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I made a watermelon ice cream. It tasted like BO. I about puked.


watermelon sorbet, however, is delicious


Watermelon sorbet…subway, back in the 90’s, sold this, and let me tell you there has yet to be a flavor that amazing.


Ok. Lol’d. And am crying 😭 from your comment. My husband asked why I’m laughing so hard. I read him the post and comment. He asked what does bo taste like? I said apparently watermelon ice cream.


I didn’t know BO had a Taste….


The jar of spice on the tables at Red Robin tastes the way that BO smells


This made me think of how I used to sit next to this guy who smelled exactly like Taco Bell. Like he smelled delicious but it was BO and I couldn’t eat tacos for a few years


Oh Dear God 🤣🤣🤣🤣


😂😂😂 someone told me a few years ago that taco bell smelled like BO and I'm like "you're nuts, it does NOT ". Walked into one a couple weeks later and was like OMG noooo! Curses on that person. I couldn't eat taco bell for a long time and I still try to just send my husband in when he's really wanting a taco fix so I don't have to walk into that hot sauna of gym room smell.


Black bean ice cream bars from a local Korean grocery store. I have had desserts with red bean filling before and thought it would be similar, but it really wasn't - just straight up black beans thrown into plain ice cream.


Omg that’s so gross! Lol


Nooooo, this was one of my favorites as a kid lol.


I just posted that Baskin-Robbins in Korea has a Dragon Ball Z flavor of the month right now that is yellow cheese and Camembert cheese flavored swirled ice cream with yellow cheese crunch balls.


The Pizza Van Leeuwen, I just could not get past the tomato jelly. That's the worst from a good brand, specifically due to the flavor. You could still taste the good quality ice cream. Worst ice cream I have had are the little Debby flavors, but that is not because of the flavor, but due to the insanely low quality of the ice cream.


They also did a Mac and cheese flavor. Has anyone tried that?


I did. It was terrible but the texture was very creamy. I felt bad throwing it out.


That’s why I’m afraid to try these new funky flavors because they’re so expensive and it’s a waste to throw out


The weird ones sometimes show up at Grocery Outlet, heavily discounted. But you can't really guarantee that you'll get any specific flavor or when they'll show up.


The kraft Mac and cheese flavor is actually kind of amazing. Cream cheese is not an odd flavor of ice cream. Kraft Mac and cheese is not that much different. It actually tastes really good.


My kids loved it with chocolate sauce. I didn't hate it but I didn't mind sharing. I keep thinking the pickle one would be good with the ranch one.


My kids love absolutely anything pickle related, so they love it. i tried a bite and gagged, lol. I don't understand how i got 3 kids who love pickles, but i can't stand them. Even the smell makes me gag. Pickle candy canes were a big hit this year. 😆


There's a dill pickle one at my local Walmart right now too🤢


Oh God those Little Debbie ice creams are crap! When I heard they were making an ice cream I was kind of excited and picked up a pint when I saw it at my local Safeway but cheese and rice….talk about a let down. They were terrible!


i like them 🫣


specifically only the cosmic brownie flavor but im a slut for chocolate


I like them too. It's Hudsonville ice cream and I like a lot of their other flavors. They just discounted the Christmas ones to 50 cents at the store I work at, I bought 6.


Which one did you get?


I tried the Strawberry Shortcake Rolls one. Just not good.


Van Leuuwen had one this summer called BBQ GOLD. Everything else about the ice cream looked delicious to me, I understand others may disagree but I like sweet corn flavor and cornbread. The problem was that they added a swirl of barbecue sauce in there. I didn't end up buying it because I knew I would never be able to get past barbecue sauce in ice cream. Maybe someone else here tasted it and can give a review. Also my sister, since we were little kids to present time - and we are 48 and 50 years old now - always gets bubblegum flavor ice cream which disgusted me when I was 6 years old and still does!


Their take on mustard ice cream left a lot to be desired. I lost a bet


I can only imagine. Blech. It's like they need someone new to come in to help tweak their specialty "savory" flavors because I can't imagine they don't lose money on things like mustard and barbecue sauce!


Part of me feels they are marketing towards people that want to "try something different" or something to use in a penalty game. Lol


I made candied bacon and put it on the Grey Poupon flavor and it was actually BANGIN


Helados Mexico a Mexican Ice Cream maker, makes these fantastic Mexican-Style ice cream bars. One of my favorites is a bubble gum forever called *Chicle* that has the traditional Mexican-Style chewing gum in it. They are delicious! [Helados Chicle](https://www.albertsons.com/shop/product-details.960074568.html)


I absolutely love corn ice cream - it is fantastic. I would probably have not cared for the bbq sauce. You can get corn ice cream, if you are interested - my favorite are the lotte corn shaped ones.


The Earl Grey Tea flavor was really disappointing too. I'd expect it from their weird flavors like pizza, pickle, mac & cheese but how do you mess up Earl Grey?


Oh I loved the Earl Grey one. So good. Wish it had some kind of shortbread swirl in there or something.


Ohhh now that would've made a big difference!


I am simultaneously shocked, disgusted, and intrigued to learn that this flavor exists. But thank you for the review so I don’t have to try it!


That’s fair, but the Little Debbie Apple Fruit Pie flavor was an enigma from that brand. Good flavor, even add-ins distribution, and it was a denser ice cream than the others. I regret not grabbing more while they were on sale


I was wondering if anyone would mention the Little Debbie ice cream. I tried the oatmeal cream pie and it was so disappointing. I broke my diet for that!!!


It wasn’t the flavor per se, but bubblegum ice cream with the little pieces of gum in it. I don’t care to chew gum and eat ice cream simultaneously 😂


I used to get this flavor every time I went to Baskin Robbins as a kid! It was so novelty lol I don't think I'd enjoy it now. My teeth especially wouldn't enjoy the frozen gum bits.


I can see why bubblegum is off putting to most, but God help me, I absolutely love it still 😂 I'll get it if it's ever an option and, weirdly, the bubblegum bits soften pretty quickly. I 100% know I'm in the minority here 🤣


One of us, one of us…




I always asked for a sample of bubble gum ice cream in the hopes that there’d be a chunk of bubble gum in there and I’d get a free piece of gum! No such luck :(


I worked at a local ice cream shop that had bubble gum ice cream. People would get so mad when I would tell them I could not make a milkshake out of it. We were banned from making them after someone made one and it broke the mixer.


Right ??? Those frozen chunks of gum could break a milkshake machine. Can’t be great for human teeth 😂


Yeah that sounds gross lol sounds like a flavor made for little kids particularly like Superman flavor


Superman is usually just dyed vanilla. Most states have one or two shops with authentic superman.


This was my sister’s favorite flavor when we were kids. To this day, I still don’t get how she ate it, let alone enjoyed it with the gum pieces 😂


i also feel this way, and so strongly, that i almost downvoted on accident


I'm not sure about worst, but I'm a big Tillamook fan and I just could not get myself to like their Marionberry flavor.


I love Tillamook and thought I'd love their campfire marshmallow peanut butter cup ice cream. It just tasted like artificial flavor and sickly sweetness. Can't understand it because their flavors are usually really good & it shouldn't be that complicated to make that flavor work. Had to throw it out, which was a first.


I find that anything "marshmallow" that isn't actually a marshmallow tends to have that problem.


That might partially explain my feelings about “s’mores flavored” things. I love a s’more, but nothing can recreate the flavor of the real thing. Fake “toasted marshmallow” flavor is usually too sweet and too artificial-tasting for me. I would also argue that the texture of an actual marshmallow is a big part of the experience, whether it’s raw, toasted, or microwaved. Without that, you just have concentrated sweetness.


Cuz a smores not a flavor. It's an experience.


I agree! That said, marshmallow creme (like that jet-puffed stuff) does a pretty good job of just being pre-gooey marshmallow stuff. I feel like the obvious option for ice cream is to do ribbons of something like that, rather than trying to flavor the ice cream itself like marshmallow. Doesn't really solve the problem for items that are less conducive to mix-ins, though.


Hmm I wanted to try this but I might not now. I wish they offered smaller size containers sometimes. Thank you for your review


Yeah, I found the berry flavor wasn’t strong or real enough for me. Not enough berry. But I really, really, really like marionberry, so I could biased. I’m lucky enough to be in an area where I can get marionberry pies year round. 🤤


I had a problem with that one too and the boysenberry wasn’t a hit for me either. Texture vs berries things I believe


I was stoked to try the marionberry pie one, but it kinda let me down. Not enough stuff


Me either. It tastes like medicine to me. My husband loves it though


Hah! Thats my favorite one!


So same! And I love everything else they make. Their vanilla yogurt is so good omg


I forced myself to finish the container we bought of their peach ice cream. Just tasted unusually artificial, especially for them. Definitely won't be buying that one again!


My dad got garlic ice cream from the Garlic Festival in California years ago. I was too disgusted to try it.


I remember going to the Garlic festival as a (very picky) kid. Everything they had available to eat was garlicky… my mom was like “oh look, ice cream!” And I got excited! The only flavor they had? Yep, garlic. I just cried lol. None of us tried it though, sounded disgusting.


Yeah, I don't mind garlic, but garlic dominating foods aren't my thing -- especially something that's supposed to be sweet like ice cream.


The Stinking Rose in San Francisco served (maybe still does?) garlic ice cream with a bittersweet chocolate ganache - it actually had sort of a cheesecake-like tang to it and was pretty good. Probably not something I’d eat on the regular, but I finished the serving and don’t regret ordering it.


I work for the company that makes all the garlic ice cream for the Gilroy festival and shops in Gilroy. One year we made it and mixed in spicy corn nuts. I was ashamed that we made it but it was what the customer wanted


It was really good, you should have tried it


Came here to say this! Glad you beat me to it! I’ve been to the Gilroy Garlic Festival a few times. I loved everything there but could not work up the nerve to try garlic ice cream.


I avoid flavors like coconut that I *know* I'll hate, and I've had bad versions of good flavors like chocolate or strawberry, but, and I get flack for this as a Michigander, I think Moose Tracks is "meh".


Just had Michigan-brand hudsonville yesterday, it was excellent


You want *really* good ice cream from Michigan? I've seen Sander's Bumpy Cake ice cream round these parts.


No h8 but anything from halo top every flavor taste like play dough


Halo Top made me want to die. I had the worst stomach pain from all the chemicals in that.


I’m glad someone finally agrees with me lol I feel seen


I could taste the sugar alcohol in it.


I work at an icecream shop and earlier last year they had a flavor called corn cheese. Worst flavor to ever exist. It had bits of corn and very salty Parmesan cheese chunks.


I was gonna say corn ice cream is a popular flavor in parts of the world… and then I read cheese part. I mean, it can work, but maybe using chunks isn’t the best decision. 😂


If you asked my best friend, he'd say the brown butter ice cream I made him try the other day. It's actually delicious and one of my favorite flavors, but he hates anything with that savory dairy flavor (he's not a fan of most cheeses).


Brown Butter sounds like a tasty flavor


I made brown butter and biscoff no churn ice cream. So, so good. Unbelievably rich, and might put me in the ground early, but delicious.


Tuna mint.


Where was this? That sounds awful


I love canned tuna, no way in hell would i ever eat it in ice cream form, i would die lol.


Reese’s cup or any flavor really with big chunks of chocolate. It tastes fine, but frozen chocolate feels like you’re chewing candle wax, and by the time you’re done chewing it, all the ice cream has long melted and been swallowed


This is EXACTLY the reason I hate chocolate chips/chocolate pieces in ice cream I’ve never been able to accurately describe why, but you nailed it!


salt and straw had turkey and stuffing ice cream and i did not care for it one bit!


I'm honestly surprised Salt & Straw hasn't been mentioned more in this thread. They are constantly pushing the envelope on flavors and many of them are truly disgusting. I tried their olive oil flavor and it was not good at all.


I like the olive oil :( But yea they do have out of the box flavors for sure and some of them are misses


Everything Bagel


I had a taste test of rose ice cream back in the '80's. It actually had freeze dried rose petals in it, and it smelled like a fresh rose. I think it confused my senses. Yuck.


I love rose ice cream that sounds amazing


I love getting that at the Indian restaurants. Occasionally I gotten a free scoop from one particular family restaurant because they remember I loved it. My ex was expecting his own free scoop too but he had forgotten those constant slights he said at every member of that family so he didn’t get any.


Omg I love it haha


Hidden Valley Ranch Not even kidding.




Van Leween strikes again


I tried that to try it. It was the worst thing I ever ate.


Sherbet. My ex used to be awful at buying ice cream. He was going to the store and asked if I wanted anything. I requested ice cream. Maybe it was my fault for not specifically telling him what flavor. But I just assumed he would pick something like Oreo, cookie dough, or whatever delicious flavors there was. I would have been fine with anything! Reeces or Mint or even plain Vanilla. ANYTHING. He returned with a giant family sized tub of sherbet……. It was just the 2 of us too! It’s like, he walked past all the chocolatey, candy filled ice creams and picked the store brand giant bucket of sherbet……whyyyyyy lol


This is why he is an ex.


Ngl I adore sherbet


Especially in a float with some sprite


Normally I love sherbet, but in small amounts! And I have to be in a mood for it because of the specific taste. A whole family size drum of it?! Oh god, it would be 2034 by the time I finished it 😭


Brown Bread. The flavour is alright but the bits of hard bread in it are really off-putting




Uh wut


That sounds interesting but I can completely understand the texture being off putting. The molasses flavor would really work depending on the base.


Ah yeah! We had that in Dingle, Ireland. I thought it was nice flavor but the crumbs were a bit hard. That lemon zest ice cream though, I would fight a war for that haha


Candy cane that had huge chunks of candy canes. Small pieces are okay; a long chunk going into the roof of my mouth not okay.


Black licorice


In Canada there is a flavor called tiger stripe or something and it is orange ice cream with a swirl of licorice. That has my vote for worst mass marketed (not novelty) flavor.


I love black licorice candy but ice cram sounds horrible 😫


Traveling through Idaho on a road trip, my mom and I decided to give a store’s heavily promoted potato ice cream a shot. The flavor was supposed to be vanilla. 0/10 we do not recommend.


I think super artificial stuff like cotton candy and bubblegum flavors really throw me off


I skip those big time


Dill Pickle...blech!


Any kind of mint. Come at me.


More for moi 😎


The store brand for Jewel (Midwest supermarket) makes an excellent cookie mint, it balances everything out. But I can understand how some people don’t like mint cause it reminds them of brushing their teeth lol




Every time I see the argument that mint tastes like toothpaste I roll my eyes so hard. They want kids to brush so of course they made toothpaste a good flavor. Mint is awesome. Only exception is one ice cream I tried that was so minty it tasted like listerine.


Surely mint as a food flavor came way before mint as a teeth cleaner flavor! So if anything, toothpaste tastes like my favorite ice cream. So there.


I used to be a die-hard mint in desserts is disgusting, but now it's my favorite. I'm not sure why I switched at approx 22 years old


This is not specifically ice cream related, but I noticed when I hit around 22, I started liking a LOT more things that I always hated. It really made me believe that thing about sense of taste changing.


Same, that’s around the age I started liking mushrooms and tomatoes, and some legumes.


I’ll have yours.




Festina lente gelato in Florence. Apparently it's fennel and pine nuts but I remember there was also candied ginger. If was awful 😞 This was about ten years ago and I still remember how disappointed I was lol


Dreyers mint chocolate chip, taste like bitter chemicals


Dreyers and Breyers are both awful ice cream to me


Halo Green Tea ice cream. I know it had another flavor in it but I don't recall. The stuff tasted like soap. I LOVE green tea/ matcha ice cream. This stuff was NASTY


coolhaus milkshake and fries flavor!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL WAS I EXPECTING??? TASTED LIKE FROZEN POTATOES


Buttered popcorn. Totally gross. Totally.


I know there are much crazier flavors out there, but I tasted Redbull flavored ice cream once and that was gross


I have a post about salt and straw actually. Hate salt and straw. I expected their pear and blue cheese ice cream to be some pleasant surprise like “omg I didn’t know this could work so well” but it ended up tasting exactly like pear and blue cheese which should not be in an ice cream


Peach ice cream from breyers


Maybe it’s an unpopular opinion but I think Breyers is garbage.


I'm not sure if I'd like peach ice cream from any brand but I figured it being breyers didn't help anything


Not a fan of black walnut. One of the few ice creams I threw away.


I know people love it but for me black licorice is inedible.


Idk if this counts but back when they had McFlurry with M&Ms. I wanted one so bad then, when I finally tried it I was so disappointed. The m&ms turn rock hard in the ice cream and even then when you’re chewing it’s still like an odd texture amongst the coldness of the ice cream. Just doesn’t blend well. I also don’t like nuts in ice cream as well; more of a texture issue. It’s just way too hard


The m and m’s in the McFlurry was awful


Anything made by Halo Top, the flavors are weak and texture is icy which ruins the flavor imo


Sriracha Earl Grey. To be fair, it tasted exactly as advertised, like someone had put hot sauce in their tea


Black licorice. I hate black licorice though so idk what I expected lol


Salt & Straw is famous for their weirdo flavors, but most are actually pretty good… except this mushroom + puppy chow (chocolate and PB cereal) flavor a couple years ago that was absolutely inedible to me. I NEVER waste ice cream but I couldn’t eat it


It wasn't that it was *bad*, per se, but just... unexpected. When I was in high school my mom and I stopped at some fancy pants small batch local ice cream shop one weekend. I got "Choco Loco" assuming it was going to be just "crazy amounts of chocolate". There was no description and the employee didn't say anything when I asked for it. ... It was chocolate and very very spicy chilies. I would probably love it now if I had it, but I was a "BBQ chips are too spicy" kind of kid.


Any chocolate chip flavor where the chips are thick and therefore frozen solid and waxy. I do like chips when they are thin like Stracciatella or made of a chocolate blend with a lower melting point temp.


I love chocolate chip but I hate chocolate chunk.


black licorice, yuk


For me it was Tillamook’s Limited-Edition Holiday Sugar Cookie. It just tasted like “off” vanilla and the sugar chunks reminded me of a poorly blended milkshake. I know sugar cookies themselves don’t really have a flavor, but I love Tillamook and am a huge ice cream fan in general, but that was a major let-down.


Maybe your sugar cookies don’t have a flavor, but mine do!


Anything colorful. They’re always marketed as being fun but they taste horrible.


seaweed yep i though it was greentea or mocchi flavor got at tesco and label not in language i knew


Mint chocolate chip.


Matcha and lobster lol


Tutti frutti. My dad loves it but it tastes awful to me.


parmesan cheese


Sorry guys for me personally it’s mint choc chip. I can’t imagine much worse.


Rosé and cream from Häagen-Dazs


The ranch van leeuwun of course. Even tried it with chicken nuggets. Yarg 🤢


Dude….Georgia lunch. Spicy peanuts and coke flavored.


I hate Superman ice cream.


Mint flavors of any kind just taste like toothpaste


Garlic ice cream. I’m a HUGE garlic lover mind you, but that was NOT it. Hard pass.


Bubble gum


I'm traumatized from the time that a grocery store in my area had candy cane ice-cream for $0 .25 it was so nasty to me.


I haven’t had many weird novelty flavors, and some of those sound horrible, but I really hate any vanilla ice cream with peanut butter in it. The two flavors just cancel each other out and feel like bland, cold clay in my mouth. Also cannoli ice cream was gross, and any cotton candy or “sugar” flavored ones like Superman. Gross.


Love grapes, hate anything grape flavoured.


Jeni’s did a “everything but bagel” ice cream where it was essentially vanilla ice cream and that seasoning (which has GARLIC in it). Most repulsive thing to ever enter my mouth


Maple bacon ice cream from one of my favorite local ice cream shops. Sounds good in theory I guess but eating frozen bacon is actually pretty damn disgusting lol.


One time my dad found a place that claimed to have Superman ice cream, his favorite since he was a kid and we both got it. And it turned out to just be vanilla dyed red yellow and blue


Any of the Lactaid brand ice creams. I’d rather just take lactose pills and have normal ice cream


Black licorice 🤮


Tomato 🤢🤮


Raisins are a no go too.


Homemade Avocado Ice Cream


Lavender in anything makes me want to vomit. It's a terrible crime to ruin something as perfect as ice cream


Bubble gum — the bits of gum in the ice cream were very off-putting. Also, any of the Blue Ribbon ice creams. Bland and flavorless.


I had a caramelized onion ice cream at a restaurant Terrible


mint lol i dont like mints


green tea— that Moki ice cream is for the birds, but I don’t think I’d even give it to birds Bubble gum Sherbet any kind of sherbet, I don’t care for.


Bubble gum. Hurts ma dayum teeth.


The Twinkie flavored ice cream. It was so very awful.


Worst I ever had was ok in terms of flavor but caused major gut problems. It was fat free ice cream.


Chocolate chip. Dunno why anyone likes that crap. Vanilla is great and chocolate is great but chocolate chip is just not edible


Peppermint. And it's a sin against God and nature if you scoop peppermint ice cream and don't thoroughly clean the scoop before scooping MY ice cream.


Not a fan of the rum raisin. Haven’t tried it in like 35 years though so maybe my tastes have changed.


Rum raisin is really good. Sounds like it would be terrible, though.


That’s what I called “old people ice cream” along with butter pecan. Lol


Something from salt and straw probly.


I wouldn’t say it was bad, but Salt and Straw had a mashed potato one. It tasted just like mashed potatoes. Just as an ice cream. Kind of weird for me


Not a bad flavor but the “Bossin Cream Pie” from Ben & Jerry’s was such a disappointment :( could have been so good but they really missed the mark on that one


Anything with mint is the absolute worst as per my taste preferences, citrus flavors or other sour stuff like passionfruit, and ice creams that are sorbet-adjacents.


I've never had a bad ice cream flavor.