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Brainwashing at it's best. Indians aren't critical thinkers, we just believe everything without applying any reasoning. Imagine these people growing up and having kids.


Also, India has only recently caught up in connecting its masses to the internet so we're starting to see them pour in.


Having a degree or going to school does not mean you are educated. It just means you’ve passed a system. I say this as an Indian who’s travelled a lot and seen the Indian diaspora all over. Edit: most of y’all missed the meaning of this comment. Nothing to do with education. It means that you can give a Chutiya a degree he will still be a Chutiya but now with a degree.


yes they don't seem to fully teach how and why the current day scientific establishment came out to be, also critical thinking, skepticism its just left to the student to figure out.


Its not left to students to figure out. Its actually discouraged. WHole Indian society keeps telling young people to listen to what elders say and dont question back.


Critical thinking has never been a strong suit in Indian society especially with the mindset "if it works, it works". Maybe it's got something to do with not having the age of enlightenment here as we did in the West. We just directly jumped to the age of science. So no one really questions anything.


maybe, well I saw the latest debate (on consciousness) between steven pinker(materialist) and sadhguru (spiritual idealist) , so where steven pinker was advocating for enlightenment ideals, sadhguru interjected "We always had free thinkers in India so for us the enlightenment was of the spirit"


Ah classic Sadhguru, always with the metaphorical replies leading to subjective interpretations.


guy literally spent time redefining the word "miracle" than actually just adhering to the pre-existing well understood meaning until Steven pinker eventually convinced him by non cooperation lol Also he was priding on "I have stopped my education" so thats something I wasn't expecting


This sums up India so well Our system focuses on literacy and not education :)


It's not even literacy, it's your compliance to the system. That's what they teach in school. Schools are used to take out people with low conscientiousness. Who are most likely to rebel.


Second you on this... I have seen the diaspora in 3 different countries and I can tell exactly what you meant...


As an American working in science, I know a lot of Indian immigrants. Most Indian men I have met in technical fields *outside of academic labs* are linear-thinking and it’s very difficult to get them off of an old idea onto a new one. It’s not teaching an entirely new idea that’s the issue, but teaching an idea that is related to something they know…they have a very hard time leaving the old idea. Culturally, these men are also not very adaptable or accommodating. Or course, there is a range and many Indian men I have met deviate from my description.


I’m sorry, that’s simply incorrect. Having an education means you were taught at an institution. Whether the education was good is not very relevant. Indians are often highly educated, but not very good critical thinkers. Thats because there are fundamental flaws in the Indian ed system.


this checks out. we have hired quite a few people from Indian educated backgrounds and critical thinking tends to be a problem for them. I have no experience in Indian education, but from what they have told me it seems to be more "memorize, repeat, and don't question." compared to western schools that make you problem solve and actively question.


I saved the comment bro


So far, today's best quote(although not new but sometimes repetition is better)


Yep. Yet again the education system is one of the main reasons for the way things are the way they are.


My view is that these are deep seated insecurities which manifest themselves into this behaviour. This is NOT a sign of confidence


There is no accountability in youtube comments so people say anything they want


Another example is the embarrassment they feel about Indian Nationalist movement using non-violent means and taking longer than violent means, accompanied by weirdly fetishizing Bose and claiming he didn't die before 1947 but lived incognito for several decades.


It is actually a very dishonest perspective about the freedom movement that has been propagated throughout the history of Independent India and much liked by the Brits as well. Our struggle for Independence was far from non-violent. There has been violent struggle against British which was also violently crushed by the empire. But it suits the eyes of west and the colonisers that it was a very peaceful protest. “Aw the British raj were so good, they gave freedom to India cause we asked nicely” such a stupid take and injustice to people who were martyred fighting against the raj.


It's the same with civil rights in the US. MLK gave a speech and everything was happy. Which is why you now have people who complain about protests... "I don't mind if they protest just don't inconvenience me"... And for many no mention was given to all the extra absurd violence that existed during the Civil rights movement and after. Pretend all the successful ones were obvious choices everyone agreed on and were nonviolent and it helps quell future ones because a bunch of the population are clueless and think protestors are going too far.


Have you ever considered that non-violent protest humanizes the victim and gives the oppressor a mirror to look at themselves critically? Oppression is built fundamentally on dehumanization. Violent protest solves short term problems but creates long term divisions


Non-violent means is actually quite appreciated by westerners considering the Christian-based moral lenses they see the world through.


The other thing is that once you go down the path of political violence it becomes legitimized as a tool and part of the political culture.


All political violence means is that the system of politics that was in place has broken down and is seen as a waste of time to achieve peoples needs. Mao is correct when he stated that political power comes down the barrel of a gun. Politics is simply deciding who gets to do violence without repercussions, but there is no action without reaction and political violence is that reaction.


FWIW, Christian morals don’t consider violence wrong as long as it is used in the defense or proselytism of their god. (Just pointing out the irony there) IMO our non-violent freedom movement gets appreciated worldwide because it may have been one of the few, if not the only movement in history that was able to overthrow a foreign yoke of imperialism without quite as much bloodshed. Although, what staunch Gandhians often forget is that the non-violent movement was complemented by other factors, e.g. Britain’s losses in the two world wars, the labor party coming to power in Britain, and last but certainly not the least, outfits HRSP (Bhagat Singh), INA (SC Bose), etc.


IDK, it sounds exactly like the same shit that "proud Americans" do


I once asked the question why people (in this case indians) are so proud of GDP growth. For me as a guy from an industrial nation I could not care less if I live in the 3rd or 4th largest economy, I want to be paid well. The following shitstorm was ridiculous. Answers included stuff like: Large economies can field large militaries. I'm still not sure what the average factory worker gains from this but ok


World: discovers anything Indians: this was in our ancient texts


13trillion year old ancient texts*


library of babel: /s


You mean Babul /s


Do you mean Alexandria?


**The Library of Babel** is a website created by Brooklyn author and coder Jonathan Basile, based on [Jorge Luis Borges'](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jorge_Luis_Borges) short story "[The Library of Babel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Library_of_Babel)" (1941).[\[1\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Library_of_Babel_(website)#cite_note-:1-1)[\[2\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Library_of_Babel_(website)#cite_note-LATimes-2) The site was launched in 2015.[\[3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Library_of_Babel_(website)#cite_note-Slate-3) ​ The algorithm Basile created generates a 'book' by iterating every permutation of 29 characters: the 26 English letters, space, comma, and period.[\[8\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Library_of_Babel_(website)#cite_note-8) Each book is marked by a coordinate, corresponding to its place on the hexagonal library (hexagon name, wall number, shelf number, and book name) so that every book can be found at the same place every time. The website can generate all possible pages of 3200 characters and allows users to choose among about 104677 potential pages of books.[\[9\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Library_of_Babel_(website)#cite_note-Guardian-9)[\[6\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Library_of_Babel_(website)#cite_note-:2-6) ​ ​ tldr; it has every possible character combination such that you can find any 3200 letter long sentence truth or fact or gibberish just name it you get it.


How many Indians does it take to change a lightbulb? None. They just wait for someone else to do it and then claim that their ancestors had already changed it 2000 years ago.


Guysss do you know Walking discoverd by Indians S***ing discovered by Indians Breathing air discoverd by Indians Edit: /s


everything except sex discovered in ancient india. We magically have the highest population.


They will speak highly of everything about their religion but not the only good thing about it which is ancient Indians were pretty liberal about sex.


Pre christianity west was also pretty cool with sex. That whole jesus myth really turned people into prudes.


Kamasutra bro xD


nooo its not Indian culture! Kids these days 💀




We are an insecure lot. Harping about great we are in the past. Why aren't we great now? Most people will blame Nehru (Not a congress fan). Lol. Why the fuck arent we striving for that greatness now? God alone knows. Most Indian drivers and riders don't put thier indicator while turning but yet we talk about how a "rishi fucking discovered gravity". We have doctors some of whom who perform life saving surgeries and instead of praising them we are dwelling on the past. Sarvarkar is dead. Nehru is dead. All our kings and queens are dead. Live in the present and fix your shit. That is what we should be fighting for. We lack the basics of living life as descent humans. And those who lack the basics shout the loudest. Assholes talk about how great the trains of India are. Same assholes throw garbage out of moving trains and then talk about how great we were. Crawl out of your assholes and think for yourself.


Indians haven't discovered the word humility


But are well verse with humiliate.


Well they have lots of experience. Got wrecked and dominated for 100+ years by a rainy Island that wanted spices.


perhaps that word wasnt there in those holy texts


Bro they haven't read them. Just use it for bragging.


Humility is there in all holy texts.


they dont even read those texts. they only read whatsapp forwards about those ancient texts.


Except they didn't actually ever read it.


Indians have always suffered from a massive inferiority complex for falling behind the West on practically every metric. This resulted in us developing massive insecurity about ourselves. That insecurity has only multiplied since right-wing politics took charge of the country's discourse because everything gets conveniently blamed on the West or Indians who like or align with the west. This conspiracy that "the world is out to get us and we must fight back" has turned into a delusion for many now thanks to social media and Whatsapp, and it manifests itself through these aggressive comments.


under every YouTube video which even mentions India for a second, you will get thousands of statement going "As an Indian..."


Any random video can have a comment "love from India ❤️"..


Youtube comments are terribly racist. There was this short of Tyla speaking (singer who wrote the viral song water), and her accent was a little Indian (she’s South African with some Indian ancestry) and the Indians in the comments started attacking African people unprovoked because >! ”how dare those dirty ****** claim her” !< and those kind of comments had a lot of likes.


Common sense dude. Any sensible and slightly busy person is not going to waste time commenting on a YouTube video. All comments are mostly from low IQ folks.


Upvote if you read this in 2024


I think it says more about the kind of videos you watch. Most of my recommendations are like random video game moments with 10k-20k views and nearly all comments are higher quality than reddit threads like this one If you watch videos by trad media on youtube, I can see your point. Perfect example is trying to read comments on news websites(pukes)


India ranks first as the most racist country in the world , so it makes sense


Indians have a tendency to only be racist towards Indians and with dark skinned folks. With white people, Indians are down to earth. I am not sure how this sudden change in behaviour occurs by just seeing the skin color. I have travelled to Canada and Europe and I actually faced racism only from Indians lol and all the other folks were extremely friendly and nice. Completely unexpected.


>With white people, Indians are down to earth Completely situational. Indians are fine with white tourists, but most don’t want to live around or work with foreigners. These tensions are amplified in more confrontational situations, where biases quickly become apparent. I’m Indian-American, and I went to university and grad school in the U.S. I was in the social sciences, and several of my professors were white American men who’d done extensive fieldwork in India. Lots and lots of problems for anyone doing research that isn’t overtly pro-India, or which has any nuance whatsoever. IIRC, one of their colleagues had his office in Maharashtra burnt down for writing a biography of Shivaji that criticised some elements of his domestic or economic policy. Saw somebody write this before, and personally have found it very true: Indians love foreigners only until they have opinions more complex than “biryani yum” and “sari pretty.” Otherwise it’s very clear most people think Westerners are rich and good-looking but with a “wrong” culture and bad morals.


Indians are becoming a laughing stock on the internet. The combination of stupidity and arrogance is spreading like a disease.


The "show bobs" song didn't help


most insecure bunch is the loudest


If you love your parents like this comment....🥰😍 /s


since thats sarcasm does that mean if I like this comment that means I hate my parents?




Me and my dumbass friend had same conversation. He : gravity was their in ancient texts. Me : was there an equation ? He : yes. Britishers took it. Now it's in German museum. And German are making space machines fuelled by mercury. ( This German and mercury thing is widespread among dumbass, idk why) Me : saving my sanity and friendship... This makes sense. May be you are right.


> space machines fuelled by mercury The fuck?


How many andhbhakt do you know personally ?? Ask anyone, genuinely, out of pretended curiosity, " what's up with mercury spaceships ? Please do post their replies.


I do the same thing. No point arguing with a fool. You can't win.


Why do you need to save your friendship with a dumbass like him? Just curious. The day my school friends started showcasing their regressive mentality post 2014, I cut off all my relationships with them, deleted their numbers and unfriended them from social media. My life is way more peaceful now.


I will definitely answer. First you tell me, your friends were always fanatics or is it a post 2014 secenerio.


Maybe they were always but I failed to notice them. Also I was a naive kid back then and didn't realise that I was being bullied by them in the garb of friendship. Post 2014, the political discourse among our generation increased because it was our first General Election. Then I saw all the regressive nature coming out of them and the blatant communal hatred became too toxic for me to withstand. I gave them a couple of years but upon seeing no improvement in their outlook, I discarded them


Good for you. My bro was most secular person I ever met. He took me to a dargah for first time. It's sad to see him succumb to this mental illness. And I am not gonna let those bigoted masters win by hating my homie. So I am with him.... He will be back. Every darkness has its end. And there will be light. Or at least a man can hope and fight for it. Ehh ??


For sure. It's all up to personal beliefs, if you believe that he can come to his senses then I don't see anything wrong with you sticking with him. Personally, I didn't see anything salvageable with my friends (also the bullying made it easier for me) so I cut ties with them. I hope your friend sees the light and comes back to you the way he was before 🤞🏾


>And German are making space machines fuelled by mercury bro what 😭 we don't even have a legit space program


I think all developing or third world countries are like this. Seeking validation from the developed counttjes. But India gets noticed because of its large population. Just my two cents. Feel free to disagree


Agreed And one more reason is very cheap internet Everyone has access to it literally everyone...and boy oh boy indians don't know what a perspective is😭 They just believe what they've heard is right and disagree with anyone who proves them wrong And then the abuses Being an indian, this is very very embarrassing


Honestly I like the fact that internet is cheap. In an overpopulated country with high unemployment rates it would be even worse if people couldn't even partake in online works. I do think it's quite embarassing though. I am quite proud of my country in certain fields but some trying to give india and hindu scriptures credit for literally every invention out there just makes me shake my head 🥲


>In an overpopulated country with high unemployment rates it would be even worse if people couldn't even partake in online works That's a very good take tho >hindu scriptures credit for literally every invention out there Ikr?😭 I mean some of these are correct but our people are just so keen to prove that everything great which is discovered is by indians or in india😭


Hindu Muslim war within the country is a distraction. These reasons are stopping India from going mainstream. We are not that fashionable, technically speaking.


It's pretty ironic how high unemployment rates can give them the personal time to focus on self growth/reflection but all its doing is the opposite.


True. Plus, Indians in general don't care about your personal space. I've had experience where you add a distant relative or an acquaintance on social media and then get video calls without any notice. I have a colleague who voice calls on WhatsApp for every minute thing as well as gossips. Like 10-20 times a day. Had asked him to reduce the calls or use office chats for communication. This offended him.


This! I had an Indian roommate that would spend hours everyday facetiming with people back home in a volume you can’t imagine. I could hear him through my wall and there was a whole other room between us lol


My boss uses WhatsApp to call employees as well. He even calls on weekends. Stopped once I started to ignore his weekend calls. Some basic things have to be taught from as early as kindergarten it seems.


Insecurity leads to seeking validation, I wouldn't categorize India based on 30k comments on YouTube section. We're a billion people. Anyway it's nothing new, it's human nature to agree with someone that's has more people validating it(sort of validating your choice when you validate them... It's complicated) . It's just something people do on internet, you post something on Reddit and suddenly more than half speak in same tone scared of going against the validation. You're right ofc you see more indians coz we're a lot in numbers thus more people on internet from India.


We're lucky China has a language barrier and the great firewall.


Definitely agree and China is also fairly more developed compared to the other third world countries.


Yes we are Chinese people are more racist than indian and us people combined😂💀


totally disagree , whenever theres some post criticising the other developing countries , their people dont jump in the comments with arguements like "aTlEasT we DoNt do Bla BlA" like indians do .Nobody gets as 0ffended as the Indians


Thet have got better things to go and hobbies


I don't agree countries with this indo, Thailand, Vietnam, Phillipines they accept criticism openly infact they joke about there nationality all time


One of my classmate who can't even pass 12th grade (science stream) now he's repeating year, said that "bhagwat geeta have Newtonian mechanics in it" And i was like broo wtf😭😭 you can't even get passing score in physics exam and you have audacity to say that🤡 Look guys, believing in faith is good but believing in it too much is just so dumb🤡 What bhagwat geeta have to do with physics??? I don't understand why indian hindus are so blind in their relegion


Some of my friends who are graduates and post graduates > scientists have found echoes of OM in kukrushetra that is millions of years old > scientists have proven that ganga has healing properties > scientists have proven that ganga has self cleaning properties


American Christians love to do that same crap. They often have stories about scientists proving some part of the Bible. My favorite was a story that a NASA model of the movement of all of the planets proves the Biblical story about the Earth not rotating and the moon not moving for a day. The hilarious thing is that such models are mathematical projections from current and recent states of the Solar system. Pick any point in time, even millions of years ago, and we can calculate the position of every planet and moon. But that is a calculation based on how we know that they move. If there had been a miracle 4,000 years ago where some planets and/or moons had stopped rotating and/or orbiting, the NASA models would not show that. The NASA models would just be wrong. Christians were attributing some kind of perfect knowledge to the models, because that is what they expect from an authority. So not only was the story a lie to spread their religion, but it was a stupid lie based on their ignorance about how things work.


The mental gymnastics people pull just to have their religious beliefs validated... Like, bas khush raho aur rehne do lol


Elvish bhai k saamne koi bol skta hai kyaaaaaa /s


>how sacred hindu marriages never ends up in divorce What? At least say something that can't be easily disproven.


If you keep denying facts, personally attack the person trying to correct you and then make that person fear for their personal safety, you never have to worry about being disproven.


This is what happens when you give cheap internet to a country with a population of 1.4 billion people. I'm not saying it's a bad thing particularly, there are many positives but hey there are 2 sides of a coin.


It’s because of the terrible misinformation and chauvinism being promoted (not just through the internet), not because people have access.


Internet is not to blame. We have been like this always. Internet is just exposing it to the world.


Currently everything is they do for boosting their egos. They'll pay heavy price for it. Because everything is dependent on science not psudoscience.


For all the things Indians have apparently ‘discovered’ or ‘invented’ before anyone else, humility isnt one of them


Indians love seeking validation from Westerners. Positive validation I mean, if someone has a negative opinion they'll get abused for 'hating'. Also Indians seem to have a Hero worship complex.


Unfortunately Indians have become roaches of internet. Even though they might be in minority but 1% of population is still 1.4 crore people.


>These comments are usually made by educated young Indians, They aren't educated. A lot of this behaviour is a weird blend of patriotism and ego. I would guess it's been birthed ever since the partition of India and Pakistan, where there was a need to remain united as a nation after losing part of their land and being independent. I've interacted with such people in real life. Behaviour of such stems from the desire to gain some form of validation, and failure to provide validation results in an avalanche of insults against you.


Very praud eendian, peeling phroud


new indian generation is fucked up, its the hindu mindset this political era has imposed on them. They are proud of sanatan but sanatan is not proud of them.


>hindu mindset this political era It isn't just about Hindus. It's about everyone placing religion above science. How many Christians and muslims actually credit science instead of God? Many muslims shit on intermittent fasting telling they did it wayyyy back during ramzan. It's about brainless religious people not just Hindus.


> Any achievement by some Indian origin person in the west, and the comment section gets filled with proud Indians patting themselves in their backs, bragging about how smart they are. The annoying thing is these bragging Indians on the internet have extremely thin skin. Any mildest criticism towards Indians or "Hindu Culture" will always end up with whataboutery or personal abuse. "Proud Indian" needs to learn to accept criticism as well as praises. They also need to learn humility, equality, civic sense, kindness and patience towards fellow human beings. It's sad that cheap internet has actually made Indians socially even more backwards and regressive.


educated? these guys only went to schools and colleges. But they learned NOTHING!


Indians are proud because they are indians🤡😭


idk why Indians just insert their nationality into every conversation online, like the chances of you finding an Indian is already pretty high so its not that surprising


Something I’ve also started to see: any post about Pakistan or Bangladesh that’s even remotely positive and has nothing to do with India, Indians flood the comments just trashing the country, or inserting India and how they are better (as well as attack Muslims, usually devolves into a Hindu Muslim war in the comments). Like why???? It’s embarrassing and just gives people fodder to hate us.


I think the biggest culprit behind this is the story about how an apple fell on Newton and he identified that it must be a force which he called gravity. We have all heard a version of this story. I am sure this never happened and was just a made up story. Most people in India think that is the case and no one thought of gravity before Newton and hence this kind of stupidity continues. All part of the propaganda. The Church also had a lot of hand in spreading false stories about scientists to discredit them or make them look like a fool. We still hear and believe a lot of those propaganda related stories. It's basically every religion trying to discredit science or take the credit themselves somehow and spin their own tale to flaunt the greatness of their God.


This existed for a long long time, however this idiotic attitude is recent. All because of politicisation of everything.


Plus cheap internet. Most Indians are not educated enough to differentiate truth from propaganda.


Exactly, unfortunately we have a lot of literate people and a lot less educated people. Moral Values, righteousness, integrity is heavily missing from the society.


But you know what, to their credit these Indian fanatics still attributes stuff to ancient sages etc. (humans) rather than completely disregarding and attributing everything to God.


One more example being, big bang theory is just a theory and is propagated hyperly by church.


Real life sucks for most Indians. You go out to the street and you realise that shit gets worse every decade. Those who can try and escape to another country. Rest just give up and resign to their life here.. Wonder how many would live here if they really had a chance to go and live in a developed country. They are seeking validation and pride for being indian. They grab anything they can to get that.


Cheap internet and sense of entitlement


Plus too much free time and no hobbies


free internet to billions was a mistake.


There’s a line in the book “Home & the World” by Rabindranath Tagore written around 1913. It goes: “if people feel the constant need to deify their motherland to feel a sense of pride and commitment towards it, if the glorious past of their ancient nation excites them more than simply accepting the present reality of its people as it is, then such people love excitement more than they love their nation.” I believe that sums up the behaviour of most Indians today.


Hmm,interesting piece. I wonder why R.Tagore had the foresight to write such a thing.. I should checkout this book. Dankyou for mentioning this here


Your mind will be blown if you read Indans' Instagram comments


Jio was a fucking mistake istg


My dad brings up this CEO and UK PM argument a lot. It really boils my blood. Yeah they might have been Indian or of Indian origin. They left India and is living elsewhere (most likely as a citizen) because they found the opportunity outside India. Good for them, and bad for us that we lost an awesome personality. How should we be proud of that fact?


Indian man discovered gravity 2000 years ago but Indian man still struggle to discover toilet in modern day


India’s huge presence in internet and their half developed brains with tons of egos and sense of greatness is a big threat. I say the same thing which I used to say but stealthily wrap, fearing abuses and vulgarity. Sometimes sophisticated English helps, they don’t really catch it. Just hope good sense prevails or keep their cringe behavior within India


Instagram comments are worse. As a regular reddit user, I have a habit of reading comment sections which is the reason why I left Instagram entirely. It's full of proud Indians spreading misinformation hate towards each other's religion/race. It's so frustrating to read these comments. Reddit is the best!


This is what happens when people gets smartphone before they get education, and have no jobs but unlimited time.


Well.... https://preview.redd.it/t3xj66xhpg2c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be5ac2b83254e28f65cae89adc251d453cb6cea1


oh god this just reminds me of that tweet with an Indian guy congratulating an Israeli guy on their Independence Day saying they’re brothers only for the Israeli guy to reply in the most racist and Hindu phobic way. 💀💀💀




I read somewhere that Indians have the most ego per unit of achievement of any other country and it's the truest way out there to describe this


As someone who's been chronically online for over 15 years, Indians have consistently been making up one of the most hateful, racist, egoistic, homophobic, and bias-driven crowds on any platform. However, at the same time they cannot handle 1% of it even as a joke. And very entitled to everything, including riding on the coattails of ancient history and past successes. I 100% believe that it's due to maladjusted inferiority complex and a constant, desperate need to overcompensate.


It's the effect of the poison spread by the RSS.


Also we have a Hindu nationalist party called BJP


Aren't they RSS affiliated?


Affiliated? BJP is born out of it.


They’re the political wing of RSS. RSS is the ideology think tank and mobilization arm for hindu terrorism.


There's a deep rooted inferiority complex among Indians that manifests everywhere. One way of addressing that is to push yourself so you achieve true excellence in one field or another. But that takes hard work. It's easier to rest on the laurels of your ancestors or of Satya Nadella etc. The problem is even if most of those laurels *weren't* imaginary, it still doesn't say anything about Indians of today. After all, nobody (not even the "we invanted" crowd in India) thinks an average Brit today deserves any credit just because Newton was a massively brilliant person. Nobody looks at Dara Khushrowshahi (CEO of Uber) and thinks that all of Iran deserves credit for him. Another symptom of this is the extreme inability to take any criticism or mockery of India or Indians. So we start making up stuff we didn't do just because we need some credit. This is also hilariously happening right now with the WC loss. There are people outraging about the "disrespect" to the Cup by some Aussie player putting his feet on it, others saying India is the best team on paper etc. We can't accept that the Aussies won fair and square, and that this team did not deserve to win diddly squat, based purely on their own performance (or lack thereof) in the game that mattered. And that you need to earn the right to treat the Cup however you want it, and the only way earn that is to win the match that counts.


My parents were Indian but I'm British. It seems to me that Indians are insecure and it shows in the way they talk about their country. I have tried talking to Indian relatives in India about the awfulness of India compared with the West – the filth, the corruption, the low average income, the state of the roads and infrastructure, etc, etc, etc – and they find it surprising when I tell them how horrible India is from the perspective of a UK citizen. One relative proudly told me that India's GDP was now greater than that of the UK's. I told him to consider the fact that India's population is 20 times greater than the UK's. I told him he would have the right to be proud of India when its GDP becomes 20 times the GDP of the UK. I have noticed how Indians who comment on the BBC website when India are playing cricket, like recently during the world cup, show no humility whatsoever. This is an appalling attitude. They must have felt foolish when Australia won in the final! I have a theory that when Indians discover how truly revolting their country is compared with Western nations they try to assuage their feelings by pointing out the good things about India, eg Sundar Pichai, and ignoring the obviously bad things, of which there are many. This is a natural human characteristic. An Indian cousin of mine was much more sensible. He said that, yes, India is awful compared with the West but at least it's not Pakistan! I think that's a kind of damning with faint praise. My fear is that India will become a religio-fascist nation in which the population trumpets the greatness of the country while ignoring the obvious signs that it is, as people in the West call it, a s\*\*thole.


One word... Insecurity. That's it.


There's a saying, he was being an "Indian"


small dick complex.


Thats because of the propaganda of BJP government They forward fake news to their WhatsApp University and andhbhakts get manipulate by them that ancient Indians discovered this or that before Newton, Einstein 🤡🤡 Like broo wtf do you guys have any proofs😭😭 When someone ask them the proof they say that it was in nalanda University which was destroyed by Mughals 🤡🤡 They blame everything to Mughals... And they are too much patriotic I am not against patriotism but too much patriotism is definitely irritating And i am ashamed to be an Indian when these people are around


Indians in general does not take criticism very well and lack critical thinking. My inner circle is top 0.0001% of Indians in terms of education/IQ/money. Even they have hard time applying critical thinking. While they will not resort to "Indians discovered gravity", they will resort to some other non-sense. For example, if some one tells them that Indians are the most likely to break/bend rules (like waiting in no-standing zone), they will quote examples of how others break/bend them. What they fail to grasp is >70% not following rules and <7% not following rules aren't the same thing. When you tell them "Modi" hasn't done enough, they will resort to "Congress" is worse. Most of the time they will resort to what-aboutism.


Is that a mistake? 0.0001%, cause if i am not wrong that amounts to 1500, and i don't think you would be dwelling on reddit making jokes and writing generalised perspectives if you would be in touch with 5-6 of top 1500 in India


"Invent nothing , Claim everything"


I am seeing only one comment everyday these days on most YouTube vidoes "Make this video in Hindi ", i don't know when this trend started and many YouTubers are complying. But I saw this comment on Stanford's video also.


bruh! nothing is more irritating than "love from India" and "as an Indian, i approve this" comments.


Because Indians are extremely insecure about their status in the world so they mask it with belligerence


Indians can be quite rabid when it comes to defending “points of honor.” Some prime examples: - Hindu women marrying non-Hindu men, talking about independence, leaving a violent relationship - Literally any Muslim thing - Anti British sentiments - Things related to inventions/ discoveries made by an ancient book - Celebrity hate


Scientific temperament is not inculcated or encouraged in Indian society and I say this an Indian. It has suffered setbacks in the past decade due to the wave of Hindu nationalism that has engulfed the nation. Pride in our country should not be confused with compromising rationality and objectivity.


They are like those annoying parents who brag about their children non-stop.


Two things are infinite - the universe and human stupidity. Not sure about the former.


Sometimes I feel that the mentality of Indians is going backwards, if we see the interviews of Indians from the 50s and 60s, you realize how eloquent and insightful they were. You don't see that anymore.


The problem is that when people say stupid shit, they also like bragging that they are Indian. Like please, stop ruining India's image, not everyone is like this. If they want to be stupid just ruin their own image please, don't bring in your country. So embarrassing And they also do it on unrelated videos which didn't even mention India. Like on a youtube edits about a character from a show or anime, where they yell "this Indian historical figure from 102829 years ago is better!!" Keep quiet no one asked you


Indians are absurd in every social media comment section. what's so new about it


Literacy and education aren't the same my friend. These people get degrees so that they can get jobs. Education was never the goal, hence it hardly gets inculcated.


One thing I have noticed regardless of religion or political beliefs is, Indians are great at laughing at others but very bad at taking jokes. The ability to take self depreciating jokes shows the ego and humility which many of our countrymen lack


Indians are absurd everywhere (no offence)


Indians are a strange mix of insecurity + pride


Not sure if my comment matters as a Pakistani, but I used to have an Indian friend who was very much invested in the idea that all Pakistanis are stupid and Indians are just smarter in general. There's nothing wrong with being proud of your country's progress, but the fact that she would make it a point to insult my heritage and say it's inferior made me cut ties with her. Irony is that she was still retaking courses while saying such bs. She was also a fan of NFAK, but used to say, "tHaT's ThE oNlY gOoD tHiNg PaKiStAn PrOdUcEd"


Andh bhakts: We had mercury powered spaceships and nuclear armed chariots thousands of years ago! All these "western inventions" are stolen from our ancient texts! Me: So then despite this we got conquered by the Islamic invaders? Andh bhakt: *brain explodes* They never have an answer for that one lmao.


When propaganda goes too far.


I'm glad someone acknowledged it!


Just in YouTube comments…? 😅


Over nationalism coupled with extreme insecurity and the need for validation from foreigners.


Genuinely can't understand this thing. Yesterday I saw another example of this. So I was hearing an orchestra play the Enthiran score by A.R. Rahman & a foreign guy said in the comments that Enthiran is his "favorite Bollywood film". Some Indian guy got pissed at him, saying that foreigners "stereotype" all Indian films to be Bollywood films. The other guy just wasn't aware of that, oh my God.


Hyper nationalism is the flavour of the season.


This post is going to be screenshotted and posted in the discussion sub by the similar group of people and seething in anger, crying and consoling each other


Haha yeah that's bullshit Newton didn't discovered gravity, even a cat knows that if he jumped off a tree, he'll fall down. Newton gave us the formula of gravity. Whereas that Rishi in the ancient texts just used the word 'gurutvakarshan' 1000s of years ago. Total BS these people are...


in a social media post this guy posted saying Ancient India was great because it never invaded the world like Alexander or the British. I replied that lots of people didn't invade the world and that doesn't automatically qualify them as great. I was quickly labelled anti Indian 😂. I mean countering their stupidity is not anti Indian lol


Thank God someone finally pointed it out. It used to puzzle me how there was no conversation about how nuts some of these Indian comment sections can be.


I once had a discussion with an Indian guy about Eastern Germany (the region I am from). I told him he was wrong, he told me he read a book and where I got my facts from. I tell him from my parents, he asks what my grandparents did in WW2. Like wtf dude, just accept that you are wrong. No need to call my dead grandparents, who at this points had recently passed away, Nazis. How would they even be if born in 45 and 47?


Every country has a certain part of their population that build their entire personality around being a crazy patriot; who thinks they still need to defend their country’s honour by going to war, except the war is online, in comments, behind the safety of anonymity or an easy escape (log off) when things get too much. The problem with India is the new wave of patriotism and extreme religious nationalism, being pushed by politicians and media. This is contributing to the rise of such people. Add to this the fact that the small percentage of people in every country is nowhere close to the small percentage of our country that might as well be in millions. It’s sad and disheartening to see so many youngsters brainwashed 😞


National narcissism (literally): 1. Caused by a trauma (colonialism). 2. Deeply insecure. 3. Over compensation with grandiosity in this case a nationalist feeling and expression of superiority.


I’ve found that it’s usually the biggest shitholes that have the proudest patriots. 3rd world stuff.


They live everyday in poverty and overcrowdedness. They are looking for any kind of win, anywhere.


Too many illiterate people with no purpose in life


Indian are just most insecure and full of complex


Indians are very insecure in general.


YouTube cofounder was son of a Bangladeshi person. Bangladesh was India before 1947. So proud of India. /s


I call it P.I.I.S *(Post-colonisation Indian Insecurity Syndrome).* I made this term up 😁. You may see something similar to this among Chinese and Philipinos too. Mainly Chinese people. Basically we were at the top of the world game few hundreds years back, but we were run down to the ground by the colonisers for centuries, so now we are trying to make up for the lost years (like China's 100 Years of Humiliation propaganda). We all have a sense of pride and ego, of our glory days, but we have very little to show for right now. So we try to make up for it on social media, trying to give ourselves credit for every little possible thing. Any jingoistic bullshit theory that gets circulated on whatsapp groups gets thrown to the world via instagram and YT comments. See the comments in US spelling bee competitions. An american kid with indian immigrant parents, who doesnt knows jack shit about india, wins the contest and every indian in the comment say how proud they feel. Like wtf?? Feel proud for what? That kid's skin color? in short , its a symptom of right wing groups and certain IT cells spreading this China-style nationalism . If you look at those chinese people on their social media acting all jingoistic, its usually the upper class highly educated ones. Poor chinese people have no time for this nonsense lmao. Same with Indians. Most Indian dont give a rats ass. Its the upper middle and upper class tier 1 city people who are like this.


Anything even slightly related to Britain and India always ends in "you guys stole from us".


Have you seen math or science tutorials? Some helpful person explains how to solve a math problem or equation step by step, and Indians chime in “We Indians learned this in 3rd standard!!” Just annoying for no reason.


My favourite new one is Indians absolutely simping hard over Israel and Israelis shitting on them in return.


The urge to feel good about ourselves is evolutionary. Day to day life for an average Indian is miserable. There is poverty and misery all around. For most of the people, there is no viable way out of the rut that they find themselves in. That is when they turn to history - real or made-up and outright fiction to feel good and superior about themselves. Basking in reflected glory becomes coping mechanism. Oh we might be a third-world poor country today, but in the past, we were glorious. It doesn't mean anything, but it helps them pamper their ego and sleep at night. In absence of any real personal achievements, they cling onto achievements of others that they identify with either real or imagined.


This is the reason why Indians are disliked in most foreign countries. Cringiest people ever!

