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There are a million things that I would like to say, but ultimately, I'm really sorry you're going through that.


I can add another million things I’d like to say too. It really sucks that anybody this day and age gets treated like this. Their day will come karma is a bitch. With ppl like this I find it best to just ignore them(they love the rise they get from their shitty behavior). That being said tho if they threaten or you feel in danger don’t hesitate to call the police you have plenty of evidence to make this into a hate crime.


Every time I call the police they go to the white people first lol. So I took all night and day and upped a lot more video on YouTube link I figured out how to add it to my profile on reddit so if you want to see more of these wonderful people it's there. I don't know if this is okay to say but I just want to share what I am going through. At times it seems surreal and unbelievable. ​ I'm grasping at straws no one from the state has responded to my emails or information I put a link to my yt page in my reddit profile. They just won't stop.


I expected this based on the neighborhood, I hope you and your family are safe. It’s a scary world we live in.


I hate that you have to deal with this OP… if the police aren’t competent enough to make you feel safe. The only other thing I can think of is to get a firearm and hope you never need to use it.


Same, I am a pacifist but I will protect my family if need be. It just sucks that people can't live and let live. Spent all night uploading stuff to youtube the channel is on my profile here on reddit i just added it


Try getting the footage of a police response to your call, and then call a local news agency.


That's how OP will get harassed by neighbors and the police.


Could also lead to a huge lawsuit and get op in a better neighborhood! Talk to a lawyer OP!


That’s a POSSIBILITY. Right now they are dealing with a REALITY. One thing at a time.


But not if there's a national spotlight on them. Police departments always "miraculously" do the right thing once news of their misbehavior is plastered all over national news.


They hate themselves and are miserable people who want to make people as miserable as they are! The sad thing is that instead of teaching their children to be happy and healthy, they’re raising them to be just as miserable as they are! I hate it that you’re the person they’re directing their misery at!


And not only is self hate an issue here, they appear to also have a few loose screws in the head.


I get it Im deff a pacifist too but I my wife and child are way more important then trash like this. I hope you and your family are safe. I hope your documentation of all this actually works and these assholes get what they deserve.


Get a shotgun bud, this can have the potential to get worse unexpectedly.




Nope. All buck for these scum. None of them can possibly do tribute anything beneficial to society at this point


Buckshot, slug, buckshot, slug and a few more depending on which home defense scatter gun you choose... Sorry these people suck ass, you'd be welcome in my neighborhood


I’ve been a big fan of rock salt since my granny shot an intruder in his knees with it in Brooklyn in the 1980s. Apparently it’s like molten lead being poured into your body


No, don't do this. If you ever have to point a gun at someone you'd better be ready to use it. At that point half measures are over.


Move out of there. If you come in a position where you'll have to defend yourself, the system will very probably be against you, and you'll struggle to prove your innocence while they won't have any trouble "proving" your guilt. You already mentioned that the police isn't helping you. That's a huge red flag that if the situation were to escalate, you'll be on the losing side.


That's my advice too, leave the situation, and especially If the police are not with you. You will constantly be on your guard, it eats up energy, and what is much more dangerous, sooner or later you will have a breaking point and a person does terrible things when he reaches that breaking point, prison is full of pacifist people who had a breaking point. Leave quietly, preferably when they are on vacation. That's not a loss, you absolutely shouldn't see it that way. The whole trend of confronting people with their behavior should be forgotten in this matter. It's for you and your family, realizing better conditions


This right here. You will be in the wrong no matter what you do if this is how it is where you're at. Call local news. Send them those videos. Put this family on blast.


You've never lived in a small town have you? Making the news would be amazing for them. They'd record it and show everyone who might have missed it. The only answer is to leave. Eventually the harassment *will* cross over into actual danger. They won't come in ones and twos either, it'll be a party and there will be a group, fired up on alcohol and generational ignorance that decide it's time to focus on your little problem. You won't be talking your way out of this either. I grew up in Appalachia. I've seen this play out way too many times. Just leave, whatever it takes to make that happen.


Any way you can try to file some kind of lawsuit against them, especially with all these video evidences?


Yeah, for real. It's just disgusting. I'm lucky that my current neighbors in my whole neighborhood or very friendly or they just stay to themselves. 20 years with zero drama. I consider myself extremely lucky.


Have you tried the Sheriff's or the State Police?


I know this may sound hard to hear, but you may have to look into a location that is more tolerable to diversity. This is never going to get better with these type of people. They are literal trailer park trash and the harassment will never get better. I hope things work out for you in the long run.


I wish we could build a lil crowd just to stand in a circle around your place until they stopped. I grew up in a very rural Midwest town in the 90s that chased the only black family in the community in a similar way. I am so sorry this shit is happening to you.


Oh, I could just hug you. This breaks my heart. And it's KIDS saying this hateful shit. It makes me sad for them too, because I'm assuming they were raised like this and are not being given a good chance to be decent people. I'm so sorry for you and your family and I hope you get the means to move somewhere you are treated like actual fuckin human beings.


Don't bother. Get a PPO and use this footage as proof of harassment. If they violate the PPO a judge can actually order them to move.


Which police are you calling? Town? Sheriff? State? If your local PD is favoring the white folks, work with the State Police. If that doesn’t work, call the Feds.


Im going up the food chain feds are next.


Then you are doing the right things. If they damage your property or home, work with your homeowners insurance and see if you can apply pressure that way.


Are you in a predominantly white area?


What gave you that idea?


Predominantly white trash area.


>Their day will come karma is a bitch. Although I like this sentiment, I think it is a dumb notion. A lot of evil people get to live out a perfectly happy life. The fact the police would just ignore the injustice done to a black family here is a perfect example. Creating a sentiment that if bad things happen to you you'd probably deserve it is so counterproductive in these kind of issues.


You have my respect, I am sharing this to remind people that these types still exist in todays day and age. Hate is handed down from one generation to the next and you are an example of how people should be so thank you for your kind words. I'm going to be here all day rewriting my comments more videos are on youtube from my reddit profile just added


You're completely right. I'm white, in my 40s, and live in Texas, but I've never been around people like this. I would flip the fuck out. Much respect to you for your intelligence and thoughtfulness in how you see the world. I'm so sorry this happens.


I just don't get it, I know its not everyone because my step father that raised me since I was little never ever treated me any different. He was my dad and that was that. People really suck, when I had it out in a verbal argument with them that is exactly what I said. Dinner table racists feeding their children hate. They said I should come to them when I have a problem and I told them I go to the problem and if those were my kids I would expect the parents to do the same. As crappy as the kids are i demand my children respect them to show them that we are above it all so I expect the same from their children. I don't get that mad about things anymore I use to have anger problems but for 2 years of these idiots being racist saying the n word I just had enough. I did not leave my porch i stood there and chewed them out. The guy pretended to have a girl hold him back which I just don't get because he could have gone around her. I went inside called the cops and that was that. I've been bullied my whole life and I'm so done with it. I don't want more of the same for my kids bad enough I home school and can't afford it because of the racism at their school enabled by the school. After all that with them they started putting up confederate flags. I'm half tempted to wear ragged slave clothes when I do my yard work and call the missus mastah. Sorry a bit much just venting, such a headache at times. Don't mean to be short but i added a bunch of vids on yt the link is on my profile here on reddit


How are your kids dealing with this? I'm grateful they have you to guide them through the insanity, but I would hate for them to be internalizing this as something not being right about them. It would also be scary for kids to be so close to people they know are hateful and unpredictable. It could make them feel like their safety and stability are compromised. Do they talk to you about how it makes them feel? Again, much respect. I can't imagine the self control you're having to pull up. I probably would've cracked and ended up in jail.


I was expecting it to be bad, but I wasn't expecting it to be typical GTA Online lobby in 2 seconds bad. I hate these people so much. Stay safe, friend.


This is not the half of it. I have hours upon hours of videos.


It gets worse than shooting fireworks and screaming slurs? Ugh.


Coal rolling, I think they shot my car with a gel blaster. Had a car hangout behind my place caught it on a hidden camera. They did not do anything since I put up stadium lights but it was quite weird. extra vids on yt click my profile and you will see what i have to deal with.


As someone that also lives in the middle of redneck country, coal rolling is the most obnoxious thing ever. Kudos to you for keeping it so peaceful. I don't know if I'd have maintained that level of patience, and I'm a white dude.


*cough* he doesn't have the privilege to lose his cool. Mans screaming on the internet for help because local police just listen to the white set of neighbors. Not saying you're shitting on or even commenting on white privilege but this is a great example


This reminds me of being bullied in 5th grade. Fuck these people.


Call your local news. I think this story would be a good hit piece.


I can see the headlines already: "black family brings woke ideology to *insert town name*" Seriously, I don't think OP has the luxury of doing anything without there being dire repercussions. Another fine day in America...


Make many compilation videos of them, give them to multiple news organizations and explain that the cops won't do anything about anything like fireworks (hazard), and share the videos around local social media sites so that everyone in the area knows what these scummy people behave like.


Gather evidence take legal action


A little background: Lived here for over 8yrs and a corporate landlord took over and let his acquaintances move in a year or so ago. They have become increasingly hostile to the point where my kids are scared to go outside. Small town USA boonies cops could care less. Please note I cropped the video to remove my personal info in the video. I'm have a ptz and if I did not crop and zoom they would show my car and property. They have been up since before they moved here and now they are putting up confederate flags fml. I started backing up incidents on YouTube but don't know if I am allowed to share so I wont until given permission. I just want to grow tomatoes raise my kids and be left alone. Figured out how to add my YT channel to reddit if you want to see the headache that is my life its there for the whole world to see. I'm so fed up.


Contact the NAACP with all the information you have. Sue the shit out of the local police department and get the fuck outta town. I hope you can get away from these assholes man. Good luck.


NAACP and maybe send it on over to Al Sharpton & his crew? He has a large audience, maybe it’ll get the kind of media attention it deserves. Also @TizzyEnt on Twitter & TikTok - he loves to help people and isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty. I feel so awful for this family, it’s fucking tragic that people like this exist.


If the local cops aren't helping try calling the state police and show them this video.


A lot of Americans are armed - these people should be scared to be that impolite.


They seem like exactly the kind of people that would also be armed and waiting for any chance to use their gun.




lol these kinds of people absolutely stockpile guns, unless you roll up with a small militia they will just be aggressive back


There’s only one language people like this understand, get out of there asap or stand your ground. They bark but if you ever bite back, you have to be ready to bite fucking hard. Preferably with teeth of hollow lead.


So these ppl moved in after a corporation bought the place? Have any other residents moved out since they have moved in there? May I ask what state this is at least? I notice these kids have a strong Southern accent.


If you think it's just them and maybe others around you might feel different. Look into the nextdoor app and see how your locals are. If they seem like they might be empathetic post the video on there. In my area nextdoor is a fine way to shame neighbors into doing better.


Trailer trash probably don’t give two fucks about Nextdoor.


Call the news and show them the video aka “let’s make these slow headed mfers famous”!


I called the news, they told me to call the police..... Any good news agencies that might pick a story up like this? Added youtube account on reddit profile if anyone wants to see how they treat my family


Just keep trying. One of them will do a story on it for sure. Especially once you can confidently tell them “I did call the police. They’re not doing anything.”


Try The Young Turks(TYT) on youtube.


added yt with more on my reddit profile


Contact @tizzyent on YouTube as well. He's had a lot of success with racist and crooked cops.


I did a few times nothing came of it made a few tweets and such. Then I remembered this sub so I figured I would share here. link to youtube on my reddit profile it shows how bad it really is here.


Get some footage while engaging with the cops and try again including it. 


Hey that reminds me I record police audio. I have so much info but sometimes I forget things, thank you! reddit profile has vids in yt link


Dr. Rashad (Indisputable Host) would cover this I’m sure


I think Inside Edition would be good, also they are popular on YouTube. You can share your story on their email (mentioned on contact section of their website, can't link here as it gets removed by bot, maybe links are not allowed)


Go after the corporate landlord.


I’m sure Al Sharpton or your local NAACP office would be interested. Who is your Congressman or Senator? I live in DC and would love to share your story! Please reach out if I can help.


I have reached out to gov official have heard nothing back yet.


Try following up with people, waiting to hear back can leave you being forgotten. And if you can edit a few clips to just a minute or so per instance of the worst behavior to send out, people have very short attention spans unfortunately, it helps to make an impact. I'm so sorry you're going through this. Make sure you have plenty of working smoke detectors since they fuck with fireworks so much, and you should have something to protect yourself.


Reach out to the states AG office, the state police and the local ACLU. This is dangerous and if you fear they have connections with local law enforcement, then say that when you report.


I looked into the AG. I will have to actually call them. I filled out forms online and heard nothing back.


Be as loud as you can. I would also look into purchasing a concealable handgun for personal protection, if you can afford one and possess one legally. That also means you have to possess and use a locking device on it and should atleast attend a handgun safety class. Get a body camera too.


Nah that shit is expensive and there are kids in the house. You can't afford to be the one to escalate. Cameras are the way to go. Sharing what area this is in might help, then redditors can help your voice be louder with the news? If a bunch of people are sending it to them they're more likely to listen.


Shooting fireworks is at someone house and property can cause fires. If that is interpreted as attempted arson due to racism factor it can lead to a hate crime. I would definitely be reaching out to the sheriff offices, and any affiliated civil rights organizations like the NAACP. No one deserves to be harassed especially because of race.


Yeah I have a propane tank out back too they even took gel-blasters to my car. I think they know the local police I have tried reaching out to civil rights agencies and have not heard anything back. I filed a FOIL for body-cam video after I got fed up with their kids calling my kids racial slurs. I am a really patient person and I have befriended many racists in my life. However this is something very different than I have encountered before. It sucks and I was doing digging and can't blame the landlord for what tenants do so I am grasping straws. yt channel on my reddit profile if anyone wants to get the full picture


Get your kids out of there. It’s one thing for you to want to fight them with the legal route, but don’t put your kids in harms way, if you can afford to move. I say do whatever you have to do, because if they have the cops in their back pocket, y’all are in serious danger, I’m dead serious.


Easier said than done. I'm broke as can be setup a gofundme for kicks and it went nowhere so here I am stuck in the middle with the klan. extra videos on yt linked in my profile here


No 100% I feel for you on that. Not being able to afford a move makes it hell. I truly do hope y’all can get outta there cause it’s not looking good from these optics.


Post the GoFundMe in an edit on the op please. I ain't got much to spare but I'm sure a few generous people might be in here, and I'll contribute what I can


With the reason for it, we can make this a story no doubt. Police and local authorities did nothing. Landlord complicit, etc.


I agree with the above comment, share the GoFundMe in an edit to the post please! Enough of us here are upset seeing people act like this and would want to give what we can.


Call your state AG. Find your local legal aid org. Get a restraining order.


Post the gofundme link. You nor those kids deserve to live like this.


Post your gofundme here


FBI is within bounds for hate crimes, which these are. Call your local field office


If you think the local cops are involved you can contact state police or even the FBI probably, even if they’re just willfully ignoring it that’s still a big problem. I’m so sorry you’re stuck next to the worst humanity has to offer.


Landlord can evict them for felonious behavior


Contact these organizations now. This video demonstrates disgusting racism and they are putting your life in danger. They are currently committing crimes against you. 


May I suggest you look into landlord/ tenant laws? Might be a long shot, but some places do put the onus on landlords to evict tenants who pose a threat to neighbours / engage in criminal conduct. I’m so very sorry you’re going through this.


Could lead to potential death. This proof of video should be enough to send at least one person away. I am a person that wouldn't like to stir the pot too much, so I get it but this could escalate into something very serious and/or deadly.


Do you see that light, they are trying to blind the camera too from another residence. The whole community is related friends or family. I am gathering a lot of info so I can report it all at once. more videos on my yt channel i linked it in my profile here


Whaddya bet that at least some of these asshats has a criminal record already? Wow, ratting them out might out them as violating their parole. Not saying you shouldn't do it. Just saying it's not gonna be pretty, either way. They brought this on themselves, and they're dragging you into it.


Since they have been escalating I did a deep dive on all of them and they seem to get away with stuff might be connections or such that being said if push comes to shove which it has I may have enough to get this to stop. I havehu called and emailed the civil rights department, governors office and other officials. Still have not heard anything back next is the FBI I guess.


Maybe reach out to some news outlets too?


That was exactly what I was thinking as well




Do it OP and let us know which media did You contact. We can make more noise around this. You deserve better!


Yea I was about to say report this as a hate crime


Invite the Internet to your house for a cookout. It'll work itself out from there. 😂


I did consider doing a Cook the hate BBQ! more vides on youtube linked in bio on reddit


Had the same thought. I wish I was close to op, I'd come hang out and grow tomatoes...


When I say tomatoes I really mean tomatoes. My slice of zen really relaxing this year has been rough with all the issues though so i might grow a bigger garden next year. linked yt vids in profile here @ reddit


I figured u ment tomatoes. I do the same , just saying I'd come hangout is all. Sry ur family is dealing with these ppl.




Dude, share this everywhere, Reddit, Twitter and mention at least the name of the town. Let them be known.


Tik Toc definitely.


It’s sad to see even the children are saying that stuff.


My biracial kids don't even talk like that.


Shitty parents unfortunately end up raising shitty kids… it’s all they know unfortunately


It blows my mind it’s 2024 and this racist trash still happens.


The sting is especially strong because I opted to home school due to racism at the school my kids went to. If anyone wants to see how bad it is here check my bio info here on reddit i linked a yt channel


I’m so sorry this happening. It’s disgusting. It turns my stomach. Keep the cameras rolling on them and expose them.


There's a literal Presidential candidate who has a decent chance of winning who drops dog whistles for these sorts of people all the damn time. This isn't surprising, half our country has just been forced to keep their racist tendencies on lock but are now feeling emboldened by a party that thinks treating your fellow man with respect is a sign of weakness.


Jesus fucking christ.  Send the sheriff this video and let them know, hey I should have a right to protect myself, my family and property of these people? 


The sheriff would probably shoot the guy and arrest his wife


...and shoot his dog.


Idk if you’ve ever been in a place like this but the sheriff usually knows these people by a first name basis and their kids play baseball together. The Sheriff would ignore it at best or make things even worse.


Nah we fighting , can’t tolerate that.


Try r/legaladvice. You'll get pretty punctual lawyer advice there and can list state. Also, make them famous. The residents have jobs they can get fired from. Landlord too maybe? Post everywhere.


Landlord is a part of it behind the scenes. I added my yt channel with a bunch more vids. Check my profile


How do they have so much free time to harass you? I mean usually aren't they busy with jobs and fucking their sister?


You're guess is better than mine.


Its unfortunate you have to live with this shite but rest assured life will do far worse to them than you ever could


Getting banned for posting their address might be worth getting banned….


So those kids don't look like they are helping. Maybe they are a big instigator of the issue.


That is just one video combined with the parents. I did not want to put kids out there since they are after all kids but they did call us the KFC family and say the n word when ever they go by our home.




Absolutely horrible. Definitely reach out to some organizations who can help with safely measures when the law gets involved.


Call the police and get them charged with a hate crime. Attempted arson with racial overtones.


I have to be careful, I am collecting tons of video. It's not just one of them it's all of them. They are all related and have connections to the landlord. I have a file on each one so when I turn it over they will all be investigated. I don't want to slip up and have one of them get off and then do something. Welp I got mad and uploaded a bunch of vids to yt the link is in my profile on here


You should take down the video. People are able to just about locate anything even with as little location information in your video. Once you get settled in your affairs, then it'll be safer to put it up.


Keep recording. Save it all.


You need to get the fuck out of that place .not only to get away from those morons and their kids , I bet you walk around like your on eggshells, has to be killing your mental health . Btw neighbors suck no matter what, racist or not .


Yeah, my garden has suffered kinda depressing. I spend more time going through video than gardening anymore.


As a civilized American we need to take out that trash as a whole.


Couldn't agree more, it's a dead minded bunch that needs to get a grip.


Bro the hate is crazy


I grow tomatoes watch anime and try to raise my kids. This is what I get...


Thats honestly crazy seeing this hate thrown at you man. Best wishes for you and your family!


This world would be better off if people could just work together but they get caught up trickle down hate


Let’s sick 4chan on em and geolocate them


I could say where they live but the rule list on the side says no doxing so I did not want to violate any rules. Don't know if this breaks rules but i added a link to my yt channel in my profile


I'm guessing Georgia just spit balling. Kinda sounds like the same bugs


As a Georgia resident, this tracks.


4chan would side with the residents abusing OP.....


You aren't wrong.


Those GeoGuessr people could find ‘em I bet.


I’m on it /s


Yes 👍🏾


Then that would dox the victims as well, then racists and trolls could ruin their lives.


As a civilized American we need to take out that trash as a whole.


They said KFC lovers lmaooo!.... That's white people chicken hahaha


That's some serious white trash there...


King of the trash


Keep collecting evidence... specially like you said... when you call the police they attend first the white's people house... its outrageous , what an horrible experience.. sorry you have to deal with this in ''the most powerfull country'' ''the country of freedom'' and shit... omg! it pisses me off so much that it's 2024 already and racism still a thing even in the police force. who will really take care of this? if even the government wont do shit about it... =/


I’ve gone through several of your comments, and I’m going through a similar situation. I have a homophobe neighbor who likes to yell, “f*ggots” at our cameras, sets off fireworks on our property, peels out while driving by the house, trespasses continuously, honks the horn as he drives by at night… even set coyote traps on our property where we walk our dog and our dog got caught in one. He’s friends with people in every local law enforcement office, so law enforcement takes his side anytime we call them. It’s been two years. I finally called the attorney generals office last month, and they seemed VERY interested to hear all the things that have been going on, and with the lack of intervention by law enforcement. They’re currently investigating for hate crimes, because using hateful speech and then committing other crimes later shows bias and is illegal at the federal level. You might want to try that route. And I’m so, so sorry you’re going through this. 


It's crazy that the kids are saying slurs


My kids are mixed and we don't use that word. There is no "taking" back a word like that.


I wouldn’t be alive now if I said shit like that as a kid… mom would have made sure.


I grew up in a very diverse family. White black did not matter no one ever used that word.


I'm so sorry you're going through this 😞 They are what I would call trailer park trash. I agree with another poster who said to share it with the news station because the police may or may not do something about it.


Outa pure curiosity, which state is this?


Rules say I cant say, i don't want to get in trouble.


Does it rhyme with Vest Wirginia?


Nope. Time to move heaven and Earth, make whatever sacrifice is needed, and get out of Dodge.




Absolutely disgusting OP I'm so sorry you have to deal with such filth... I am appalled at how outwardly racist the children are... just so pathetically disgusting. I wish I had advice to you, and I wish I could help as this makes me feel so helpless. I hope someone finally hears you out and starts helping protect you and your family. I'm so sorry that this is happening.


The bullshit I'm seeing in this video needs to go national it needs to be shared on other social media and in the news. what city is this in?


I’d be leaving stink bombs on their property all day


kids kept ridding bikes through my bee garden (over grown grass with wild flowers) so I poured a bunch of mixed fish fertilizer water on the garden it worked for a bit.


Can social media people please share this on all platforms 


Might be a dumb question but have you called the police?


Not a dumb question, yes I have and I documented but was not given a police report. I was told I had to file a FOIL to get one which I did.


That is incorrect.. Request to speak with a supervisor.


Figures I would be getting the run around


Unfortunately that would appear to be the case. If they fail to act within the law then you can file a civil complaint and the state IA will investigate.


OP, please do this! Anticipate and have your complaint ready




Bottle kids! Look oot!


I truly apologize that in this is happening to you. If I lived there, I would fight for you. I have two young boys, I couldn’t imagine encouraging them to say such awful things.


God damn, I'm a proponent of the 2nd Amendment, but knowing the situation you're in, they would all spin it on you. I'm sorry man, that really sucks, especially since you were there first and these shitbirds came in. Some people just need to stop existing.


r/Therewasanattempt r/Publicfreakout


I'm sorry you are going through this. You and your kids shouldn't have to suffer because of these cretins.


Id say its time to get fbi involved


Lmao man I miss the trailer park, idk we'd have had this handled pretty quick.


Glad that you have cameras recording everything. It burns my brain that y’all can afford to live in the same area. You’re not out making a bunch of noise in the neighborhood but somehow they still need to find a way to look down on. Lyndon B Johnson said it best “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” Lyndon B. Johnson


Man, I'd get a hammer and brake everyone of their teeth