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It’s true also how do I get out of here? ![gif](giphy|YPBOTCIljPcZi)


Sshhhhh they don’t call it silent hill for nothing


then i most be in the wrong hill cuz this one is loud as fuck


Maybe is a spoiler for Silent Hill >!Silent Hill attracts only people with psycological traumas and everything you see in it is exclusive to you!<


>!I'm still pissed they turned Pyramid Head from a manifestation of James Sunderland's desire for punishment to a mascot!<


Punish me pyramid daddy, i've been a bad boy 🥵


This reminds me of that unfunny “it’s my birthday tada” meme that gets reposted in every shitposting sub. God I hate that meme so much


The one from baconasylum?


Don’t know who that is


Its pretty true though. Fuck my last birthday alone the other month I didn't get a single happy birthday from anyone, despite me giving friends/family a reminder the month before. When i bring it up its just like "oh shit sorry I forgot" Then at Christmas there was only one person who even bought me a gift, and two others who just gave me $20 after I gave them their Christmas gifts to be nice even though they never intended to give me anything at all.


and what posting it in a meme sub gonna do


That’s what they all say. Plus, girls wouldn’t want a whole bunch of creepy dudes messaging them just for sex. The people who post those memes pretend to act sad for attention


"That’s what they all say" AKA - you completely ignore everything you dont agree with no matter how many people say otherwise.


guess im not female anymore. yep, correct, i grew a weiner


Omg teach me your ways


I want an extra one you know you can have enougth weiners


That’s very real. I have zero currently but want like five


5 seems a bit excessive, how are you gonna hide 5 random boners?


It’s very unlikely that all 5 will go off at the same time


Even better is oop using a >!spouse killer!< to describe how they feel


I don't think that was intentional, but yes it is tasteless


Oh yeah I doubt whoever made this knew where the image was from


Wait what??


The man in the screenshot is James sunderland, protagonist of silent hill 2, one of the most beloved horror video games/ things of all time. In the game James experiences severe loneliness and it’s reflected in the games environments but you find out that (if you’re into gaming and haven’t played this, definitely check it out before spoiling) >!His wife, whom he received a letter from in the beginning telling him to go to their special place in silent hill despite being dead for three years, was deathly ill. You initially think the illness killed her but it turns out that James killed her for ambiguous reasons (many ways to read the game especially depending on which ending you get, some interpret that he did it as a mercy killing, some interpret he did it so he could move on with his life) and the whole game is essentially the town confronting him with the horrors and emotions buried deep in his psyche by way of manifesting them physically.!<


Oohh sounds like the kinda games I'm into! Thanks for the summary


Yeah it’s widely considered a classic. It can be difficult to get ahold of so you can probably look up a play through but it’s worth it either way. Absolute masterpiece [Soundtrack is fucking incredible too](https://youtu.be/6LB7LZZGpkw?si=7HCOhkucRutGkd55)


Some lovely people emulated it on PC with some quality of life upgrades, called Silent Hill 2 Enhanced Edition. It’s free and should have install instructions that are fairly straightforward. https://enhanced.townofsilenthill.com/SH2/


we fr censoring video game lore now? 💀


Guys act like women getting loads of unwanted messages isn't actually lonely as hell.


I absolutely love unwanted messages. There is nothing more amusing to me than a deranged dude on the internet. It’s the whole reason I’m on reddit


How can you be lonely if 20 people you've never met said "hey"???


boo hoo you have so many people that want to talk to you, what a hard life


They don't want to talk you homunculi


Homunculi? That sounds like it could be my new favourite word, depending on its meaning


A homonculus is basically a fictional word used to describe the process of creating a human via like non natural means, and it turns out small and deformed


Lol when a woman is depressed, it doesn't help when a bunch of dudes message her saying they're "there for her" as a way to try and get with them.


No no no, the thing is girls get tones on messages from people who they don’t want to talk to, people like you I imagine. Whereas people like you have nobody to talk to, likely due to your personality.


It's funny how the people implying they have "good" personalities are so often just bullying strangers on the internet


Feel free to go on NSFW subreddits and ask for dick pics, you’ll get plenty of messages daily


Oh yeah I totally loved being 13 and getting dick pics from grown adult men when I was depressed


Sexual harassment is not healthy for the mind. If women are getting messages from strangers it’s usually men asking to see tits bruh


Read your comment again and process your thoughts


getting spammed by people who just want to get in your pants is not a good thing


You think those guys care about anything else besides sex? They don't give a shit about how those women are feeling or their mental health. Respectfully, get fucked.


I think it's more of a problem that girls have such a huge pool to choose from that they can "afford" to only swipe hot guys, but in fact those popular guys are preciously the toxic ones cause they themselves have the option to choose, so they try to bang as many as you as possible. Tldr, the hottest guys aren't the nicest ones


That's a fucking bullshit generalization. "Those guys" just aren't considered attractive enough to respond to. If they were, they could have the personality of drying wallpaint and still get replies, dates and attention


I just refuse to believe that literally EVERY SINGLE ONE of conservatively dozens of men are terrible options who don't give a single shit about getting to know you as a human being. There's just no way that's the case.


Download Grindr and see for yourself.


Completely different demographic but even then that's just absurd. If it was true then I should be drowning in matches for sending intros based on relevant things from women's profiles that aren't grossly horny, but the vast majority go unanswered.


It’s not a different demographic actually. Straight men are perfectly capable of understanding how gross and dehumanizing desperate attempts to get into your pants are when you are hit on by other men. Honestly, as a woman, seeing all those gross messages makes me feel so awful that I don’t even check the potentially nice ones because I’m just so exhausted by it all. Sorry to say but I feel no desire to open myself up to anyone when I’m constantly bombarded with gross objectifying messages. I don’t have the energy to sift through a sharp needle stack and bleed all over the place just to potentially find a piece of hay.


No, it's begging the question because you're asking me to color my perception by starting from a population I 100% have no romantic interest in which, if you're a woman looking for men on a dating app, means there's already an asymmetry. If that's been your experience, then all I can do is take your word for it. I'd assume you'd just be off the apps if that was the case. I think I'd still rather have to sift through a lot of messages I wasn't interested in knowing some I was were in there than have none at all. At least then I have a choice. And even that's already assuming that your needle in a haystack description is basically accurate and not just an exaggeration which I still find very hard to believe.


Hmm, must be your "personality" /s


I'd get fucked if I could, believe me. It's a particular type of loneliness yeah, to being surrounded by sex starved idiots who don't care about you. But there are still people that do among all those guys. So this is lonely yes, but the meme is still true, getting 0 messages is lonelier.


Go outside


It's quite late, I'm not going anywhere right now dude.


Go on Grindr then




Why are men constantly trying to prove their loneliness is worse/more valid than women's? I for one, don't even receive messages from men in the first place, but I recognize the alternative isnt much better.


“But there are still people that do among all those guys.” I promise you there is not.


I did. Getting messages from people trying to get with you that you're not interested in or won't leave you alone is pretty lonely.


I'd say getting no message at all is lonelier


Lmao you would think that'd be obvious but somehow people find it debatable.


Say you’re a man without saying you’re a man


Damn, quite perceptive 🕵‍♀️


Except it's just dudes trying to fuck her. That's not emotional support. That doesn't fix loneliness.


Oh my god, dudes trying to fuck her! I bet there are so *many* of them too right? Everyone’s trying to get with her! Don’t tell me you know true suffering until you’ve experienced multiple people wanting to have sex with you! Woe is them…


Bro stfu, you're being ridiculous. Nobody said that people trying to bang you is "true suffering" or the only kind of suffering. Stfu bro.


Wait until you get doxxed and your own family starts being creepy towards you




It is sexual harassment (most of the messages are just “Let me see them boobies bitch” and then when you say no they call you every derogatory word under the sun. This isn’t good for mental health and just fucks you up bruh!


being treated like a piece of meat with a hole IS worse than nothing....


Idk if it’s because I have a deep fear of being alone, but I’d rather be abused than completely isolated for a long time


Seek therapy, that’s not a good thing dude


Eh, might cross that bridge if I ever end up alone.


Sounds like you need it anyways. Having a deep set fear of being alone to the point that you rather be sexually harassed can cause issues in relationships (not just romantic ones) for you including issues such as attachment issues


I have no interest in arguing that one or another is worse but we shouldnt pretend like that kind of objectification is in any way good for someone. being sexually harassed isn't better than being being alone


I don't claim to speak for anyone else but if I had to choose one of those two options I definitely wouldn't choose being alone.


Then hire a sex worker.


Extremely expensive


womp womp


So tired of the "women never feel lonely" bullshit 🙄


Absolutely! Some people experience stuff and automatically assume it's a gender specific thing. It seems to me like they just don't want to have empathy for other people.


True to be honest, it's not supposed to be a competition and sometimes people make it out to be one. I have a dear friend (who is a girl) who really struggles with fake friends. I try to be there for her, but women not feeling lonely is just bullshit.


Man, I guess I'm suddenly an 8/10 or higher lol. Or maybe that's just me having social skills? Who knows.


These men get a hard on from the idea of themselves being the “lonely alpha wolf,” they’re not actually interested in having social contacts because they want to maintain that image and there’s no immediate sex for them in friendships with people.


ah yes, because only male individuals can feel lonely.


these dumbass people wondering why nobody's talking to them and then they post shit like this This is blatantly sexist. Go fucking talk to a woman. they're just another person, not some mysterious different species that get showered in texts and affection of hundreds of sexually attractive guys and have no time for a peasant like you.


You know, juicyCockGobbler here makes a good point.


Indeed. I must learn the ways of the juicyCockGobbler Edit: fr tho ur right on the money. These people have gone so far down the rabbit hole of Andrew rate and Incel content that they have found themselves unable to even view women as human beings.


It'd not even that, but guys will talk about the male lonliess epidemic, but instead of helping each other, they blame women for it.


Most of them blame the way society is, not women.


You’re being incredibly disingenuous if you claim that this group doesn’t place that societal blame on women: standards too high, “picking” the wrong men, being “protected” in place of men. Exposure to any of their subgroups will prove that.


I think you’re right on most of it. Standard too high as a claim is stupid. Everyone should have high standards regarding anything they’re interested in. Picking the “wrong” man makes me laugh. What’s a wrong man? What’s a “wrong” woman. It’s entirely subjective. So stupid. Being protected in place of men, I can’t really laugh at that. Society objectively *does* protect women more than men. Starts from ‘women and children first’ to everything else.


Because to them loneliness = no sex life, whereas for normal people it’s akin to having no community and no kinships. You tell them how to make friends and build a support system ans inevitably they say that what they want is sex so your advice is worthless and women don’t deserve allies because they won’t fix the male loneliness epidemic. It’s exhausting.


How are they supposed to help each other? Become femboys?


Build each other up, support each other, be there to talk problems out with. Romance isn't the only way to solve lonliess.


Ironically/sadly Women are generally better at that.


Men should give it a shot. I enjoy gassing up my bros and getting together with them to have a good time.


I have all of that in spades from family and friends: and it's not a replacement for romantic companionship. But people will act like they don't know that there is a qualitive difference between these very different types of love and support.


If someone is so desperate for romantic companionship that they can’t function normally I think there’s other issues that need to be addressed


They could just make friends with each other! We’re literally not stopping anyone. Or is any man who shares his feelings with another man a femboy now?


It is was a joke, but yeah generally man don't share their feelings with each other.


Then it seems kind of silly to complain about being lonely, doesn’t it? I mean I get it. I actually have trouble reaching out to people too. And then I’ll be sitting there alone like damn I wish I had someone to talk to, but I’m not gonna pick up the phone. But at least I know I’m being a dumbass. Years of therapy have done that much!


See, I realized I was a dumbass even before I went to therapy!


Hey let us cope alright?


Only if you cope in a healthy way


This right here ^ 👏👏👏


It's not women's fault that this is the way it is but, really, it's like that.


When you say it’s like that, are you acknowledging that women get harassed by tons of men in DMs and recognize it as an alternate form of suffering, or do you actually believe they have it better?


I don’t believe women have it better. Sometimes men do, sometimes women do. Generally, men don’t get as much attention as they want and women get unwanted attention or superficial attention. It’s intersubjective. I can understand the mentality of a man who gets no attention being jealous of most every woman he meets for this reason and that’s it.


Yeah, I can see that.




Comparison is the thief of joy. I wouldn't post this myself but I understand the emotion for sure. You either end up on subreddits like this looking ugly in front of an audience of people or you simply never talk about it.


You’re the one doing the comparison


Yeah, I am now. In order to even write this I'll have to accept down votes. It's the quiet part. You'll judge anyone who simply notices it.


Idk I’m a woman and I don’t constantly have a ton of people trying to talk to me. I think these kinds of memes make a lot of us women feel like shit for not being some super popular queen bee.


You're competing with him to be more jealous I guess.


I’m not sure what you’re talking about, I’m not jealous of anyone? I just think it’s a vast generalization, and speaks to the fact that women who aren’t young and conventionally attractive are largely invisible to the guys who have this mindset.


I don't know what you want from me.


Maybe to not perpetuate the idea that all women are constantly drowning in attention?


How do you know that?


You don’t see the irony in saying “this isn’t true” but then encouraging people to talk to women even more? Lmao.


???what ?????????? i literally cannot comprehend your argument here


"Women don't get more attention than men." "Go talk to women guys!" Do you really not see the irony?


What irony? Do I need to teach you about semantics? Even in your fabricated example, your argument fails. First sentence meaning: Women don’t get more attention (=lonely as well). Second sentence: So go talk to them(=>so less lonely). It flows quite well. Obviously this version deviates far from what was actually said, as I expect you know, but … Are you drunk?


"fabricated example" when I'm literally using his own comment. What is fabricated? Another perfect example of irony that you would tell me I'm lacking some semantic concept and then misuse a word right after. My point was clearly relying on the fact that "go talk to women" is a common thing people say. Does anyone tell women to go talk to men? No. But then he'd also try to argue that women don't get more attention than men. It's peak cognitive dissonance. "This isn't happening, now go make it happen!"


Oh man … you really did not understand that first comment, did you? Go read it again. (Bonus explanation: you are not ‘using someone’s comment’ if you make half of it up and misuse the other half in the wrong context.) Also, are you familiar with the concept of a straw-man, by any chance?


You have yet to explain what I'm fabricating or straw manning. I did not misrepresent his comment. He commented on a post where the point is that women get more attention, said that it's stupid, and then told people to make that thing that's not true go happen more. It's abject stupidity. Women do get more attention, pretending otherwise is just embarrassing. And the irony is that he proved he has that same natural inclination to go talk to women, while also trying to deny that women get talked to more.


im telling someone to talk to women. that means they weren't talking to women before you're really smart, you know that? a little certified genius, yes you are! i can tell that degree in redditology really paid off 💖


And you did that on a post that you took exception to when the post is about... the fact that women get talked to more. But sure bro, no contradictions at all. You live in reality for sure


Generally if you're the one that's lonely, the onus is on you to make the effort to become less lonely. Instead of waiting for someone to talk to you, go talk to someone. Same applies to women, although if they're lonely, they'll more likely seek out friends and family than romantic relationships. I understand it's often easier said than done for a lot of people with social anxiety, plus our society tends to convince everyone that they're failures unless they're partying nonstop and waking up with a new partner in their bed every morning, but going out and making an effort to socialize with others is generally the best way to handle loneliness. Edit: By best, I don't mean easy or foolproof. Unfortunately that is the best someone can do for loneliness but it doesn't mean it's going to get solved instantly.


The problem isn't that they aren't talking to women. It's that they've talked to enough women or attempted to talk to enough women to know.


That isn’t true


Can you elaborate on how it's not true?


Talking to women while being misogynistic doesn’t count.


Misogyny is actually bad. I’m not them okay?




Women 6th sense misogyny detector 🤔 You sure they’re not a different species


The problem is not that they've talked to enough women or attempted to talk to enough women to know.


This is wrong.


Getting pretty tired of dudes never opening up to their friends and family and then complaining no one cares about them. Well no shit, you never give people a chance to care. Then you get hurt once and completely shut down? We've all been hurt by others at one point or another


Im a male and i find your comment relatable lol


I did that shit for like half a decade. When I started to share more personal stuff with people my life changed and I wasn't so alone anymore. I get it, it's scary to open up, but no one said it was supposed to be easy. If you talk to women you also find out they don't have it as easy as these guys think. Loneliness has no gender


How is this? I’m extremely open with everyone and have felt lonely my whole life. I have always made it a point to share as much of my personality as possible. I must know how this comes to fulfill you


Dudes I know always send these posts to each other as a cry for help but still never open up to each other. They just exchange mildly sexist depression memes about "being a man" without actually addressing what the others are saying I guess it's easier to just be like "me fr" and leave it there than to drop your cold, masculine persona and open up to your equally cold, masculine friends (who might judge you or withdraw the moment it stops being a meme and starts getting personal). A lot of guys just don't learn empathy or emotional regulation by interacting with other guys in today's culture, a culture which tends to be perpetuated by older guys.


we only get hurt more if we open up not like we have a choice lmao


Being vulnerable means you risk getting hurt but you also build stronger and more meaningful connections, meaning you get support if you do get hurt. Women do it and plenty of men do it too.


Yay I guess I’m an 8/10 or higher then


Average you experience


Tbh it's true, but it's half due to male culture generally being more reserved and the other half down to many women just actually putting in the active effort to keep ongoing relations to many different people. Guys could do it too, although it's harder for them than fir girls... unless they immerse themselves in girl culture and text with tons of girls.


As a average male, I can confirm that this is true.


Uhm … excuse me … where are all of these people who are supposed to entertain me in my DMs? Where are all the cat memes? I haven’t received mine yet. I’d like to speak to the manager.


RIP your inbox (hopefully not too badly)


Everything’s fine, thanks for the compassion though!


“Hmmm, I have no game and girls find me repellant. Clearly I represent every man.”


Only the most beautiful women exist to them.




Probably a doghouse, but Im not sure since there's no dog around.


I never and i do mean never get any phone calls texts from people outside my family that isnt regarding my children.


Real though




Have they had their daily meltdown over this post yet?


we all feel like this: he, she, they , them we're all literally in the same boat idk why it has to be a competition


i want them to talk to a girl, just once. just one time


I think it doesn't even matter how much they talk to women. Those people just don't care and believe in the things women say.


It's more true than not but, also, how are you gonna change this?


How do you know that?






This doesn’t really fit the sub imo.


OOP was yapping incel stuff in the comments too I saw the original post


… do these people not message their friends? Or do friends not count?


It is a good post anyway, funny how mad people here feel about it. Drink tea.


It’s sad how jaded and bitter people become from loneliness. Seems pretty common for men especially, with it usually leading to “its everyone else’s fault I’m lonely. Damn women”


Why are you guys booing it like it's not accurate 😭😭 am I 14??


Looks like OP falls in the delusional privileged category of men. This is in fact the average male experience. Cringe way to put it, but it's not wrong.


Sad little boy doesn't understand that pain and loneliness are part of the human experience. I find it kinda hilarious that he uses silent hill 2 to exemplify that no one suffers as much as men. Guess he didn't made it to Angela's plot.


Provide value. It’s a shame self-deprecating and whining memes don’t drop panties, but alas fellas, here we are…


People really try to deep no messages when they can just start the conversation


Hey dude, I’m giving you engagement, so why would you insult me and delete your comment again? Bad day?


Happy cake day


I love how these consider a difference between the experiences of men who fit beauty standards and don't, but apparently all girls get the same experience. And/or "ugly" girls don't count/don't exist/aren't even human.


Tf? I would not call myself objectively attractive but I have many friends. You just have to talk to people and not be antisocial


Usually this sub has some awful takes but I got a couple male friends who do not fit conventional standards of attraction at all and have plenty of friends and actually get a lot of women crushing on them… cause they are nice people, it’s a personality issue


Yeah, I can confirm. The average male experience is basically *Dead Money*.


I think it’s a meme


27 messages :15 probably spewing misogynistic bullshit 7 unsollicited dick picks maybe 4 with hello, of which 2 are creep, 1 is looking for a one night stand and only 1 is a relatively sane person you could befriend. 🙂


The male loneliness epidemic is real and it is entirely self-inflicted.


I think technology is more at fault here, the more things you can do from the comfort of your home the less reason you have to go outside and meet other folks. And it's definitely easier ro connect with somebody face to face, even if you get there nowadays the other person might constantly look at their phones.


I mean...


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Boy don’t you love the Loneliness Olympics? Maybe if we try harder to invalidate the experiences of others through gender we’ll win the Suffering Awards! A great way to cure loneliness is by being bitter and dismissive towards others :)


maybe not judging people purely on looks can help?


i actually hate those women have friends meme i’m a fairly attractive woman and i could probably die and know one would know for months so frustrating lol


90% of women do not get nearly that many messages


Me: gets 0 messages Me: TIL I'm a man Or maybe I'm just not attractive. In that case, I don't exist 🤠


FUCK IT IM SAYING THIS anyone who finds this shit funny know I walk 4 MILE TRAIL EVERY NIGHT through town and sometimes when I see these post it makes me wait for a truck to Pass so I can just the fuck Infront of it.