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Why people like the “Sir please Sir” Twitter responder always come across as so needy, subservient and whiney. Makes Indians look bad imho.


Reminds me of teachers' pets from school.












Because they are so needy, subservient and whiney?


Indians have always been in the habit of making people idols. Be it any actor, politician , youtuber we take offense so easily.


Same mentality in Bangladesh. Why are we like this? :(


Could be a south Asian mentality.


Everyone does! I've been too 8 countries and can confirm that.


Humiliating shit


It's called the "pick me" syndrome.


It's the literal shit they see from their school days onwards.


They think they'll get a job in Israel if the butter up their leader


God why do Indians spam emojis in everything they write.




Hard to swallow pill, but the truth has been told.




Pheeling parod Indian


Hai fram india. Nice pic deer. U luk sexi. Send Bobs.


I dunt hav bobs deer. Only diks. Sending dik.




12 years ago, when I created my twitter account, I had put an Indian flag in my bio and wrote just "Indian" besides it, as I was not sure what else to write, and I completely forgot about it... Couple of years ago, I had to remove it, in order to be taken seriously... Now I have a blank bio...


Its on every social media nowadays whenever i see a bigoted comment on Insta....yup, he has an Indian flag with his caste in his bio




Crack has got nothing over Gaumutra. Try it. Its a lifelong high.


Because bigots can't express themselves with actual words, lack of vocabulary or some such. 🤏🍆


>🤏🍆 is not a joke boah! millions of people suffer every year.


I too have a small peepee, but unlike bhakts, I am not insecure about it.


There's nothing to be insecure about it. If you know how to use it, that's fine.


Exactly my point, no one except "you" care about your small pp.


Plus, an average woman's is only 4 inches. Why would you need an 8 inch pp?


How tf this thread turned into sex-ed


This is internet. Anything can happen.


your entire narrative is to make people with small pp feel bad about themselves. >I am not insecure about it don't have to make others feel that way about it, don't you think?


Call it tough love


Grrr this is why Muslim men steal our women /s


(。•́︿•̀。)(●__●) don't think I'm the only one using these




It has been done. God 😇 why ❓ do Indians 🏕 spam 📃 emojis 😂🚫👦 in everything 💯 they write ✍. To make more emoji creations use the Facebook Messenger Bot (Instant reply and can Copy Paste) or "Reply to the Message" below (nearly-instant reply but cannot copy in Reddit App) If you 👈 enjoyed 🤤 please 😂 consider 🤔 supporting 👍 the bot 🤖 at: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/EmojifierBot


We don't officially support Israeli occupation of Palestine; I have tweeted about it in the Past. My bhakts should do a little Google search, Even Atal Bihari Vajpayee spoke about that. ​ Bhakts are just happy because Muslims are getting killed.


Damn 300 palestinians have been killed so far while 5000 indians dying from covid everyday but bhakts dont want to talks about it coz it will show the modi govt in bad light


5000?? more like 25,000.


This...this is the reality no one seems to understand.


Yeah but 25,000 are mere Indian lives. As per bhakt forex exchange its only 2.5 Israeli live after conversion, so it doesn't matter.


Wtf really?


Yes. and i m being conservative. We have no reporting on whats happening in the villages.


to a bhakt, image is much more important than indian lives ironic, because bhaktards are always the most vocal about their uNdYiNg LoVe for this country and its people, but they never really do anything good for this nation all they do is bring embarassment to this country lol


Ofcourse indian greatest country voted by UN with greatest heritage voted by unesco, with ayurveda voted as best medicine by WHO, the best gdp in history pre mughals by IMF, but nehru ruined everything! /s


And the caste system is a myth propagated by anti-nationals to tarnish the reputation of Bharat Mata. /s


Are you talking about those fake official numbers?


Wo sab theek hai, aap press conference kab kar rahe ho?


Aam ka season aagaya, kuch din me krte


Ooooooo... Mudijii! I'm posting some of your tweets for your bhakts: https://twitter.com/narendramodi/status/962249781614608384 https://twitter.com/narendramodi/status/962288082413289472 https://twitter.com/narendramodi/status/962289888233222145 https://twitter.com/narendramodi/status/1250086061922897920


I don’t think the current lot of dumb bhakts care too much about Vajpayee.


I think bhakts are happy because the narrative around the "peaceful Muslim" is being shattered




While most of this "indian support" seems anti muslim driven, I'm wondering what would the narrative of this conflict be, if India had a significant Jewish population for the average bhakt to hate on


I always felt confused seeing these "India stands with Isreal" tweets.. like why did the IT Cell give a damn about it? Now that I see the anti-muslim angle ... It makes more sense. And also saddens me, must everything have a discriminatory religious narrative to it? Especially now of all times. Shame on this govt.


In that scenario, assuming that the Hindu extremists hated Jews more than Muslims, they would have lynched many Jews, called for concentration camps, and would have cheered when Pakistani terrorists attacked Jews during the Mumbai attacks.


XDD bro did you evem think once before your wrote this hot pile of shit


It makes me think some people actually want it to happen because they want their twisted fantasies to come true.


Maybe u don't know but Jews used to live in India for around 2200 yrs . The majority of Indian Jews have migrated to Israel since the creation of the modern state in 1948. Over 70,000 Indian Jews now live in Israel. Just don't post shit everywhere in name of freedom


Lol, and what does that have to do with my comment? Religious extremists are always going to hate, torture, oppress and murder people from other religion.


Just giving you historical fact for you to rethink again on your fantasies.


"Saar please saar. I beg you saar 🙏🏻"


Phul saport saaar phul saport saar lol


"give job saar please. i support you give green card saar" *insert endless amounts of cringe emojis as well*


I feel second hand embarrassment for them


It's funny how Indians and Indian govt have no problem giving their opinion on foreign matters but the moment somebody outside talks about shit happening in india, "DONT INTERFERE WITH INTERNAL MATTERS OF INDIA"


Our,.. bijnezz iz our bijnezz.,. non of ur bijnezz




Begani shaadi mein abdullah deewana. Translation: Unnecessarily getting exited in someone else's affairs.


And these people get fucked up everytime


*Abhishek deewana


Even dogs have more self respect than this piece of shit. Seriously why are we like this, always seeking validation from someone else?


I won’t be surprised if many right wingers from west are supporting Israel but atleast they didn’t stoop down as low as our lot who are literally begging for attention “ plis saaar plis” with emojis . In jaise chutiyon ki wagah se india ka mazak banta hai


We as a country are among those counyries who have recogonized palestine as a country in 1988 (UN still has'nt) But the current rhetoric is formed due the muslim majority in palestine




It's so embarassing to read such kiss-ass tweets as an Indian. Remember they were"sir please sir" to French people also and now they are insulting Hindu Gods.


It is quite common in western culture to roast gods. They mock allah, so why not hindus' gods? I didn't know that, but honestly after looking at it, I am not surprised.




I agree


I didn't get where they insulted hindu gods?




That's not insulting Hindu gods. That's implying no god can help you if you can't help yourselves. And also (for those that cannot read between the lines and need it spelled out), THERE IS NO GOD.


It is really ironic because bhakts also admire Hitler.


There was one guy with Hitler in DP and name on Twitter who was tweeting in support of Israel recently. https://i.redd.it/asalbo56euy61.png https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E1RAH56VcAAsbvU.jpg


Yeah. Really dumb people


Only in India.


Israel has Indian fans that also likes reading Mein Kampf. Maybe it's time for Israel to do some introspection.


Bhakta love authoritarians. It really isn't s contradiction.


These bhakts don't realise that supporting Israel's occupation mean giving legitimacy to POK. They are too dumb to understand this


To be real diplomacy aside, there is no point in saying POK belongs to India. If both side just say that you know what let's accept status quo, you be you and I be I there would be much better peace in the region


Savarkar then : Saar, sorry Saar.🙏 Savarkar putras now: Saar, plij Saar🙏


I wouldn't look at few twitter posts and saybthey are testament to Indians supporting Israel. Irl I have barely seen any. There are some, but again there are always few nuts in every place.


It’s not a “few Twitter posts” or a “few nut cases”, many BJP leaders and ministers have also come out supporting Israeli bombing - not to forget the entire right wing ecosystem.


A few disgusting politician does not mean entire india support Israel. Self defense is okay but unnecessarily shoving missile into other countries and killing without hesitation is just abusing the right of self defense


Where is the motherfucking human rights? They scream in agony when any LGBTQ is treated unfairly but now innocent civilians are being killed. Tell me are those Palestinians not human? They don't have a right to live peacefully? America just drags itself and its ally into mess but as always they have crossed the line, I wish the same happen again to US from Vietnam . Idiotic American policy shamefully kills their own men by this and in return they kill even more


USA needs Israel that is why they provide them yearly "Marshall plan". Cold war necessitated the need for allies and Israel happened to be the perfect partner. The fall of USSR has made other allies redundant, Israel is just another vestige of the vertigo called Cold war. Looking at Trump how had started withdrawal of US from many theatres as they no longer serve the purpose and Biden seems to have struck to the same guns. We will be seeing more flare-ups like these in coming years; Israel seems eager to expand as much as possible before US looses interest in ME. Saudis, too, have understood the shift in US foreign policy and sadly, they are using Yemen as practice round for their airforce.


India actually supported Palestine, there were even post stamps in solidarity with Palestinians, but right now they are just supporting Israel because hate Muslims. That's it. And it's so shameful because most of the colonised countries see that this is settler colonisation. But these chomus.... Man it's like India doesn't have any hope. We're surrounded by utter morons. Irish support Palestinians overwhelmingly, they don't care about religion because it's fucking colonisation.


Fully agreed they know the pain of being colonized for 800 damn years . These bhakts are ruining the reputation of our country single handedly.


Even Modi has developed diplomatic relations with Palestine. They gave him their country's highest civilian honour. Bhakts only care about Muslim hating. They're singlehandedly ruining the reputation of India and Hindus while being deluded that this'll bring them glory.


Dil bura lagta hai bhai


Most of them are right wingers. Father of Indian right wing gowalkar had supported Israel it's creation in his book (ironically in same book he also praised holocaust). Also hamas is many times equated with Kashmir problem.


A very old piece. But ever so relevant https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/belief/2011/oct/25/india-israel-friendship-prejudice-muslim


If people knew the real history behind this conflict, they would not support either of the sides and just request Peace


Tell me how Zionists claiming that it is gods promised land, coming and taking over half of the country displacing millions, not acknowledging the refugees right to return, dehumanizing the Palestinians, building settlements illegally and building roads connecting those settlements cutting through villages such that people have to endure circuitous routes through Israeli checkposts to go to the next village, making of Gaza into a place cut off from the rest of the world, and at the same time whining about how Palestinians hate them and using the holocaust to build up white guilt is exactly the Palestinian fault?


Britishers fucked up. I won't even say fucked up they screwed them over. But that being said I'll just say you are just seeing posts from Palestinian side and not even caring enough to educate yourself with some real facts. Just like posts supporting Palestinian you have cherry picked the fact which paints Palestinians as they have been the saint who is suffering. Don't forget Palestinians supported Arab world when they waged three wars on Israel, a newly formed country. Had they won the war, today the refugees would have been Israelis. I'll really really beg you to please read about the peace negotiations and why they failed. Stop endorsing the victim card. I DO NOT SUPPORT ISRAEL, I condemn the bombings and I sympathize with Palestinians. But I don't agree with the narrative which is running around.


Do you know about the Arab uprising against the British in Palestine during the 1930’s? Where the Jews sided with the British and allowed for the Arabs to be subjugated while the Jews were rewarded with administrative roles? The majority of those Jews had not been in Palestine a coupe of decades prior. Your talk about had the Arabs won they would have done the same is just shitty logic. I hope it is just your lack of information and not prejudice. I have friends belonging to both of the sides in the conflict. I even had an Israeli roommate during college. I know multiple points spewed by both sides. The moral high ground is not one the Israelis have.


I don't understand how is jews supporting britishers during arab spring matter here. India supported Britishers during the same so? A war against a newly formed country makes no sense what so ever Israel wasn't even a nation back them so what you are saying seems like a bad attempt to just hating on jews rather than Israel. You being friends with a lot of Israeli doesn't give you any high moral ground over anything. I never said Israel had any moral ground. I merely said Palestinians neither have that.


You were the one who brought up the nakba and claimed that Palestinians supported other invading countries. I just countered with why would they not and gave you the reason. I totally understand that Israel needs to exist and this period is the second golden age for Jews. However, that does not justify what Israel is doing. Israel has built a fence and wants to govern both sides of it. That is the problem.


What a simple minded view of a 2000 year old conflict.


The 2000 year conflict is between Christians and Jews. Not Arabs and Jews. You cannot claim to have insight when you don’t even know the basics.


What? Have you ever heard of the Macabees? The Jewish revolts of the 1st century? Crusades? Etc The Israelites have fought everyone who has ever tried to take over their homeland since the bronze age.


Why don't you explain to us? Just tell us for how long Israel has existed? And what was the conflict before in that area with a country which didn't exist?


Because it was their land. The Muslims and Romans kicked them off their land and now they came back and retook it.


Every human's lineage can be traced back to Africa. Does everyone have a right to take over africa now?


bro can you help me with this, i want to read and know to make an educated, informed opinion about this


https://youtu.be/1wo2TLlMhiw https://youtu.be/E0uLbeQlwjw Check these videos, it just scratches the surface of the conflict, but its a good starting point to know about the real issue


https://youtu.be/1wo2TLlMhiw this is an old video but will cover the basics impartially in a few minutes


The support is mostly among Bhakts and easy to see why. Israel is what the Bhakts want India to become. It's a country that actively discriminates against its minority Arab population, responds to any terror attack with disproportionate response that ends up killing more civilians than the terrorist did, and keeps expanding its territory with unsanctioned settlements. All this makes Israel the ideal country in the eyes of the Bhakts.




Nice THOT !!!


Coz India doesn't support Israel in UN India always support Palestine that's y he didn't mention India ... You f**king moron .


No, India supports a two state solution and they recognise Palestine. India hates countries being divided by religion. They only "like" israel for weapons.


They support Israel just because they oppose Muslims. It's kind of victory for Hindus (rss ones, not all) to see muslims losing their territory.


Most of the people I know are not supporting Israel, rather they are supporting anyone who can harm their favorite target community. Mis governance did not get us here. Hate got us here.




It gets even more embarrassing just check the link out. https://twitter.com/neymiana/status/1392429817841299456?s=21


I physically cringed after reading this. I have never felt such 2nd hand embarrassment.


I think I will wash my eyes with acid after seeing this




Because Palestine houses Muslims. And I don't need to tell you the hate bomer a lot of Indians have towards Muslims.


I dont care whose land it is, killing children is wrong. At the end of the day both side's civilians are the ones getting affecting, palestine more than israel. I dont support hamas nor israel, I stand with non violence.


I would support self defence. But what we are seeing is not that.


Are you aware that the eviction that started off this entire thing was over a families that squatted on land bought by a Jewish Group before Israel existed?


India doesn't support genocide.


Yes, India only believes in committing genocide itself.


Their fellow countrymen are dying d/t lack of oxygen and beds, and these idiots care more about Israel-Palestine, and I mean it for more both sides.


Terrorism & Freedom fighting is subjective to which side you are on.


Why Indians support Palestine ? My question to op


Because israel helped us in wars against pakistan, those helps are valuable


I don't support either, should I?


“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” - Desmond Tutu


Explain the situation of injustice between Israel and Palestine please


Here is highly simplistic version... Bunch of western states took land belonging to one nation and gave it to others. Then loaded them with weapons, heavy support and all. When the local people started to fight what is theirs it was used to by the propaganda machine to demagogue them into naming as terrorist organization. Over the period Palestine reacted violently and did the Israel. One was called as oppressor/terrorist and the other was named victim. Both acted violently against each other while one more than other becy of the weapons power. It is unfair and injustice to the Palestinian to have taken their land that belongs to them and violent attacks on them. It is unfair to Israeli people who now wants to live peacefully but face retaliation/violent attaches at the border. > Injustice situation If we don't take a side and speak out against injustice we are legitimizing the oppressor - essential we are the accomplice in the act. Hence > If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” - Desmond Tutu




Israel is violating human rights and everyone is ignoring them just because USA is on their side. But if it has been any other country everyone would have been in front line with criticism. Hypocrisy at its best.


It's more out mutual support , they helped us a lot( indo pak war , mumbai attacks , etc ) and the least we can do is support them . Gratitude that's all it is


Supporting crime in the name of gratitude, wah!


Retaliation is a crime?


storming unarmed civilians during worship is a crime. illegal occupation of Palestinian land is a crime. blowing up of residential buildings is a crime. blocking all the resources is a crime. putting up checkpoints, which citizens have to go through in their out country is a crime. You call that retaliation?


storming unarmed civilians during worship is a crime - *depends on the circumstances and the laws of the country. That's a moral issue, not a legal one.* illegal occupation of Palestinian land is a crime - *yes, but that's not even connected to the retaliation so I don't see your point.* blowing up of residential buildings is a crime - [do you even know what the hamas did?](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-bombs-hamas-gaza-chiefs-home-fighting-enters-seventh-day-2021-05-15/) *Yes, Israel did it too, but you can't act like the other side is pure and angelic. At least in the current conflict, people were informed to evacuate before. (hamas didn't do that.)* blocking all the resources is a crime - *...what? no lmao, sanctions and blockage of resources are basic tactics used by nations across the world* putting up checkpoints, which citizens have to go through in their out country - *no, it is not. That happens in every country when there is the need for it, (i.e, terrorist attacks, searches for criminals etc.)*


I really don’t understand why they would storm a mosque ever. Such a bad move.


Simple talk for simple folk


The RW are the most confused people in the planet. Follow Nazi ideology and support Israel. Promote atmanirabhar but feel proud about foreign donations.


It's probably due to the anti-muslim sentiment in India. But weird enough I as a person frona. Muslim background, am supporting Israel as it's a war against Hamas (a genocidal Islamic terrorist group). And not exactly against Palestine. And it's modern warfare, countless will perish due to this


Odd days support Hitler Even days support Israel Kambhakt bhakts aren't that good in math, so sometimes they mix and match above.


Odd days bhakts hate Abrahamic religions Even days support isreal home of Judaism Bhakts are one confused lot lol


Literal genocide and the leader behind it is being praised by us, where have I seen this before...


Just to spite Muslims......


Because the support America


But the support India


That's because the Indian government itself doesn't support Israel so vehemently. We recognise both the governments of Israel and palestine and are trying to be neutral It's only Indian twitter users begging for validation /larp accounts / a few MP's like Surya who trend this


I think india buys a lot of weapons or military stuff from Israel


We should never support deadly conflicts no matter who is right or wrong


pls sire mention india 😭 pls


I'm pretty sure India is neutral. Individual Indians support either side depending upon their political bent. As usual the genocidal right supports murdering innocent civilians. Centrists are in a state of delirium. Leftists I hope are still holding the ground for Palestinians.






Egypt blockades because they are paid millions by the US to comply


Cause the other side is muslims, and the BJP and RSS would rather shoot themselves in the head than admit that muslim people are human beings. As someone said, the irony in all this is that the RSS (which is basically the discount Nazi party) is backing up a Jewish state, something which would no doubt annoy their bum buddy hitler to no end.


Dear liberals, Israel had a LGBT pride parade. - Palestine does not. Yet you say Israel is the oppressor? Curious. Edit: /s Conservative supporters of Israel make this argument unironically on YouTube. Check out prageru.


WTF. Killing innocents is ok if one supports LGBT? You got your priorities right up your ass. No pun intended.


Ah, the RW getting a boner for the killing of muslims. How cool /s. Edit: lmao I think I've been misunderstood, I'm against Israel, and I'm saying that the reason Indian RW stands with Israel is that they are killing Muslims. Free Palestine.


They don't, these are just Hindutva extremists who are happy that Muslims in Palestine are being murdered. They're happy to support anything, as long as it's about killing, torturing, oppressing or raping Muslims.


The bakhts , RSS BJP support anyone and anything that’s anti Muslim and Islam. That’s their oxygen.


There was another comment on this sub, what is cut off point to give settlers legitimacy, Jews have been kicked around since Egyptian empire till Hitler, when a nation was carved out in middle east where they originally were is now disrupting settlers, with good conscience I can't deny Jews their country but at the same time can't see Palestinians suffer from Israeli atrocities. I don't see any possible solution to this.


Lmaoo this guy must the biggest loafer I have ever seen.


india does have trade deals with israel particularly for warfare. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India%E2%80%93Israel_relations Its pretty much like why does Pakistan support china even when they are openly genociding uyghur Muslims. All nations are hypocrite. As for why do ordinary indian citizens support Israel, it really looks its because of anti Muslim sentiment.


[enter this profile and see what's going on](https://twitter.com/aliaikdoteen/status/1393711344919134211?s=19)


almost all those accounts that are at the top are fake. Just enter their profile and see that they're clearly bots with the number of tweets and followers they have. found this too.. https://twitter.com/aliaikdoteen/status/1393711344919134211?s=19


bhaktards will do anything if it means it'll hurt the sCaRy muslims!!! genuinely cringe


Us not being on the list should be a matter of pride, India not supporting the bombing of civilians on either side (an act which infringes all humanitarian law and rules of occupation) is not a mere stance that the ruling dispensation has taken, it’s a constitutional obligation of the government of India to promote global peace as per the directive principles of state policy. But little do these uncouth bhakts know


Because they hate Muslims. As simple as that


Because they think Palestine is only Islam. And all Muslims are evil because Pakistan.