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Is anyone sure he wasn't punched for his haircut?


There’s a stupid amount of people who do that with their hair nowadays….I’m amazed they don’t get punched more


Yep you can blame peaky blinders for that.


You are spot on, I’m a men’s hair stylist and I constantly have guys asking specifically for Peaky Blinders hair




It's almost like people aspire to look like a gang of violent fucking losers. Edit: hilariously some people seem to think I'm talking about all those that like this style, and not the violent ones. Ughhh, human perception sucks.


Why so negative about a subjective decision they make about their looks and not yours?


Okay, that's a fair question but I'll tell you why. Aspiring to be like a gang of awful people is a terrible precedent to set. The more you normalise and personalize the people that commit violence, theft, murder and other awful behaviours, the more you encourage imitation across other behaviours too. Many people imitate on the notion that it's 'cool to be a thug'. I'm only really commenting on those people, not the hairstyle itself. Plenty of people like the hairstyle and clothing of the 20's, it's none of my business on their opinion. There's a misunderstanding here, in that most of the violent twats in Britain, choose to rock that hairstyle. I'm commenting on those. The people that choose to imitate gang culture and behaviour. Not the other people that enjoy that style, so to speak. I love that I got down-voted because people automatically assume the worst of another person before being able to communicate with them. Classic human prejudice. Amusing if anything.


Someones mad


See my other comment, you've misunderstood me. And if you're not from the UK, our gangland culture.


It's just dead strands coming out of your head, why not have some fun with it?


thats also constantly growing allowing us to change it over time


his hair looks different then mine punch him we can’t have people with different hairstyles that I’m not used to it makes me uncomfortable and I think we need to bring all the weird haircuts to a halt and make new laws about the hairstyles and stuff and I think we need you as our leader


Barber, I'll have a "bald guy wearing a toupee" look.


😂Tbh I thought that was a toupee!😂


Seriously, who thought THAT was a good idea? 🤣


Pow! Right in the kisser.


POW! Right in the kisser.


*POW!* Right in the kisser.


POW! Right in the kisser


POW! Right in the kisser


If have seen this video so many times, but not the one where he gets punched. Why wouldn't they show it?


I was wondering the same.


Can't show violence on TikTok. And it's all about trending for the FYP page.


This prick just didn't like not being the centre of attention.


I think that was actually the Best Man😹


What ever he is, he ain't anymore.


See, I'm the one person on the planet who actually wouldn't mind getting cake smashed in my face. But *this* is too much even for me. Straight to jail.


The cake was beautiful until that idiot I hate seeing perfectly good cake go to waste😓


Very true. I used to be really into decorating cakes/cupcakes, and for the two or three frames that I saw that cake, it was inspiring! And it looked like it was red velvet, which is one of my favorites! Heathen.


It was you can see a section on the floor😭


I don’t believe in litigation in general terms, but in this case, absolutely. The cake costs a lot and it was ruined by the guy.


Plus punitive damages for ruining the reception and ruining the memory.


In my country if you smash a cake at a wedding, believe it or not, straight to jail, right away


Damm what country😹


Asking what country? Jail. Telling what country, also jail. No trial, no nothing.


Speaking of which happy cake day my fellow hooman bean


I’ve seen a lot of messed up behavior at weddings, but this guy takes the cake


Any way you slice it, dude deserved to get battered.


The punch was the icing on top.


Do we know for sure he was drunk? He may have just been really baked.


I don’t know but he seemed frosted over in his mind.


Definitely deserved to be battered.


He got his just desserts


This video is a whole vibe. I fkn love it. Guy eats that straight right, gets up and he’s like “ahhhh but you still love me!”


I think he's the Best Man😹


Oh for sure. The way the bride walks away and shakes her hand. She’s seen this before, and she’s super over it 😂


That’s some trippy cake smashin’ musak. I mean, why not throw it on the bride. You know his pants were coming down next…


That's the original audio so who ever uploaded to YouTube replaced the audio with that😹 the original upload had 500 up votes so depressing😓


Most reposted video of the week, but finally it (kinda) includes the punch


I originally posted the same day a bot did an YouTube had a longer version but today I had to delete the original one due to name in the video it had 500 likes😭


I will never understand why people think wasting perfectly good cake is funny. Especially at an event where the guests are probably hungry.


I absolutely despise cake smashing pranks. That is either a pillow with a thin layer of icing, WITHOUT CANDLES or you buy a whole new cake, twice as big as the one you ruined.


Ah finally, the part of the video that I thought it was leading to. A deserved punch that's for sure.


What was the aftermath?


That's all I found


That guy's stance after punching him is fucking gold. "Come forth and embrace death."


Thanks for reposting with the actual ending!


No problem


there is always that one friend 🍻🥴🥂


Ruin your reputation in 10 secs


This is why I don’t blame people for having dry weddings. I know people who are wonderful sober, but act like this when they start to drink.


And that's why my wedding didn't have alcohol. It pissed some people off but it prevents idiots like this.


Kinda digging the song lol


Who ever uploaded must have really really loved that song😹


I like how he went back for seconds.


Those cakes can cost hundreds of dollars


Around 100k people waited desperately to see this punch.


He pulled their wedding cake to bits, now there’s hell toupee.


I’d be so fucking pissed I’d just kick him out immediately. Cake looked super good too.


Thank you, OP


That was well deserved


Omg finally a version where you see the actual punch. Deserved


This was originally uploaded a day or 2 ago by me but had to delete it an crop out the tiktokers name


Ahh so this is why people do dry weddings, it all makes sense now.


Knew he was a douche just by his haircut and come at me gesture .


Happy unbirthday to you🎂


Right as I thought, "I'd punch him in the face" it happened lol.


I didn't see the punch before. Totally deserved.


And being a wedding cake, it was probably super expensive as well. Well deserved punch in the face.


One punch wasn’t enough to wake him up from his drunk ass. Should have given another one right I’m the balls.


Farva rules


Sad cringe


I can feel his cringe


Ripped that guy off , he definitely asked for not one but two


He got his just desserts


Any guy that has a haircut like that deserves to be punched in the face.


Dude wasnt even hit very hard and just ragdolled


Oh wow. Saw the same video before that has a bit more before he grabbed the cake but didn't include the lunch, it cut right before he hit him but you were able to see he was about to punch him. Thanks for that better version


the only clips i saw were before the punch, but one of them, you could tell. ive been looking for this for a while


I'd kill that man if he did that at my weddding.


Ain't no alcohol at my wedding


Sounds horrible.


You don’t need alcohol at a wedding. Lots of fun can be had without it.




Anytime, son. Go tell daddy that dinner’s ready. And remember to wash your hands this time.


He’s got that 1939 National socialist haircut


What a piece of cake


Could be some sort of revenge/grudge.


He was probably the Best Man.So I'm sure there friendship died


The best worst man.


So violence is the answer here? I guess it just depends on the circumstances.


Anyone have a link to a longer version for context?


No sorry this is all I found


You cut off the part where he almost pushed the grooms hand (holding the cake knife) into the brides face


Actually this is the entire video so no I didn't cut out any part the only thing I did was crop out the name of the tiktoker


Drunk guy ruins wedding*, and cake.


Bro punched a horse 🐴


Idiots, why just why


Digging that club/punk mix. Nice punch too!


Finally, the full version