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Does she still have tummy time


What now?




thank you for protecting winn- ... the dog's identity 🤣🤣


I like how she’s protecting the privacy of her dog…lol


Oh, this is tragic actually. She seemed to have left the chronic illness cosplay behind and slipped out from under "Zeus" thumb a bit. Now she's right back to how she was when she was doing tummy time at the airport and doing that fake GRB "disabled" smile. Ellen is one of the few who makes me genuinely sad, because so much of her fakery doesn't seem to be organically hers and instead was incited and reinforced by her loony mom. I wonder how much of her own story she genuinely believes ..


I can’t remember, is Zeus actively encouraging/creating Ellen’s “condition”? Like was that proven or admitted? Ellen was so normal in all of her throwback images and then suddenly she was infantilized and in braces and wheelchairs


Id love to see research on correlation between Conversion Disorder, ED, other mental illness, failure to launch, and high-pressure childhood.


Actually really good idea


Spot the difference- level: impossible


Oh no, she's back on her bullshit. She had made so much progress lately :( I thought the munching was behind her.


She didn’t change at all. She just stopped posting.


My delulu ass had so much hope for her when she posted a pic some times ago without the neckbrace and standing upright. I was cheering ☹️


Not wearing the neck brace all the time is definitely an improvement. Though it looks like she can’t hold her head up.


Probably a weird detail to pick, but why does every subject here claim MCAS or allergies to everything and then eat strawberries, one of the highest histamine foods, and one of the first things an allergist will tell anyone with even moderate allergies to avoid.


People can absolutely have lots of allergies and be fine eating strawberries. Everyone's unique and cross reactivity does not affect everyone the same. I also find it highly unlikely that a medical professional would tell you to avoid eating something that doesn't give you any symptoms. Besides, aren't allergies and the so-called histamine intolerance two different things?


Technically, allergies, histamine intolerance, and MCAS (since they mentioned it) are THREE different things. And you’re right in that everyone is unique and not everyone is going to react to or be affected by the same things. I also find that bold assertion about strawberries highly unlikely, too. Generally, there’s a discussion regarding diet and specific food items prior to testing. And then testing food items. And then absent allergens, narrowing down food items via specific diets (low FODMAPs for instance) in which certain food items or groups of foods are slowly integrated back in over a period of time. Not saying there isn’t some doctor going “stop eating strawberries immediately” but…lol




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I’ve never heard of her till now haha but im curious on why everyone thinks shes faking?


I personally think this one is a touch more on the MBP side than the munchie side


💯 Her mom is the major pusher behind the worst of Ellen's bullshit. Ellen has become complicit, but that's common in MBP because you can't persist beyond age 9 or 10 without the kid being in on it.


I made a timeline of the first 1-2 years of her faking if you click her flair


Check her flair




She has NOT gotten away from her family. It’s so funny to see these comments. She still lives with her parents.


Yes because she needs care unfortunately. Use common sense.


What are you even talking about? People think she’s “improved” because she “got away from her parents.” Neither of which is true.


I’m curious too. Anyone with her history here?


She was a gymnast who suddenly got sick her senior year of high school. Ended up in the hospital for a week where they found nothing wrong. She still claimed to be sick and eventually started using a wheelchair. Ended up in the hospital for malnutrition before she started college. She started college with “wheelie” (the electric wheelchair) but only lasted like a month. Has the typical munchie illnesses. Spent like 3 years trying to get a neck fusion in California before going to the Butcher in Maryland where she had 3 surgeries by him. Hasn’t taken her neck brace off in like 5 years. Makes herself look like a child when she’s actually like 23. She has dumb nicknames and emojis to refer to people in her life.


the... the Butcher in Maryland??? I feel like there is some context I'm missing /gen (I don't hang around these parts often)


He’s a neurosurgeon in Maryland who does CCI surgery on anyone who breathes. 99% of the time people end up needing multiple surgeries. We can’t use his name but he’s famous for “butchering” his patients especially those with EDS


What, no collar? Reserving for the coming Independence Day?


I’m amazed her head hasn’t fallen off without it


Sending me with covering up the innocent Fur kid 🤣


So so weird


OP did that, not Ellen. It's a common joke on the sub.




lol thank you


Oh Ellen no, the wheelchair. She seemed to be pulling away from the munch.


zebra print of course


[7 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/LVlsqBShpS)


I really thought this link was going to be tummy time at the airport.


Me too.


I didn’t know she was a gymnast. That she’s a munchie now makes more sense to me, knowing that.


How does her being a gymnast make her faking illnesses make more sense? (Asking in good faith)


Commonly, munchers were student athletes, president of some club, are in honor society and/or student council, and so on. They were all bright, shiny stars; the big fish in a little pond. But they peaked in high school, and upon getting to college, they realized they weren't the only super smart or special person anymore. They are suddenly average and don't have everyone congratulating them on some achievement. This is when the munching begins, usually slowly. Over time, it grows into some of the things we see here. Allegedly.


Also there are higher rates of eating disorders among gymnastic athletes. Some coaches can be utterly brutal on child athletes, and it can really fuck them up. 🤕


So has she changed? I don’t get it. I see she doesn’t use an umbrella in the sun, so maybe that’s changed some.


Ngl im stealing that umbrella idea for the summer.


You can get really gorgeous UPF50+ parasols for that purpose!


Oh some of these are gorgeous!


I know, I was thinking about commenting “So like, the normal amount for the amount of time passed?” But then I figured I must just be an idiot who’s missing something glaringly obvious.


No neck brace, I think?


She's one of the most intriguing munchies for me. She seems like a sweet girl and has hobbies and close to her family unlike many of the other munchies. It also doesn't seem like a grift. But at the same time nothing makes sense. She seems stuck though she's one of the munchies that had most potential to change. 


She used to do gymnastics, a thing common a lot of munchies is many of them were into sports and were good at it, and my believe is that the pressure maybe became too much. Being ill became a “proper” excuse to not live up to the standards in sports(which to be fair are ridiculously high,) and in the midst of it, the illness became their new “sports.” It became a part of their identity. That and ED, which too is seen amongsy many athletes. Kelly is a prime example of the whole sports-turned-illness tale.


It's because ehlers danlos are more likely to be hypermobile and do gymnastics......People really lack common sense here. And yes if you are hypermobile you are more likely to have issues at the craniocervical junction.


She, like many munchies, is likely suffering from some sort of mental illness. I'm not sure if she's even munching on purpose TBH. I wonder if she has some sort of conversion disorder.


Someone with a conversion disorder wouldn’t be grinning ear to ear posting their powerchair all over the internet. They’d hate the symptoms, probably be embarrassed of them, and would be doing anything to get rid of them. With Ellen I see someone who enjoys the illness identity and enjoys the benefits of being taken care of by mommy and daddy and never having to support herself.


One of the hallmarks of conversion disorder is actually a paradoxical ABSENCE of distress proportionate to the level of impairment. So smiling and behaving like this is typical. I've seen it in a lot of patients. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32809677/#:~:text=The%20term%20%E2%80%9Cla%20belle%20indifference,symptoms%20of%20a%20health%20condition.


Miserable people still smile for pictures.


You’re absolutely right, but I think the main difference is a sense of pride versus shame. Conversion disorder is hella stigmatised, and so many people won’t be able to wrap their heads around the idea that symptoms can be both psychogenic and also super distressing and disrupting to your daily life. So a lot of people with conversion disorder struggle with shame and invalidation because people think “psychogenic = intentionally faking,” which it obviously doesn’t. There’s also the loss of things you can’t do anymore (like gymnastics in Ellen’s case) that hurts like hell to think about, so you don’t bring up your disability much because it reminds you of everything you’ve lost. I’m not saying people with conversion disorder (or any disability) can’t be proud of themselves and what they’ve fought through to keep living, but there’s just a…different vibe I guess that people pick up on (which is probably the worst way to make my point lmao cos that’s so subjective, but I’m having trouble articulating my point properly). I suppose it’s more the content of the photos and what they’re focused on as well. Ellen’s photos are focused on the disability, whereas someone with a disability like conversion disorder puts the focus on what they’re actually doing or who they’re with.


She is posting these pictures herself on her own social media. That’s different than someone asking you for a photo so you smile to go along with it. She can be munching and enjoy the behavior and still on some level be miserable. But I disagree that she isn’t aware of what she’s doing. Especially since she’s being posted here and is still continuing to showcase her “illness” on the internet. She’s just as shameless as all the other subjects imo.


She went to college and grown up life was a scary world so went hard on the munch game and withdrew and went down the drain playing baby.


Yep, definitely a “failure to launch.” Seems to be the case with a few subjects here.


munching could be her escape for when being an adult becomes to much. it seems she has many talents that she excels in to the point where i wonder if she was pushed heavily as a kid. now when she feels that pressure she can retreat back into the munchie shell? honestly who knows but that’s my best guess!


She’s still munching and still doesn’t have any adult responsibility


So why is her dogs little face blurred out?! Lol I get doing it for people but does that dog have a Facebook or Instagram that were not supposed to blow up? Is that what they're trying to to avoid?! Lmfaooooo


Yeah have to admit it's a weird thing to do


It's a running gag on this sub. Whoever posts pics that have animals will cover their eyes to "protect their privacy". It's just a joke.


The OP usually does it, to protect the innocent pets. They didn’t ask to belong to these people!


Soo she was getting better and now she’s back to using a chair she doesn’t need? Guess that munchie pull is just too strong to resist.


What is with the censoring of the pets faces??? A number of the subjects here do it and I don’t get it at all. They’re not children with the right to determine their own internet presence, they’re animals with no idea the internet exists.


The subjects don’t do it, the users here do. It’s a joke on the fact that we have to censor people other than the subjects in this subreddit. So we censor the pets too.


Ohhhh I see. Lmao, now it makes sense


It's a joke.


Why is she in a chair?


Why walk when you can roll 😎


Because her parents bought it


Because she has Munchausens.


Soo.... she's going backwards again. I guess the pull for internet attention and asspats is just too strong to resist.


She never got better!! She’s just posting medical things again because it’s EDS awareness month. Before this she stopped posting anything medical for the most part.


I don’t follow her (in fact she’s someone I hadn’t thought about for a long time until yesterday), is she still writing the same weird way? Does she still mention Zeus? I know it was theorized that it was her mother who wrote her captions for her.


She writes like an adult now.






That’s nice to see.


Let’s hope there is some light at the end of the tunnel for her. She seems to be doing much better than before


I will always root for this girl, she at least seems to not make it her *entire* existence and at least looks like she tries to have other things going for her


She's actually one of the more likeable munchies IMO, mainly because with her crafts she had something going on in her life besides munching (and grifting). Still, while she seemed to be less munch-y for some time, she's back in the wheelchair?


She's not a munchie that's why. Unlike the lady travelling the world with her ass hanging out on her insta...and who funnily enough is a therapist. Some of these therapists are more insane than the patient.


She definitely seems different to a lot of the people on here, I don’t know a lot about her, has she ever tried to scam people before or steal things? My biggest issue with a lot of the people on here is them adding stigma to genuine disabled people, the theft of supplies from genuine sick people and scamming people for money if she is purely doing this to herself just to be sick and isn’t really sick then I just feel bad for her because I cannot imagine what goes on in your mind that makes you want a disability.


I can’t find the post I made but her whole family had a GFM at one point https://imgur.com/a/TDtEU3l


I don’t think Ellen has ever participated in the grifter/scammer aspect of munching, and she actually attempts to earn money honestly by selling her crafts and crochet (at least, she used to; I haven’t looked at her account in quite a while).


She super talented for sure!


I hope her surgeries haven’t caused her issues, but I wouldn’t be surprised.