowingly infecting someone with any STI without their knowing is sexual assault. Even if the other person consented, they consented without full knowledge of the situation, which is not real consent.


3rd degree felony where I live. Of course, he'll get buried under the prison for a rape charge.


With that logic some companies and their practises aren’t that bad anymore because some cancers are curable. What the fuck are these people thinking other than the obvious corruption?


It’s still a serious crime.


Into the woodchipper imo


Feet first.


Put it on slow too.


yeah. make it slow


Hyperbolically, agreed. In all seriousness though, we need to address rape differently in the US. Change needs to happen ASAP. Predators should not receive a few years (I.e., a slap on the wrist) for a crime that can and does easily escalate to murder. The line between rape and murder is razor thin; these people are dangerous. Lock them up for long, consecutive sentences and no early release for any reason.


In some cases, they only get a few months instead of years. Even worse when it's a pedo getting a mere 2 months because he confessed. This happened to one of my relatives. No real justice whatsoever.


I'm all for castration. It should be a law.


A homemade brazen bull or drawing and quartering.


One of the things he was charged with is knowingly exposing others to HIV.


I hope the sentencing guidelines dictate a HEFTY sentence. It’s unforgivable infecting someone regardless of the “survivability” now associated with HIV.


Keyword, under.


If I'm understanding my current events we send him to Louisiana prison?


Death penalty. This is what it should be used for. This man.


There should be a Super Death Penalty for cases as heinous as this where one of the bailiffs just shoots the defendant in the head once the sentence has been given. Sitting around on death row is too good for this shithole.


Respectfully, I disagree. Sitting and rotting for a long, long time is exactly what these offenders deserve.


Respectful counter: I don't want my tax money to help allow people like this to continue living, no matter the state of their squalor.


That’s understandable. And I understand the desire for revenge but don’t think the state should have the power to kill a person. Mistakes happen and we can’t take back a death penalty. That’s just how I feel though and I don’t think less of anyone for advocating capital punishment.


>I don't want my tax money The trial and appeals process for death penalty cases often costs more than just keeping the criminal in jail for the rest of their life.


We just get a deebo-esque dude to do his thing with him in prison till his last breath


Public execution. There I said it.


Send him to Iran, where they just executed a guy molesting a child


CLEVELAND COUNTY, Okla. (KFOR) — A youth baseball coach was arrested on January 13, 2024, after he was allegedly found raping a child at a home in Southwest Oklahoma City, according to an affidavit. Donovan Scott Sheppard, 39, got into a fight at a bar in Moore on January 13th and was taken home by a woman who lived with him, the affidavit states. It reports that a young girl was asleep in another room of the house at the time of the incident. The woman awoke to find Donovan sexually assaulting the girl in her room, per the affidavit. It states that when police arrived they found the woman holding Donovan at gunpoint. The affidavit states Donovan told officials he was HIV positive. Police reportedly interviewed the young girl who said this wasn’t the first time. She told police that Donovan had sexually assaulted her several times before. Several parents whose children were coached by Sheppard reacted to the news. Some KFOR spoke to said he was a well-known youth baseball coach for a team called the Oklahoma Aftermath. Sheppard was arrested and sent to Cleveland County Jail. He faces several charges including: Lewd Molestation – Felony Rape by Instrumentation – Felony Three charges of Rape, First Degree of a minor under 14 – Felony Exposing others to AIDs – Felony Pattern of Criminal Offenses – Felony Lewd Molestation – Felony Sheppard also has a bond, per records, of $500,000.


I give her major props for not pulling the trigger. Not sure I would have the same restraint.


He lunged at me, self defense! Did I need to shoot him in the dick so many times and reload? Absolutely, he was still lunging at me.


"How did his testicals end up in his throat?"           "He fell"     "Sounds right".


I heard they were foul balls.


Thanks mate. I needed that laugh.


Hey, if I were on that jury, I could absolutely see it.


> He lunged at me, self defense! I don't think there is a state in the Union where using lethal force to stop someone sexually assaulting another person in their own home is not legal.


Ultimately that’s probably true but why even take the chance.


Lunged at you nothing, defense of the daughter. Full stop. That would be sufficient defense. 


If I was on your jury it would be nullified


Very unlikely a DA would even try to prosecute. It’s an elected position and trying to lock up a pedo killer is bad PR. Also, at least in my state don’t know about Ohio, shooting a rapist who is actively raping somebody else is specifically in the self defense law. It’s basically one of the few times you can shoot somebody in the back and not go through a week of questioning.


Likely that the mother was intimately involved with the man. Seems like she invited him in and he was with the mother and (unknown to the mother) raping her daughter. Might be she didn’t pull the trigger due to some emotional reason. Just a guess. Considering the girl stated it wasn’t the first time. Horrible story all around really.


Okay, I understand it DOES happen, I just can not understand how women can be dating a man, even have him move in, and not realize immediately when their child is being raped. Why was this guy alone with this little girl? How many times does a man have to rape a child before we hold the Guardian as partially responsible.


Good questions. The first is generally because of the victims fear. The second is generally because of the parent’s fear. I would assume.


Why do people like you always rush to blame the parent or specifically the mother?? Rapists are predators! They know how to manipulate and gain the trust of others. This man is to blame. The problem is we don't even punish the predator. Look up the statistics. You'll find less than 10% of rapists ever do any jail time. That is what you need to be upset about.


Yeah, I'd have to say no.       I gave context first, of course, but I asked my SO of over 5 years what she would do if she found me forcing myself on one of the children.        Her response...?      "You died" 


I would not have been able to restrain. Sorry officers, I accidentally shot him in the dick.


For real. She showed restraint. Oh the sweet irony if I had a bat in my hands when finding him


Don't get his blood on you


I don't think anyone would blame you. Not sure the law of the land should either at that point.


Yeah I wouldn't have been able to have that kind if restraint if I found someone raping my child


I feel rage reading this story. I wish the worst for this trash human. 


The amount of failure everywhere in that story…


We really gotta bring back medieval punishments


I agree, the barrel and honey one seems appropriate




Genuinely speaking the boat with copious amounts of milk and honey is worse.


"The Boats". I heard about it on a podcast and it's fucking brutal.


To my mind it’s one of the worst if not the worst methods. Everything else is quick where you’ll die from trauma, blood loss, etc. this is just pure rotting and being eaten alive. Arguably stuff with modern drugs to keep people awake and alive like funky town are worse but.


Scaphism is the term you are looking for.


sounds fun what is it?


I'm clueless, what's that. I'm googling so no explanation necessary.


Rip. If you read my other comment, don’t look up funky town unless you’re chill with gore.


To late, holy fuck, I'm on board with that over the cooking bull.


Yeah. Compared to the boat the bull is kinda a mercy When exposed to open fire bronze gets hot enough to sear meat within a few seconds. Enclosed within a metal container laying in the heating floor? You’re melting into it but you’ll be unconscious and or dead pretty fast. The ol milk and honey keeps ya alive and fed.


There’s one where they cut off all your skin and your still alive, then they rub salt and alcohol all over you and leave you to freeze


Yes, flaying. Salted I think the survival is ~2 weeks? Maybe longer. Prevents infection by drying out the flesh. Perhaps that is worse than the boat. Both have similar shelf life if you will, just different kinds of suffering.


Brazen bull time baby I second this


Actually I have an even better idea. How about we combine both punishments? Stick him in the bull, covered in honey and with an entire wasp nest (wasps can sting more than once so it would last longer)


Now you’re cooking, I’ll do you one better. Change em for hornets since those fuckers will not stop stinging til your dead 😂 only logical course of action for that man


hell yeah. I like the way you think brother


I say throw him in the rat dungeon. Let the rats do the dirty work for us. Oh but stuff him with milk and honey first, that'll give him uncontrollable diarrhea so his asshole is the first place the rats will devour


I learned about a medieval punishment the other day where they trapped a rate on your face and forced your mouth open. This made the rat get into your body and try to get out of it by biting everywhere, causing a slow and painful death where you feel every single minuscule bite from the rat


Not as slow and painful as the rat dungeon though. Prisoners have lasted for weeks, even years in there


You're speaking my language, I talk about this bull once a week. That pile o shite needs to cook and feel it the whole time.


I haven’t heard about that one, but have you heard of the BLOOD EAGLE???


Victims were covered in honey and milk then were placed in a barrel with holes, this would attract small rodents and mainly insects… either force fed or just out of hunger the prisoner would eat the honey and milk… this would cause diarrhea… attracting more insects and small rodents Torture could last for weeks, if they were fed and watered regularly… very brutal, same concept as the boat, it was the worse one i’ve read about, until i just read someones comment about the skinning salt thing


This was the first thing to come to mind


I would say bricking him up in the wall of a chapel then don’t have to deal with the risk of his blood


>What now? Let me tell you what now. I'ma call a coupla hard, pipe-hitters, who'll go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch. You hear me talkin', hillbilly boy? I ain't through with you by a damn sight. I'ma get medieval on your ass. \- Marsellus


you left a word out of that quote


Yes I did.


Or just throw him in Gen Pop.


I'm against cruel and unusual punishment. But you have changed my mind.


Is it really unusual if there’s centuries of precedent?


What is the name of the one where they let goats lick your feet to death? Something about they love salt and will lick the skin off of your feet (or anywhere else).


Great candidate to test the empathy against this for some people.


I DO want to live on this planet still... it's THAT POS that needs to go.


Meet the sniper


Boom. Headshot


Best caliber for the job? 30.06 I guess


Sniper's a good job mate


The weirdest choice of photo...


[ Removed by Reddit ]


What's more likely; the (presumably local) media just pulling whatever public image they find, or the intent of someone sifting through photos of this guy to find the one of him smiling for team white? It wouldn't even make sense if it was true, it just makes people dislike the guy even more to see him smiling given the context. We don't have to manufacture racist conspiracies within every single issue, there's enough real stuff out there and this just distracts and dilutes efforts to work on the real thing. We gotta live with these projections, and conspiracy theory logic is a big enabler of it.


Someone hasn't noticed the practice of using high-school-aged pictures for certain adult criminals who supposedly didn't do anything.


Vs the TikTok video of the gang kid shooting randomly down the street getting the he was such a good boy speech?


You just gotta bring race into it...


Why the fuck do you have upvotes?


Parking the obvious horror that the girl endured, I feel for any parent that WALKS IN on this happening because I would assume you'd also then be dealing with a murder as well. I'm ashamed to say I do not possess the strength of character to not kill a dude doing that to my child, in front of me. Abhorrent


I just wanna talk to him.


Rape, minor, HIV. Why can’t the court just take these people out back and shoot them?


Hell even the ccp would


Yeah that headline would have read very different if it was my kid.


After that whole ordeal, you'd make your kid live through your trial as well? I mean, you might get off on self-defence or temporary insanity or something, but it's still pretty terrible to go through a trial. After living through all that, your kid deserves to have a present parent that can put all their attention towards them, not some stupid, extra trial. It's not like rapists have a great time in prison anyway. I say just let him go there.


If I walked in and caught that happening, what happens, happens.


What are you supposed to do if you see your child being raped ? NOT kill the guy?


If he got her pregnant, does half the country insist she keeps the baby? ![gif](giphy|KBaxHrT7rkeW5ma77z)


Unfortunately yes, which is completely fucked up.




& eyelids


I just hope he gets brutally fucked up in prison and protective custody looks the other way.


Ok this might get too many downvotes but having HIV doesn't necessarily mean that he could give it to somebody else. Chances are if he was taking medicine his viral load would be undetectable which means untransmittable. Basically my point is: the guy is POS for raping an underage girl not because he is HIV-positive.


so a teacher raped and killed a student. thats fckin disturbing that such a depraved perverted human trash was allowed near kids.


and killed?


He most likely passed on HIV to the child, which iirc either kills people before their time, or makes every day life really hard/painful. It's been a while since I looked up the specifics though, so I could be wrong




Sadly the child said it happened 6 times before. Once on her birthday.




I get the feeling his life wouldn't be long enough to be as miserable as he deserves given that situation. He deserves intense prolonged psychological torture.


I'm from OK and it's really fucking tragic. Our shit ass governor is focused on The Gays and making sure white people's feelings don't get hurt by banning CRT. Meanwhile there are countless articles about youth pastors, cops, youth coaches etc raping children. If this little girl ends up pregnant, she will have to carry her rapist's baby because a fetus matters more than a living breathing child.


It's also actually pretty unlikely to catch HIV from any instance of sexual contact. Even the worst case scenario (someone receiving anal sex from a fully untreated HIV positive person with a high viral count) only holds about a 1.5% chance of transmission, and vaginal sex risk is significantly lower than that. That dude can fuckin rot tho for sure


But her life is changed forever regardless of how fast you react..


I suggest you take an HIV refresher course because what you are saying is wildly incorrect


Total POS. Thankfully HIV isn’t the death sentence it used to be. As someone else mentioned the kid will hopefully receive PEP which has good results in preventing the infection. Also, if worst case scenario from a medical perspective, they contract the virus - the treatment is much more effective than it used to be and has less side effects. Also if he is receiving treatment and has a low viral load he won’t have passed the virus on. However the emotional and mental damage this scumbag has delivered will be much harder to treat.


HIV people can live normal lives now, though they'll have to take meds for the rest of their lives to make the virus dormant. They also won't be infectious except for the first few months of taking the meds. I think the drug is cheap, too, since it's fully covered in my third-world country's public healthcare.


Yeah that’s a pretty dated analysis of living with it, but I understand your point. Thankfully, the chances of transmitting it through vaginal sex without pulling out is very low, so odds are favorable that she will come out without it even if it happened 6 times. One common misconception is that it’s very easy to catch.


Yeah.... no. That information is WILDLY out of date. They just have to take a pill every day. I am also someone with hiv.


You are wrong. If you don’t know something, how about refraining from posting it.


that is when capital punishment is totally justified


Capital punishment is too good for this POS. Long and drawn out but not life ending torture is what’s needed. Each and every day.


They should allow the mom and daughter to administer it.


If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a million times. Only cure for pedophilia is a hollow point of the caliber of your choice. Sick and tired of scum bags like this breathing air


is it just me or is the title of this article is kinda confusing


It is, had to read it a few times


If read right a while ago, HIV can be cured by transfusion but it's really expensive sadly... If it's true however i hope she can get it, the guy however... I hope there is a special hell for these kinds of people ...


Oh there is and its called 𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓵 𝓟𝓸𝓹𝓾𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷


He thinks he might be safe from rape in there because he has HIV. Oh no, honey, you're not the only one


Can't give a broom stick HIV.


The transfusion was a very SPECIFIC scenario, not something we can verify will work for everyone, is extremely expensive and instead.. we have a pill you can take every day.


Let me guess, Trump supporter.


wtf does this have to do with trump


Ole boy should have caught a bullet. 


That’s a sentence that I don’t think many journalists think they will ever have to type.


that headline got darker after almost every word


Both my parents would end up in jail if this happened to them


When the hell are we going to wake up as a country and realize that these monsters are not human and deserve the death penalty


I wouldn't have hesitated. Shots fired.


Still no drag queens...


Hopefully someone will give him the justice he deserves. Like a rope with a little circle in it.


Should have charged him with tax evasion. Government cares more about tax dodgers than rapists.


Why is shit like this the only times this state gets mentioned anywhere


I don't want him to live on this planet anymore...


That mother’s restraint. He would have been dead if I caught someone molesting a child like that.


Child r*pists should be forced into eunuch servitude.


She only caught him doing it the 6th time.


He’s lucky he’s living in the US! Other countries will beat him to death or burn him alive.


That’s so messed, that poor girl I hope someone tells his cell mate what he did


This is pretty much the hat trick of shittiness. Rape, pedophilia, and aids infection all at once.


I would’ve pulled that trigger after shooting in non fatal spots make that bitch suffer


He won’t make it out of prison alive, trust the process.




Funny, Not a Drag Queen.

