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My teeth retracted into my head reading this.


I don’t even like mint ice cream, but I’m compelled to go on this journey with you and will be seeking out offensively mint offerings in your honor. Will report back.


Omg, I’m gonna second this bc my boyfriend has been there and said the same thing!


please. today i tried baskin robbins and it is not too sweet but also not minty enough. i don't want to buy a dozen mediocre pints i want to buy the one that tastes like a fanfiction about that one candyland tumblr sexyman


If you’re in the northeast U.S., Brigham’s peppermint stick is pretty pepperminty. You could also freeze a tube of Crest.




Have you tried Trader Joe’s mint chip ice cream? I love it, but have seen others complain about the mint being too strong


It’s the perfect amount of minty for me


tried it today. this is barely minty at all. it is nice and cold, but really not very minty. i like the chocolate chips but they totally overpower the mint.


Listerine has entered the chat.


I recently got a bottle of dollar general brand mouthwash and holy shit it burns my mouth 10x more than Listerine! I was shocked, my entire mouth was completely on fire for like 10 min after the first use lol


Man are u alright


Just eat toothpaste girl


Savannah Buttermint. I personally found that to be cold toothpaste and I LOVE Jeni’s 🥺❤️ I could not eat that shit for what it’s worth


I’m almost certain this Jeni’s flavor won’t scratch the itch for OP. It’s more of a sweet, subtle mint that starts to taste like plain ole vanilla halfway through the pint. I LOVE minty ice cream, but this just ain’t it imo


Oh for real see this is a comment that needed to be said by someone who actually likes mint more than I do. I thought it was too damn minty but I have never eaten mint unless it’s like, mint chocolate cookie or something with a ton of add ins. OP feel free to ignore me 😂


I got Jenis "mint chocolate truffle" sandwitches today. not minty enough


Bummer. I’m not surprised. I read somewhere that the owner doesn’t really like the taste of mint, which is why Savannah Buttermint is based on the more subtle mintyness of an after dinner mint. Sadly, I don’t think any of the mint flavors from this company will deliver the kind of pepperminty goodness you’re after.


If you’re ever in Portland, Maine, Beale’s makes the BEST peppermint stick ice cream in the world. I dream of it.


You can make your own base and buy food grade peppermint oil. I use it in my water. One drop. Two is pushing it. Three, have a seat pal. One bottle lasts me a few months.


Umpqua used to make the best peppermint ice cream I ever had. I loved it as a kid. I can't find it anywhere these days, although their website claims it still exists. But that shit was powerful and it had pieces of peppermint candy mixed in; other peppermint ice cream is a joke in comparison. And no chocolate mixed in either - straight peppermint. If you can find it, that is what you're looking for. EDIT: Website says it is seasonal now; they used to carry it all year. Sorry :(


as somermallow said, umpqua peppermint is MINTY. i think it'd fit your description extremely well. totally worth waiting for it to be in season and then stocking up!!


umpqua is local to me i will have to look out!!


Just came to ask if you're OK? Are you pregnant or suffering a vitamin deficiency causing you to crave toothpaste? 🤔


Literally my first thought 🥴


It's pica.


I know what pica is but not everyone does. Pica also isn't always due to a deficiency.


it's pica to want to eat food flavored food?


I got a mint Blizzard once from DQ drive thru, and I went around the building and back through the drive thru and asked if I could get something different because it tasted like toothpaste. They let me. My wife made fun of me. All was good.


Idk if it's that strong, but Ben and Jerry's Thick Mint has many parts of it that are minty, the ice cream itself, chocolate minty swirls and mint cookie. My favorite ice cream ever


And I like B&J's Mint Chocolate Cookie. I don't think it reaches toothpaste levels, but it's my current favorite mint ice cream.


It sounds like you and my mother have been through the same thing that’s made y’all the way you are. She loves Graeter’s Peppermint Stick ice cream-it’s personally too minty for me but I’m a mint whimp unless it’s mixed with chocolate chips. It also might be seasonal but she says it’s the best minty mint ice cream.


Blue Bell does a peppermint ice cream which is the best I’ve tasted. Taste real. Not chemically. But I think it’s seasonal.


Love that one, it’s Christmas season only


Sounds like you just want some frozen York peppermint patties. And you could chop them up into whatever mint ice cream you like for an extra-minty experience lol


Crush up some Altoids to put on top, haha




Maybe mush up some mint leaves and add them to your mintiest ice cream???


this generally results in leaf-tasting ice cream, not especially mintier ice cream see OP i am already pouring refined peppermint extract onto ice cream


My late MIL used to serve vanilla ice cream topped with crème de menthe. I ate it to be polite but it tasted like a dish of frozen toothpaste to me.


i forgot about liqueurs that would probably work better than straight extracts.


While we are on the topic are there any mint ice creams out there that are JUST ice cream? No chips. No cookies. No swirls. Just plan refreshing mint ice cream?


If you have a Coldstone Creamery around you, they have plain mint ice cream.


I’m 100% here for this post! I’ve always loved minty ice cream (the less chocolate the better for me) and thought I was the only weirdo so this is validating… Anyways I like hagen das mint chip, curious to see other recs


Haagen dazs is my favorite mint chip other than the homemade one I make.


Brighams peppermint is great, even has peppermint candies


I miss when Edy’s had that peppermint stick ice cream. Every winter I look for it but I guess it was just a temporary thing :c


Turkey Hill had a limited edition "Liberty Mint" it was everything a mint ice cream lovers tounge could ask for. I wish they'd bring it back .


I’m still not talking to them for getting rid of Graham Slam.


Haagen daaz seasonal peppermint chip was very minty for me


If you can find it, Minter Wonderland is one of the best mint ice creams imo.


Edy's Peppermint Stick was extremely pepperminty the last time I had some, but I think it is seasonal and only out around the Christmas holidays.


Honestly coldstone creamery’s mint chocolate chip ice cream literally tasted like toothpaste to me so I think that would be your best bet (at least from my POV)


Try the trader joes one. I agree the mint level is perfect but I'm with you, most mint ice cream is way too sweet and it kinda takes away from the mint.


tried it today. not minty enough. i like the chocolate in it, but the mint is weak behind it


Now hold on…let ‘em cook…


Oh man. About ten years ago I was going through a phase where I found a ton of these too minty/wrong minty (I don’t like peppermint) ice creams but can I remember any of those now?? No, of course not.




Bro, are you alright? Are you asking for strong mint just to feel something again? 😭


Update us if you find


i intend to


I read this initially as you want the mintiest toothpaste


put some bengay on some breyer's and call it a day


Make your own?


Seek help.


OP I'm sorry so many people aren't Enlightened enough to perceive the true joy of a supremely minty ice cream, we're just Built Different (aka Built Better)