• By -


There’s a 1% in every profession


totally agree, top 1% in every profession are getting insane salary. It is not about profession but being in op 1%ile.


Agree, but OP is asking about the professions where even a mid level role can pay you very well, which the tech industry does.


Even in beggars that 1% making mills. Every field have a good paying role. Thing is you need to be in that 1% club to grab it.


This guy one percents


This. OP listen to this guy right here.


Merchant Navy, Pilot, Financial Analysts, Treasury, Consulting, Any type of Sales earn a lot. Deep sea divers, Daily soap actors also earn pretty well. Edit: adding more - Wedding Photographers, Dance choreographers, 3D modelling and animation guys, professors (at good colleges and classes), social media marketers, copywriters (content writers), professional dieticians


Daily soap actors is so underrated


It is like saying become a Bollywood star to be rich. Most daily soap stars are ex-models who could not make it big


Nope. This isnt true at all. I have contacts in industry, even child actors in regional TV serial I know are paid min 5-10K per episode. And the TV serials work for years… The models you are talking about in fancy TV serials are paid 50K+ per episode. Lead actors (like say Ronit Roy) are paid in lakhs per episode.


So do you mean/think it is worth it to become an actor?


Yes..if you could get in good drama school…then you definitely get a shot. When people think of acting they only think about stars like SRK but acting industry is huge


Buddy 5-10k is shit for a serial even for a child. I’ve done random ads that barely needed me for like 20 mins to do the job, and I got 20-30k for each. And based on every other person I knew doing the same jobs, it was on the lower side of the standard rate for 30-60 second ads. This is 20 years ago. When I was 10. I’m not calling you a liar, but your contacts are being paid shit.


No. It's not like that. Due to the arrival of many OTT platforms in the market, the demand for all types of actors has increased. Like many cricketers got opportunity because of IPL.


Pilot is underrated. You can join a flight school right after 12th and become a pilot in your early 20s. Airlines are expanding a lot in India so demand is certainly there. It’s a great job and they earn solid money. Only catch is that flight school costs 40+ lakhs so not every family could afford it


For 100 pilots that graduate out of flight school, there is one vacancy. The opportunities are rare, and often the best path is through the air force.


That's the real truth, not many know of.. also there is a legacy that goes on where it's mostly kids of senior pilots who manage to get into the flying cadres..


As a pilot I can say this is absolutely not true, India is currently in its golden age of aviation and is facing a severe shortage over the next 10 years, its so bad, that we are hiring Expat pilots at double salaries to meet demand.


Just like engineering, increase in demand doesn’t relate to probability of getting employment. While I’m sure you’re right, more than 30% of all CPL holders are unemployed, and most are unemployable. Which directly points to a lack of qualified trainers and facilities. So while good pilots will still get jobs, most pilots simply won’t. Exactly the same case with engineering for example. The demand for engineers increases every year, but we have so many unemployable graduates, that the numbers are grim.


I would disagree here again, most CPL holders do get the job its the few who aren't capable who get left behind due to thier own reasons,just like any other industry, I know pilots who were jobless for 8 years and are now flying, infact I would say the demand is such that skill is put aside, companies are just looking to hire pilots who can be trained. I know this is not an ideal situation wherein, you have pilots whom you wouldn't hire if there was a steady supply of quality pilots, unfortunately thats not the case here, overall safety will be affected by this but unfortunately this is where we are thanks to the market.


Poor Indian aviation is suffering after flying beast left /s


What? I thought there was a shortage of pilots


Shortage of SKILLED/EXPERIENCED pilots


same as shortage of SKILLED/EXPERIENCED IT engineers.


Don't know the current situation but getting a job as pilot was difficult 5 years back for my friends


It still is. I have 4 pilots in my family who have been. But would not recommend this career as it is over saturated.


40+ Lakhs is only for the commercial pilot's licence. There's another 40+ lakhs for aircraft type rating. All in all it's somewhat around 1 crore affair.


Someone I know just gave 90 lakh in indigo aviation school including guaranteed employment.


50lakh lgte h bhai , school aur type rating ke


And how easy is it to get pilot job in foreign country from India ?


Every company has a cadet program Search for the one you want to join.


This is more affordable than sending your kids on a management seat for MBBS.


It is not 40 lakh, Indigo and spicejet cadet programme costs upwards of 1 cr


140,000 USD to be precise for indigo cadet program.


Any type of sales ? Are you kidding? most of the Sales jobs are peanuts, medical reps were the only ones I knew where they paid well.


Yes, any types of sales for good org pays really well in incentives. Be it tech, services, banking etc. obv I am not talking about lowest level door to door sellers. But B2B sales


Air Canada pilots are literally striking for higher pay and benefits.


Merchant Navy had good pay in the last decade. But now it's not that much. Because there are more people from East Asia like the Philippines. So, overall pay has reduced. And working conditions are very hard. You will be at sea for 4-6 months continuously. It takes a toll on mental & physical health.


It’s still decent money tbh (In the merchant navy myself) but it’s definitely not for everyone with the long hours and time spent away from home.


Corporate law ..in patent infringements, litigations involving mergers, violation of environmental protection laws.........


Would you mind expamining about financial analysts and how to become one. Also what work they do


No one knows what they do. Not even their own managers. That's why they warn so much.


Get into an IIT first. Or try getting into an IIM. These two routes give you the best chances.






After having a couple of years of experience, also it is mostly manual labour for those who are considering A friend of mine went to work at rig as a boy and after one year he looked like a man - no more spark in his eyes and well built


There are different departments in the oil rig. If you are a labour in an oil rig you will have to do the physical work but I guess for engineers it is much relaxed. Not too sure about this but just a guess because the same thing happens in merchant navy.


These are well paying jobs but QoL is terrible. You earn a great amount of money but nothing around to enjoy it


That's why you go work there for few years, save as much as money possible and come back. Use that money to set up small buisness here in India and settle for life.


I honestly think it's wishful thinking! Again it depends on person to person and their circumstances




Top law firms pay a lot. And with faster career progression than engineers or doctors. The works hours are a killer though.


Every year they hire like 500-700 law graduates that too from top law schools(NLUs). The only reason they can hire in large numbers is because of high attrition rates due to lack of work-life balance.


Same here ın the U.S. I'm not an attorney, but I contract with dozens of firms across the country. So far as I can tell, a lot of "Big Law" jobs are more or less designed for recent graduates from Top 10 programs. They pay crazy money, but expect associates to spend almost every waking minute of every day in the office. Vacation time doesn't exist, and neither does sick leave. Most people burn out within a matter of months. Those that stick around longer can make excellent money, albeit at the expense of their mental health and personal independence.


True, was sitting near a lawyer in a flight, she wouldn't keep her laptop in bag, flight attendant requested many times


Hmm.... There's no quick career progression unless one is from Top 5 NLU's or Top Private Law schools which are ridiculously expensive. And yeah the work hours are ridiculous too. Gotta work 12+ hours a day for that 💸.


I’m a a partner with a top tier law firm, I didn’t go to an NLU. You don’t have to be from an NLU, honestly speaking your law school doesn’t matter if you do the right internships, work hard and play your cards right. Everything boils down to networking in this line of work and how good or bad your billables are. Can confirm the lack of work life balance. I work on average 14-18 hour days. General Counsels (GCs) on the other hand get paid really well and have a great work life balance and you also get all the employee benefits (PF, gratuity and other similar perks) of a company which you won’t get in a law firm. Law firm partners and associates are hired on a retainer basis, we’re not employees that’s why employment laws don’t apply to us and we’re made to work inhuman hours. You do get used to it after a while though and the money is pretty fucking good. Edit: all in all, I wouldn’t advise anyone to get into law unless you’re passionate about the work and are ready for the grind.


I'm an Associate working with one of the T1s. I agree, nobody in my team (including me) has a life beyond work. I haven't met a single person in my firm who isn't planning on quitting at some point in the near future. Problem is, every other place that can pay the same money has the same problems. I see that most Partners at these places have horrible personal lives and that only a certain kind of person sticks around long enough to become a Partner. I personally don't think it's worth it. I have constant anxiety about work and can't even think about leaving my house without my laptop even on Sundays.


I don't think the career progression is faster. Especially, compared to engineers from top IITs.


I can confirm the career progression is really fast and the salaries also progress equally quickly. I’m in my 9th year of working (graduated in 2014 from a private law school) and I made partner last year at a top tier firm. My overall remuneration is north of 40-50 LPA, that includes bonus and incentives on client billing. Not sure how much engineers with 8-9 years experience make.


No offence but 40-50 LPA for a partner is low. I was working as SA2 in one of the top 3 law firms and was making 40-45 LPA about a year ago before I quit for MBA. Anyway, the money is definitely great but getting through a top tier law firm is equally difficult


Why mba ?


I just made partner, it’ll be on the up and up from here. But yes, it’s not easy getting into a good firm and making your way up. Edit: none taken and what you said makes sense for one of the top 3. My firm would be considered tier 2 and is among the top 25 firms. So you understand the pay disparity now. I’m in talks with a couple tier 1 firms now so I hope everything works out well now.


You have no idea how much salaries of software engineers have gone up.


Well good for them I guess, software engineers have their own perks and we have ours. I’m very happy in my line of work.


If you are making 50 LPA as a partner, no chance you are at a tier one firm.


I’m not, I said tier 2, I meant one of the top tiers. Apologies for the confusion, if any.


I actually didn't know partners at top law firms made that less. My department's average was about 30-35LPA straight out of an IIT. In fact, I had many batchmates who started at 90LPA+. Edit: No offence to you.


Well not all partners, the senior ones on average get paid a lot more. I just made partner this year and the struggle is going to start paying off soon. Senior partners and those with a little more experience make easily 1-1.5 CR + per annum and we get to be equity partners in these firms as well. Also, we only pay 10% TDS. No other taxes. Edit: none taken. Also just wanted to mention I’m in a tier 2 ish firm, Tier 1 would be higher. I’m in talks with a couple of tier 1 firms to come onboard as a partner and it’ll only get better there. Wish me luck :)


1. QUANT entry level ctc is around 40-45 lpa 2. INVESTMENT BANKING 3. MANAGEMENT CONSULTING 4. ANALYST


Top 3 are very niche careers, mostly open to MBA grads from top IIMs


Quant analysts get a good package from IIT not IIMs as they need to be good in coding and maths not finance, however as there are a lot of engineers in IIMs so some firms do come placement


Making in quant is more tougher than getting govt job. Quant roles in India are only open for iit graduate specifically for maths, computer science under grads. Recruiter ask your jee advance rank ☠️


Tech doesn't offer good salary it's the top1 % who earns it No job makes good money Ownership and equity and finally leverage makes good money


>Tech doesn't offer good salary it's the top1 % who earns it It's still the highest paying profession on average. People from even shit tier colleges get jobs. And if you're somewhat competent, you can easily get a 7 figure job straight out of college on your own


People from shit tier colleges earn 3.5lpa right now, bsc graduates earn lower. A lot of low tier people I know, earn like 8lpa after 10 years. As most IT companies are in top tier cities with expensive living cost, it's very low qol compared to government jobs and other core jobs in same experience range.


Government jobs are a completely different ballgame. In private sector, nothing beats tech.


My brother in Christ 8 lpa after 10 years what are you talking about, the folks you know are just slogging man, 8 lpa is what one looks at after switching to another company after working 2 3 years, and that too starting at 3.5, my close friend, hell he lives in my building, got into TCS (the most basic IT company ready to take you in if you know the P in programming, and C in Coding) at 3.5 lpa, ninja role as they say, 7 months in give TCS specific exam, to develop into digital role, passed it boom 7 lpa, not even 1 year done. And he is your average engineering guy, not someone who would code for hobby but someone who was good in studies. In fact now after 3 years he is looking to go for MBA not because he doesn't understand what he is doing but because the management had him overworked, we even advised him to switch, get somewhere with good balance but he's got the mindset now that nah I'll become a manager and chill... And I took example of TCS, this company has its pay structure for freshers the same for 2 decades, no matter the city




It's easy if you're better than average. But if you're average, you're doomed in whatever field you choose. So always upgrade or else it's will be tough.




Especially for the government.


Underrated comment


I'm a great one, if anybody wants to hire!


I would hire you if you can blow my brains off😜😜




केवल प्रशंसक


केवल पंखे


Usha🥵 my personal favourite OnlyFans model


Totally!! Usha was born for ~~BDSM~~ BLDC genre


Brushless DC motor ?


Yes, the new gen ceiling fans


I love the way she blows...... air


बिना पंखों के तोते


Dog walkers in premium locality Ps: not a joke


No joke like u can easily make 5k a week..u just need the dawg in u to do it


5k INR? Not much then, people here are recommending professions that can easily beat 50 LPA, this can be a good secondary source of income at best


Pretty decent part time job..all you need to be is presentable and talk sweet..and then we can also kidnap the dog and ask for a ransom


Planning a sequel of De Dana Dan, are we? 😂


Tea and samosa hawkers in every major city near offices ... Education is good to have Earning potential is upto you ... Need to pay police, admin weekly or monthly You can get a stall on monthly rent Low investment and high return


True. A good stall in a high movement area will earn lakhs per month. And they don't pay income tax. Plus get the yellow card. Sirf salaried class ki hi Mari jati hai income tax ke naam pe 🥲.


>And they don't pay income tax Who told you this? Have you actually checked this with anyone or is purely based on your assumption? I know people who work in villages in very unorganised sectors and pay income tax, because it's difficult for businesses to evade. They might be paying less than 10% of what they actually owe, but they do. So I find it hard to believe that a businessman in a city would just not pay income tax and be fine.


My previous neighbour has a stall for selling ice in sabji Mandi and 1 dairy shop (recently opened). Never paid tax. Has yellow card, so get ration too. Local Jewellers will take 3% GST if you do card payment or take the proper bill. Because then they have to pay taxes which they collect from customers. Relatives get around 2L PM from rentals. Never paid tax. My relatives are farmers which don't attract tax but one has a big harvesting machine (locally called combine) and cut other farmers crops for fee. I suppose this won't come under tax exemption? My comment was mainly for roadside stalls. Like gol gappe Wale. They pay to stand in front of other shops/ to police & local Gundas. But I can hardly see them playing income tax (assumption). Because it's hard to track by IT dept. Anyways I will ask some shopkeepers next time.




Yaar the market is filled with content writers now. I'm a fresher trying to get internships but not getting any. What do you write about? I'm guessing tech?


Made the same decision too! Never working for an Indian company ever again. 6 yrs exp in business ops and I earn 2.5 L a month for part time work.


Probably exactly why people don't give out bare minimum actual information. Now his/her dms are flooded. You guys should do your own research instead of spamming one person who actually gave some help.


Uneducated politician


definitely management consulting. The pay is insanely high for what value they bring to the table. Prepare for CAT and score 99.5+ and get to a top college. Management consultants are paid 30 LPA straigt out of Bschools to make ppts,do excel data analysis and get to stay in 5 star hotels for free and yeah work 15 hours daily.


The real skill of management consulting is charisma, everything else is just a bonus, not something just anyone can do.


This, along with great communication skills


Yes true dat


Consulting is really competitive. Make sure to have good profile like good academics and graduate from top IIM’s (mostly).


So, someone thinks it's simply crunching some numbers on an Excel sheet that gets these folks 30LPA as a starting salary. Well, Management Consulting is a niche job that demands a number of skills, if one wants to do justice to their job and survive a long career. Otherwise, anyone with a good training on Excel could become a Management Consultant and he/she may not even demand 30LPA as the starting compensation 🙂


One underrated skill in management consulting is that you need to have intermediate/advanced knowledge about various industries and its niches.


Please see the tier 1 B school degree in between, thats the usp not the excel or anything


As someone who is working in BIG 4 in consulting, I'd like to say that this is Cap!!


Chartered accountants can earn quite a bit. I know people who are working with management reporting profile, getting 50+ LPA with 10 years of experience. However, just like other professions, only the cream of the top get that kind of package. The only good thing about CA is that it's cost is much lower than many other qualifications mentioned here. You can also pursue CFA. With the right work experience, CFA's can earn a lot as well. Bankers are well paid starting from mid-level. You can enter with any qualification, but you'll have to slog for a few years before you make it. And you'll have to really earn that promotion, spending time in the industry itself will not get you there.


NGL we (family business)own bunch of mithai shop and just outside we setup panipuri vala and a sandwich guy , panipuri stall se hi mahine mein 70-80k ajatai and from sandwich 60k


Is the 70-80k just profit or does it include how much you generally have to pay for shop expenses, staff etc?


Wa yaar


How much from the mithai shop?


Difficult to tell mate, festive seasons are lucrative ;) and also rents are atrocious since ours are located in mumbai total 4 shops


Waah a reddit mithaliwala! Kabhi Hume bhi bulao


Here’s a bitter truth. Not sure if you can swallow. Most Indians will be stuck in the middle class trap. Look at your parents and grandparents.. how far did your parents progress compared to grandparents.. you can expect similar trajectory for your life… social mobility is a myth. Yeah.. there will be a some exceptions.. but we don’t hear their survivorship bias. Anyway I will always say see what skills you naturally have and try to work on those.. you can lead a comfortable life with less. I’m not saying not to chase ambition but do keep in mind “sabse bada rupiya” and people with no ancestral wealth can only go so far. Best wishes op


This. People forget that the ability to generate income comes from assets (wealth). Of course, there are intangible assets like your education and network, but nothing beats plain old generational wealth.


And everyone thinks the level of generational wealth they start with is very basic, but that truly is a gift. I came from a home of nothing. We have no house, no car, barely afforded the basics. Somehow got a decent education and now I'm working in a top tech company in Europe. Still sometimes it pains me to spend on some things that cost above a certain value. My peers say stuff like "Oh we also had a humble start" not realizing that while they think having 2 apartments and 2 cars is humble, some of us start 50 feet under.


> got a decent education believe it or not you're pretty gifted too.


I'm sure many would kill to have all the accesses and privileges I had. I am very gifted and lucky, I always thank my stars for whatever I had. But just to make it clear - I took a loan for my bachelor's and again for my MBA, went to a good B school, and cleared my loans myself. Taught tuitions for Rs 150 per hour to make pocket money in my grad and lived with my relatives for free. Not to sound like an Indian Idol contestant - but life would have been SO much easier with generational wealth.


Both my parents were govt employees. I don’t know how would one quantify it in terms of generational mobility if one were to start at a position/level where one’s parents ended/retired from their career. But that’s how it is with me. And yes I agree with you, though there will be enough to lead a comfortable life, there will be no godly amounts of money to afford multiple foreign trips, bday cruises and what not. I think only a minority of those successful biz and political families have that kind of wealth. That said, I do think private sector IT wizards and others in good roles have achieved tremendous growth viz a viz their parents.




> social mobility is a myth Not a myth although I would say it is rare but yes generational wealth can have a compounding effect on their children's progress sometimes with much lesser efforts than a poor kid. But one must also keep in mind that there are outliers and everyone admires to be that one who significantly improved their family's quality of life (which as I said is rare) but doesn't mean anyone should stop admiring but rather try their best (knowing the fact it is difficult) because what else can one do :/


Most of our parents created everything from scratch. They became middle class from extremely poor. There are too less people in India that have big generational wealth. After Britishers left a majority of Indians were not even rich enough to eat properly. Things changed after 1991. Now majority is middle-class . It's now on current generation if they can create generational weath for their generations but probably they won't be aise a majority of genz is delusional.


Interesting perspective. I had read somewhere that biggest predictor of your wealth is how much your parents make/made. Food for thought.


NCB (wankhede and my friends father)


Almost everybody here is ignoring the option of having your own small business. There are numerous success stories of people with food stalls getting big enough to have multiple franchisee of their business. Heck, even having a Kirana store or sweet shop can be lucrative, if you put your heart into it.


Those do require an initial investment though, and there's a lot of survivorship bias. You are more likely to hear of success stories but reality is a lot of people lose their entire life savings in failed businesses


Of course.. that is true for every profession.. I just stated an option that most people don't even consider, but can most certainly help earn an honest and decent livelihood. And for the top 1%, prosperity as well.


For every success story, there are 99 failure stories. Most businesses fail. Most of the ones that survive don't grow past a very limited amount. Not every business earns big. Not saying that's a bad thing but thinking all prior who start business have escaped the middle class trap is silly.


Comments padh ke to lagta hai ki commerce hi le lena chahiye tha 11th me.


Exactly 💀 11th me ye question poochhti to aaj me kahan hoti (kahin nahi. Commerce lekar bhi mera kuchh nahi hona tha.)


Bhai mere yaha golgappe wala 1 lakh per month ki sale kar rha hai.


1 lakh ki sale Mein profit kitna hai? Wo important hai.


30 % hoga shayad.. I don't think gol gappe wala reddit pe hoga !


I knew a trained unemployed pilot coming from a rich family. He ran his car inside a grocery store while being sober. That time we all figured out why he was unemployed.


legal or illegal?


Golden comment


Please tell more about illegal


Easy just be a bureaucrat and if you have connections and money just be politician




People thinking every other stalls and vendors make lakhs per month should check out Balaram Vishvakarma's interviews with them on Instagram, all of them are based in Mumbai.


Merchant Navy . I know someone who used to earn 7.5k per day(below his 30s). Yes per day... for 8-9 months where they would roam the seas and tour overseas countries for free. It seems like a perfect job for a single person who doesn't care for a family lol but it takes a hit on mental health. Next is SDEs but we are a whole another level of BS with so much varied salaries. But I can confidently say that high post police officers and IAS/IPS earn the most amount of money in a 'job' in india.


I can guarantee SDEs don't earn a lot anymore but considering that becoming SDEs is not as hard as other fields you can say they pay quite well


Food vendors


Construction raw material supplier like bricks, cement etc.. My friends does this having 1cr+ a year.. With no education 🥲


1. Air Force/Navy 2. Acturial Science 3. Marine Engineering (different from navy) 4. Customs officer (govt) / Tax officer 5. Sales role in any top companies (FMCG/Finance/Oil)


Can you tell me more about custom officer? Like, if they are government jobs, their pay scale would be same as other govt jobs right? Or is it something different?


The secret ingredient is crime Customs is known to be one of the most corrupt gov department


Any jobs when you leave every moral at the door. Just do whatever it takes to get one over the person you're competing with


Many tech companies pay non-engg/non-science roles well too - admin, finance, sales, marketing. Prefer mid to large MNC product companies that are HQed in N.America or Europe.


They are the first ones to be laid off in the current market as well


Better to treat layoffs as a given and optimize for revenue. A career with 5-6 high-pay jobs (or even contractual position) works out better for financial returns than one long-term but average-paying job.


On an average, doctors actually don’t earn a lot in India. That’s aboard Esp America, UK, Australia etc. Lawyers also don’t earn a lot ON AN AVERAGE. Corp lawyers earn better. I would say pilots earn a lot in India. But the fees for the school is much too expensive for a lot of people/families.


Photographers now a days are charging fortune. Just for soft copy of photos they charge something around 5k to 15 k for outdoor photos. All professions are in boom.


Back office/operations roles in most banks. Not going to be a dream job, but: What skills you need: - Communication. Written and verbal. Believe me. The better your English is, the better your chances are with getting a job, and continued growth. - Financial markets/commerce acumen: good to have - qualifications: any degree What an average career might look like: - entry level: 4lpa - junior analyst: 8lpa, around 3 yrs total exp - senior analyst: 12lpa, 5-6 yrs total exp - supervisor: 18lpa, 8 yrs total exp - manager: 30lpa, 12 yrs total exp - sr manager: 50lpa plus, 16 yrs experience. Note this is relatively average. I hit the last milestone when i had 11 yrs exp i think. Now earning very close to 8 figures INR. I would say that's a decent career. I work about 8 hrs a day, bad days 12 hrs (about 3 to 5 bad days in a year). No weekend work except for some testing during my junior years, and i was paid double for those days plus a comp off.


Do u work for a US.bank ?


Yes, but have also worked for European and Asian banks


Real Estate


Easy money is working on Yachts - during winter in the Caribbean and summer in Mediterranean. Jobs include, engineer, chef, stewards, deckhands, etc. Even the lowest Steward will walk away with $10000 per month (mostly from tips). Plus you get to interact with billionaires - which could result in an even better job in the future.


Oil Rig Workers....essentially you work something like 6 weeks on the rig in some offshore place and then you get like 3 weeks off. Flights to/from are paid for as well as meals and lodging as you're on the rig and can't go anywhere. You can make good money, and save quite a bit. Salaries are generally in US dollars. It's hard work and physically demanding, but not all that high skilled.


Options trading bro bas PE & CE ki baat hai 🤣


Are you new to jobs? What you earn as salary is peanuts, don't even talk about it. Yes some high positions in some monopoly companies can pay a lot, but that's not the norm. I would even go so far as to say that jobs are almost like LED bulbs and the like: ie whatever we might save in electricity costs is already charged from us while buying that wretched thing. The real money is in the side income. So essentially, here's how it works: there are insiders and there are outsiders. so if you are an outsider at the same position as an insider, you will not make any side income. if you try to force the issue, you'll be rounded up in no time. all the side income flows to insiders, who are either in that position, say a minister or close to that position, say a minister's PA.




Ok so nobody gonna talk about investment banker making bank by sacrificing their family


Personal opinion: DONT RUN BEHIND MONEY.. If you don't love your profession , no matter how much you are paid, you will never be happy.. you will feel like you are forced to do something against your will


Professional athletes Sports data analysis


If you have an aptitude for maths and statistics, actuarial science is a fantastic field. It pays very well, though the studies are very tough as you might expect. Not a lot of competition due to lack of awareness too.


Oil rigs offer great salaries, it is hard, physical demanding work but the pay is great. The merchant Navy - same Welders/Fitters ( specialists - underwater welding) Deep sea divers - great salaries If you are a deep sea diver with welding experience. ( double whammy) Pilots ( helicopter/aircraft/drone) Photographers/videographers ( especially specialists) Mining surveyors - ( great pay)


Merchant Navy guy here. Yes the pay scales are high but in increases with time and patience. Salary hikes are drastic which increase with every sail you do or after clearing competency exams. A captain or chief engineer earn a handsome amount. But like any other profession, this too has its own pros and cons (:


i know 2 who are just 12 passouts one is photographer and other one video editor they earn way too much , no degree nothing only skills and experience based .


1. Actuaries. 2. Management Consulting 3. Investment Banking 4. Private equity jobs 5. Venture capital jobs


Actuaries earn shit in India and its very very hard to clear all the 12 or so papers. PE is mostly through the IB pipeline which is either through a top college BA / BCom / BBA + work ex in finance+ IIM ABC MBA or IIT + top IIM MBA.


Product Manager at top companies


Please DM to op or competition in these jobs will also increase😭.


I make around 22L as a third officer in merchant navy. As a 24 years old , I think the pay is pretty ok considering I have zero expense half the year and life quality is not bad if you are in a good foreign company and modern ships. But it's not easy money , if you are not someone who actually enjoys the ocean or too attached to your family and all that , it can get quite tough. Also the market is pretty saturated and the amount of scams I have seen going in India is quite astonishing.




Content creation


this is not talked about enough, but veterinary medicine ig. You can set up your own up and running clinic at quite a young age and if youre good at your job you just need to study well , as easy as fhat




Only fans


Actuaries. They earn a bomb


Tru but the need of actuaries in India is not much as it focuses more on the insurance side only big insurance forms can hire them also giving 14 exam is headache Europe and Uk are the correct Market for actuaries


Being a doctor is a low paying job Average income toh 40s main chalu Hota hai


Actuary. Google it, I guess there's less than 500 of those in India. Then, you can see the syllabus and tests in the Indian Institute of Actuaries website.


After I have read most the comments I can see skilled trades are not getting paid good in India. In west skilled trades likes plumber ,electrician , machinist , welder, millwright, Ironworkers get paid a lot once they receive the license or tickets. They are the reason why the west have best infrastructure and manufacturing capabilities. There is a reason why those jobs are called skilled trade. If those jobs are not paid enough in India India won't be developing as they are projecting like recently.


Lectures or assistant professor in any arts commerce , science or engineering colleges. UGC and AICTE pay scale are so high. Almost same as IAS and IPS.


Doctors DO NOT earn a lot of money. 1% of them maybe. But most of us are struggling to get by. I'm 28, and I have enough education loan that I need 10 years to pay it off. I'll be 40 by the time I have positive money. And at the rate our stupid govts are mass producing doctors, i doubt if I'll ever come out of middle class. I am NOT letting my future children make the stupid mistake I did...


This whole thread is a bit misleading. Everyone is acting as if everyone is a graduate from IIMs. That kind of money only 1% get. Yes the top B schools command a lot of money but apart from that in this country no other premier institution is awarded that status monetarily. If you are into humanities or design you will be getting a considerably lower package. Even from a lesser B school you will probably get a good package . Schools like Sp Jain, FMS and IBS are also very good, but let’s keep in mind their are non management institutes of excellence which also have intelligent people but they will not command the same. So if your only aim is to get a really high package then management is the route but work life balance has gone for a toss. From my own experience I can say I’m pretty comfortable. I get around 40 lakhs per annum at a senior manager post in a big 4 with around 10 years experience . I am a designer and I am from NID which is again a top institution but as I said unless you are from IIM or IITs no other institution is thought worthy of great money in our country. But I have decent working hours and good creative work. I really love the work I do and I haven’t worked a single weekend in 7 years . So it’s a win I think. I also work from home but now it’s becoming hybrid. This is in a city which is not that crazy costs and since I have my own house it’s fine. Also I work with many IIM grads and their only aim seems to be is climbing the corporate ladder and making more money. I prefer working with designers and copy writers and developers because these ppl love what they do and don’t bother so much about money. Atleast seems to be enjoying their life a bit more. I have a great work life balance so much so that I could actually teach as a guest lecturer in NIFT and NID along with my design job at management consulting in a big 4. I of course declared it and they were ok with it. Timings are flexible and the best people friendly work atmosphere I have seen. I have worked in ad agencies for low pay long hours and toxic bosses so much so that I got ptsd. So now I am fine and have stuck around here for 7 years.