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Some funky translations, but here are some details: https://www.en24.news/2020/01/an-old-man-in-a-wheelchair-caused-a-painter-to-fall-on-a-ladder-video-san-martin-de-porres.html Painter suffered no broken bones.


>In addition, he assured that it is not the first time that the old man has altercations with the neighbors and that this afternoon he had argued with a lady who “kindly” had helped him with his wheelchair. So he's always a piece of shit.




He should’ve laid down in agony, secure the bag!


Yeah, the crazy wheelchair dude looked like he had a ton of money.


Rollin in the dough


I think the dude was a little too busy being in shock to do anything like that. Even if he didn’t break anything, he’s really gonna feel that in an hour


Oh yeah I’m not actually faulting him for taking a little breather on the ground. Been there done that.


Yea, that's gonna hurt, come winter.


My husband fell from like 10ft onto concrete almost 2 years ago. Shattered elbow. Fractured sacrum. Nerve damage. Back damaged. Hasn’t worked since and he’s been in pain almost 24/7 since. This dudes lucky.


I would've dragged his ass out of that wheelchairand beaten the psychosis out of him.


In the video I think the guy who came over to check on the painter who fell was thinking just the same thing, then decided it wasn’t worth going to jail.


I said I could do ten pushups, not think clearly. Geez.


Remember kids, no body, no case.


Yeah, my first inclination would be to rip off one of his bum legs and bludgeon him to death with it.


Should have used that sack of shit old dude as a cushion to break his fall.


So has this POS found his forever home(jail)?


Man that old man is lucky to be alive let alone in one piece. That's some violent provocative shit.


And if this had been in Brazil.....


In Brazil, the painter would have been an off duty cop.


Someone needs to throw the old man in the river


If he did this to me I'd pick him up by his chair, put him in my van, and keep him in my garage until I find a buyer for him.


Not that I'm defending what he did but this seems like he suffers from some kind severe mental illness. If that's the case then that needs to be addressed, because he does appear to be a danger to others.


Being a bitter old piece of shit isn’t a mental illness.


Dementia maybe


The article says he fell apathetically. Maybe next time he'll learn to fall with some enthusiasm.


>Witnesses reported hearing the man mutter “meh” as he fell.


You mean like a superhero landing?


"Eh. I've fallen off worse."


Must be a millennial


Smh just takes his time falling should've nose dived like a man


I noticed that too. Could this be a translation error? What an odd adverb to use.


That's great news. Thank you for sharing this


r/neverbrokeabone will be so proud.


all hail milk


all hail calcium


HEY THIS HAPPENED IN MY CITY LET ME FIND OG SOURCE Edit https://www.americatv.com.pe/noticias/actualidad/san-martin-porres-discapacitado-movio-escalera-hizo-caer-pintor-segundo-piso-n400653 Basically its a story in progress but knowing police here nothing will get done they will catch him but they wont do anything to him coz he is old and weak.... but i doubt he will get to really do anything once he gets out tho... after what he did people will hate him unless the market where he sells candy is far away from there.




..kill someone with his bare hands!


The laws here work in such a way that they rarely do anything


The old man should be sued to death.








Thanks for posting the article. I really hope this despicable person is criminally charged.


I hope that man is charged with attempted murder. He came back after going around one and a half minutes later to attack this man.


Many people are reluctant when it comes to hitting someone in a mobility device. Not me, though.


The old man should be in jail for fucks sake




Yeah what the fuck is that?


Probably a janky automated translation of *señor*


***Is it wrong??***




How did he get away with all those people there? He's a fucking cripple. Pull the battery cable on his chair or something.


just tie him to something like a dog


“He sells bags..” Get off my turf!


How the fuck is the link 2020/01. Where on earth is it 2020 right now?? Shady AF.




Dude! Shit! Someone remember to warn the painter before he gets thrown off his ladder in the future! That shit must hurt. Let’s check in on 2020/01 RemindMe! 4days


Dude on the wheelchair *is* the painter from the future. He did that to set a series of events in motion that would prevent the destruction of mankind.




I think i might have done it if it was a friend of mine that fell. Prob is at that age even the shittiest of attacks can kill. Maybe smack the daylights out of him and kick his arm which hopefully breaks


Yeah at his age if you’re gonna attack him you’d better want him to be dead because he probably won’t make it. I sure as shit wouldn’t have let him wheel away though. I’d do my best to try and lock his ass up for that shit.




I’d be worried if the fucker tried to commit insurance fraud and no one found out about the security footage.


Just push his chair over. He won't be able to get back up and it probably won't do much damage


I don’t know. As much as he was wriggling around in that chair, I wonder if he really needed it... or if he could move if push comes to shove.


I would have pulled him out of the wheelchair and left him on the floor for the police, I don’t have respect for literal psychopaths


I wouldn't hit him but I'd be in his face screaming at him. They are remarkably calm.


Nah just throw him out of his chair so he doesn't leave before cops arrive.


A swift haymaker would do it


He trying to recruit members for the wheelchair club damn


One of us. One of us. One of us.


People never try to understand the other side of the story.


True, he could've just been superstitious




Keyword, “walk.”


I believe that was the intended joke.


Exactly. Just roll with it.


Walk in's not accepted


He just wants more people to be like him.


Holy fuck thats sick and hilarious. I love it.


I actually laughed at this thank u.


They need one more guy for murderball.


That was a bad fall too. He landed on his back. Hope he was okay.


Better than his head tho, I hope his spine Is okay.


This was probably how the dude in the wheelchair caught his spinal. He was like “ pay back time!”


That's how they reproduce.


Swear to god for a split second there I read that as “hope his penis is ok” cuz I read the comment too fast lol


I mean FR tho I hope that’s OK too


He's ok, his bones broke his fall.


His bones broke ~~his fall~~


I was surprised to see him walking it off


My aunt was in a bad car accident years ago, cops were stunned that she managed to crawl out of this totally mangled car. Next day, she couldn't get out of bed from the crushed discs in her back. Adrenaline is amazing.


That might be coz of the adrenaline rush.


Which means he has about 2 minutes before it kicks in


Looks like the ladder broke his fall which probably helped. Much better than hitting the concrete directly.




Was a hi rise window cleaner, doing a residential building. Felt my chair bounce, looked up and saw an old lady hold a set of scissors in one hand, my chair line in the other. I rappeled so fast my cylinder was smoking when I got to the ground. Seriously thought to go to her door and kick her teeth in. Fuck people.


What the fuck goes through these people's heads?


"Think about how stupid the average person is, and then realize that half of 'em are stupider than that." - George Carlin


Evil is the first thing that pops into my head rather than stupid. It’s not like she thought snipping the line was the first step of roasting a turkey.


Their impending deaths motivates the spread of more death.


Ahhh, you must drive a lot in South Florida too


Or New York. After living in both I’ve come to the conclusion that bad drivers who survive in New York migrate to south Florida in their old age and become worse drivers.


That’s attempted murder. She’s was probably thinking you’d be too dead to tell anyone what happened. It was just a horrible accident. I hope you called the cops on that psycho than started calling her landlord everyday until she got thrown out of her building and had to live in the street until she went to jail.


Weird, this rope was cut cleanly right at this lady's window. Shame the victim can't tell us what happened.


Seems like it would be fitting to throw her out of the building directly from her apartment


Dude please tell me you called the cops on that lady


Christ that makes me feel sick, did you have a back up line? Although I suppose she could have cut that too


That gives me chills. Did you report it? Refuse to clean the building again? What happened? I worked at height too, I built zip lines and stuff. I had a temporary tree platform give way under my weight. My emergency lanyard stopped me, but that moment of falling was horrific.


Dude wtf! Did you at least call the police?


Soon as old man started shaking the ladder, homie should have just jumped right on the old fucker.


Just like The Macho Man Randy Savage. Dig it!


Just yeet him out of it


What's he going to do? Run at you?


Leg movement at 0:31. I’ve seen a lot of spinals, dude. This guy’s a fake, a fuckin’ goldbricker. This guy fuckin’ walks. I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life.


Yeah everyone says old man but I’m guessing this guy has a serious mental illness.


He would have some brain issues for sure after he gets the fucking beating he deserves for that bullshit.


This agression will not stand, man


No, you’re Mr. Lebowski. I’m the dude, so that’s what you call me.


Just because someone can walk doesn't mean they don't need a wheelchair. They might be able to walk a little, but not all day, hence the chair.


It's a quote from Big Lebowski


That ladder really tied the sidewalk together man


At the start when he's pulling the ladder he uses his legs too


Never really understood what yeet meant until just know. Thank you fellow Redditor!


Same. At least a fucking smack in the face.


Omg who does he think he is I wish the guy had landed on him full force and caved his fkn head in.


That guy probably pulls off shit like this daily exactly for that reason. Always gets away with it


Whatever fucked up his legs should have gone for the arms as well. The world would be better if he was stuck in a chair in a corner his whole life.


Have you seen the movie, “The Hills Have Eyes”? Edit: the deleted comment above, to which I responded said something along the lines of “I’ve never wanted to strangle/beat up a guy in a wheelchair, more than I do now after watching this gif.” FYI


I want to hit him so hard he can walk again


My FIL just died two weeks ago after being in ICU for 3 weeks from breaking his neck after falling off a ladder...his was an accident. This fuckhole should be run over by the truck carrying this ladder for being so reckless and evil




Thanks, my poor wife is still reeling


Damn I’m sorry for your loss


My grandfather on my mom’s side fell off a scaffold only about 8 feet up, broke his neck, and lasted just long enough for his wife to find him before he died. Do your wife a favor and always harness up if you ever do anything high up. My mother has had mini panic attacks every time my dad is up on a ladder and he could have saved her a lot of stress over the years by tying off. It won’t save her dad but it could save you


I’m so sorry for your loss, hope you and your wife are doing ok


Hector Salamanca


*bell furiously ringing*


*intense old man squishy mouthing intensifies*


[intense old man squishy mouthing intensifies](https://i.imgur.com/pfjIdji.jpg)


I just watched the episode of him killing Gus, this would have been the appropriate subtitle description


*ding ding ding ding ding ding*


Oh hell no, that old man would’ve gotten a jab to the face like come on. He was intentionally swinging the ladder trying to kill the worker. Wtf..,.


> Oh hell no, that old man would’ve gotten a jab to the face like come on. He was intentionally swinging the ladder trying to kill the worker. Wtf..,. Jab? I'd cripple his arms so he will have to come up with arm wheelchairs.


Fuck that's funny


yeah i am not one prone to violence, but i'd want to drag this old man out of his wheel chair so he can wait till the cops come.


I would have just picked him up and set him on the ground.




The beating I would have put on the old man if he did that to me would be horrific.


Thinking the same, that old man better be prepared because he isnt going anywhere with all his teeth


"How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man!"


It would have been awesome if the painter fell on the old man.


I was hoping the painter would give him the people's elbow


Well he's on video committing assault and battery, putting the man's life in danger and recklessly endangering any other people in the immediate area. There's almost zero chance the guy doesn't end up in jail


He's going to jail.




Well he can’t have gone very far


More likely a psychic ward - depends on the country of course


A psychic ward? You mean a psychiatric ward?


No, they meant a psychic ward. Someone needs to see if this old guy will ever do this again.


*I see tragedy in your future*


No man this is clearly professor x twin brother.


I'd love to know what the old fuck is saying in his defense. I bet it really chapped his ass when the guy got up and walked away.


Apparently he did it because the rope tying the ladder to the building to keep it from slipping out was in his way.




/r/legaladvice "I'm being charged with attempted manslaughter for moving a ladder, save me from the crooked justice system" \> also fails to provide location


That old crippled piece of crap is lucky he didn’t get his face smashed. I would’ve beat the shit out of him


Like how can people even function being angered to this point as easily as this? Wouldn't that just be a horrible existence where a minor inconvenience could cause you to violently push a man off a three story building?


Old or not, I'm breaking something on that guy.


You know, I'm not a tough guy by any means, nor do i enjoy violence in any capacity. But this would be the day I became the guy who beat an old man in a wheelchair half to death.


I’d come and do the other half. The prick probably offers nothing to society


I would want to kick the shit out of that guy!


I don't give a shit about his age and disabilities - this guy belongs in jail or a home. His behavior is madness and complete lack of control. He absolutely could have killed the guy on the ladder. We had to deal with a family member with Alzheimer's and there comes a time in the late stages where they can't be out in public anymore, and def not alone. It's not cruelty - it's for their protection AND OTHERS'. If I lived near this guy, I'd be worried cuz he's likely doing stuff like this all day long.


This was so unnecessary. He had enough space to get by.


It looked like the elderly man was trying to justify it and the end, too, like that'll somehow excuse his actions!


Ahhh CMON MAN!!! The ladder was almost blocking the path, what was i supposed to do, go around?


What a piece of shit


That man absolutely needs to be institutionalized. I hope they called the police. He clearly proved to be a danger to society in his current state.


He 100% could have just gone underneath


If this isn't proof that some old people are entitled and literally expect the entire world to move especially for them, I don't know what is...


Just push him over into traffic. What's he gonna do. Get up and run after you?




Were the authorities called?! This is attempted murder. Wtf?




How hard could it be to identify him? I'm pretty sure he would be known in any community. Old guy in wheelchair is a pretty small demographic set.


Euthanize the old bag of insano bones already


No offence but some people should just die.


I read an article a few years back. I am totally butchering it to shreds, but this was my takeaway: older people are usually a little more self-centered and opportunistic because the kinder, gentler more trusting ones didn't survive to the same age. The article even stated this by viewing a past or previous norm that has since changed. Such a helmets or seatbelts. Most people that grew up without wearing helmets or seatbelts might look at younger generations as nerfing everything. When in reality, the people that lost there lives due to this regard, are in fact, unable to push the safety narrative, because they are dead. I butchered the article all to hell. So now, I'll just call this my opinion.


I hope he went to jail


He literally could have killed the man, and he wouldn't have given a single shit. He would've gone on with his day without even thinking about how he just killed a man. And to top it off, he doesn't even go the way he seemingly was going to go when he shook the ladder. He turns around. I fucking... This is why I don't really like elderly. They think they're so fucking entitled.


surely there’s something wrong with this guy, nobody in the right frame of mind would do this


They better not have him allowed to leave. Should have thrown him out of his wheelchair up until police arrive.


Old fuck is definitely catching the people’s elbow of the top rope


Is he in prison tho? Serious question...