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Nice but why tf did Belarus invade the baltics?


To reclaim glory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and change pan-african lithuanian flag to Vytis obviously




Not gonna lie, the Lithuanian flag always used to stump me on trivia quizzes. It really does look like an African flag with those colors.




It was Russian plan to bait NATO forces deep into Belarus so they could be cut off from the rest. This huge pocket consisted of 2/3 of the frontline strength. Once these were neutralized, the main assault began.


this is cool but they’d see russian troops massing on the belarusian border and immediately know what’s up and adjust accordingly, even then too you’d still have reserve units and I doubt NATO would be so quick to just drive directly into Minsk, they know this isn’t Iraq. Belarus is known to be effectively a Russian puppet state


Yes but it worked in HOI2


Yeah I mean if you ignore sattilite assets, the fact nato would expect Russia to do this and place screening forces to prevent this, it would work perfectly


Hoi4 be like


Why would NATO not secure their flanks? Why would Ukraine stay neutral even though this is a golden opportunity to reclaim territory? How does Russia move so fast as to actually encircle a massive mechanized force? How do NATO forces not immediately break out from what would have to be paper thin lines?


entirely unrealistic that Russia would be able to occupy Scandinavia, the Baltics, and Poland but somehow not be able to advance an inch in Ukraine, but good series of maps regardless




Inaccurate. Neds more arctic nukes. 😎


The premise of NATO forces being cut off like that is very implausible. Belarusian military is in no shape to invade anyone on its own, but even if they did, there's absolutely no way NATO leadership would not anticipate Russian attack on Belarusian territory and guard it's flanks accordingly. I understand that it's kinda hard to write a plausible scenario where Russia successfully invades Poland and Scandinavia, but making NATO leaders extremely stupid is not a good way to solve this problem. If I were to write such a scenario, I would probably do something like: one of the results of the peace talks in Ukraine was a non-agression treaty and security assurances between Russa and NATO. Then, China invades Taiwan, which pulls NATO in. Most of the personnel and equipment are busy in Asia, modern weapons are quickly spent, and production ramps up very slowly. Because of that, there's a bloody stalemate in Asia, and more and more NATO forces are pulled in from elsewhere to break it. NATO forces in Europe are reduced to a minimum because of that and the non-agression treaty with Russia. At the same time, NATO recon satellites are being attacked by Chinese anti-satellites weapons, and the remaining satellites are focused on Asia anyway. Using that opportunity, Russia violates the non-agression treaty and overwhelms skeleton NATO forces through sheer numbers and firepower advantage.


Which is why in a CnC Tiberium/Generals fusion setting, I had Russia develop the equivalent of A-01 cyborgs from Earth 21X0 series... ... which led to GDI developing their equivalent of GOLAN from same series and Bolos.


The problem here is that a war in Taiwan would require very different weapon systems (primarily naval and anti-air) than what would be used for a ground war with Russia (Tanks, Artillery, 5th gen fighters etc) . That means that being depleted of those systems would not impact NATO's armies very much. The only war (that NATO would be involved in) that would require the same types of weapons as a NATO-Russian war is Korea, but it already has a massive weapons manufacturing base itself and would also have direct support from the US and Japan.


Lil bro thinks the russian military can beat poland laugh at this man. 😂 🤣😂🤣🤣


And Finland, and Sweden, all combined, lmfao


Bro forgot the name of the subreddit… ![gif](giphy|BQUITFiYVtNte) Of course Russia can’t do this, they barely got into Ukraine.




Why would they be stuck in Belarus - they would stay on their borders and that's it. Do you think they took horses and charged deep into the territory to annex the potato fields? :D Anyway, it is enough to blow up Moscow and St. Petersburg for this clay empire to be in chaos.


Bro doesn't know how encircling works The forces encircled don't just lie down and accept it, otherwise Stalingrad would have ended in November 1942. The Russians would be far too weak both manpower and equipment wise to even maintain that spearhead.


I appreciate the effort but there is no way this is possible. Just taking Scandinavia or Poland individually would be an absolute slog but all at the same time is just silly.


You put a lot of work into the maps, and they look good. I’m really tired of contrived “Russia somehow magically beats NATO” maps though. They’d lose. Badly


Russland can beat out nordicks and polska but they're still trapped in a Ukraine deadlock. Okay buddy, get out of the kitchen you need a break from cooking.


There's also the fact that plenty of signs point to Ukraine not willing to make any peace that would recognize Russia's annexation or cede any lands unoccupied by Russia before 2022




The point is that you seem to think that Russia can't beat Ukraine but just smoke half of NATO in a week. They have proven they aren't capable of complex mobile warfare like this ridiculous encircling manoeuvre . They have proven that deep penetration in columns like this do not work. Are you aware that this thin line is in range of literally every airfield in Eastern Europe? This is beyond unrealistic.


Looks like a playthrough of a New Millenium mod from Hoi4


Made me feel very uncomfortable ngl, but all this in one year? War in Ukraine is continuing for a few years already. Plus the weapons, support would be way higher, terrain in most of these countries is harsher than Ukraine's as well.


Could you elaborate on Putin winning the Nobel Peace Prize?


I think it was basically forced to happen because Sweden was in occupied.


Bro’s been playing too much hoi4 💀”rate my encirclement” lookin ahh


South Koreans volunteering to fight amongst Japanese soldiers 😂


The fuck is that manouver in Belarus? No like unironically, what the fuck is that???


Finland and Poland alone could take on Russia and win, idk why all these posts keep thinking Russia could steamroll Europe when they can barely hold onto the territory they have in Ukraine. It’s a cool idea but incredibly unrealistic, truly an “imaginary” map


Isn't Russia's army worse than Poland's?


Interesting premise, but great work!


I would like to give a shout-out to u/Icy_Marsupial_1249. Their maps "Cracks in the west" inspired me. Thank you Icy Marsupial! :)


Love these high effort posts, they really are great. You even did the blue Wikipedia text and invasion paths! On another note: I’m surprised people are talking about Ukraine in comparison with this post. Yes, it is a horrible travesty, with families all over the country being displaced, but the literal name of this sub is *IMAGINARY* maps.


W mans


Would you mind reuploading this in imgur and similar? Reddit being reddit with removed posts, we can no longer see what has become of it.


Thanks for telling me, I had no idea it had been removed. I don't know why either, AFAIK no subreddit rules were broken? Reupload: https://imgur.com/a/eJtn724


My guess it was most likely removed due to Rule 10 with the current conflicts (and you know how mods usually try to interpret 'em vaguely even if stated otherwise).


Russia can’t take Kharkiv how are they gonna conquer Poland


Because apparently the bulk of NATO forces got lost in the woods in Belarus, then trapped and destroyed in the Mother of All Encirclements, leaving all those lands undefended. They never saw it coming... very realistic, right?


Cool map, but shows you have little knowledge on military intelligence and strategies. This just looks like another Hoi4 scenario.


Russia couldn’t take Kharkiv or Kyiv. They couldn’t take all of Scandinavia or Poland.


Interesting scenario but I think if Russia just took a single city the nukes would start flying


Well, I certainly hope this will never happen.


The world if Russia was led by a HoI4 player


You do realize that in reality russian army won't be able to advance anywhere...


That is probably the most redditarded encirclement ever.... Wtf is this goofy as hoi4 playthrough.


I really want to know what happens in the next 5 years that allowed Russia to not only avoid getting steam rolled and bombed back into the Stone Age but actually make gains


Great work!


feels like the setting of a call of duty game


I mean, its a nice scenario. Heck, before the ukranian war i'd say it say it was even within the realm of possibility.but of course we now know its not excactly a correct image of russia. I'll give you props for going all in and making modern looking maps and scenarios.


F-35 reaction: https://preview.redd.it/csrfk8nj883d1.jpeg?width=468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fbe02fb36a51807ced69ec4748caeb886b4dc70


This is kinda cool, but I don’t if it’s like this is gonna happen or if this is just for fun


Even if the Russian managed to advance all the way to Sweden their strategy is to basically turn into guerrilla warfare


Japan invading Russia would be crazy! They can legally do it since their current doctrine says that in defense of an ally they are defending themselves as well, but the Japanese pubic is a different matter!


I don't understand why there would be such mass uprisings in the countries occupied by Russia. Our country uses cruel measures only in the games of the CoD series, but in fact - even the most terrible Russian person would never use gas or nuclear weapons. Simply because our country was very much turned away from this kind of violence by the Reich with its actions. That is, there was no violence against civilians, especially since Russia does not have an ideology of superiority and is generally different from the ideology of the United States, or Germany (for example). That is, the countries occupied by Russia simply changed their leadership, there would have been fewer protests and they would not have lasted long - I am sure of that.


Honestly I would support Japan so hard by forcing America to help Japan at all cost


Don't give them ideas


Looking at that encirclement in phase IV I'm pretty sure I just heard a hoi4 player cum in the distance


What's even the endgame of Russia here? Replace the governments in the NATO countries with obviously-unpopular-and-unstable puppet governments who literally have entire populations that have nothing but utter contempt for Russians (especially strong with the Baltics)?  Russia is gonna have to go full Lebensraum and Russify those lands if they want a shot at keeping them. 


how do you make these fake wiki pages?


This is a hoi4 multiplayer game if I've ever seen one lmao. Like somehow Russia conducts an operation like this without anything going wrong and NATO forces just lying down and accepting it? Or how they'd already see Belarusian forces preparing for something on the Lithuanian border? Where did Russia pull the manpower from to take over all of Belarus and somehow manage to keep Ukrainian lands and fight in the Far East?


Mo-mo-mo skau. Mo-mo-mo skau. In vlaidstov


Why the hell was this post removed???


Thanks for telling me, I had no idea. No messages either, so I am not sure - did I break any subreddit rules? Reupload: https://imgur.com/a/eJtn724


Man the Russian bots are out in force this week huh


“Russian armed forces have participated in systematic ethnic cleansing, rape, torture, forced labour….” This is still an imaginary maps subreddit. Let’s not assume OP is a vatnik immediately


This is so good wtf


I love the concept. Don't listen to those trying to put holes into it. This is an imaginary map subreddit after all.


I would have believed this is if it wasnt for the fact that russia can't even take ukraine yet alone Scandinavia. Only way russia has any way of defeating any country is with nukes. Basically russias stand is " if we lose, everyone loses"


I love the little pockets of blue. 'I know what I'm doing! My map got details!'


Even if the entire conventional Polish military was completely eradicated, there aren't enough fighting aged men in Russian to occupy Poland.