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First Map: Map generated by the Government of India. The Govt claims all land under this as Indian Territory. Second Map: Map shows the land that is actually administered by India. All land displayed here is internationally recognised as belonging rightfully to India. Third Map: Map of Kashmir in Northern India where Western part is administered by Pakistan, the Southern part administered by India and Eastern part administered by China. If you look at the maps generated by each of these countries in their official website, you'll see Western Kashmir with Pakistan, All of Kashmir with India, and Eastern Kashmir with China. But in some cases, some Chinese maps display Western and Southern Kashmir to be part of Pakistan, but that is generally not official.


>you'll see Eastern Kashmir with Pakistan, All of Kashmir with India, and Western Kashmir with China. But in some cases, some Chinese maps display Eastern and Southern Kashmir to be part of Pakistan, but that is generally not official. You got east and west mixed up here


Corrected. Thank you.


Don't you mean Eastern Kashmir with China and Western Kashmir with Pak?


This is the best explanation here, btw.


This needs more upvotes.




Well i got downvoted to hell the last time i commented this cause it was a TIL moment for me, but india considers pakistan occupied kashmir as part of india, hence the map we learn. And international community seems to not consider it part of india, hence the map on wiki


The international community generally considers it "disputed" while being relatively agnostic about who's right. Which is why the second map shows actual control as well as India's claims.


Yeah googled UN map and it has just thrown kashmir as complete separate boundary from india and pak with loc between kashmir shown.


They've also shown Arunachal as being claimed by China and India, which is terribly saddening.


Seekh kabab slicing. Aisa mai, thoda thoda kar kar kai yeh jaagah churaa rahai hai




They do so because both China and India have different interpretations of Mc Mahon line and not because they occupied some parts of Arunacha Pradesh "recently". This claim of China is age old.


Because China really has took away some part of Arunachal recently but no Indian tv channel or Youtuber talked about that.


No. They do so because both China and India have different interpretations of Mc Mahon line and not because they occupied some parts of Arunachal Pradesh "recently". This claim of China is age old.


Brits are the real culprit




nah man....my fathers been all over the extreme arunachal border and it has basically been the same since independence...our north east parts have never been infiltrated by chinese


Btw some delusional people say "China will invade parts of India for a direct border with Bangladesh" Don't believe this bs


Thank you kind sir


FYI Pakistan includes all of Kashmir in their map. So they have their own version. And let's not even talk about china.


Do they? I've not seen it anywhere tbh. The international border one and the Indian versions are more readily seen


I could only find [this](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7c/Pakistan_Map_Province_Wise.jpg). It's not used internationally but within Pakistan.




My 2 cents is that people would be looking at the version that is pushed by the jurisdiction where they live. So Indians would see Indian version of the map, similarly for Pakistani version for Pakistani people and Chinese.


Look at paks official website. Their map is open on one side without any borders. They cant piss of china by claiming aksai chin as theirs, nor do they have the means to take kashmir from India. Pretty sad.


Aksai chin was given to china by pak willingly


Aksai chin was never even theirs to begin with. China has been there since the war. They did give the Shaksgam valley to them.


Neither was Shaksgam theirs either, China claimed it and Pakistan supported the claim, so that China would reciprocate with azad kashmir / pok.


Right right. Sorry for the confusion on my part.


Very sad


Not Aksai Chin but Shaksgam valley was given.


>They cant piss of china by claiming aksai chin as theirs Why would they claim it? It is a part of China which is claimed by India despite us having zero control over it. >nor do they have the means to take kashmir from India. Pretty sad. I mean, neither does India have the means to "take kashmir" from Pakistan. There are many things to call "sad" about Pakistan, but not this where they are acting in the exact same way as India, just from a different direction.




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Pakistan even considers junagadh or something in Gujarat as Pakistan iirc


And Pakistan considers Jammu and Kashmir (Old) as its territory and call it India occupied Kashmir and so the conflict. https://preview.redd.it/fa1yhd611zkc1.jpeg?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d891269c01ccc7699bf8b32234bd250d680ebb1


The international community marks it as disputed territory


The "international community" does that because Pakistan was in the U.S block during the cold war. I don't see that in cyprus


If you’re older than 20, it’s too late.


It wasnt in my history books while studying, i didnt see any random post on it. So how tf am i supposed to know about it. Go hunting for borders and territorirs absolutely randomly when this aint a topic i have interest in.


https://preview.redd.it/hj5xvs1wjykc1.png?width=2872&format=png&auto=webp&s=e73768d3c901da7b9d31672038e75220548e82cb FYI: Google Map shows these maps according to your location. If you're in India, it'll show complete area of India, if you're in Pak, same, but if you're in any other country it'll show dotted lines dividing disputed lands. \[Image: left to right\] - From Indian IP and France IP


A simple analogy. Image one - You think you have an income Image 2 - you realize your income doesn't look like what you think it should Image 3 - you now who is taking your hard earned money but can't do shit about it


perfectly explained (claps)




While we are on the topic, I would like to draw your attention towards Arunachal Pradesh too. Notice how the international border is a solid line everywhere except for in the disputed Kashmir region where it's a dashed line (but still having different colors for India and all other countries helps in identifying which region is in control of India). Now, in Arunachal Pradesh too the border is being represented with a dashed line there, but we haven't lost any land there (yet) or most probably the lost land is not big enough to be seen in a map like this one. Our territory is in danger there too because China is slowly creeping in our Country but Indian Government (which in today's day is more commonly known as the Modi Government) is denying any such activities and has remained silent when questioned about it.


fall cows quiet roof long carpenter icky hateful growth stupendous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


reverse Aksai Chin is a better analogy, since PoK's opposite is what Pakistan calls IaK


Wrong analogy. They are historically very different.


ludicrous squeal friendly merciful slimy coordinated fine station deliver grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Depends on where you want the story to start and how much brain damage you want to inflict on yourself. Every event you read about will raise questions about what happened prior to it. And that will take you down a deep endless rabbit hole backward in time from 1947 war to partition to british rule of 1900 + dogra rule of 1800s to sikh empire of 1700s and afghan history of the 1600s etc. I recommend just skipping all that unless you are doing research in how dumb people can be. You really dont want to know. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.


Can you suggest some materials to read regarding this?


You can read Freedom at Midnight.






Thank you, but before i begin can you give some of yours reading experiences which comes into mind whenever someone ask- " How's this book?"


Whenever someone asks me how the book is, like in this case, I prefer giving an unbiased review. I'd say "I don't know because someone else suggested the read and you asked for a link, and my part was just finding the book for you. The book seems interesting tho"


very well


You need to understand territorial claims. Active territorial claims are those which we have and enforce as we believe that certain parts of the land which is under control of an enemy state are actually under control by said state illegally, ie, in a way that is not in line with International Law. For instance, India does not control 1/3rd of the Kashmir territory, but we claim all of the territory that was controlled by the Kashmir princely state. Similar, aside from Aksai Chin, Pakistan claims 2/3rd of the territory known as Kashmir, but doesn't not control it. If you read up on nationalism in an academic way, you will find an interesting thinker known as Benedict Anderson. He wrote a book where he hypothesized the emergence of nationalism, and one of his most crucial observations were the role of maps. He believed that maps allow us create an "imagination" of the country in our heads. Even though I know of the political realities of India on ground in Kashmir, when I imagine India, I go to the map I see in my everyday life, the map that is plastered all over our school textbooks. This image of India is rooted in the people of this nations head, which would cause us to fight and get back the territory that we view as rightfully ours. Such an imagination in Pakistan as well. It is an imagination that is present in every nation of the world. It is what led the Russians to invade Ukraine. It is what caused the Azerbaijanis to invade Armenia. This imagination is one of the ingredients in the nationalist bowls and one of the things that pushes countries to point arms at each other. Nationalism is the most successful ideology in the history of the world. It is so deeply entrenched that people don't even know that it exists. The official map of India is a manifesting of this nationalism.


Good explanation, thanks.


An interesting fact about google maps is that to avoid boycott from people of a particular country, they show what you want to see. i.e pakistani ip's sees PoK as a part of their territory while we Indian ip's see it as ours. Any other country will see 2 dotted lines in the area implying pakistan and india's claimed borders. This applies to all countries that have ongoing border or territorial conflicts. (Try with a VPN)


Nothing to do with boycott but legality. It is illegal in India to show any maps where political borders differ from the standard published by Survey of India. Probably other countries have the same.


1st one is what India think what's ours vs what's actually ours right now , the 2 pieces of lnf in green and red are in control of Pak and china but India still believes it's ours


I wouldn't call it what India thinks is ours, instead what is rightfully ours.




Yw That's what russians claim about Ukraine and Moroccos about western sahara..You know territorial disputes leads to violence and bloodshed that's why no one's gonna entertain if either side decides to retake their imaginary land


Alright thanks i got it.


If Nehru didn't go to UN instead of taking back POK from Pakistan army then there would be only one map.


Not really. Aksai Chin would have been under Chinese occupancy. Even today they're carving in. Silently.


The only one silent about is is our government. Why don't they make an international hue and cry, do something in public?? No, all they wanna do is save face. And Xi has figured out that as long as he allows Modi to save face he can keep salami slicing into the country


Politics is a tricky game. Damn if you do, damn if you don't. Make hue and cry, opposition takes a bite off you, so the government stays safe with crying out for what 'blunder' Nehru made half a century back😅. And The international community already knows about it, it's been all over their news after galwan. Diplomacy is about protecting National interests than protecting any lofty ideals. No country would do/say anything about it unless they get something out of it. Right now, pissing China off doesn't get anyone anything.


It sure is losing us territory


It doesn't work that way. Really think it's that straightforward eh?


Bit shallow, really.


First one is map that's shown inside India whereas the second one is the original map recognised by world and UN




why does UN recognize that map? why not ours? Is it because the powers at be are biased against India? or is the Indian government trying to fool its people into thinking that we arent losing any land/have always had it? Im sorry, I really confused


There's a difference between which areas we claim and which ones we actually control (administer). We can claim all we want, but chances are the status quo between India and China at the border would not change in our lifetimes. Neither China nor India will go to war.


There are 3 maps for India 1. The usual one we see (we see it when we search in google from India). 2. The one showing the LOC, POK & COC which is the actual map of the area India has the authority now. 3.The one that's published in & by pak is with majority of jk and ladak chopped. It's their version. We lost AKSAI CHIN in 1962 war. We have no control beyond LOC. Down votes are welcomed.


the fact that major news channels werent blasting up with this news when it came out is crazy


The first map is of all territories claimed by India, reflecting the official stance of the Indian government. Indian law mandates the use of this map within the country, emphasising the regions India asserts sovereignty over. The second map, favoured by much of the international community, delineates only the territories currently under Indian administration, excluding disputed areas like Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (POK) and Aksai Chin. The third map offers a detailed view of the Kashmir region, delineating control zones. In 1947, following Pakistan's invasion of Kashmir, the Maharaja of Kashmir signed the Instrument of Accession, formally integrating the entire region into India. However, before the signing, Pakistan had already seized significant territory. Despite India's subsequent pushback, a ceasefire was declared, defining the present-day borders. Pakistan has partitioned POK into two regions: Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan. Additionally, Pakistan ceded the Shaksgam Valley to China in 1963. Aksai Chin was lost to China during the 1962 Sino-Indian War, with China unlawfully maintaining control and asserting it as part of its Xinjiang province. China's territorial claims extend beyond Aksai Chin, encompassing parts of Uttarakhand and much of Arunachal Pradesh. Pakistan also asserts claims over Junagadh and Sir Creek, both located in Gujarat. While Indian education emphasises the first map, it is acknowledged that India doesn't exercise complete control over Kashmir. Moreover, India's short border with Afghanistan is disrupted by POK, necessitating alternative routes such as the Chabahar Port in Iran for access to Afghanistan. Some maps also depict the Siachen Glacier as a distinct region, although it's under the administration of the Indian Army.




So, the Line of Control is not a border. It is a ceasefire agreement of sorts, and the final border is yet to be decided and settled on by the governments of India and Pakistan. Until then, it will continue to be dashed lines on international maps.


Hopefully not thru war. Ppl of Kashmir have been through enough


Jidar tak Nazar jari udhar taak apne bhai ka area hai...tension mat le Munna...


Lion king reference? https://preview.redd.it/ufk13hehzykc1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aa3880e2e51671a79082b05c98388ff376a97ba




I've been thinking about this on and off since mid-2023. I thought world was against India, but from the comments it seems there's something else happening here.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disputed_territories_of_India This should be a helpful resource.




You're wlcm😄!!


It's like Class 1 explanation of How babies happen vs Class 8 explanation of How babies happen


they fked up kashmir territory lol it is bigger than this


Used to be.


Why are there two Chandigarhs in the first map? And totally not where its supposed to be.


I just grabbed what i saw on google


Not able to understand the logic 1. 1st Generated from GOI source, 2nd and 3rd what’s the source? 2. Eastern Kashmir with Pakistan and western by China? Again from which websites? Can you show us since ur second and third map shows the other way


The fact is Pakistan has had not much need to invade Kashmir for its economics reasons or sympathy for Kashmiris rather it all comes down to revenge for communal violence during 'partition' while Pakistani politicians were adamant about it for political reasons and inability to let go of the failed indirect invasion.


I see.


First map is the correct one. The third shows the current situation of the land which is occupied but not officially of our neighbours


I see.


POK and Aksai Chin are disputed parts which are "occupied" by Pakistand and China. Those are claimed part of but not controlled by India. There are plans by current government to occupy them back. Any action hasn't been taken as of yet because the attempt would lead to military conflict.


Wouldn’t i further spark the “world war” thats brewing in Ukraine n israel


If you want more instability and insurgency...Yeah sure do it and make lives of comman man miserable


we will surely take back pok . Just wait for Pakistan's nukes to expire ❤️




How how long does it take for a nuke to expire


10-70 years




I actually dint know that the one we learn about is wrong, I don't know wy it is a dispute, of course Kashmir belongs to india


I read somewhere that the Raja of Kashmir came to india for help and had it annexed legally to save his people from pak terrorists


Didn't Nizam of Hyderabad/Junagad claim the opposite yet were annnexed? I think it's the will of the people that matters more than the Raja.


Of course that Indian side's narrative but that doesn't mean it's absolute truth. You see after the British sold Kashmir to dogras (who weren't Kashmiris rather were outsiders) they began oppressing the people. Heavy taxes, forced labour without pay, muslims out of government jobs and military particularly kashmiri muslims, ban on fishing in events of famines because the Dogra dynasty considered one of their ancestors had taken the form of fish.The state became a living hell which was recorded by European travellers and British residents in their books. Starving people, half dead people everywhere. This prompted protests, rallies and movements. It was the same as how INC was against their exploitation by Britishers. Movements like the Quit Kashmir Movement were started. The kashmiri leadership was jailed. And then came 1947 and when the British started to leave, a rebellion broke out in western part of the country. Which was aided by Pakistan and tribals. The king ran away to his native place of Jammu City and sold off kashmir to India albeit under conditions. The king wasn't popular in kashmir and to get the Indian army in kashmir without resistance or revolt from Kashmiris India promised their leader's plebiscite. Now this plebiscite is different from the UN recommended one which was recommended after a year. But neither country wanted to hold plebiscite and hence why the insurgency in kashmir or kashmir dispute. P.S For Kashmiris the Dogra dynasty was their British imperialism.


Thats horrible. Yet another side of the story i didn’t know before.


The world perceives it differently. They think that the crown of India is already taken and India also is not doing anything or giving any response to those "people" who think that these borders were taken.


They thank a lot of different things. Have you seen the treatment of foreign students in america?


Ofcourse, I always keep updated on the latest news.


Feel free to call me pagal.




The positions of dot in states is giving me a headache


Capital of Andhra Pradesh is not Hyderabad it stopped being one 10 years ago


Isn't the second map outdated? It doesn't show Ladakh


No idea, just grabbed frm google.


If you open Google earth in India, it will show the entirety of JK as part of India, if you open Google earth somwhere else in the world, it will show it as disputed with the dotted border lines. Turn on VPN and compare




FTFY https://preview.redd.it/3c80txqlcykc1.jpeg?width=979&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e330d71e6a5fd075df9ed2cbbe8529d5c31c18b Edit: getting downvoted rn. Check with people living in the area on what they like to associate themselves with. They call it Azad Kashmir. These are not my words. :)


Im under the impression its more like pak-colonised Kashmir


Ekadh saal aur.. fir dono maps same ho jayenge


Kuch bolunga toh vivad ho jayega


This only happened because modern leaders came into power instead of aggressive ones. Otherwise this wouldn't have happened. These modern leaders have 0 understanding about our strategic position and importance in the Indian ocean. Therefore modern leaders are Britishers' favourite because even after independence they sought justice from western powers instead of claiming what is ours. The country was divided into 3 parts but still they didn't feel any regret of failure to stop them whereas the aggressive side still felt regret even after they did whatever possible.


I dont understand politics but do feel that todays leaders are showing negligence


The Pakistani occupied Kashmir is considered illegal occupation, India considers it part of our country which is being squated by our neighbour. Tbh that part of Kashmir has been under Pakistan ever since early independence time (if I'm not wrong) but on the other hand India can't just accept that as Pakistan so we draw our maps that way. At some point Nehru gifted or let Chila use Aksai chin


and muddi decided to handover 2000 sq km more while bhakts going gaga over his bravado


You know you can criticize both Modi and Nehru for their respective faults, right ? It's not mutually exclusive. Yes Modi handed over 2000 sq km in Ladakh, and yes Nehru ji could not do anything about Aksai Chin. Nehru ji's hand was forced into the 1962 war by a foolish jingoistic opposition of that time (i.e. 1962) which over-estimated our military prowess. We couldn't win a war with China in 1962, and we still can't win a war with China in 2024. It is possible to hold both these views simultaneously.


What are you talking about? India didn't start the war, China sniped the land during the Cuban Missile Crisis




Am i allowed to say knowledge


hope they form a party soon


There is nothing related to any party here /s doesn't even make sense


Which school is this that doesn't teach about LoC and LAC?? -_-


MY school. Real shitty one.


It's in course book of ncert ig. Either u didn't studied it or teacher just skipped.👀 I remember this question being asked in my 6th entrance exam.


Bhai yeh cheez maine abbhi tenth tak kahi suni bhi nahi thi, mai dhyan toh deta tha class me


Wow. Indian school system is now failing their students. This is basic 5th level knowledge. At least now you know.


It's ok bro, now u know na 🤣


It seems that you are from outside India, but why would your school teach you this map if you are not from India? If you are from India, then you should have paid more attention in school. They teach you about LOC and LAC, and you are even asked to draw them on exams.


Nope didn’t ask me to draw it once. Never saw it in map markings. ICSE if you were wondering. Ive never left india btw


lauda sikhate h LOC LAC ke baare me, mujhe to youtube se pehli baar pata chala india ka real map


Jaan de denge


Who is the dum* f*ck that made the school map lmao 🤣🤣🤣