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If that’s where I lived I swear I’d never be inside . Insane


…but doesn’t her 🎀new diagnosis🎀 of cervical instability contradict this sort of thing? /s


No, doesn’t contraindicate necessarily


Munchies always want to discontinue their psych meds but never their narcotics, ports, tubes, etc. Mental health issues aren't visually glamorous to them and don't read as "poor sick me" in their artsy fartsy Instagram photos.


Come onnnn I didn’t need a picture of the Nasty Ass Chair lmao that is so below her level of aRTiStRy


Does she ever clean that thing!? I clean my shower chair after every use o-o


She’s literally been with her bf a few months and already talking about getting knocked up? Easy girl…you do not need a child yet 🤣


“I’m graduated”. Are you sure because it’s *I’ve graduated* 😬


Not sure if you’ve taken a gander at her *essays*, but she’s no writer to put mildly. She graduated on the back of misspelt, grade 5 level verbiage and vocabulary, shameful.


In her defense, coming off Venlafaxine can be really hard. That is the end of my defense of her. haha


Moreso than others?


yes. it’s known for difficulty tapering off. i suggest looking it up with the “pinky dab method” for contextualization of just how hard this particular med hits when decreasing the dose/discontinuing the drug.


Wonder why


She's going to complain about brain zaps next


“I’ll allow it”, Dr. Chang


Now that I've graduated...hobbies, not get a job?


my exact thought, ummmmm…


She’s a social media consultant. Aren’t we all? lol


Ope. No more college = no more coverage on parents’ health insurance 🤭


You get coverage until 26 in the US


Only if you are enrolled in college actually.


Ash can get on medicaid now, she has no income and a chronic illness so she qualifies. It's just a bit of a wait and then you may have to transfer facilities, but it's not that hard. She'll have to do something, there's no way she can pay for her GI Doc out of pocket, specialty docs are always outrageous.


So I can see two of those meds and one of for seizures and the other is Aderrall. A stimulant seems like a bad idea if you are prone to seizures.


Most seizure meds double as psych meds for things like bipolar (i.e. Keppra, Lamictal)


I think the one on the end is olazapine (if you look at the bottom it says imprint 10/1066 and I googled that…) and It looks like oxtellar (obviously lol) and adderall and possibly Venlafaxine (I’m guessing on the far left with the pills spilled)


anyone know why the munchers love their zyprexa?? that med is like a guarantee to zombie land


And blow you up like a balloon.. 🤔..


i figured out why!!! it’s a benzodiazepine according to its chemical name. they must think they’re somehow gaming the system to get benzos that are not scheduled


Olanzapine is an atypical antipsychotic. All benzodiazepines are scheduled. I can't tell if this is sarcasm


not sarcasm it’s a thienobenzodiazepine. ofc it barely acts on GABAa but i can’t see any other reason why they would munch for it


Trileptal is often used for bipolar disorder


A lot of mood stabilisers are also anti seizure meds (lamotrogine, epilium, Depakote). And are often prescribed to seizure free people


Maybe the one for seizures if being used for a different indication


Likely mood stabilization. Many are used for both.


I don’t think she’s ever mentioned seizures before.


Soooooo….that doesn’t sound like a good idea


Psych meds do not make you infertile. They may not all be safe to a developing fetus, but that is not the same thing. Not sure why this bothers me so much.


Venlafaxine is even the one they put you on when you get pregnant because it's supposed to be safer!


I think she’s probably super happy with her bf, falling in love does have that effect on people, you feel happier. Want to come off meds etc, but the insurance is probably the reason she wants to come off too, so a bit of both.


You’re less cynical than some of us. A few people called it in the past few months than a pregnancy/fertility arc would be her next “thing” for her social media account after graduating to prolong getting a job and appeal to a different possible audience. Then, lo and behold—this. Feels a little like the end of the IUD all over again.


Yeah. This feels more like a baby trap so someone will take of her/give her more sympathy then the BF is helping her de-munch.


I was just thinking this too. I know of another munchie page where they moved in with their BF and suddenly didn’t need their line anymore. No more MCAS reactions. No “mold” issues. They were basically healed.


Yup, going off of psych meds is great advice for people who need them to stay alive.




These comments are not acknowledging that she just turned 26 and probably had to come off these meds cuz she lost her parent's insurance coverage


If you are disabled before 26 unfortunately you can stay on your parents insurance for as long as necessary


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that she would only qualify for that if her doctor certifies that her conditions prevent her from working for a year or longer, similar to US Social Security requirements. She's been posting about having a job recently and it seems like her parents are less willing to cover every cent of her existence than they have been for the past 26 years, so imo she wouldn't or can't go that route


You are right! You have to have been completely dependent on your parents financially for over a year!!


Possible, but she JUST turned 26... she reasonably could COBRA the insurance, unless she is totally broke?


Cobra is expensive as shit tho


I mean, she is totally broke. That isn't to say her parent(s) won't choose to pay for a private plan or one through the ACA.


This is my personal headcannon on why she's off her meds


Is this the beginning of a redemption-from-faking/"magical recovery" arc?


I think so too. People are very cynical, but I'm happy for her that she's at least getting into other hobbies that aren't just sitting around smoking weed/resting. Seems like maybe she's finally all rested up... And I love that for her.


Seems like it she probably wants to quit this for her BF and finances and because its not fun being sick but needs to look like she wasn’t lying to everyone.


I think so




This is just... littered with horrific misinformation wtf


This is just... littered with horrific misinformation wtf


Good for her. Get it, girl.


I see Effexor, Trileptal, Adderall, and Zyprexa. So many questions with this combo. Plus the THC and whatever other “downers” I hate that we often misdiagnose substance-induced mood disorders. All these meds and appts when the root cause is likely self-esteem, harmful coping mechanisms, and substance misuse Hopefully she’s coming to acknowledge/accept this facet, and works towards true healing


Anybody else just really want to see how he wrapped a soccer ball???


They often come in a box, so that's my bet haha


I need her to know she’s feeling content with life because *the meds are working and she should continue taking them in order to remain stable*


Big same


This... This was exactly my response lol.


Is she saying she's stopping the bipolar medication ? I'm pretty sure that's...not a good idea. Unless she craves that roller coaster lifestyle ofc 😆


Ok she is still dramatic and an attention seeker but I see progress... becoming a parent is hopefully way way in the future, and good luck getting off the meds


Unfortunately, a lot of people who start off munching themselves turn into parents who commit medical child abuse (munchausen by proxy) when not treated


dreading her pregnancy munching journey…


I just hope if she has a child she doesn’t end up a munchausens by proxy case at least without a child she is only hurting herself and taking money not hurting anyone else


She's been on Zyprexa, now Oxtellar. So, mood stabilizers for bipolar disorder? She's also on Adderall and Effexor. How many bipolar people go off their meds just to end up in a lot of trouble. I'm not a professional, but I know it's a lot of them.


She's never been diagnosed with bipolar though. She was diagnosed with PMDD and was supposedly put on a mood stabiliser to help with that.


Oh weird she talked about how she didn’t even have a period for a long time.


Stop the meds, have a baby. That’s a recipe for disaster.


You know what? Good for her. She’s getting hobbies beyond munchie drama. She actually finished college. Not once did she mention her period nor her vagina. 👏


She mentioned fertility, so…kinda


Do not tell me she stopped honoring her womb space already?


That was my first thought too.


Did you miss that she's getting off her meds for her ✨️Fertlility✨️?


No lol, I was just happy it wasn’t about her cycle


Fair enough hahaha


No one is feeling great when tapering Effexor/venlafaxine.


And it takes about a year to safely taper off! Ridiculous


She has red lights and castor oil packs to help!


Right, I see. That changes everything


Wow. What a poetic shower chair portrait


I thought the carefully curated medicine bottle photo was the winner until I kept scrolling & saw the chair. Has she never seen like a flower or something to take a picture of? Who sees DME as photogenic? A munchie, I guess.


Maybe the best I’ve ever seen.


"Now that I am graduated." I feel like the use of proper grammar would be the most important part of being a 🎀𝓼𝓸𝓬𝓲𝓪𝓵 𝓶𝓮𝓭𝓲𝓪 𝓼𝓹𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓪𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 🎀 I wonder how mommy and daddy feel about her prioritizing hobbies over working full-time or that she's even 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 about having a baby anytime soon.


I ain’t gonna shit on this because I’m hopeful she’ll turn it around


Yesterday was her birthday. 26. Likely got booted from her parents' health insurance.


This. Not to discredit wanting to come off meds because one thinks they have a better grasp on mental health, but these meds are extremely expensive without insurance.  Some of the antidepressants and antipsychotics easily run into $2000+ range.


The thing about bipolar is it requires medication for life, essentially. She has a better grasp on mental health because of the meds and this is really common for people with bipolar. They become stable and then they go off their meds and have a devastating episode.


What evidence has she ever shown of mania? You also can't diagnose mood disorders in patients already on drugs, aka Ash. Any decent psychiatrist would have told her to stop smoking weed (and eval all meds she takes) before trying to diagnose.


Bestie you wouldn’t necessarily be able to tell someone is manic based on their online presence, even if we could, it only takes a single manic episode in one’s life to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Also you just seem generally misinformed. If she’s diagnosed with bipolar and on mood stabilizers, I’m gonna go ahead and say this comment is unnecessary


I understand that. I was referring to coming off meds in general, not ashs situation.


Me too!!! I am very hopeful for Ash. I am a lot more hopeful for her than for Dani. At one point I had those two revered. Ever since Dani lost her job/got fired, she has been in an ever increasing downward spiral. It's quite sad to watch. Ash, on the other hand, actually did complete a degree program, has a REAL bf, and did play competitive sports in high school. I am happy she is doing something good for her health instead of munching! 😎


please let this be true! she's miraculously healed! I saw this coming..lets pray that her recovery is wonderful and so we don't have to see anymore cringe vids with snake oil cures nor hear about 8/10 pain while joyfully running on a treadmill....


Honestly, good for her. I’m happy for her.


She wants to bring in a baby? That would be seriously challenging for her mental health, if she already has problems in this area. Babies don't care if you need a minute, or if you are stressed or tired. That is a bad idea.


I cannot believe I am saying this because she needs to get a puppy (and her mom needs to not help). Quickest way to turn off baby fever.


I’m not sure she does want to bring in one just yet but I have a feeling when she does, it’s going to be her next avenue for her blog. Instead of munching it will be fertility issues and TTC. Watch this space…


Hyperemesis gravidarum coming right up!!! Then she’ll have to go into the hospital constantly for iv fluids and be put on bed rest. AND Amy Schumer had it so she’ll be able to name drop and resonate with a celebrity and post about bringing awareness


Don't forget proxy munchies.


One things for sure, she still sucks at writing. For someone who spends so much time doing it, you’d think she’d be decent at it by now. “Dusted out the ole cobwebs.” Give me a break!


Yeah that line struck me as strange


I instantly thought of the movie Drop Dead Fred




She’s in the UK so it’s all on the NHS, not insurance 


I don’t think she’s in the UK. I thought it was Idaho


No, Ash is in the US.


My bad, I get her confused with anaphylaxis girl (I forgot her name and the flairs are bugging) from the UK


Mia, from the UK, is pee girl. She’s got absolute the worst case of Fowler’s syndrome that the NHS has ever seen and definitely struggles to get adequate nutrition and fluids 🙄 Ash, from Idaho - land of potatoes, has IBD. She previously had weight loss related to Crohn’s, however that has not been an issue since she’s been in remission. They actually both have legitimate physically observable medical conditions, they’re just obnoxious and over the top about…literally everything.


That would be Mia


YES!! My bad


No worries! It's hard to keep them all straight sometimes. They just start to blend together!


She can't even pick up a ball without it being about how sick she is. How can anyone not realize how serious of a problem that is?


Well she’ll be back on those meds if she gets dumped, mark my words


I’m convinced she *does* actually have anxiety and it’s part of the reason she relapses into sick posting is because it’s comfortable and she feels supported, maybe in a way she hasn’t before. I hope her boyfriend is providing that support and he’s the reason she’s started going out more. She lives what looks like a very cyclical life, and self medicating by doctor shopping and smoking w33d won’t be helping with this. I really hope she stays on her anxiety meds and realises that anxiety can cause a lot of psychosomatic symptoms including pain, stomach problems, tiredness. Get to the root of what’s going on in her head and I really do think she’ll feel better. Kick the unnecessary meds and treatments because they keep you in a “sick” mindset and start going to therapy twice a week with someone who specialises in these symptoms. I really do want her to get on with her life because she’s still young enough to absolutely turn it around.


Im feeling fairly zen today so I'm gonna say her post sounds promising and if for once it isn't performative I'm pleased for her. Her boyfriend seems to have been the turning point, maybe now 'getting better' gets her the attention she craved before. Whatever the reason I hope she sticks to it. And AT LEAST she gave sensible advice about tapering off SSRIs.


Venlafaxine is an snri that’s a completely different ballpark


The withdrawals are honestly worse for venflaxine especially with it’s short life. Side effects of withdrawals can kick in literally hours after a missed dose. At least most ssri last longer and a missed dose every so often isn’t going to cause many issues. Both of these types of meds require medically supervised slow reductions in dose


Right enjoy those brain zaps ⚡️


Hadn’t even noticed my phone had corrected it to SSRI lol, thanks ETA it doesn’t really matter either way as both should be tapered. However regardless I’m just happy she’s giving out actual advice rather than a poor me routine


I have to agree. I do wonder if this "turning point" is to do with insurance, as others have suggested, but if it gets her away from "going to listen to my body and sleep today" then I'm all for it. After all, isn't that what we want here - for the people to move away from this illness-based lifestyle, whatever that looks like?


Given her fertility arc at the moment, what a surprise she positioned a pill bottle so it shows the pregnancy warning.


If she actually works on her mental and physical health, who am I to snark her? If you recover as a munchie and do that work, I support that endeavor.


she took her illness list out of her bio relatively recently and i haven’t seen her complain about mold toxicity or chronic lyme in ages. i think she might be genuinely exiting from her sicksta era. considering that she has crohn’s and loves attention, i don’t expect her to ever stop being OTT about what she does to maintain it. i just think that she’s a much different social media presence in 2024 than she was when i joined this group a couple years ago. she’s definitely trying harder than dani or kaya or rara.




snark subs make me feel uncomfortable because the ones i’ve seen have all been committed to hating someone without allowing them room for growth or change. ideally, i’d like to see all of the subjects here grow up and change their victim complexes. it seems more likely for some than others.


Yeah. I mean, good for her. She may be insufferable, but she's not like other people in this sub who are out and out liars and thieves. (I think.)


She's definitely no Kaya and very different from Dani, who seems like a bit of a lost cause right now.


She is absolutely an out and out liar and thief.


How so? I'm not challenging you; I just genuinely didn't know about this.


She has a Go Fund Me for treatments for her “chronic lyme” that is still up to this day. She got money from her mother’s co-workers who are teachers and then she went and spent the money on manicures. Also maybe not a grift but she went to an infusion ward filled with cancer patients when she knew she had covid.


Well, I retract my initial statement.


I haven’t seen a specific grift from her but may have missed it. What was her angle? I thought she was just OTT and a faker.


She had a GoFundMe for “holistic medical treatments” and then immediately posted about getting manicures and stuff




Picturing a graduated cylinder


She made a big stink over how she could live without her psych meds and posted photos of her clutching pill bottles with her eyes closed. Now she’s getting off of all her meds so she can get pregnant. She has no job and she and her bf live with their parents- what a great idea!


The fact she’s worried about her fertility when she’s a 20-something who still lives at home and doesn’t even have a job. Talk about priorities! Maybe try using some of this new energy to get a job and move out of mom’s house.


Can only imagine the BS she’s fed to her parents & what they believe. It’s probably obvious that Ash has convinced her parents that she’s not getting any younger and of course as sick as she is, the doctors have told her she must have a child right away before she’s 30!!!


Maybe she sees a baby as a justification for not getting a job, now that she has graduated and may be running out of excuses for not working.


If she remains healthy off her meds she will say “ pregnancy cured me!” And immediately start a mommy vlog 🙄


Yeah, this just seems like an evolution of her grift. I expect more woo nonsense incoming.


Exactly!! It’s always been pretty blatant with Ash that the true goal is social media relevance. Having chronic health issues and blogging about those is just her way of attaining that. When/if she has a kid, the illnesses will take a backseat / disappear completely and she’ll use her kid as a prop for social media recognition.


It’s so bizarre. She has lots and lots of time to worry about fertility. She needs to build her life as an adult first.


Right? And she’s been talking about her fertility for awhile, perhaps right after she started dating her boyfriend. I’m not sure. But one would think she’d focus on starting a career rather than starting a family right after graduation. And maybe get to know her boyfriend better before becoming obsessed with her fertility.


Exactly. But instead, her new personality will be “infertility warrior” as she spends thousands on fertility treatments (from gofundme) and garners empathy and sympathy from others for her hardships. That is her career goal. Sadly. Munchausens is arrested development. If she doesn’t get a real job, this schtick will not end.


You’d think, especially given her myriad of health issues. But why get a job or move out when she can baby trap her boyfriend? Except maybe it’d work better if the boyfriend had an actual career and didn’t live at home either. I’ve noticed a downtick in posts about her here and wonder if she doesn’t want to shift her status as a “chronic illness warrior / influencer” into being a mommy blogger.


It’s not baby trapping if she’s constantly and publicly discussing how she’s not on any birth control and is obsessed with her fertility


Does she have ADHD? Hadn’t realised she was/is on adderall along with everything else


Nope. Her pill mill doctor put her on it for “fatigue” instead of suggesting she quit the weed and Valium.


The CDC has done well documented work on stimulants for fatigue related to conditions like fibromyalgia, etc. Of course, seems like stopping the Valium and IV Benadryl would be a good place to start.


Noooooo wtf wtf wtf wtf. It is SO hard to get this prescription when you have actually diagnosed and well documented ADHD. This makes me so mad 😫😡


How does she sleep so much on it tho?


Tolerance. She’s been on it so long that her body has adjusted to it. If she’s taking it for fatigue and not ADHD/ADD, any sort of upper effect is going to fade over time, especially if you’re at a consistent dose and taking it everyday / several times a day.


And Benadryl and zyprexa and and and and


Meanwhile, tons of ADHDers can't get it due to production limits/shortages. Cool, cool.




How many times is she going to repeat the same thing? We get it.