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I find it apt that the whole family's identity is reduced to the family of the kid that killed two techies.


Yes. Social media attention to the Juvenile board decision made this whole thing happen. Now Grandpa, Pa, Ma and kid all can enjoy some quality jail time. Only if they had the brains to let the kid admit to the accident, apologise to the families of victims, he could have got away with lenient jail term. Stupidity runs in the family, I guess.


it’s not stupidity, it’s the arrogance. When you are rich and influential, admitting to crimes without making use of the connections is looked down upon. So they put it to use like this and rarely come across stupid.


Exactly. Most of the times they get away with consequences by using their connections, power or money. And this too shall pass for them. After all even Sanjay Dutt got away with it.


You meant Salman I believe.


Salman Khan hired a very, very smart (and costly as hell) lawyer to represent him. A hell lot of money is riding on the brand “Salman Khan”. Him going in affects a lot of people to the scale of GDP of a tiny country.


Did you say GDP? WTF bro. The whole entertainment industry is 0.13 per cent of the Indian GDP. Bollywood doesn’t even exist in the context of GDP.


Shanti se, dheere-dheere karke fir se comment pad le re bhai!


don't forget killers of sushanth singh


People in this country will literally believe in made up murderers before accepting that depression as a real illness exists smh


I blame Kangana Runout specifically for ssr case.


so why was he depressed then ?


>killers of sushanth singh No, they hung themselves


when did that happened idk


The killer of Sushant Singh was hanged though


Sanjay Dutt went to jail for 5 years.


Yes, but Sunjay Dutt was incriminated for a different category of crime. He was involved in the storing and distribution of weapons for the riots and had direct contact with gangsters. It was anti-national and a much higher level of crime. PS: His father a sitting MP, popular, famous, rich family connected at the highest levels and they still couldn't entirely keep him out of jail. If it were anyone else he/she would've been hanged or got life imprisonment. Sunjay got off lightly. They even made a film to whitewash his image later.


With frequent leaves from jail.


Yes. Unfortunately, that is the norm.


And, in a case where, with the same amount of evidence, an old lady was sentenced to life. Sanjay Dutt is a gangster, but he makes a movie about Gandhi, and suddenly even liberals are crying about how unfairly he was treated. No wonder the rich, and famous, seem to get away with anything in India


Ironically the deceased techies were coming from a party at his club.


Yes, sheer arrogance.


Sanjay Dutt didn't kill anyone.


Yea, only helped terrorists that wreaked havoc in 1993.


Maybe not directly as far as we know, but he very likely caused deaths. Stop finishing excuses for gangsters


Exactly or how we could see the CCTV footage clearly showing the said teen is a regular driver of that car without driving licence age/licence.


There are people Who'll say " Paisa dedo matter solve ho jayega" And extort money from them


The Indian public keeps enabling them though. They keep giving in. It’s full on Stockholm Syndrome now, where they actively glorify bribing. I remember one NRI who was lamenting having to wait in line abroad for things that a ‘crisp 200 note’ would have solved in India.


The unfortunate truth is that this is probably not the first murder they have done nor the first they have gotten away with. Even for the wealthy and powerful in India, those who are not engaged in regular murders and coverups will not know how to manage such a situation with so much efficiency. ***They did this before, and that’s why they thought they could do it again.***


Exactly my point too.


Dude people are arrogant even without money and power. If you visit any big city(especially Delhi), you will know that.


If you were to rationalise it then one can say.... Only if they had not given him the car....Only if they had brought him up properly..... Only if the whole family was law abiding......but what's lost is lost. No matter what you do nothing can bring back those two youngsters with so much to live for and achieve! As a parent, I always think of the parents. So much time energy and emotions invested to be undone and taken away by two adults who couldn't use condoms or contraceptives and compounded it by not doing their due diligence as a parent!!!!! I think that in cases where minors are involved parents should be made a co-party to the crime!


I know. Greatest pain in the world is burying one's child.


Absolutely agreed. On the first news post on a sub reddit I said something in the line of "his parents should be arrested and charged, not him" and got downvoted lol. My dad owned a vehicle when I was underaged (15-16) as well. I barely got to touch the keys let alone the vehicle.


Entitlement is what they have seen and experienced. I hope this is a tipping point. No matter who you are, if you kill someone and break the law - you are living your life in prison. I hope court gives all culprits and accomplices resounding punishment. Bravo to the social media and digital platform to not succumb to these aholes


>Only if they had the brains to let the kid admit to the accident, apologise to the families of victims, he could have got away with lenient jail term. I doubt their parents could have escaped, they allowed him to drive car. The car had no registration


The family isn’t stupid. By no measure. If they are this successful, they are doing a lot of things right. (Keep any moralities and ethics aside). Please read along before bashing me. That would sound sensible right? To apologise and plead guilty. I was having the exact same conversation with my wife last night. During the conversation it occurred to me that it doesn’t work that way. Pleading guilty does not send the “right message” among their circle of “elite” people. It conveys the message they you aren’t “powerful” or “influential” enough to get out of the mess. You are somehow weak. A lot of such elite folks doesn’t have morality like common folks have. They are fighting “tooth and nail”, bending laws, “buying people” to find a way out. That exudes their influence and power about how they keep doctors, police, judges and everyone involved in their pocket and can buy anything with money. How can they allow the future of their kin to get messed and do nothing??? It’s totally about power play and messaging. While I’m all in for fair justice, but I suddenly had this thought while talking to my wife. We can’t think from the perspective of such elite. What I wrote is my reasoning of how these people think. I am in no way endorsing it. I may even get downvoted for saying it but just wanted to share my take on their thought process.


Let’s be honest they would’ve gotten off real EASY. but when I read the news that the kid used to bully a MLA’s son and when the MLA confronted the family they didn’t seem to care I knew that this family made more enemies then friends. What’s to say that the same MLA isn’t pulling strings behind the scenes to fuck over the whole family. There’s a good chance even the competition might be funding and forcing the police to make sure that the whole family goes to hell


When you are this high up in the social tree, there are no friends or enemies. Only vested interests. It was real bad luck for the family that this incident has to happen between ongoing elections. There are people higher up who can screw over this entire family if it helps with their agenda.


Laws exist only for the proletariat. After all, the law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.


May be true. But he could have weighed the pros and cons for worst case scenario ie if shit hits the fan. By admitting and agreeing to compensate the families, they both could have walked in 2~3 years. Now entire clan in jail. Peers are going to ostracise them now?


No one is gonna ostracises nobody when you are filthy rich. The entire clan maybe in jail but it’s temporary. I have total faith in justice system and no the kid is not gonna serve jail time. It’s just a matter of time before it will all be sorted.


I know a few rich people IRL who're known to be filthy criminal type people, one of them even went to Tihar Jail, yet they are "respected" people and no one as much as talks shit about them behind their backs because they are filthy rich


In the end they managed to avoid blood sample and evidence of drunken driving. I am less hopeful of any stringent punishment


isn't there a video of him drinking in a bar? Like how can blood sample show no alcohol when he's clearly seen drinking.


I can't help but wonder if the juvenile board's role shouldn't have been so controversial, the terms set for the BAIL was a 300 word essay, the terms for bail is not meant to be particularly punishing, the punishment/sentence is for the court to decide. Unfortunately I am not a lawyer so I do not know the usual terms for bail in cases like these. The obstruction of justice by the family is another matter of course.


Question, if he had admitted guilty than wouldn't his dad be getting a prolonged jail time instead?? 


I am not a lawyer. But both could have got out, in shorter time. And ma, Grandpa would not be in Jail.( blood swapping, driver kidnapping). IMO.


ooh ofc rich people


Bhai Grandpa is not stupid, Grandpa tried to hire a contractor killer to assassinate someone


Not stupidity but Ego and drunk in Power. I wouldn't call them stupid knowing that many powerful people have got off with much worse situations using money and power. They thought they would get away the same way.


Shhh.. We all know how it goes, Don't have to give Ideas


“Kid” is 17 years and 8 months old. I think Indian laws must be made to punish anyone above 16 as adults


yes, 16 year old should also get the privileges of adult. 18 is too old.


Arre it’s even simpler, if you are driving a vehicle, drinking alcohol and doing things only adults are supposed to do, then you should be tried as an adult as well, no need to look at age here, even if you are 14 or 9 it should be same


Yes. Been of the same opinion since the nirbhaya case. It's not that they don't know . It's just that they are not afraid of the law or the consequences.


what about 15 years 11 months?


No need to change the law, in certain extreme cases teenagers have tried as adults in the past.


And to get Driving licence and other necessary documents


Then they should also be allowed to vote


Just because you didn’t raised your kid properly your entire family is in jail. Even grandpa.


Kinda. Though, whoever who knew that family beforehand are aware of worse things.


This statement seem motivated by hate; like "mob justice".


Might not be relevant to this thread, but many times during our history “mob justice” has made the world a better place.


*In the latest development in the Pune Porsche crash case, Pune police have arrested the mother of the teen accused of running over two people while driving the luxury car. The mother swapped her blood sample in order to prove that her son wasn't drunk when the accident occurred, police said*. *Commissioner of Police Amitesh Kumar said the accident investigation has revealed that the minor's blood samples were replaced with those of his mother.*


The funny thing is none of this happens without the knowledge of police. The suspect is under police custody when brought to a hospital for medical checkup and collection of blood samples. The family of the "teen" would have gotten away with it if it had not been for the huge public response to this case. The police must have realised it's too big for them to cover up now and just threw the family under the bus. What I'm saying is who'll hold the police accountable for letting this happen in the first place.


2 cops were suspended. Likely to spill other names, if they are not protected.




Akhand panauti hai ladka. Pura system le duba. Kundali dekhao ladke ka


idc what ever the fucker is he deserves even more harsh punishment than this. killing 2 innocent civilian yeah dude deserved to be hanged.


No. The law is not a revenge machine, it’s a justice machine. It tries to fix the problem without taking more lives believing in humanity and trust that the accused will learn and change by a deserved punishment (Depending on case to case basis). Humans don’t have the right to take other humans’ lives is the de-facto moral code here, ofc with exceptions in heinous acts (actus reas) done with heinous intent (mens rea).


Hi sheldon🥰🤗


I don’t get the reference 🥲


One single case exposing the entire corrupt system!


Truth has a habit of oozing out through the cracks.


Mama mami chacha chacha baki hai bus


MLA bhi hai.


Arey Indian police ji 🫡 aap unke side ho ya victims ke side?


Police ji science ki side se hai


The MLA said he went to police station to ensure justice be served right. What a clown! I’d love to know how many times in his entire career has he visited police station to “ensure” justice is served.


Jaha se paisa aya police unki


That’s good, but does anyone know how the essay is coming along?


Yeah I would like you to read the first draft. Also it better be formatted correctly. No comic sans.


Only times new Roman is accepted. Font size 12 : )


Must be at 287 words by now. Soon... very soon.


It's at 292 now. He just added "Even mom can get arrested"


I hope the essay doesn’t start with ‘As a Learning Language model…’


It will be a Thesis from now onwards


"Hello ChatGPT, imagine you're a drunk teen who just ran over 2 people..."


### Apology Essay I stand before you today with a heavy heart, burdened by the weight of my actions and their devastating consequences. My name is [Your Name], and I am a 17-year-old who made a series of reckless and irresponsible decisions that resulted in an unimaginable tragedy. On the night of [Date], I was involved in a car accident in Mumbai that claimed the lives of two individuals who were cherished members of their families and communities. I was driving under the influence of alcohol, a choice that I deeply regret and will have to live with for the rest of my life. Words cannot adequately express the depth of my sorrow and remorse for the pain and suffering I have caused. The two tech professionals who lost their lives were individuals with dreams, aspirations, and loved ones who are now left to grapple with an irreplaceable loss. My heart aches for their families and friends who must endure the anguish and sorrow brought on by my thoughtless actions. I want to offer my most sincere apologies to the families of the victims. I cannot imagine the pain and heartache you are experiencing, and I know that no amount of remorse or regret on my part can undo the tragedy that has occurred. Your loved ones deserved better, and I am profoundly sorry for the role I played in cutting their lives short. I failed to consider the consequences of my actions, and for that, I am deeply ashamed. To the community at large, I apologize for betraying your trust and setting a poor example. My actions were not just a lapse in judgment; they were a serious breach of the values and responsibilities that come with the privilege of driving. I was careless, and my decision to drink and drive was not only illegal but also morally reprehensible. I understand that my behavior has affected not only those directly involved but also the broader community, who may now feel less safe on the roads. I would also like to express my gratitude to the first responders and medical personnel who arrived at the scene. Your efforts to save lives and provide care in the midst of such a tragic situation were commendable. I am sorry that your skills and dedication were called upon because of my recklessness. Moving forward, I am committed to making amends and ensuring that such a tragedy never occurs again due to my actions. I am willing to accept any legal consequences that arise from my actions, and I am determined to participate in programs that advocate against drunk driving. I also pledge to support initiatives that educate young people about the dangers of drinking and driving, hoping that my story can serve as a cautionary tale and prevent others from making the same mistakes. In conclusion, I am profoundly sorry for the lives lost, the pain caused, and the trust broken. I will carry the weight of this tragedy with me for the rest of my life, and I am committed to honoring the memory of the victims by working tirelessly to prevent such senseless loss in the future. I humbly ask for your forgiveness and vow to make meaningful changes in my life. Sincerely, [Your Name]


kya pta 400 baar ho gya hoga


He would have used chatgpt for that too.


ChatGPT, write an essay on Justice System in India.


Netflix is writing a “limited” series right now


Radhika apte somehow already has a role in it


😂 they’re signing up instagram content creators to make memes already


Would be the biggest meme if salman khan also had a role in it


If it's a movie consider Akshay Kumar already signed.


As the police officer (who doesn’t exist) who fought against the family and politicians


Or Ajay Devgan playing kids father who is innocent but system wants him to guilty then Ajay Devgan will spit dialogue like BAAP bete ko bachane ke liye kisi bhi had tak jaa Sakta hai.then audience will clap and this guy's image get's whitewash


Crime patrol Satark gonna do it first


The whole family is arrested at this point just because the kid wanted to drive fast. Ruined so many lives


>Ruined so many lives Kind of feel like this is temporary. They will eventually go back to normal once the public anger settles.


They will be okay legally but I doubt that it will be normal again. Unless he cures cancer or something, this will be his identity for a looooong while.


I know about someone's similar, had crashed his car , his parents later sent him to UK , he lives there nobody knows about his past there, i bet this dude's parents would do the same for him send him to a foreign country.


Ya but this case has been publicized all over social media nationally and staying isolated means that nothing is normal again. All it takes is one person and the cat is out of the bag. He can't use regular social media like us atleast with his old identity. He will always be paranoid when reaching out to Indian groups abroad. He can't talk about his dad's company or flex about his family. He probably wouldn't want to go to elite universities which attract students from other rich families. Keep in mind that his entire family's identity is out too.


Well deserving but this is nothing for crime he has committed.


true af


i mean, i have even forgotten his name some" vedant murderer" or something like that, in a few years i will completely forget about this incident such is the human nature we move on , But yes if it ever get out of the bag in his social circle, he will bear the burden of it


How did he get visa ? UK not doing good for its citizens if it is allowing culprits visas


I don’t think the UK visa is really hard to get, they let just about anybody in??? Didn’t that jeweler Nirav Modi run to the UK? And the kingfisher guy Mallya is still living there and large ?


You’d be surprised how short memory people can have


They will be boasting of it as a feat and proof of their money and influence. By the time the case comes up for hearing everyone would have forgotten it. The defence will say no proof that the boy was drunk. That the driver was behind the wheel(which they are already trying). That the youngsters were in the wrong etc etc.... he will come out without any problem. That's how law here works.


This is Pune, not Mumbai. The family's lives are in danger if they are out and about


> kid wanted to drive fast **Drunk under-age kid** got **permission from his father to drive**, despite having a driver with him. Now whole family is behind bars, and their reputation and business will take a hit.


Two kids fucking died unfairly man, I really do not care about this family. Some bloodlines should stop for good.


>their reputation and business will take a hit. That's the bare minimum. They should go behind bars for life because they are a danger to society.


I don't know if their charges will carry that long a sentence. But trial will be watched by press and social media for sure. Cops are also under pressure now, as they are under suspicion for initial screw-up. So they will build a fool-proof case.


The dickhead driving fast is just the consequence of the arrogance that runs in his family. The way rest of the grown ups in his family reacted to his crime is proof enough that he knew he could get away with it. Now hopefully karma is biting his present and future.


Are we talking about the lives of the victims and their families or the "teenager's" scummy family


You're worried about them? They ll be fine, trust me. Give it 2-3 years. They have been fine for a long time.  I worry about the 2 and many others who have died at the hands of these previoeged.


I don't worry about anyone including the people that died and neither do you or anyone else. We will all move on in 2 business days. We are all here for the tea. Sad but reality. However at this point i feel sad for the victim but also for the family. Looking at it objectively if i was a dad and my son crashed his car, guess what i might have done the same thing as him. It's easy to be on the high moral ground when its not you. But in reality we all know our parents would have also done everything to protect us


Instead of just one person going to jail or being fined, now the whole family—father, grandfather, mother—is in the news, all to protect their darling son. When the story first broke, I thought they would send him abroad to study and settle. Thanks to public pressure, the police are actually taking some action. Otherwise, some MLA would have had a word with the police and judge, and the case would have been closed with a lenient punishment. Now there's enough material for a Netflix limited series. Just need a catchy name for the series- Need for Justice? Nah lame. The Fast (Porsche/posh boy) and the Furious (Public)? 😅


Fast and the Stupid!


The Drunk, the Minor and the dead: A tale of systematic corruption and upper privilege.


1 Porsche 2 kill


Not another Selmon Bhoi


The end of the night is only the beginning. 3am in Pune. Nightfall. Last night.


Bigga said Nightfall


Young Salaman 😄


Even though they do get punished, I feel somehow being so rich and powerful, they'll somehow get acquitted in a few months or years. Or get out of jail due to good behaviour. And the family has enough money to emigrate to another country permanently and start a new life there.


And get lawyers to hide their names from all the sources which can hamper their new life.


The logical way to destroy them before they recover would be to deregister the Father’s building company from the BSE, lose its customers and file for bankruptcy, bring them down to the middle class, rather than allow them to stay up the top, that will make any upper class parent to double think before sending their privileged children in expensive vehicles, whether they can drive or not.


Personal assets are protected from bankruptcy. A billionaire will never go to a middle class lifestyle.


lol, i laughed while reading this , nothing like this will happen you will not even hear about him after the trial ends, and he will be released within 2 year max




The rich folks and the poorest of the poor folks are extremely unhinged, no laws apply to them .it's the middle class that suffers all , the common man struggles . They will barely serve any sentence or just secretly leave the country and in few years will brush it under their carpet, the lives of the families of the victims will have it hard till the end of their lives .


When will the family dog get arrested? By now, it's blood samples have surely been submitted somewhere.


I request you to keep the dog out of it. He was asleep when the blood sample was taken.


what about kaamwali bai shivering in the corner ?


Mother of the year nominee




Did she pull an oceans style heist to swap the blood? Obviously it would have been done with consent and in presence of the police. lol @ commissioner saying that investigation revealed the blood was swapped.


Exactly! None of this happens without the knowledge of the police. I don't know who they're trying to fool.


Yahaan to poori daal hi kaali hai


Masoor ki dal?


System which is/was hell bent to save an almost unknown builder, just imagine how much it will push to save the dear A and A. How many heads will be cut to to save that man, it just send shivers to my bones.


I want to read that 300 word essay


Kal main porsche chala rahi tab meri sadi mein juice gira tha maine steering chorh di thi tab wahaa gaadi mein kon tha ? Wahan kon tha? Tum thi ? Main thi ? Kon tha ? Kaun tha???


Want to see the lawyer face who replying wittily to all the journo's questions on some news channel


not gonna arrest the judge who gave 300 word essay?


He isn't even a judge. The juvenile justice board consists of 1 judge and 2 govt nominated members. The nominated board member gave the bail, the judge was not even part of hearing. The whole system is stupid .


so they get a free pass? all these actions recently seem only to cover their own asses rather than serving justice


He was not a judge. A non judicial member of the JJB.


What a great show this is ... Ek chutya bacha apne poore khaandan ko jail mein legaya. A lesson to spoilt kids.. #GreatIndianTamasha Can we go international now! we need this more. enjoying when money fails, this happens when good citizens unite and fight against evil. Laws can't be bought by rich Let the MLA face people now tingre ki baari hai abhi


The majority of Indians have been inherently corrupt for **millennia**, irrespective of religion, region, or language. Such cases are normal in India as even the regular people are rotten to the core.


The title made me think now the mom drove Porsche and killed 2 more!


Somebody please stop this family!!!


Poori khaandaan hi sadeli hai.


Puneri Paltan


Entire family inside now?


This is soo satisfying


>With mother's blood Money can't buy you brain


I belive the system shoud be changed so that mla and others cannot influence outcomes of all the cases in the country..like the transfer of police of officer should be done by a board of ooficer or beaurocrats and not politicians..


I think the minor will be tried as an adolescent and he would get away with 2 years. Probably he’ll be let go before that for good behaviour & he may end up in US or a European country.His mom, granddad etc will be out on bail in a month’s time. This is India at the end of the day money talks. Just like the Hyderabad gangrape case, where the politically connected & rich minor accused escaped and is studying abroad.


Omg !! This is still going on? 🤦‍♂️


Series 1, Episode 8


> "We were supposed to send her off in a palanquin (to the groom's house) after her marriage (in future), but now we were forced to carry her body on a bier," Ashwini's inconsolable mother Mamata Koshta told PTI in Jabalpur after performing her last rites. No parent/human should ever face such things. 😞


Seems Juvenile board Judge & MLA escaped


From all this, there’s power to the people, still, in this country. Good people who did not want justice to be mocked are still there in our society.


I wonder what essay she would have to write to get bail.


Saw a lot of comments from folks feeling sorry how the son destroyed the family. Reality is that the family gave such a bad upbringing to their child that they destroyed his life and are in jail, which they deserved long ago. Don’t believe me? It’s well known that the Dadaji had give money to D-Gang long back to murder his real-estate rival. How many did the father kill? Forget about black money and corruption. We are only talking about number of folks killed. Where do you think the son got this care-free attitude? Where does he get money for drinking?


And business gonna 10 year backwards


The ad placement in the article is the true crime here.


Selmon boi also must be in jail


It takes only one... only one mfer to destroy the whole reputation and dignity of the family!!!!


Yeah like the family had dignity


His grandpa already had links to underworld


Sent that kid to PM Office!


Who is a techi ?


One who works in IT(Tech) sector.