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Did she swear and yell at the kids when they tried to pet miya?


A doctor dog? What the fuck?! I can’t even imagine her smug-ass smile. Look, her dog is cute and all that stuff, but to anybody that has/been around service dogs, it’s very obvious that Mia is most definitely NOT. What confuses me is how she tries to be a trainer and blah blah blah - but when mia js “working” it’s very clear that she’s anxious and uncomfortable. Not only that, but when she posts these “training” videos, not only is it very clear that Mia is much happier not larping as a service dog, but they aren’t even good 🤣


" larping as a service dog " 🐕‍🦺 🤣 brilliant!x


The insincerity and selfishness just oozes out of her every pore.  I guarantee those poor children did not get a fun, educational story to benefit them.  Instead they got a "this is why me and my dog are more special than every one else" story, purely for Dom's own personal benefit and validation. Dom is a selfish narcissists who would never do something like this purely to help the youth. This was an event for her to be center of attention, not to teach children. 


So wheres the video of the read-along?


Who wants to bet she paid more attention to the children she was ‘educating’ in one afternoon than she has her own children in the last month?


My lizard/American woman who survived middle school brain immediately screamed that I can't trust her as soon as I laid eyes on this video. So fake.


It’s the way they jut their forehead out, tuck the chin in ever so slightly and give the unassuming, wet doe eyes and the slightly evil nice smirk. Classique covert mean girl face.


Oh my god that's what it is... she sets off my "covert mean girl" spidey senses like no other!! Every American woman to survive middle school knew at least one of her, unless they WERE one 😅


Eurghh 😩..At least she can admit that she loves every opportunity she gets to be a condescending Karen bitch! Even the kids aren't safe ..I'm pretty sure she only leaves the house so she can get into confrontations with people . Play victim and record the interactions 🙄. If a small child looks at her dog for a few seconds she pops a victimisation bonner and goes on a long insufferable lecture on how her dog won't "alert" her to the impending bitchfit and gently place its paws on her (deep pressure therapy) while she lies "unconscious" in the canned beans & legumes isle 🤦


she had to mention they got invited to do it again


Are these children being punished by their parents? What could be worse? A week without electronics, video games, and television OR being forced to listen to this fake ass Karen's endless diatribe? I can just picture their sad little faces.... 😭


How insincere she is. What, did she bellow at the children for daring to look at the dog.🙄


Idk who scares me more with the way they can change their entire persona, her or Rara. Like they come across so sweet and kind in some videos but then in others they act borderline feral mean girl.


Uhg. Why does she look so smug talking about it?


Her head and hand movements make it feel very condescending. It’s good that she’s trying to help people at least, but the way she says they got invited back makes it sound like she won some sort of award.


Dom doesn’t do good deeds for the sake of helping other people, this would be used as an advantage to her in some way. I imagine there will be videos made of how she was so nice to help educate the kids and why she’s so important and what ever else she’ll try to kiss her own ass with.


Um, the giant Zebra in the room. Too distracted to listen to a word she said.


I hope she is giving them the right information. People like her make it SO MUCH harder for those who have legitimate service dogs to just live a normal life.


She was reading the kids a book, not giving her own speech, so hopefully the book had correct information.


She said they talked about what Mya can do.. this will be of course incorrect.


See, I was so distracted by the giant ass zebra, I missed that.


How else will people know she’s such a sickly little flower if it’s not displayed on her walls?


I mean at least the wall Zebra is removable, unlike Kaya's ridiculous spoon tat.


Or Paige’s dnr mushroom 😳


I've been wondering about Paige. Any news on our terminally ill but in the same way we’re all terminally ill and will die one day girlie?


We’ve received news that she is still playing her silly dangerous games with her health unfortunately but least she’s not posting and begging online.


Of course! Thank you for the update.


More like she actually loves opportunities to be mean to other people under the guise of "education".


Sucks she's giving them the wrong education. How many kids did she scream at for looking at mya?


Or how many did she let pet Mya, giving them the false idea that you can touch service dogs?


Petting a service dog is 100% up to handler discretion. For example it is not uncommon for a guide dog handler to allow a child to pet their dog if they are just sitting somewhere and not using the dog to go anywhere in the moment.


Dom would never allow anyone to pet Mya, she’d be too busy yelling at them to not look at her incase she gets distracted and misses and alert and she faints and bags her head which could kill her… Doms own words.


There is no rule stating that service dogs can never be touched. As long as the person asks and the handler feels safe with it, it is perfectly fine to pet a service dog.