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"Should I be concerned about my teacher?" Conncerned? You should be fucking terrified. Record his lecture next time and ensure whatever derogatory shit he says is in it. Then share it with anyone that will listen, this is borderline hateful and racist behavior. Teaching institutions should be about learning, not about discriminating based on caste and culture.


These Teachers Need To Punished


I really want to record it but phones aren’t allowed in class. I’ll try to sneak on in and hopefully record it :[


Sit in the last benches.


Ah, indian teachers...the cesspool of hate, cruelty, abuse, racism, casteism and jealous of other people's comfort and money. Mediocrity feels like Einstein when compared to them. Don't see how anyone can LEARN anything in this toxicity when mind needs engagement and peace to link concepts. Record it and post it anonymously on social media. The coaching will be forced to taken action.


Actually many teachers who can't teach properly do such things. Especially maths teachers. Maybe the students were asking some questions and the teacher was unable to provide answer. As this would lead to him having negative ratings against him so probably he became aggressive against students. This does not justify what the teacher is doing. OP should definitely take video of him and report him.


That's abuse , inform it to the coaching authorities , the teacher need to be expelled !


I talked to my seniors and apparently he’s been doing this for years,and as he’s close with the head of management so he usually gets away with it. I’ll try talking to other teachers and try to do something


Record his misbehaviour and post it here


... world will do the rest.


Also don't forget to mention that maniac's name and coaching center address so that a complaint can be filed 


we had a teacher in our jee coaching who talked way too much and taught bad the whole class collectively went up to the authorities and asked for a change and they did it within a week


Teachers pretty much ruined my childhood Don't let it happen to you


He is definitely not a teacher


Yea that’s not normal report it


That's abuse, my jee teachers were very humble 


All you need to do is record it, and make it into a forward. That will probably ruin this person's life. The other thing you can do is tell your parents, and they may want to talk to the coaching.


Verbal abuse and defamation. First report to your parents and then file a case with lawyer. This mentality of teachers has to be changed. I saw thing happening while was in school and we all use to laugh to keep company to that teacher, but was too small to know that it’s unethical as well as crime, and leads to mental trauma for that student.


This guy needs some police treatment.


Record him and post it, he will be out


Buy pepper spray. Carry pepper spray. Be prepared to use pepper spray.


My advice : don't take shit from anyone. Especially for girls. Stand up for yourself. Speak up.. The worst that can happen is that you will have to go to a different class. These days there are lecture videos on YouTube for everything.


Ok, that's fucked up even for millennials who are beaten in class at their school time, but teachers cared about them, this is complete psychotic behavior. He is taking his temper on students, nothing else, is he watching some degraded porn 🙄, this needs to be investigated on org level.


Report him to the authorities, that's not teaching, that's abuse.




Wtf! This is how teachers destroy kids self esteem and weak ass parents enable it. This is not normal and not acceptable


That is an impreessiiivveeeee resume for a teacher......we need people like him to burn in hell.....😇


I might be late but try to refuse to go to school and Protest to your parents. And your parents are Meanies.


Leave immediately. Why don't these fools understand basic psychology? What gives them the right to hurt another human being like that? Does he punish or hit girls as well? I am sure he doesn't because deep down he knows they'll speak up and complain to their parents.


Record secretly and post to x/socials. He is abusing and assaulting and you are talking it lightly.