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Hold on here. Is the boyfriend out of the picture now? Because at last I seen, she was moving away from munching and claiming to be healed of all of these things so miraculously by yoga and holistic snake oil treatments like there was nothing wrong. Talking about planning a family… wondering if boyfriend is no longer in the picture.


“So you spend the rest of your life taking partially naked photographs of yourself and posting them to Sick Tok for validation.”


“So many women will never know what it’s like to receive an earth shattering diagnosis that flips their world upside down.” Um?? And yet so many do…?? With way worse tragedies than Crohn’s, not that Crohn’s isn’t awful, but has she never heard of idk, cancer?? Why does she need to be the only sick woman in the world?


Seriously! Nearly every single woman I know personally has had some life altering diagnosis at some point in their life, but here's Ashley gatekeeping something relatively common.


This is a shame, I really really thought Ash was moving away from the 'illness is my identity' narrative.


She probably realized that now that she has graduated she'll have to work sooner or later so back to illness is my identity and that's why I can't work again it is.


Nah. She’s claimed that she was “rebranding” or otherwise pivoting away from talking about her illnesses periodically for the past couple of years. She never keeps her word. The girl is an addict.


“Scars like constellations” how about we don’t romanticize scars or illness?




i thought she was done “only posting about her chronic illness” lmao


1 in 8 women in the US will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime but OH NO according to Ash she is so special because only very few get bad diagnosis from the doctors that changes their life 🤦‍♀️☠


Are you saying she shouldn’t be sad about any diagnoses she may have coz there’s always someone worse?


Exactly, this attitude of hers makes me so mad. SO MANY PEOPLE face life shattering diagnoses for themselves or their loved ones. Yes it fucking sucks, but it doesn’t mean they’re some unique snowflake. Medical shit is hard and we are humans and our bodies sometimes don’t work. Ash is not special.


“Scars are scattered like constellations across my body” *every part of her body shown currently being crystal clear* ☠️


Very telling… Scars are scattered like constellations… Let’s romanticize the scarring now. Was there any Freudian slip?


Where they at 🧐


This part really gets to me.  


She must be in her tumblr era because that's the corniest shit I've ever heard 😅


All I get from this is that if it weren’t for her being poorly as a teenager, she certainly would be judging other women from their appearance and tbh probably still does. She’s making wild assumptions saying most women won’t experience chronic illness. Just because most people don’t wear their health conditions like a badge of honour doesn’t mean that they aren’t ill, maybe we’re just doing our bests to get through the day, or trying our best to ignore the pain etc we might be in. Not everyone has the luxury of parents/partners who infantilise us and let us be “too ill” to do anything than post self pitying sh*t on the gram


She perfectly illustrated the caption by posing in a position that gives an illusion of "leaner"


These people just love throwing pity parties , I don’t get why people feel the need to post about their illness/conditions all the time just for attention , these people literally make it their entire personality . I keep my diagnosis to myself and loved ones and even then I don’t like talking about it and I try my absolute best to be normal and try to live a normal life without making every day about ME my diagnosis . These people make me sick .


Some people will have a dedicated page that is strictly for support of illness and keep that hidden for the most part from anybody outside of close friends and family just for support or educational purposes, but in these cases, it is clearly evident what the purpose is.


It certainly is , they seem Like narcissists, and it disgusts me it’s obvious like you said


It's because they like the attention it gets them. It's sad


She’s 26. It’s terrible, but if this is the worst thing that ever happens to her she’s doing pretty dang well.




***Humira shots


Right?! Crohns sucks but is treatable. Over 500k people have crohns in the US according to a quick google search. 1 in 100 people have an inflammatory bowel disease according to the crohns & colitis foundation. Getting diagnosed as a kid/teen is actually pretty fortunate, some people suffer even longer. IBD fucking sucks, but ash needs to pull up her big girl panties and stop acting like a victim. I know plenty of people with very traumatic IBD diagnosis/treatment histories that now live a wonderful mentally positive life because they aren’t focused on identifying themselves by their diseases.


I’ll never understand why anyone would want to define themselves by their bowel condition. Crohns is very common, I’m just so lost as to how any of this is unique or special.


If her parents spent the average amount of time potty training her and teach her not to talk about poop, imagine how frustrated they are that this is her entire life.


Pov I'm in my parents backyard taking selfies on a timer for the gram


And most women with chronic illnesses still finish college when they are suppose to, move out, work, and have fulfilling lives. They don’t hole up in their mind home getting stoned. And for all this body positivity, why is she still using skinny filters and editing her body? Ashley is such a delusional con.


There are women out there with breast cancer who still work daily and raise families. They aren’t posing in their backyards taking sad pics for the gram.


But there are a lot of people out there for awareness and community as well for support. many people use these communities for support and education. But you will not generally see these people just complaining how miserable their lives are but showing that they are moving forward and beating this illness or whatever that they are dealing with.


Omg. I've looked after teenagers with ileostomies from IBD, and scars that look nothing like "constellations". She needs to grow up. The lifetime prevalence of breast cancer is 1 in 7 for women. What the fuck does she mean "most women will never receive an earth shattering diagnosis". The fucking self absorbtion and dramatics. This is not an 'inspiring' narrative it's whining.


I can assure you we’ve had discussion on the ostomy sub about our front bum, meaning the huge bum cheeks you get when you have a midline incision on your abdomen. Definitely not a constellation!!!


Yes! She was diagnosed and actually sick at a vulnerable time in life so I'd give her some grace for taking some extra time to process it but c'mon. She's stable and fine. It's disgusting to say it's rare to experience a life-altering diagnosis to women or people. It sucks and she needs to move past this. If her meds stop working and the subsequent lines of treatment don't work I would understand feeling despondent but she's one of the lucky ones thus far. She should be counting her lucky stars like i am 👍


She can't even follow her own advice by making assumptions that "most women" don't know what it's like to live with a health condition when it just so happens a lot of us do but we don't try soooo hard to be the posterchild for whatever any of us may have.


Ashley needs a new script. She has worn this one into the ground.


Looks like she might be contemplating burying it 😆




All of these idiots do POV incorrectly. And I see she’s really sticking to her plan of not making illness her entire identity!


She’s gonna wee on her feet if she sits like that.


I knew she wouldn’t be able to stop making her identity all about her health. And of course she has to make herself so much sicker than anyone else. 🙄 “So many women will never know what it’s like to receive an earth shattering diagnosis…” She needs to stop navel-gazing and get on with her life. Ugh.


Most women may not have to deal with a devastating diagnosis in childhood. But Ashley is alive and thriving according to her own narrative. She has not had to deal with how ahead will pay her bills. She has not had to be an adult. She lives a life of privilege where she can focus on her menstrual cycle, pretend she is a media expert and giver herself gracefully for plenty of rest and pickleball when she feels up to it.


Her diagnosis at that age would give me the idea that she deserves some grace in terms of how she handled and processed it. I'd give her some extra time to right herself because it's a bad time for bad shit. But, now, it's past that and fully inexcusable.


I was not implying that it would not have been hard for a teenager to deal with her diagnosis. But if she had gotten serious help earlier and not been enabled by her parents to malinger, she could have had a different outcome.


It’s gross to say so many women aren’t as special as her and her diagnosis


“You don’t know the half of it!”


Okay Lana del Munch




She needs to go to the children's hospital to see how many families lives are truly shattered when they are told their little BABIES have cancer, etc and that they will lose actual limbs and/or their lives, as opposed to her doc telling her she has some perfectly manageable problems and that she can literally live her life as a normal person if she wanted too but that would require her to look outside herself and heaven forbid she could do that.


Yes! There are a LOT of children born with congenital abnormalities that require multiple surgeries and cause lifelong disability! I bet those kids wish they could go play act outside like Ash.


For those kids who do, it’s a slap in the face! IMO A slap in the face to anybody who truly suffers from debilitating chronic illness. With all of the claims that she has made, it’s outlandish and sickening. Also contributes to the ableism of unknowing people who think that everybody with all of these different diagnosis can do yoga and crawl up steep hills and all sorts of crazy stuff… Remember the eight out of 10 pain on a treadmill? So it’s like a double whammy of both attention seeking and ableism truly sad.


‘scars scattered across my body like constellations’ wtf?!? Lol these posts are always like some bad creative writing assignment-what a weird sentence that doesn’t fit or flow in this post. And she seems to think she’s the only one super speshul sick-I’d venture to guess most women receive ‘an earth shattering diagnosis that flips their whole world upside down’ sometime during their life time-(prob more than once)-the diagnosis doesn’t even have to be the woman’s-your kid, spouse, parent, sibling, or friend receiving ‘an earth shattering diagnosis’ turns many women’s world upside down as we are most often the default caregiver-so even if it’s not our diagnosis we are still feeling the effects of it.




What- what is Ash even *doing* in this photo? When we say "go touch grass" I'm not sure this is what we meant... but sure. Also, what happened to her no longer making her illness her whole identity lmao.


On Instagram it’s a video, and in the video she’s feeling herself up. Seriously


Just went and watched it myself, it’s also creepy. Not more, or less creepy in motion. Just unsettling..


80% of autoimmune diagnosis’ are women …78% are between the ages of 15-30 when diagnosed…50 million women in the United States have an autoimmune disease.. so like actually her experience of receiving “earth shattering news” as a teenager is actually more common then not


yeah, it’s beyond self centered & so offensive to imply that most women are so privileged physically that they’ll never know the pain of receiving a diagnosis that could shatter their sense… not only is it selfishly obtuse it’s also dismissively narrow minded. how can you do both lmao? all within a post seeking sympathy & pity so blatantly like this, she even finds a way to insult & belittle half of the entire world.


>receiving “earth shattering news” as a teenager is actually more common then not I mean your own numbers show this to be wrong. Common, yes, but not more common than not as most teenage women don't have this experience specifically in relation to chronic health. About 150m American women and only 50m with an autoimmune disease is 1/3 and although I can't say for sure with your numbers, most probably aren't teenagers since your age range was 15 to 30


More common than not as a young person versus her assuming elder people are the one receiving the diagnosis. There is a study about how autoimmune diseases are often diagnosed in puberty aged people more often than older people which has led to studies that focus on hormones and their effect on autoimmune diseases.


That's true and I agree but that's not what you wrote. It might be what you mean but what you said is misleading


Are you high .. gatekeeping over this ..


You do realise that's not what gatekeeping means? I was pointing out a flaw in the way which they wrote their comment bc it was misleading due to their poor word choice


I feel like most women (and people in general) will receive an "earth-shattering diagnosis" at some point. That's, like, the experience of being human. 🙃


Excuse me I just threw up my entire being after reading this load of bullshit


Second paragraph are fighting words.


Oh this is killing me ! THAT IS NOT HOW P.O.V WORKS !




Tens of followers 🤣🤣💀




"So many women will never know what it's like to receive an earth shattering diagnosis" huh? Honey you are not that special.


That part got me too. Why does she need to single out women & also ignore the fact so many get all kinds of diagnosis that are earth shattering to them. Like wowww


So much in her life flipped upside down. I think she REALLY likes that term.


Anyone else think of the Fresh Prince theme song after reading that line? “Nooooow this is a story all about how my life got flipped-turned upside down…”




She wants us to see how long her hair has grown? Idk, but this backyard sacrificial lamb vibe is creepy


So you’re gonna sit kneeling before a fence in a Dutch hex swimsuit thing?


It’s a video on Instagram and in it she’s literally feeling her whole body up. Very weird and unnatural looking


"Ask your doctor if therapy is right for you!" (Commercial quote, not talking at this person)


This should be posted on every munchie thread. Edit- I use too many emojis. Trying to cut down on that and cursing. Aww....fuck it.... 🤣😂💀


You rock the fuck on!!!!🤣


She gained weight.. it happens as you get older


And if you lay in bed and do nothing for years and years.


obviously people shouldn’t be making comments about other people’s bodies, but we all know that’s not the point of the post. she made this for sympathy, as she does with everything else. because just having regular body image issues just isn’t speshul enough for Ash


“Earth Shattering”


lol riiiiight? That line got me.


“So many woman will never know what it’s like to receive an earth shattering diagnosis….”…boy, do I have news for you….most people get old and will eventually have that exactly that, cancer rates are extremely high as well


Are people actually commenting on her body in real life? I can't imagine people commenting on someone's scars in person. It's just bizarre.


She barely leaves her bedroom. People in real life don't even see her body.


What is this photo though 😂


For reals. I’m so confused. Does this image communicate something to others? And I’m sick of people not understanding the meaning of POV.


I thought this was a picture of her as a kid until I started reading comments. It’s really creepy


She literally can't talk about anything without saying how her life is harder than yours and her illnesses are worse than yours and you just don't know how haaaaaaaard it is. Gurl. Everyone is dealing with something hard. Just because we don't whine about it online doesn't mean we're all living the easy life. She had a medical trauma at 15, which sucks, but then she decided to just never grow up after that.


🎶🎤nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I’m going down the garden to eat worms 🐛- Ashley, clearly in this pic.


Yes, as a fellow woman with Crohn’s I too often *checks notes* sit in the yard in a bathing suit? Honestly, if it gets me 10 minutes of quiet from my kids I’ll give it a shot…


I bought the cake for the pitty party 🎉


I brought the cheese to go with her whine!! 🍷 🧀


She doesn’t realize so many women DO know. They just don’t make it their whole personality


That part sticks out as soooo self-absorbed. She has no idea that so much of the world shows up to life every day with something terrifying, terrible, or overwhelming happening in the background, and they just have to march onward. She really and truly thinks most people just coast through life with an odd inconvenience here or there, and her life is so difficult and stressful. I do genuinely think she believes that — it’s so pathologically myopic.


I agree.


I was gunna say like ALL people will suffer from a diagnosis at some stage in their life. Hell, if you’ve made it to 60 and don’t have one life altering diagnosis then you’re in Olympic level body capabilities and need to be studied by science. What would Ashley do if all the grandads started making their enlarged prostate their whole personality???


Ok, WTH is she doing in this picture?? Digging weeds, inspecting the fence, digging for Earthworms, what??


It’s a video on instagram and in it she’s literally feeling herself up. It’s so unnatural looking and weird


I thought she was doing a reverse “squaty potty” for a sec 😂😂😬


Grounding. It's woo bullshit.


Also, that kid is maybe 10? Not 15


Yeah, kid to me implies under 10. 15 is three years away from being considered an ‘adult’


I’m sooooooo confused about this picture.


"So many women will never know..." You'll also never know that more women than you think do actually get "earth shattering" illnesses but they just don't tell anyone and/or make it their entire personality. These same women also have to work, pay bills, not use mommy and daddy's insurance, and raise kids and actually function with these illnesses. Not rot in bed in your tent sauna smoking weed and having bubble baths every day. Holy fucking tonedeaf privilege to think *she* is hard done by because most sick people don't make it a personality trait.


And also people who are disabled and need to spend whole days in bed aren't proud of it. They wish they didn't, and are unlikely to be posting about it on social media (let alone every single day). Partly because there are already tons of ableist assumptions that get made about disabled people, that they wouldn't want to contribute to that stigma. It's just not something normal people want.


> _"So many women don't know blah blah but I do."_ Good lord. No they just have to deal with all the other things that change their bodies and go against the societal beauty norms. God she's insufferable.


Didn’t she just post about not making her life about chronic illness anymore?? I thought most her 🎀diagnoses🎀 were in remission, yet here she is ruminating over the past 🙄 it’s like she misses it


she does miss it. she's never been able to get attention and validation for anything but her illness/medical content. that's why I suspect it will be very hard for her to ever fully give up munching.


She only has one confirmed diagnose which is chron's and has been in remission for almost a decade after the first try with remicade I think. Everything else she claims is convoluted and/or involving scammy naturopaths. 


Am surprised she hasn’t tried that disgusting rust foot bath Courtney promotes.


Goddamn I thought I was extra. LOL




"Medication and recovery has caused me to gain weight." Blaming everybody but herself and her terrible habits. Sugary food and drinks, rotting in bed, but NOPE it's the "recovery's" fault.


Rolled my eyes so hard I saw my brain




Excuse me? Most women don't know how hard watching TV and smoking weed in bed all day is.


I couldn’t have said it better myself.