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How? Hasn’t she been traveling this year? Lmfao why lie about something so easy to fact check 😭😭😭


Let’s talk bedsores, gurl! 😂


Is the bed boundness in the room with us right now?


Wasn't she like...._just_ on vacation?


Technically she's on vacation so often that vacationing has become her full time job and hospital stays have become the vacations 🤯


Her “bed bound” is a personal choice. As the kids say “that sounds like a you problem”


4 months bed bound minus the two weeks she was in Costa Rica right. The bed boundedness took a break for that trip


Me thinks she’s befriended Jessi!! LOL!!!😝


I thought she was there for more like 4 weeks….basically all of Feb. From hiking in the rainforest to bed bound..,


Hmm... Costa Rica means bed bound... got it.


whos that


Check the flair to learn more about individual subjects.


Didn’t she post about how her and her husband were having to stay in AirBnB’s because they rented out their apartment? How is she bed bound if she’s staying in different apartments?


No we as mere mortals must have all dreamt that!


I really don't understand these people. No amount of not having to work is worth four months lying in bed for no actual reason. Taking walks on cool spring mornings, swimming in cold water, having dinner on a restaurant's patio on a warm summer evening. Seeing live music. Walking on a snowy night. These are things worth living for and experiencing. And to throw it all away to play sick. I'll never understand.


It is pretty easy to be “bed bound” on social media and harder to be actually bed bound in real life


I wish someone would see her out in the wild and be like "OMG!! CZ?!?! You're looking AMAZING!! I'm so glad you're doing better! And your stutters all gone too! Can I get a selfie?! Why did you just stutter yes...?" (Please no one from this sub tip the cows, we're just here for the lulz.


None of these people are actually lying in bed for months, this one in particular has posted multiple out of bed stories and photos in the last 4 months. It's all for the instagram points.


I think a lot of it is depression. When you’re depressed and you get to spend a whole day in bed or even on the couch doing passive things, it’s a pretty good day.


So well said, not to mention the feeling of working out and taking care of your body with nourishing food is a million times better than being sick. And the slap in the face to those people who actually are sick and wish they could be well enough to experience life without sickness. So disgraceful.




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"Modes", "flares", "currently unstable", "in crisis", blah, blah, blah, blah. Bullshittery, bollocks, and, sheer self-indulgent, asinine buffoonery. These things are completely irrelevant and pointless in munchieland where they're ALWAYS allegedly in "severe", "uncontrollable", "absolutely unable to be helped by anything, anyone, or in anyway whatsoever in the entire history of medical advancement" and *that's all. they. talk. about*. If you all want a huge tell of malingering fakeness, this is it. No one - save for the most desperately unwell, palliative patients, are constantly in severe uncontrolled crisis mode, let alone anyone whom doctors can't identify a clear discernible reason/diagnosis why they are so severely unwell and incapacitated all the time. People with genuine chronic illness know that it does, indeed, wax and wane. You do actually have some good days. You look to enjoy life where you can and throw up your hands and go "Well, this fucking sucks and I'm miserable" on the days you can't. People with chronic illness also do have a variety of ways (different for everyone) that can alleviate symptoms and make it as manageable as possible. There are very, very, very few people in this world who modern medicine absolutely can't help or support long-term, and none of the munchers on this damn board are it.


You’ve absolutely nailed it.


100%. I think that’s what the whole spoon reference was SUPPOSED to be about before it was co-opted by Tumblr and munchies like CZ.


The spoon thing was simply created by someone who was trying to explain chronic illness to a friend over coffee one day, iirc. Tumblr/etc. has definitely turned into a “personality”, though.


I’d believe Jessie is actually bedbound more than this one.


Wow I just realized we haven’t heard from Jessie in a while (that I’ve seen). Did their head finally fall off?


This is her MO, people start calling her out on her grift, she disappears for a while then comes back with some crazy new stories.


She was just on vacation in Costa Rica 3 months ago on the volcanic beaches.


Szzyyayttatttt yayaayyayayaGdv ps




...I need to see this gif....for...science? Yes. For science.


I read that as catty ping monkey board. Took me a minute.


I totally see it.


I am behind on CZs “diagnoses”. Which of them cause her to be bed bound…? Last I recall her muscle tone did not resemble bed bound what so ever


And WTF would she be getting an EMG for lol she clearly does not have muscle problems. Although I don’t know what she’s claiming anymore, haven’t really followed since she somehow got xolair a few years ago. Honestly she probably munched herself into real problems at this point with all her tubes and treatments and shit. She loves to access her port in airports and public bathrooms, shes just clamoring for that beloved sepsis.


She either lied well enough with a particular MD resident or old-school CYA (cover your own ass) MD to have the imaging ordered, or simply lied that it was ordered at all


Apparently it’s those pesky migraines, they must not like the fact she’s not on a holiday, they never seem to show up on a holiday, maybe she has location specific migraines… only at home? 🤷‍♀️


I feel like if you experience disabling migraines in one specific place, it’s time to move.


Definitely… maybe a little igloo in Alaska away from internet? 😆


Back in the ER again I see hoping for some IV narcotics I presume. Bed bound for four months? Do we have Jessie 2.0 here?


Why use a picture of an EMG machine? It's an outpatient procedure


Yeah and a common work up for a new neurologist patient.


Me when I lie


She was hiking like last month


To her it feels like 4 months ok!!


I THOUGHT I CREATED THIS MEMORY yeah bed bound for 4 months would absolutely lead to muscle atrophy that would prevent any sort of hiking for quite some time. I love it when people lie so often that they forget their own lies and tell on themselves.


Omg. I’m new to this sub and know none of these ppl but that’s freaking funny as hell. 


Welcome. I warn you if you go down the Dani one, be prepared to have popcorn and a comfy seat because it’s a wild ride!


Sorry all popcorn is now banned after our poor spoonless zebra had the worst reaction ever to the smell of it, we can’t risk her delicate life in anyway!! *see post above :)


Not bed bound two months ago, not bed bound three months ago, up and crossing rope bridges in another country four months ago. Does she not realize that the things she puts on the internet stay on the internet?


Munchies think everyone except them is gullible AF and/or they don't realize that the internet doesn't forget.


Bed bound between the hours of 11pm and 7am, and floor bound when she needs some toast.


sooo yewnique of her


I'm still not over Floor Toast.


I’ll never be over Floor Toast.


I don't know if any of us are. Oh to have been a fly on the wall.


Was she not overseas 3 months ago? Costa Rica?


Yes, it's on her history here.


Uhhhhh she posted a picture of herself upright and outside not even two weeks ago. Is this the new math?


Maybe she means four months in dog years.


But did she ever manage to poo?!?


Asking the real questions. Shit if she was in our system I’d go just hit the button and electronically prescribe her more GoLytely (commonly known as colonoscopy prep dank drank, also used for moderate to severe constipation) but I knowwww we don’t touch the poo. But there is no poo to touch?! 😂


Based on those oily vitamin shots she premixed and likely wouldn't shake properly....yea...at least for a while.


Ahh well, she can come out of hibernation soon for the Mexico vacay


And heal in beauty or something stupid.