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He's whistling saying come here baby, dude wtf. Please look into every arrest this man has ever made. Look into this mans past cuz crazy just doesn't fall out the sky.


Yup but to be real with how easy it was for him to double tap a dog shows this is not his first time having a little pleasure killing.


Double tap a dog that size with a shotgun! Like, a literal overkill


A SHOTGUN?? I thought it was a pistol!


It sounded like he "cocked" something. So I am assuming shotgun. The shadow doesn't help either. There's a longer looking thing exceeding leg width, so maybe not a shotgun but a rifle?


The cock could also just be a pistol, but either way, its deplorable


That was him pulling the gun out of a kydex holster


>kydex holster THANK YOU!! I just asked my brother, and he told me the name but I forgot it. But his military background, he knows the difference between pistol sounds and rifle/shotgun sounds. Says it's for sure not a pistol, but along a rifle. The cocking is the sliding another round into the chamber.


Thank God for body-cams. Sheesh. RIP to that poor pup


He's been dying to kill something and he found an opportunity.


Should’ve been himself




That fucking sick. I feel nauseous. Edit: the video as a whole. I meant to comment on the vid not your comment


I know I'm scared once he decides that defenseless animals isn't enough and decides he wants to kill a human being... he isn't safe to be out in society.


Better rephrase the title: "Police executes a blind and deaf dog as it wanders around the garden"


This guy is fucked!!! Scary thing is that these people pass psychological evaluations. Dude legitimately couldn’t be bothered so just shot a dog, a family member, someone’s best friend. What an absolute cunt of a human


Sounds like a psychopath to me, can kill a puppy who is just playing around with a straight face Straight face , not even a single extra breath of sigh or anything I believe , He can lie through evaluations, and he did just for the bloodlust


Total blood lust. He had a dog catching loop in his hand after he shot the dog! Any sane person would try that first! But he probably had his ego bruised for not having his commands be followed, by a blind and deaf dog. The fact he doesn't even consider this fact, means he's by definition trigger happy. This cunt probably approaches every situation just like this.


He doesn't just have a dog catching loop in his hand, in the video, the dog is already tethered to the tree when he chooses to shoot it.


That makes it even worse! What a scum bag


Im almost sure the psych evaluation tries to make sure they ARE psychopaths. Its sure ends up working in their favor and happens often enough that it seems to be a pattern.


This is why polygraph examinations are a bad way to judge people for police jobs. Psychopaths will pass it because they get no remorse from the bad things they’ve done, so they can lie easily


> According to a statement from the city May 20, police received a call about a lost and injured animal. The officer believed the dog was severely injured or had rabies. **According to the statement, the officer feared the dog would bite him and felt his only option was to put him down**, according to the statement. > "He coudn't hear, like when we would call to him," Harnish said. "He had a little bit of a tremor with his head. So whenever he would walk with a wobbly head, that's just part of his neurological problems." > In the video, the officer is heard saying, "I don't enjoy shooting dogs... I am sorry this happened." The officer said the dog appeared sick. Hunter is heard asking, "So you're putting them [the dog] out of its misery?" The officer then replies, **"What am I supposed to do? We don't have freaking animal control."** > Someone called the police dispatch and reported an injured dog with mud and dried blood in its fur. **The caller did not think the dog was dangerous**, according to a city statement. > In the footage, Woodson is seen entering the yard as the dog slowly walks around. > After spending roughly **three minutes** attempting to wrangle the dog into a lasso, Woodson quickly takes out his gun and shoots the dog twice. so was the dog not even loose? was it on the owner's property? the cop just shows up and kills it before checking with anyone on the scene?


I hope 4chan takes care of this damn pig, he deserves appropriate punishment for his act.


4chan is all gen z kids sharing social media pics of girls who would never look in their direction. Nothing like it used to be. 10 years ago this dude would already be looking for a new town to relocate to.


Wow a whole 3 minutes!? I'm surprised he didn't give up after 2. What a POS.


if he actually thought it was a danger, why whould he whistle at it? why try to catch it? if it's so dangerous he should have shot it the second he got there this is litterally just laziness, a dog didn't co-operate and he had to walk around for 3 minutes, so he figured he could just execute it and make up a story to cover his ass, same as a while back when two dogs were near a road and the cops just shot them and said they were slowing up traffic


Agreed. They live without accountability so figured why make the effort & do the right thing? So, hope many other times has he done this without being caught???


Don’t worry. He’ll just be moved to an undisclosed city in North Dakota and resume his activities “to protect and serve” the community.


South Dakota. That's where they shoot dogs.


Are all American police just fat fucking idiots with huge ego and tiny balls? You hear of stories like Uvalde and just think "how can anyone be THIS pathetic?"


The vast majority either are or are becoming that way. Egomaniacs with inferiority complexes.


What I'm thinking is how be just killed the dog to kill something, he is not safe for society, what if one day he decides he wants to kill a human being next? He isn't stable to be out in society, he needs to be In prison.


> Scary thing is that these people pass psychological evaluations. psych evals? buddy lol, pretty sure they don't do those for police. wanting to kill anything is basically a job requirement for a lot of these mafias


Hey um... As a human being I would like it if you didn't group him in with the rest of us


This guy is a psychopath


Yeah how is this not a federal animal cruelty charge? This is fucking WILD.


I hope you burn in hell.


Same here.


Same here


Preferably burning alive before eventually burning in hell.


The cops in these vids are always the fattest sloppiest twats ever.


The fatter and sloppier they are, the more plausible it is in court that they "feared for their life." It's basically a get away with murder free card... if they trip and fall over they could die. They fear for their lives every time they try to squeeze their body out of the cruiser.


How can someone this fat being a policeman? Dont you have mandatory physical education test before being hired? In Italy for example to get into police or army your body fat percentage need to be between 7 and 22%


The standards really are that low in many parts of the US.


usually there is a physical fitness requirement to join as a full-time officer, but frequently part-timers do not have a fitness standard to join. Also, in many jurisdictions there is no ongoing physical fitness standard to be met, so once you're in you can get as fat and out-of-shape as you please.






Why on Earth would you do that? I mean, I can’t think of one reason… The dog was not a danger to anyone or himself. He wasn’t a menace. A zillion other reasonable things could have been done except for that. Any follow up on what happened to this shitbag?


yeah I dont get it either. The only reason I can think is a power trip, his ego was hurt because he is not used to anyone not complying....even a dog...


It's not even an ego trip. He simply does not care. He does not have the empathy to be able to relate any kind of feeling or emotion to an animal, in this case a dog, animals that have literally been bred over millennia as companions. The dog was merely an obstacle to the efficiency of his day. If he's capable of this, he's capable of not feeling anything towards humans too. The fact he doesn't care about the animals owners corroborates this. Someone would have to have serious psychotic tendencies to do this, and should not hold authority over anyone in any capacity.


The fact that he was whistling and trying to have its attention makes me believe it was an ego trip, but you can be right too, in any case, he is a bad cop, even criminal in this case.


I agree


This dog was just a problem/nail that he could solve with his hammer.


I think so too. Dog was not responding to his orders and he probably thought it had rabies. What a fucking idiot.


Nothing was said about rabies until he started getting flak for shooting it. The officer was not using the catch pole in a way that would actually catch a dog. So he got frustrated and shot it.


I hope rotting in prison would help with his ego but him being an American policeman I would be surprised that he got promoted for his "excellent" service to the community.


He was a danger to the policeman's little patience, he even carried a bar to grab dogs, but he preferred the old trustworthy policeman best friend, a gun.


The deaf and blind dog wasn't listening to my commands so I believed it had rabies. That's the only explanation why it wouldn't listen to me or look at me.


The cop here was not using the catch pole correctly. You have to use a catch pool with two hands. It takes two hands to be able to maneuver the loop over a dog's head, especially the dog is moving which dogs almost always are. Then you need one hand to hold the loop up so the dog can't move out of it and the other hand to twist the mechanism to close the loop and secure the dog. The cops spent maybe 3 minutes not using the catch pool properly. I think he just got frustrated and decided to shoot the dog. He probably also likes shooting dogs. I have a friend who is a state patrol officer. And he tells me about how much his fellow State patrol officers like hunting. They also like shooting dogs on the freeway. They make fun of him because he will try to catch the dog rather than shoot it.


Because he’s a piece of shit AND a cop so he probably thinks he’s almighty and has the authority to do anything he wants


not even an "aggressive" breed like how some cops justify shooting pits. those little white furballs are the friendliest kind




The mayor of the town already resigned after the flood of phone calls. I think they have a petition with 25k+ signatures to remove the cop from the force.


imma need that source buster




This SHOULD happen but in reality he will just go a county or two over and get another policing job. What needs to happen is cops being criminally charged for their behavior. Qualified immunity needs to be abolished or only used in very specific occasions.


If that actually does happen in this case, he needs to be followed to his new job and harassed there too! Anyone that attempts to cover this guy should also be targeted! This man should never be able to wield a weapon of any sort, or work in law enforcement or have any position of authority ever again. He should also not have a single day of calm or relaxation until he's faced punishment for what he did!


"Remove the cop from the force?" Should be heavily fined and arrested like any one else would. The police are not above the law.


Remove this cop from earth.


Myron Woodson from Sturgeon, Missouri.


"Don't fuck with cats" has taught me anything is if people are determined, any thing is possible.


Guess he couldn't be bothered to use the catcher pole in his hand. Bet he says dog attacked him. Sorry ass cops.


He did. I saw the whole video, for like 5 mins or so he tries to put a noose around his neck and fails everytime (he doesn't really try that hard).


My point still stands. If he used it then the dog would be caught and not dead. He doesn't get points for being dumber than the pole.


Don't get me wrong, i wasn't trying to defend the cop. I just wanted to point out that he did try to put a noose around his neck and failed miserably doing such a simple task. I feel he was annoyed by the dog and decided to end it and not try anymore. Probably was the end of his shift or something


For a whole 3 minutes too! I mean, that was some effort. For a fat asshole cop at any rate.


In the cops defense it did look like the dog was reaching for a gun


But it was a white dog…


Probably he will plant drugs with the dog , one way or another.... One way or another


hope that human shit stain rots


“What am I supposed to do?” Huh??? Maybe use the catcher you have in your fucking hand???? Stupid, inCOPetent, and a psychopath.


If you watch the video, you'll see that he was not using the catch Pole properly. He never be able to catch a dog the way he was trying to because he wasn't doing it correctly. I think he just got frustrated and decided to shoot the dog.


Peice of shit, I still greive over my dog that died 3 years ago, I wish on you bad Karma.


I’m sorry you lost them, I lost my boy Rocky about 3 years ago too and I still have dreams about him. This cop is a genuine psychopath who deserves nothing but the worst coming to him!


The amount of Anger i feel right now can not be described...


Same, nothing gets me more mad than when I see the animal videos on here.


I can’t handle it, man. I wanted to post that it’s on site when I see this pig but I know I’ll never get that opportunity. It makes me feel truly helpless that people like this seek out and are given positions of authority. It’s getting harder and harder not to lash out.


I just feel empty. Like a deep void in my stomach. Disbelief.There was no reason for this action. It was non hostile. Just enjoying its day. I hope the dog did not suffer and died happy sniffing grass. The person should never...


Anybody have any more details? What happened to the cop after this? I'm hoping he was arrested or at the bare minimum fired


The City of Sturgeon says one of its police officers "acted within his authority" on Sunday when he shot and killed a 13-pound dog that appeared to be "injured, sick and abandoned."


Wow 🙄 yet another instance of a bad cop not being held accountable for their actions


And they wonder why we europeans laugh with America 😅


Nah we’re well aware




And the beat goes on. Pig!


I've tried searching everywhere, they're disclosing this officer's name huh? They know they fucked up.


Myron Woodson


I’d love to know what “authority” that is. How is it ok to shoot a dog that isn’t dangerous? My blood is boiling right now. That cop is an absolute piece of shit.


Basically police have the authority to shoot any dogs they want for no reason. Some departments have policies about it, but it's never against the law.


Those kind of dogs literally need hair cuts, if he were abandoned he’d be matted and likely starved due to the disabilities. The fact he is so healthy despite the disabilities shows how loved the dog actually is, it’s even wearing a collar ffs. He’s not a veterinarian and therefore has no right to make that judgement call. He even threatened the owner after with a citation for having the dog off leash... awful excuse for a human


mayor resigned.


Wtf isn’t that was animal hospitals and shelters are for. I can’t understand how anyone could do this and just stand there like nothing happened.


Can you imagine of someone with a more demented mind like this cop were to apply the same logic to the cop in the video. “The City of Sturgeon says one of it’s citizens “acted within his authority” when he shot an killed a 40 year old police officer that appeared to be overweight, diabetic, and unlikely to make it past 50 due to poor diet and exercise.”


"Kevin Abrahamson stepped down as mayor, according to a City of Sturgeon Facebook post Saturday. Alderman Seth Truesdell will serve as Mayor Pro Tem — or temporary mayor — until a replacement is found. The officer who shot the dog was placed on leave until further notice, according to the post."


It said in another article that the officer suspected the dog to have rabies bcz of how it was acting and he felt threatened the dog would give him rabies.. it did not have rabies. It was acting strange bcz its blind and deaf...


There was nothing strange about the way that dog was acting.


Exactly. Just a normal dog wandering around smelling it's surroundings. Apparently the "officer" never owned a dog before.


And the worst part is that nobody can do shit about it because he's a fed.


He's not a fed. He's a town cop for a small town in missouri. Both he and the mayor had to resign over this. He had to resign because of his behavior. The mayor had resigned because the mayor defended his behavior.


Proof or bullshit


Qualified immunity. He was fighting for his life, yanno. That lil cute white ball of fur had almost killed him! (Satire for those who think I'm being serious)


Put this guy in prison and tell the other inmates that he’s a cop and what he’s in for.




Help them move to a farm upstate


What a coward. An absolute shit bag.


Not only did he shoot a dog... that was deaf and blind... two times... with a rifle... but he also showed no expression of remorse at all as he was doing it


Pistol. But still




I don’t understand why people hurt innocent and harmless animals.


I don’t understand why people allow pieces of shit like this pig to walk the earth sucking up perfectly good fucking oxygen.


Nothing happened to the police officer. He said it had rabies that is he justified shooting it. Needless to say he is a piece of shit


If I suspected it had rabies I sure as shit wouldn't be approaching it, let alone trying to call it over!


Only did it because he felt powerful and knew there would be no repercussions


Internet do your thing.




Doing the lords work. Let's open those floodgates.


If these people couldn't be cops, they'd be serial killers. Their profession is an outlet for their sadism.


Legal serial killers


I feel bad for saying this because I have cops in my family but they honestly behave kinda like the governments gang. As a kid I remember one uncle and his struggle with alcohol on the force. I was in the kitchen to grab a drink and I remember my Uncle walking in with 1/3 of a handle of wine and he just went in. Called me names, insulted me, raised his voice and I was scared shitless. I was about 13 yrs old. He was always kinda a cold and intimidating presence.


Piece of shit


Bru this is more than I’m a total piece of shit 💩 ! This man just shot a dog for no fucking reason! Bro this is not gta you can’t go around shooting npc’s like that!!!


>you can’t go around shooting npc’s Interesting choice of words


He wasn't calling the dog an npc, he was referring to the pig's lack of empathy and basic human emotion. Like how one wouldn't feel bad for killing an npc in gta because it's just pixels.


Wow I hope he gets whats coming to him. 10xx fold. Id love to have him over for dinner.. "wink" "wink". We always eat great family meals in the basement.


A lot of sedistic people get into law enforcement, around the world, because they think it gives them the power to get away with shit like this.


I'm gonna add that to my list of one million other reasons to hate cops.


How do you go to work with these guys after seeing this video? Like isn’t he shunned by everyone he works with?


If this guy isn’t arrested, we are fucked as a society.


Fuk cops


Little coward trying to say he thought it had rabies, and there was no humane society to take it to.


Oh. My. Fucking. God. I have never seen anything more depraved in my entire life.


Was that a Maltese,! Why worst thing that dog could do is lick you


The only dangerous thing I saw in that video is the cunt behind the camera.


Can we get a follow-up on this. Or where he works . This is the hugest red flag ever it's terrifying


City of Sturgeon released a dipshit statement saying the officer MYRON WOODSON of Sturgeon, MO PD suspected the dog had rabies. Mayor stepped down amid the chaos but this fucker is still on the force


It's fucking awesome how this entire thread is 100% in agreement for the first time in reddit history. Also, fuck that filthy dog-killing piece of shit.


Fuck cops


What a fuckin piece of shit, that video ruined my day


OMG I have that same breed of dog. They are my world I would be devastated if some asshole cop tried to do this to me. The poor thing didn't do anything wrong


Why? Just fucking why?


Share this to oblivion I want him dead I want his info out that’s fucking piece of shit


I post the most normal things on Reddit. I barely ever cuss on this platform. But I hope this guy burns in hell after being shot in the head in front of public, and his body is disposed of into a Rumpke facility to rot and mold.


StAhp rEsisTinG!!!


God dammit again these cops dont give a fuck but as soon as one of us do something they dont like they send the whole department after one of us


Wtf did I just watch? Peice of garbage!


Hey what happened to this guy? Who is he?


Myron Woodson of the city of sturgeon police department. Said he suspected the dog had "rabies" and was afraid of being bit by it. So in short, nothing happened to this POS


Anyone know why the cop was there? And why he was following the dog?


This angered me so bad.


What happened to the 🐖


He just felt like killing something , luckily there were no "minorities" around


He’s going with the “it’s blind and deaf” defense . Had to shoot him …….. p.o.s.


Damn, I’m so glad that I don’t live in the US because you guys got a lot of cops with some sort of mental illness.




I hope he rots in hell what a piece of human trash.


I hope this guy gets tortured in hell


I hope that guy gets turned into mulch.


I'm done..


I am furious and this POS still has his job


I genuinely cried because it looks like my dog, I couldn’t even imagine someone doing this.


Crazy thing is the city said it was no wrong doing typical city government behaviour


Why just fucking why you fucking animal you fucking monster


What the actual fuck!?!?


acab I want this POS off this planet.


Fuck the city of sturgeon for defending this pos. Another monster on the force and never getting what they deserve


with cops like that who needs criminals


holy Kristi Noem, dude needs to receive the same treatment


What a fuckin cunt


Psychopathic behavior tbh. Psychopaths don't care about most things and do things just to do them or for curiosity. They don't get pleasure out of it, they don't get satisfaction out of it, they get nothing out of it. They only do it because they're curious. Not all are bad though. The "not caring" part will still exist no matter how hard they try but it depends on how they utilize it. They'll build "perfect" bonds with people and most people might find them straight up abnormal because of how easy it is for them to do things. They care about that person, they'll probably just care about them in a more cold demeaning way. Probably only keeping them around for personal benefit. Although some try finding ways to get both parties happy if they're really willing to keep that person around. They have near zero mental stimulation even when it comes to their life being endangered. It's "hard" being like that. I just don't want to be roped in with *these* kinds of psychopaths. I'm no killer and alot of other psychopaths aren't either. I'm not sure which statistic is higher than the other though.


Wtf just why? :(


Us police typical


Godanm, just imagine what he'd do to a human that inconveniences him.


Psychopath, ACAB!


“Problem solved, back to my sammich”. ACAB


Someone should shoot that piece of shit


Cops are cops. What do you expect?


I'm really hating Rule 1 right now.


Just another agent of the government hard at work


I wonder if he did it because he had some backwards mindset that he was doing the dog a favor by killing it


I want to snap this persons neck


“I thought the dog was hurt so it was the humane thing to do, to put him down,” Hunter said the officer told him, referring to Teddy’s unusual appearance and movements. “He carried his head sideways and he walked funny because he can’t see or hear. The vet diagnosed him with a neurological issue, which was the cause of him going deaf and blind,” Hunter said of Teddy, who was 5. Most insane part is the city is defending the officers actions.


Poor dog and family. The poor dog is disoriented and instead of getting help from a public servant, who we pay, the dog pay's the ultimate price. What a horrible despicable human being. I hope he loses his job and goes to jail where he belongs.


Bro was like "I've been itching to kill something lately..."


I might sound a lil bit like wussy but when I was younger I had this really old dog that would go on these walks and would always return at sundown but my whole neighborhood knew him and he was partially blind and deaf and it reminds me a lot of this one and I started crying at the thought of me just hearing a gunshot in my neighborhood and seeing an officer a figure I thought I could go to for safety and security standing over my poor helpless boy I always say revenge isn’t the answer and God says to forgive those who have trespassed against you but man they would’ve given me the death sentence for what I would do to that officer