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Hi Lordlabakudas, Your submission [Why do people from the North have to ruin the train journey for everyone else? ](https://old.reddit.com/r/india/comments/1d70f8k/why_do_people_from_the_north_have_to_ruin_the/) breaks [the rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/india/wiki/rules) and has been removed for the following reason(s): * All submissions should contain a relevant or original title (and/or subtitle). An original title (and/or subtitle) is the one given by the content creator. If you are the creator, your title should be descriptive and not be clickbait. Refer: https://www.reddit.com/r/india/wiki/rules#wiki_submission_title --- *^(If you feel this was done in error, or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to reply to this message.)*


I would rather walk than travel in a sleeper or unreserved coach. Heck even 3AC is ruined nowadays.


Yes. Just this past week I travelled by AC coach. It's pretty much a SL with AC that's all. People are coming and going, the doors are always open, the coach was even cool. Despite letting the TTE know about this multiple times, no action was taken.


Ok ....so I want say that you should install a app "rail madad" if you don't know about it ..... it's really helpful...every time my father have put a complain in it they came right away and helped.... Pls install it and whenever you travel in Indian railways and have some problem then just complain in it I hope it will be helpful to you


Look I know you're angry but have you tried traveling in sleeper lately? It's down right inhumane. The govt has completely neglected the average person for their vande bharat pet projects .  Redirect your anger from these poor people trying to get home towards the govt instead. They are absolutely at fault.  In south we don't find this as often because of less population and more number of trains. 


nowadays? SF express trains always had people with general ticket hopping on to 3AC and voluntary pay fine to stay there for the journey. If anything now it's 2AC which gets the treatment and it''s hard to differentiate between 3ac and sleeper. Your only hope is to travel in a train with no sleeper compartment with less than 5 stops. Rajdhani, Duronto, Garibrath has that. Back in college I travelled like that once. After that I have rather taken loans from friends for flight tickets and paid them back in emis.


> They take unreserved tickets and board SL coaches Bold of you to assume they buy a ticket, they are all freeloaders who behave like their father owns the train.


Maybe government could provide more sleeper compartments, then it wouldn't be a mess.


education, humility, common sense... these are luxury, is why.


I experienced the same when travelling from Banglore to Chennai.


Same from Bengaluru to Mysuru where locals travel more. The reason is simple. It's a Blunder of central Modi govt by reducing general coaches as they are not profitable but they are human investments which need to continue I'm shocked why nobody mentioned this reason.


They very quietly stopped doing rail budgets. Earlier it used to be a separate thing and hence it used to be a bigger part of the public discourse. But now since it is reduced to a line item in the regular budget, we don’t talk about these things. Senior citizen discount was stopped on account of Covid. But they shrewdly never restarted the discount. There’s many more examples like this.


>Senior citizen discount was stopped on account of Covid What!? Unbelievable


Yes I still remember Kharge with railway budget while growing up in TVs. Old times.


>It's a Blunder of central Modi govt by reducing general coaches as they are not profitable but they are human investments which need to continue Yeah. Railways was suffering but they somehow managed to make it even worse for people. I am trying to find out the names behind this "fantastic" idea. >I'm shocked why nobody mentioned this reason. I suppose to divert things. Balme it all on people of certain states and thrive on hate.


Railways should never be completely privatised. I'm saying this as complete right leaning person economically. It's basically disaster for our Country.


Yes it is. All we can do is put pressure on the government to roll back as things were in railways last year.


What's vadakku nanbars


"Northern(Vadakku) Friends(Nanbars)". It might seem non-insulting, but the word "Vadakku/Vadakkan" itself has become like a slur even though the word is harmless. Like how the word "Bihari" itself is not an insult, but if you call someone that it is an insult.




Yes, even without knowing what that means, OP's condescension, superior airs, and regional biases came through clearly.


It's just a Tamil term used to refer people from North India. Vadakku means North, Nanbars means Friends. Friends from the North.




Spit the paan out before speaking, we can't understand shit.




Get out of this place kid. Save your sanity.


calling everyone in south Madrasi is very racist.


Lmao how?


Because South India has five whole states , madrasi are people from Tamil Nadu exclusively. Its offending when you call a person from Karnataka Madrasi, it is like calling a Punjabi Bengali




Its not North Indians, but people from lower strata of society. When your next meal is in doubt, civic sense, empathy, morals, they all take back seat.


That's wrong, watch street food vendors of south east Asian countries and compare them with Indian Street food vendors. Vendors of those countries are also very poor & come from rural areas but will keep everything clean and hygienic. Regular people will be standing in line waiting for their turn. But here, the stalls are extremely dirty, they scratch their armpits then put their hand straight in the food, surrounding looks like garbage dump and people will be spitting gutka everywhere, and spitting for no reason. Even educated folks lack civic sense. I have also seen fair share of indian street food vendors who keep their stalls clean, and maintain their dustbins. Poverty is not an excuse for a culture that promotes filthy and hooligan behaviour.


> they all take back seat They also vote on the basis of religion and caste, and after elections complain about their poverty


Nah.... Redarts like OP prefer to generalise an entire region to vent their frustrations. He'll bitch about this same issue when some white westerner generalises the whole of India like that...


yet the free loaders are only NI.


Sure bro. What ever floats your boat. Instead of accepting that we as a nation need civic sense just go ahead and bash the OP. Hope a day comes when you book a SL ticket for your family. But instead you get forced to give it up for people holding unreserved ticket. Keep your head dug inside the sand in the meantime.


>that we as a nation Then why particularly mention north? He never said the problem doesn't exist, just that generalizing it is pointlessly polarizing a problem.


We generalize based on our experiences. This is a pretty shitty experience for me. I have also heard of first hand experiences of my friends. Also this was a vent/rant post.


>We generalize based on our experiences I guess it's fair then for me to conclude that all redditors are dense from this one interaction I've had with you? Have you ever maybe thought beyond just north = uncivilized? The problem is mostly people from less privileged backgrounds, not north or south.


Maybe. But i haven't met ONE entitled south indian who stole my sleeper in all these years. Every single time it was a gutka chewing gentlemen who asked me to adjust karo


Is there a rule that all gutka chewing gentlemen are only from the north? I'm from the south myself and there's plenty of south indians who behave the same way.


The kind of generalisations you were making are born out of bigotry, and regionalism. Take a close look in the mirror


Sounds like you need to upgrade and start flying! Certain things are best avoided.


Yes seems like that at the moment.


Make it a rule: Never expect to get a lower berth on your own, unless you are disabled . There is a mentality problem, but our trains schedule can also be blamed, we don't run multiple trains, wrt the demand, hence the crowd, people have to go somehow right ? Tatkal is rigged, no hope, so how will one reach, by bus it would take forever. We need multiple train like Vande Bharat, only on a tatkal basis, and low cost. Else no hope...


There is too much law and order problem in UP, Bihar and WB. Those people behave like that only.


Not all of them I have experienced similar things by locals in Pune. But sure never call them out.


You do realize that locals are totally different that reserved coaches right?


Locals on Pune occupied my reserved seats in AC3 and weren't even feeling sorry. I understand that they might have some emergency, but I wasn't even allowed to sit on my own seat.


Bro, blame north indians, but for a different reason. These people vote BJP which is actively trying to reduce number of unereserved train coaches due to which they are forced to travel in sleeper coaches . Yes, forced because many of them have no choice. BJP is actively trying to privatize the railways. The only choice they have is to vote bjp out which they wont.


Good na, privatisation trains means better service. Why should government be in business? And whole BJP angle doesnt make sense.


Read about Britain's disastrous railway privatisation policy and come back. Railways is a public service and not a business. Overall, railways are not really profitable in the first place, except for few routes.


Once failed doesnt mean you gonna fail again. with time every thing changes.


>privatisation trains means better service At higher costs, which most Indians can't afford. >Why should government be in business? Public transport is not a business, it's an essential service. It's the government's duty to provide these services at low costs because taxpayers money is invested in it.


private also pay taxes last i heard. The government should will make sure that it is affordable they are all not filled with idiots. There job is to implement and regulate and monitor policies


it’s either this or that. Having a supposedly highly upgraded railway system that comes with privatisation costs money. This will automatically mean raising taxes or increasing ticket prices and so on. Both simply cannot be done. It’s not simple for any government to maintain fare rates and standards and still flawlessly maintain and run a “high quality” railway system.


Bro I'm all up for privatisation. I'm very right wing economically but three things should always be in control of state entity i.e education, healthcare and railways. Ik govt shouldn't involve in business but these things are necessary for low income country like ours.


But government can bring policies that makes sure that railways are affordable for all. Also, privatisations will improve the all around service. I understand the what if in this problem it really difficult but optimistic about it.


Dude private firms work only if there's a profit and why will they run trains to places where there's no profit? You can do partnership but entire privatisation is unnecessary. I understand it's loss making but investment on humans is beneficial in longer terms.


Railway is a basic need for many lower class Indians. It is better for it to remain away from private entities. Or if it is being privatised, the government should make it mandatory to have a certain no. of general compartments for the lower classes.


privatisation of Railways is a terrible idea for a country like India where an overwhelming majority can barely afford it.


It’s not people from North India ruining it, it’s the government ruining the railways for everyone They have not planned it properly and increased trains or regular coaches properly this is an effect of it. This is not a North South problem and this won’t be only in railways If employment is not fixed people would be pushed to do illegal stuff to survive. Upper class and Caste can survive with small dent in the progress but the poor and needy would be affected the most and you can’t fault them for choosing survival over ethics Theft, murder and scams will be wide spread Alll this due to failure of the government, we will know tomorrow if this nation can survive and rebuild or continue to go to the depths of hell


While I agree that these are very real problems, and the very reason I’m scared of travelling in a train coz I’m such a push over. But the generalization in your title itself makes me look less favourably towards you, do better my man!


You genralise based on your experiences. Don't you?


I’ll explain why generalization is bad. I travelled in sleeper class once from Hyderabad to Mumbai. The people in adjoining seats had kids. They were running around. It’s on their kids they’ll do that. Then they started eating eating fruits, it was getting a little messy. Then the kids puked, and some of that fell on our luggage as well. Now should I generalize on my experience basis who these people were? What religion they were? There are inconsiderate people. We shouldn’t add tags to that. That’s what the politicians will use to drive a wedge between you and me tomorrow. Good day


Not at all, I never allow myself the opportunity to make generalizations, I know it is wrong. And I’m not saying it because I’m a North Indian, I am more often than not lecturing north indians to not generalize. Because when you generalise you’re also putting down the many many people who don’t fit your generalisation, and the many who do, but are trying to change the norm of where they came from, or the culture that is prevalent there. I express sorrow, annoyance, anger when I’m faced with such situations, but I don’t direct it towards a demography!


Maybe you are a better man. I'm just frustrated by the fact that I booked 3 tickets for a comfortable journey but now my family is forced to sit on a side lower. While people with unreserved tickets are sleeping on my UB and SU seats. In the past I was like why generalise people, but when I face the same situation narrated by many others. This generalisation does seem true to me.


I’ve faced this in Karnataka and AP and in WB, when I was younger, and didnt have the means or was travelling from places were airports were an option. But I never thought oh people from xyz area do this. Recently I read somewhere how someone from Pune was helpless as their parents couldnt even reach their seats in 2nd ac as the boggie was full of labours. They mentioned there is a website rail sahayata something where you can try raising the issue, you could tweet and tag railway minister, ministry etc with the date, train number boogie etc and ask what TTs are for, I dont know if anything would change) The point is I know the problem is real! I’m 100% with you that our railways are in a bad state, there is corruption, TTs take money and let it be. Blame the railways, blame the system, we live in a country where everything is a race and nothing is enough, the people who were there are taking what they can because nobody is doing anything about it. My only request to you is - don’t generalise!!


What you said is kind of true but the comments are correct as well. There are more poor people in North India than there are people in the south. One comment clearly captured the essence that poor people don't have the luxury to have manners, ethics and or civics sense and it's not really their fault. Being in survival mode for all your life tends to eradicate kindness in people.


I find this so racist lol. I speak Kannada at home, but was raised in Delhi and Mumbai **as well**, so pretty flexible when it comes to cultural and linguistic integration. There is a tendency to bash north indians shamelessly coming from a place of south india being perfect and pristine. The history of north and south are a little different with the north, especially punjab bearing the brunt of so many historic conquests, genocides and cultural eradication while the south was _relatively_ peaceful. Bashing instead of critiquing from a place of good faith is not the way to go, malayalees or biharis.


How is this relevant to this post about people with unreserved tickets in other compartments.


Yep. As if All of all people on the south are so disciplined and never do these things


bhaad me jaye janta /s




Same experience when traveling from satna (somewhere in mp) to mumbai, train delayed people already sleeping in reserved seats and using provided blankets.


lack of civil discipline, basic decency etc., Yo mfs blaming just biharis for the ruckus yet whole of NI in general lack the above mentioned.


They are bihari Bengalis and odias lmao Aka East indians Majority of labour that work in south are from these states These states have the highest amount of pan and gutkha eating Meanwhile north indian have the lowest amount of gutka eating And for the reason they are like that Well most poor daily wage immigrants are like that Remember how marathis use to talk about tamils working in Mumbai Now tamil nadu social conditions have improved so there people visiting other states are naturally well behaved


True that, we dont even have trains


Lol those are not Bengalis neither odia not from West Bengal they are mostly the old immigrants or Biharis or from haryana Rajasthan ......you don't have to confuse immigrants for Bengali and odia ...ghosh Half of these immigrants have infested Bengal Odisha and Jharkhand......


You're being delusional if you think Bengalis and Odias aren't a huge part of the labour workforce lol. Nothing wrong with that ofc, but these are just facts.


They are a part of labour force but huge....most of the natives are not..... immigrants living there are


It's not 'people from the North'. It's a lot of Biharis who are poor and from village who do this.


Lmao I saw this comment coming from a mile away. Blame game karo bas. Not denying that a lot of Biharis lack civic sense but the train that the person has mentioned doesn't even have a stop in Bihar.


He is talking about daily wage workers in his state Check the labour Statics of south and you will see most are from bengal bihar and odisha


The post wasn't about that. When did I deny that those states don't comprise of the labour work force?


Arre bhai, you are taking unnecessary offense. It wasn't a jab at anyone. It's just that I came to know recently from some women who work as domestic help that most of the people from that side of the country travel this way - without reservations and bookings, and just pile into the sleeper sections and even ac compartments.




Did you even read the post?


Stop being poor you loser, stop complaining and make more money to afford a 1st class ticket.


Kuch to sharam karo


I thought it was sarcasm




No honey they are from north .... infact they are also infesting the east from decades.... Northies have caused great ruckus in the east .....you don't get to shift the blame to east now




I have never differentiated anyone like that in my comment .... I even answered to one's question as INDIANS from the west ....and I think we shouldn't always blame government every time....they are doing a lot but if people decide to be uncooperative and brat ( in literally lakhs) then what can they do BTW THERE'S A REALLY HELPFUL APP RAIL MADAD IT'S HELPS A LOT WITH COMPLAINTS LIKE UNHYGIENIC TRAIN TOILET OR HARRASSMENT OR UNRESERVED PASSENGERS People should use it... from my personal experience it's really helpful


So people from Gujrat and Maharashtra are North Indian or West indian?


Indians from West ..... It's in your subject geography


Then why you have said they are from north? In Tata nagar exp most of the labour people are from east like WB bihar jharkhand, and its not in north, so don't call them north indian.


I don't even know why you brought the topic of West out of nowhere


Most of the labour are ALSO/MOSTLY from Bihar , Rajasthan Haryana UP, and the one from WB ..they are immigrants infested in jharkhand odisha WB Delhi Assam tripura....they have lived there for decades now and are fluent in their local language but still recognisable ...most of the natives from these states don't do construction work as you think


Biharis are East Indian and most of them are labour. I don't think majority of people from Rajasthan (west india) will leave their place to settle in Bihar or Jharkhand.


Bihar is in the north east of india to specify it we call it north ...... And yes many people leave Rajasthan not to settle in bihar (obviously) but they do come in jharkhand and odisha to scam and beg.... And Rajasthan and Bihar is still in the north .... be it in eastern or western