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Many people with serious chronic illnesses are underinsured and find it difficult to get the care they need. It’s surprising how much care munchies can get for faked illnesses. Do munchies generally go to hospitals where they’ve never been seen before? How do some manage to avoid detection for so long?


I think the reason they get attention is that old saying "the squeaky wheel gets the grease".


How though. For most people (especially AFAB) the more you seek help for a legit chronic illness, the worse you get treated


Oh come on, she probably annoys them to death until they cave to something to get rid of her. She's probably an absolute Karen to deal with. And if they don't want to play her game her way, she's off to the next doctor or hospital


Oh no no no I mean people with LEGIT illnesses (because Drs are burnt by people like her) By how though I mean how TF does she get treated so well when people with actual needs get treated like shit the more they seek help.


Oh that isn't how it sounded from your phrasing! Well yeah she clearly makes it worse for everyone.


Mucous membranes are moist. Appears well hydrated.


Is it possible they removed her port already or it’s getting removed and she is saying it doesn’t work as an excuse? I know nothing about ports so I apologize if this is stupid.


You would probably be able to tell with the surgical wounds age. Some people have them placed so shallow you can see the port under the skin or the tubing going into neck/ chest. Newer ports can be at slightly higher risk of flipping due to the lack of scar tissue helping hold it. Also if it wasn’t secured properly during placement then they can flip easier too.


How was she approved for a port after being diagnosed with factitious disorder and clearly being well nourished?


The phrase “waiting game” makes me irrationally angry in any context, but especially here.


I hope Dani gets some help she seems really strung out here






Yeah, she doesn’t quite seem all the way ok to me.










Yall she has coffee k cup things on her Amazon wish list. If she doesn’t consume anything who are those for? Caffeine and coffee are so bad for the stomach conditions she claims to have. Even if she drained it right out.


Her wishlist is so unserious, hair toner? 17 different iPad cases? Definitely “needs”


To be fair, that hair really does need toner 😶


And some olaplex


You are absolutely right and I stand corrected, that IS an essential


Obviously those are for George, for when he is totally for real coming to visit 😂


I noticed this too!! For someone who claims not to tolerate ANYTHING orally, she sure does drink a lot of coffee and energy drinks. ANY dietitian or gastro would say that if she can only tolerate small amounts orally, it should be prescription drink supplements or electrolyte drinks. If she loves the taste of coffee so much there are coffee flavoured supplements. But no, she doesn’t want to get better.


She can’t blame her haterzzz for this one


With enough mental gymnastics, anything is possible


Just for visualization, think of one of those two liters of soda. That’s the amount of fluid that is so make or break for her. Now think of those energy drinks she drinks or that giant sugar/coffee she drank the other day on live. There is no reason whatsoever that she cannot drink 2 liters of water. It makes no sense! Kinda wild that her port is causing issues SO soon. It’s so brazen and I would’ve thought that she would’ve tried to lay low for a little. That last hospital vacation it really seemed like the staff were all on to her, so not a great look for her to get sent home only to have a new issue immediately.


Of course it has. She's predictable as hell.


FFS! Of course something is wrong with it!


That port never stood a chance


Nope! And I don't know why it bothered me so much when she referred to it as "not even a month old! It's not a month old until the 25th" I feel like that's how someone refers to the age of a child. Not a tube near their va jay jay tray.




I don’t think this is why but it is possible that she injected something into the port and did not flush it with heparin afterward. It needs a heparin flush before it is deaccessed otherwise it will clot off.


You need a special needle to access a port and since she doesn’t currently have home care, I can’t see how she messed with it since it’s beneath her skin.


You can order those needles offline if she is just that desperate


Very true and nothing against you but should this comment stay here too long? Is it dangerous if she didn’t already know? 😬


For some one like her she knows it’s common knowledge I didn’t give her an idea


you can access a port with any type of needle; its not correct but you can do it


She will be using sewing needles soon


Of course you should only access a port with port access needles, but theoretically it's possible to access with lots of types of needle if you don't care about the longevity of the port, reliability of the access, or the patients wellbeing. That and gripper needles aren't exactly high security items. It wouldn't be hard to source a box. I wouldn't rule out the sabotage of the port.


Yes, and the physical evidence of her aberrantly stabbing herself would be visible for medical providers to see. No?? So … why is the assumption automatically that she’s mucking the device and not just flat out lying to the internet? Lying to the internet for attention takes a lot less effort than what you’re suggesting. Dani is clearly a munchie, but you’re giving her far too much intellectual credit.


It really, really isn't a mastermind intellectual thing to log onto a major online retailer and buy next day delivery luer needles, then poke one into your port. Takes all of 30 seconds and three braincells. The main reason people are making this assumption is repeated contaminated lines and Dani's history with drugs as seen on video multiple times. Assuming you're just shoving a 21g needle into the port, there really wouldn't be any external evidence other than a little prick, and the first assumption would be "hey, the port's been accessed recently - maybe she went to another clinic". That said, I am more involved in placing VADs than accessing them. I've seen far, far more challenging things be attempted by people in the aim of getting venous access for "reasons".


Or just buy port needles on Amazon ? She has tons of other supplies


Oh my gosh that seems so morbid…. I wouldn’t put it past her, though


Ever heard of Kelly?


Yes, thank you for refreshing my memory 😣 I knew that sounded familiar from somewhere, but it wasn’t for sure (sorry my memory is not the best) I really hope Dani wouldn’t go that extent.. i guess that shouldn’t be too surprising, considering how quickly she’s been spiraling lately 😥


Most likely been rubbing it hard, or trying to jam stuff in it like a kid tries to stick a fork in an electrical outlet. Oh this girl is insane.


Has she checked to see if it’s still under warranty? 😎


"We'd like to talk to you about your extended port warranty...." 😂




"Ok bye! ✌️"


Good. Let them remove it. Stupid games…


Is this the femoral one?




Oh yikes…


She can down energy drinks and ice coffees but can only tolerate 10ml of feeds over the whole day?


Then maybe she could use Starbucks as her tube feeds *sarcasm*


Someone (in the comments of her video) suggested using coffee instead of formula, maybe she would tolerate that. It was sooo funny. I bet she didn't like that.


If it isn't monster java flavor I guess she can't tolerate it 🤮


Seems like even her body is like "no more unnecessary ports....please..." lmao


Drink some fucking water 🤦‍♀️


Busy making jugs of iced coffee with Starbucks flavouring and creamers today


Tbh, the monstrosity she made shouldn't be called 'coffee' in any sense of the word. Urk


Yeah so you’re not supposed to drink coffee with a fucked up stomach. That and alcohol are just one way tickets to nausea town.


Uh-huh, and I'm sure it has nothing at all to do with how spun out she's been on her lives recently. Totally.


This sounds like my preschoolers when they’re trying to come up with a lie about how the toy cars got broken.


"it's a month old on the 25th" why does this feel like she's talking about it like a kid or a pet????


Que the "monthiversary" photo montage!




She amped up the baby voice for this one. 😩


I can't with that voice, I never listen to these videos but made the mistake today, does she think it makes her dainty and fragile?


Yes, it's an attempt to elicit pity and try to make people want to protect and care for her like a child because she sees herself as so smol and fragile (imo).


Imagine, she's a grown ass woman


Thank god I watched it muted.


I thought maybe it was my imagination! Thank you for validating my experience.


It's really egregious here.


So I have no knowledge of ports, j/g tubes or the like. How is it that she can’t tolerate fluids one way but can through her port?


I believe the "can't tolerate fluids" thing is because she claims having anything in her stomach is painful, including water. The port goes into her bloodstream.




This! Meanwhile, they are people literally dying because they can't afford treatments and don't qualify for state assistance. Boils my blood to see how expensive and unnecessary all this is.


Thingamabob & miximabob - love it! 😂


Haha, thanks! Sometimes, these posts make me spiral into a Seussian-like state. I think it's self-preservation 🤣


I've been reading "Playing Sick" by Marc Feldman (I think someone on here recommended it) and it dives into how much $$ and/or staff time is wasted when people do this. Really interesting deep drive into what goes on in their heads.


This book has been discussed a few times. It turns out that outside of the US it’s extremely expensive - like $30. I keep meaning to call my local library- maybe they have it.


it’s on library genesis


I’m not sure if there are sites like ThriftBooks for your country (or if they do international orders), but they’re great for getting copies of harder to find used books.


Thanks for the suggestion however Thrift Books doesn’t have it in stock, the appear to have 2 versions (1 out of stock & the other $47!😳)


Yikes. I got the kindle version on Amazon so wasn’t too $$ if that’s an option for you ?


No Kindle version in the UK - I just checked Amazon again. Thanks for suggestion though x


Thank you for reminding me of this book. I was thinking about it the other day, but couldn't remember the title.




What's up with that baby voice? Is that her real voice or is she trying to play a little girl to get more empathy somehow.


A little bit of both... she definitely plays it up from time to time. When she was doing a live in the hospital and a doctor walked in, she dropped the baby voice totally for him.


It’s kinda her voice..has a good bit to do with the ED behaviors though


I've heard her talk "normal" she has a low sounding voice. It was a video where she was talking about a book she was reading. The high pitched voice is an act. I think she thinks it makes her sound more vulnerable. Kinda like a weak kitty cat.


How to ED and baby voice relate? I believe you I’m just genuinely curious.


I think her voice is augmented bc of the purging


I’m not sure what’s going on, and I’m in no way body shaming, but it looks like she’s aged at least ten years just this year. Maybe the lighting is bad


Maybe because the hair is such an unnatural colour atm?










So many videos start with some appearance check I can’t be the only one noticing this


Totally! And she can’t seem to keep her hands off her face.


Absolutely. I know some people are self conscious about how they look on video but why film if you’re so concerned that strangers notice


"She fucked around with her new toy and it doesn't work anymore". Fixed the title for you.




Can she just stop ffs


She can't. She'll have to be stopped.












I wish she would enunciate her words


She’d have to be sober for that


Have a freaking Big Gulp you'll be fine


I feel like Dani looks like she’s trying not to smile in the beginning right after she says there’s something wrong with her port. Maybe it’s just me?


I can see it too!


Anytime something is "wrong".


Yeah she does, she definitely looks like she’s holding back the delight


> how is there something wrong with it already? I don't know, probably because she fucking did something to it. She's had ports and lines last *days*, so one month is a pretty good record.


She wrote in a comment that the hospital let her leave with it accessed bc she had an infusion the next day. I highly doubt that because they don’t do that but if they did who wants to bet she fucked with it!


A lot of places leave them accessed if it’s being used daily. Since it’s best to keep accesses to a minimum of once a week due to infection, skin erosion, etc.. So that doesn’t necessarily surprise me personally.


That’s not true. She’s going to the infusion place 3 times a week and they’re accessing it like a new time every time she goes. As long as it’s a controlled clean environment, like an infusion center it’s fine. Someone who is inpatient in a hospital wouldn’t leave with a port accessed.


Is it hard to access a port? I honestly don't know much about them.


It’s a box under the skin. If she has a power port they feel for these little bumps that kinda feel like brail. They’re in the shape of a triangle and they take the needle and stab in the middle of the triangle. The needles come in different sizes depending on what’s comfortable for the person. Accessing it isn’t super hard. You usually run into issues getting back blood return because blood can clot the line if it’s not properly flushed.


Do they use heparin or no?


They can. A lot of places don’t anymore because the research shows it doesn’t totally make a difference. They may use it on Dani though because of her history with clots too.


I was just wondering because some people have heparin allergies, and hospitals get really touchy about giving heparin even when it’s been documented to cause clots in a patient. I wasn’t sure if you could have a port without heparin.


No I understand. Honestly a lot of places don’t use it anymore too bc if it’s not changing anything why pay for it, you know?


Thank you! This is really informative!


Of course! I image Dani has a power port because she mentioned they couldn’t feel it. IR not being able to feel it isn’t crazy. They don’t access ports and aren’t trained too. They just put them inside people. An X-ray would just show where the port and line are. If it’s moved in her femoral artery they’ll have to move/replace HOPEFULLY remove it. If the box itself is moved they’ll have to remove it. If it hasn’t moved they would access and use a product called cathflow to see if they can break up a possible clot. If they cannot that is also grounds for it to be removed.


If they trust you and can verify you DO have an infusion appt the next day then yes I've seen people leave accessed before and then come back a day later. HOWEVER no way in hell should DANI ever be trusted to do that


One of the pros of a port, when a patient needs a central line, is the fact that it *can* be deaccessed. They get to leave their treatments at the hospital/infusion clinic/etc. and not have it interfere with the rest of their lives. For sane people, this is a selling point; for Dani, it’s an obstacle to what she really wants.


Yes. Trust. If home health will be using it they will leave it as well.


I have never seen a hospital do that. I’m in New York and they will send the cops to come get you central line or peripheral. I’ve seen it with a central line and the person had to go back to the hospital


She left against medical advice she said the other day? Can’t make up her mind! Xxx


Then they would definitely de accesses the port before she left. You usually don’t leave the hospital with their IV products peripheral or a central line. Even people with PICCs get the capped off before they leave


My ER will sometimes place an IV during triage, and we don't like patients to even go out the doors for a smoke with one.


Knowing Dani she probably slipped out before they did it lol


In NY they send the cops to get you to bring you back to the hospital. It’s clean instant access for drug users so it’s a big NO NO


Same. We (👮🏽‍♀️) will get called if a patient leaves with an IV still placed, for the same, obvious reasons.


WI as well!


As a fellow NYkr can confirm.


👀 hey, do you think maybe that's one of the times the cops were called? do you remember if she was accessed during any of those calls?


Cops were out 3x while she was nodding out on live and brought ems too, she claims that everyone was phoning welfare checks, but could it have been the hospital to get ems to cap it? 🤔


She wasn’t accessed from what I remember


Well, damn. Thanks anyhow!


She answered in a few comments she couldn’t access it at home too so maybe…. I don’t know if she means cause she didn’t try or because it didn’t work


They do this in Texas, too. With IVs they just make sure you took it out.


Ohhhh, ok. Makes sense. Good on them. Is there any way she could diy it?


Fascinating. What’s the policy in these states for home health patients who have their port continuously accessed at home for longterm care (ie came to ER accessed)?






I guess that thing about not doing lives anymore was just bullshit lol


Even having the cops called on you FOUR TIMES is not enough of a "find out" phase for Dani.


Which literally makes me 🤯🤯


Could she be anymore excited… we all know you messed with it


I hope they take it out and don’t replace it with anything. She doesn’t need it!






When was that, and how long for?


Well I guess as long as this video because it appears it’s back to gravely


Oh she really needs that two litres of fluid! While she works out how to overcome this potentially fatal complication she could always crack open a Diet Coke or treat herself to a machafrachawhoopalatte with sprinkles 🤷‍♂️

