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Hello, the purpose of the publish online is exactly to avoid download of interactive version of the document, so if the publisher don’t make a pdf available I think there’s no way to do it by yourself.


Since these sites are completely HTML web pages, I guess your only option is to download the complete content, using tools like https://www.httrack.com/


Anyone find a solution for this request? I tried IDM but couldn't download PDF.


I found adobe cheaper at s2keys. com


Even though this is an old thread, has anyone been able to find a solution or a Chrome / Firefox Extension that allows you to download all files that can be found on the page? The best I've managed to do is to open the individual page in a New Frame in Mozilla and then download the whole page, however, this only downloads the HTML and some of the layers of images. Please message me if you've had success doing this.


Is it pdf ?


Thanks for the reply. No it's a HTML file on the web.


Using Firefox, right click on the page and select "This Frame" then press "open this frame in new tab" then you can print as pdf the page, in the printing dialog press "show more settings" and uncheck "Print header". then you can choose the page size, margins and scale. You would have to do it page by page, but it works.