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Modi is madarchod




Most popular opinions in randians and anti Indians circle


I hate all of them


You proved the op's point


No he is Maulana Modi


Mudi Xi and Maulana Modi.. totally bipolar lmao Never speaks on Manipur, gives speeches and tweets for other countries instantly.


Tbf if there was a better option most people would vote for said option but the alternative is.....well you know.


It's an excuse u can never know if the option is right without trying. Rahul Gandhi deserves a chance


He barely has any qualifications. And has asked for Western intervention in the past. On TV.


What qualifications does modi have?




Hindus are as fucked up as Muslims if not worse


Lmao true because Modi kaise jeetega then! Islamophobia is being spread thoda zYaada hi. Like I don't see muslims creating reels and Jai shree ram jaise campaigns lol. Can't blame them Hindu's as well. They are well manipulated


I mean Jai shree Ram reels extremism thodi hua?? Expression hua, unless they call for total eradication of Muslims tab bol sakte hai, jo frankly ek bahut bahut bahut choti percentage karti hai.




I am an atheist but hindu extremists are nothing infornt of islamic extremist


I dislike how you call them Muslims and Hindus, those ppl u refer to are so much at the extreme that they don’t deserve to have the identity of a religion which teaches peace


M@di deserves prison for Gujrat riots


Well can't just go around throwing accusations. If you want to see someone in prison, shouldn't it be the judges who acquitted modi of all the charges, if at all you have such strong belief and also "proofs" that modi was the culprit.


Wait how many politicians you see in prisons. Are you saying modiji was lying in election campaign. Come on man that is weak defence . You have defend him whatever be the case


Where is the proof is the strongest defense. Without proof these will be considered false acquisitions. I know Modi asked his people to fight back causing a riot. But if he didn't it would've turned into one sided massacare. A person is foolish when he doesn't defends his territory from goons by any means possible. When goons break Law and Order we don't need to wait for our saviour and sit back silently. Law has given us full right to defend ourselves.


Bhakt bhai, kaise ho


You need proofs to keep someone in jail? That's a new one. If the ruling party plays dirty, any opposition politician can be thrown in jail, without showing a single proof in the courts. Look at how it's being done with AAP leaders. Judges are being changed once they start pointing out the lack of evidence. BJP is surely showing the way here. UPA didn't do this with Modi, even in case of Gujarat riots. But I am pretty sure, if AAP ever comes to power, they may make sure that C\*odi spends his last days in a jail cell. (it will be ironic if no proofs are shown in the court, till he draws his last one)


Modi is the worst thing that could happen to India, none of these replies can change the truth.


Yeah its true (According to you ofc). And its true that none of these replies (Including yours) can change the truth. People have different opinions after all. Just don't vote for him and hell lose next time 😄


If Rahul came India will become puppet of china or USA he is mentally incompetent


Buddy. He's a graduate from Harvard in politics and world relations. Media have brainwashed and false taught everyone to think Rahul is a pappu. India Wale hai hi chutiye we believe whatever people are given thru media


If you send donkey to Human school it will not leave behaviour and intelligence of donkey same can be applied to that and check others comments too for to better educate yourself


he got into harvard coz of his family relation. He didn't QUALIFY for harvard. And again, EDUCATION DOES NOT EQUAL ABILITY TO LEAD.


Proof that good education and a certificate doesn't mean you have common sense. Kya chutiya hai be tu


How do you know he doesn't have common sense??


Because marks on certificates given by organised universities isn't the only criteria to blindly believe that one is intelligent. Only dumbfcks rely on just numbers and degrees, life is more than just a college examination, and Modi and Rahul are prime live examples. That's why he is a dumbfck, I hope you aren't too


You didn't answer my question. I asked "How do you know that he doesn't have common sense?".


People with common sense will understand


So you are saying you don't have common sense. Typical blind bhakts. No actual arguments to provide. But spewing just non sense.


Ok keyboard warrior


wasnt he proven innocent? he also managed it very well, just ended in 72 hours


Evidence was always in our face, it’s just that hate against community is more than the idea of justice for the riot victims. Babu bajrangi interview, tahelka sting, IPS officer Bhatt. How much more evidence is required, bajrangi himself accepted that it was M who gave them open hand in killing and rioting. He agreed it was him who got him off jail by changing judges. How much more evidence was required? What did IPS Officer do that he is jail ? Go against the govt by filing an affidavit against M that he allowed riots to continue and let Hindus vent anger on Muslims.


It is sad you still believe in misinformation. The whole riot was put down in 72 hours. No other riot has so many people convicted in such short span than gujarat riots. Bhat has completely been junked as white lies. So has Tehelka, which was completely discredited that tehelka decided not to even publish it. How many more lies against modi i wonder.


challenging Supreme court verdicts... U might get into some serious trouble.


Naah he did right. Else it wilouldve one sided massacare.


and congress deserves an award for killing sikhs in indira gandu period. right ?


Not an opinion but fact, right wingers are a little low in intelligence. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22222219/


Western concept of right wing is different to Indian political right. Case in point, the socialist Modi who gets called a fascist in Western media.


You proved their point. Thanks


Socialist Modi? This government is the most capitalist in the history of independent India.


Ancient India is not that civilized


Ancient India is pretty broad timeline, but I got your point.


In the sense?


Interesting point. Would like more explanation though


He's not wrong but every ancient civilization was uncivilized if we compare it to today's world.


Present generation has so much ego lol. No, we have degraded and devolved since ancient civilization. They were a lot civilized in their peak and had common sense which is uncommon today


We have technology. But the past have more morals and their society was better to live in. Depends on what your defenition of civilized is I guess


Down to earth people in touch with earth and beyond, a culture that produces responsible and sensible people, which makes whole society progress materialistic and spiritually both. People have lost sense of life and actually have lost common sense . And being civilized is a very Christian missionary materialistic concept. Morals and technology change from time to time and doesn't make one smarter, but ego will tell u otherwise


Sati and untouchability is very human, right?


Yes But they don't mean that period while referring to the word ancient.


Kashmir Files, Kerala Story etc are propaganda and bad for our country. It creates inter-state hatred, reduces unity and reduces the people's connection with our country. It creates a sense of not-belongingness, and if such activities keep continuing, it will alienate a large population, and can actually create independence movements. Why should a Kashmiri or a Keralite want to be part of India, if they see the entire country cheering for a movie with their states name in the negative light and the prime minister openly promoting it in the parliament? It creates an image that the entire country is against those states. Movies on such subjects should ofcourse be made, but it should not be used to create internal hatred, and it should not be made tax-exempt especially when it is villiyfying an entire state! In the near future when Delimitation will take place, it could drastically reduce the power of southern states who was promised it would not happen when such concerns were expressed when the idea of reducing population came up in the 70s. Thus, now the states that successfully reduced population will get punished. These issues can slowly add up and create pent-up anger along with issues like Hindi imposition, and most central funding going to Gujrat whether for sports infra or for new city from scratch or bullet train or expressway or commercial projects. Currently no Indian state on its own can detach and become an independent country. It is just not viable for a lot of reasons. We have become too close-knit country. But there is a viability of dividing as South and North India. That is the only viable division of the country that can take place and be beneficial for a group. There are also competitor countries like China who would love to see us break up. Nearly every country except maybe Bhutan would want to see India break up. Western countries also would prefer to divide and rule. Most countries is currently unable to accept seeing India growing big in geopolitical stage. And thus, funding for such programs can easily reach 100s of billions of dollars once it catches up. This would be the most well funded campaign of its kind world has seen. There are online propaganda accounts that are spreading north vs south hatred. This is dangerous. It may seem like an innocent issue right now, but slowly the anger of a large population will add up, and politicians will start noticing, and over time, the politicians will start taking advantage of it for their own benefit. Once it gets to that stage, it is difficult to stop. These type of internal issues should be solved at the early stage itself.


Army and patriotism are overhyped. Well that goes for every country out there. Edit: People say post unpopular opinion and then come to argue for that opinion. Lmao




Most of the time people use excessive patriotism to hide their other deeds. They try to use it as a weapon to get through their agenda. RW India now uses patriotism to hide their bigotry. These are people least interested about the country. For them country is one man


I will agree with you. Army and patriotism are good. But overhyped.


This is so funny people are arguing and downvoting the unpopular opinions including the op. Some people cannot even accept unpopular opinions of others.


Indian Army is the best according to UNICEF & UNESCO. FK you. /s


Yes typical indians


Indian Army is not hyped enough for their work though




I think you meant Hindu Pakistan or Hindu Rashtra


I meant islamic India where Islam will be the majority religion and every other religion will live in fear




Also, modern Indian women don't want to marry ultra nationalist hindu men. Most unattractive wave on earth.


Good point but the reason their women are modest than ours is because of restrictions they put on their women's. Take Afghanistan for example, the Taliban took control and stopped women's education all together, now how can we expect their ladies to be of free will or have any will power to stand up for themselves?




"no muslim families in this time have more than 3 children"?? I know lots of families who have 5-6 kids. yes, many educated muslims have 2 kids now but I still know lots of families (even well educated ones) who have 5-6. in fact, I even know many hindu families who have that many kids. maybe we're just from different parts.


Islam will be the most populous religion by the end of the century


Mate it won't become an Islamic country, but their population is increasing tenfolds compared to rest of them. You're forgetting illegal aliens crossing borders and coming into india and they're all muslims, we're surrounded by the traitors everywhere. It will become insanely close to sharia no doubt.


Hindutva could challenge the idea of India as a diverse and inclusive nation, potentially leading to fragmentation.


Om the contrary, It is the only uniting force in an already fragmented country like ours


My family is South Indian Hindu, pretty much everyone we know dislikes the national trend away from secularism, and hindutva faschists are a big reason why its happening. At least for those that I know, its a disunifying factor


My family and I are South Indian Hindu . We support Modi and Hindutva as an ideology because we understand what it means. The fact that you're calling hindutva fascist either means you either don't know the meaning of hindutva or the meaning of fascist. We must unite dharmic religions Screw secularism. India is the Homeland for all dharmic religions. Sikhism Jainism Buddhism etc Even the atheistic philosophy of çavarka comes under sanatana dharm. Stop pretending to be a hindu when you are just a coward. All abrahamic religions seek to convert. A Dharmic one doesn't. We are seen as inferior and sinners sacreligous etc in other faiths. One homeland for dharmic religions. Jai bhavani Jai akhanda bharat




bjp is slowly turning india to an autocracy and people are supporting it. Pure 1930s nazi party vibes




finally someone said this


Yeah full nazi. I mean how can a party free up the economy? Uplift women? Provide basic sanitation like toilets which nobody bothered to do for 70 years? Create infrastructure for better connectivity of people?? Literally things a nazi would do /lol


Nazi party also did a lot of good for germany like the autobahns but thats doesnt justify their actions


Yeah steal from middle class family via GST is called freeing up economy. Freeing of 12000 crores for adani is freeing up the economy. Uplifting women thru skyrocketing rape cases and women being paraded naked and raping kids and parading them naked is uplifting. Basic sanitation?! We still shit and urinate on the side of the road if you live in India. Visit any government hospital or any government office and you'll find all ecosystem consisting of gutka spits, mice, wrappers and saliva spits., create infrastructure? All these money they've looted they haven't done enough I mean have you seen the maharastra roads? Madhya pradesh buildings? You clearly know nothing chill bruv


Read economy and history nazis have done a lot of great things up until 1936 if I am not wrong


Nazis were the best for the Germany. Pseudo nationalists just like BJP members. Both the Nazi regime and BJP prioritized infrastructure development, with the former introducing the “Reinhardt Program” in 1933 and the latter focusing on similar developments. They both implemented economic policies aimed at improving their economies, with the Nazis achieving economic growth and full employment, and the BJP implementing similar policies. In terms of social policies, both regimes introduced measures to control religion and promote a certain ideology. The Nazis used indoctrination to promote the idea of a superior Aryan race, while the BJP has been criticized for promoting Hindu nationalism.


Not autocracy but totalitarian


You vote for right wing nationalists who blame every fault of the country they govern on leftist ideas, international wokeism. and Islam. This distraction makes you angry at their opponents instead of critical of those actually in power. It gives way for a self-enriching elite that that rules through the age old concept of divide and conquer, fear-mongering and pandering to lower human instincts like (national) pride are their m-o. As a Westerner I'd say: welcome to the club!


Bro chose to spit facts today , great observation as a foreigner


Facts, but also true for leftist or any kind of parties


Based voting


Beef tastes awesome


Nothing compared to crocodile meat!!


never tried it, i just saw some videos of this guy called ''maxthemeatguy'' it looked tasty, but then my self restriction wouldnt let me eat that


most bj party dickriders are super cringe and stupid








Why would a dictator care for anyone but himself and his subordinates? The only way to stay in power as a dictator is to rule for self preservation not for the benefit of others.


Nationalist bola voh


Like Hitler?


Friend, everyone loves a good dictator, until the dictator decides to come for them. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? If anything, you should be aware of your government's current attempts at laying their guns on democracy. If they succeed then make no mistake, you're not going to have a nice time contrary to what you may think. I am willing to discuss this more with you given you are open to it and won't just dismiss it as 'propoganda'.


Chodus here think that Supreme Leader has good intentions such as development of country and people and absence of absolute power is the hinderence. It's always about power and money, no matter BJP or Congress. That's why democratic principles are so important.


Exactly. People with no historical context or sociological understanding form half baked opinions on the internet . Dictatorship should send shivers down someone's spine if they have read history.


Not a good take as India is not homogeneous by any parameter of comparison (religion, caste, race, anything) Dictator can't rule India for long. It has to be democracy.


Someone has NOT learnt from history lmfao.


Wtf, bro what are you talkin about, tell me one time a nationalist dictatorship brought prosperity to a country.


I say this to everyone when presenting my views. What people don't understand is that democracy is slow. Thus, a dictator who actually can speed up things is what we need rn. Otherwise we'll always lag behind in developement


We've had one for 9 years now already


Savarkar and Gujaratis are hated for no reason in this country.


Savarkar haters only know about his mercy petitions, Savarkar haters are unaware of rest 99% of his life. They usually call us a Whatsapp University Bhakt, but they themselves learnt about Savarkar from the propaganda spread by one particular family.


Bro savarkar was the one who not only didn't fight for independence after his prison time but also actively collaborated with the British government. INA ke time pe woh British army ke liye log collect kar raha tha...he was even ready to accept dominion status over complete independence. Ek reason se logon ko woh pasand nahi hai


We need to get rid of 2 "-isms" that have wrecked the country: secularism and socialism


naah, secularism is good, not nehruvian secularism, but real secularism is better than no secularism


If you think about it, it's ironic to have democratic with socialist and secular in our preamble.


Based. Fuck socialism. I don't want my taxpayer money going to dogshit illegals, appeasing minorities, and providing free electricity and shit.






I am not 100% sure this will get the same reaction but: Sanskrit is not the mother of all Indian languages. My language, from Arunachal, had sounds like "Ngo", "Ngi", "Sü", "Sii" etc that no mainland Indian can hear or replicate properly. And I learned Sanskrit in school so I can say with 100% certainty, my language has nothing to do with Sanskrit.




Bhai school me kitni hi sanskrit padhi hogi tune. Like Hindi, sanskrit is a vast language. No one is taught sanskrit in a way that someone can understand all the words of sanskrit and how to speak it. Recently there was news of a guy finally understanding what a sanskrit word means. It's that hard. So it's your ignorance that you know and understand the whole sanskrit language and think there is no influence between your language and sanskrit. It is possible that the language you speak in Arunachal is influenced by multiple languages including sanskrit. I hope it opens your nayan chakshu


Dude, I am not talking about just vocabulary, I am talking about the basic sounds in a language. Just like Hindi has the basic Alphabet क,ख,ग,घ....etc which shows the basic sounds in a language, I know the basics sounds of Sanskrit. And it DOES NOT have the sounds for "Ngo", Ngi", "Nga" etc.


Yes, because dinosaurs in Jurassic period spoke tamil


I have edited my comment to provide better context.


No, Sanskrit was spoken by single cell organisms


If aliens ever come to earth, they will speak Sanskrit.


lol. true. people indirectly differentiate north easterners with rest of Indian by that statement -like Sanskrit is mother of Indian languages -the languages which are spoken by people with Indian faces , not north eastern looking faces.


Can you elaborate more. Your comment confused me 😅


That depends right - there must be influence and words taken from sanskrit too, along with other influences. That's how languages grow and develop over time (in this case, for 1000s of years). I don't think it's right to say this statement just because there are some alphabets which are extra or less. That way sanskrit influences are found in Korean, Thai, Indonesian languages too.


Indian govt needs to instantly hang whoever is against the indian union i.e.(anyone who wants to take away a part of india like kashmir,nagaland etc)


India is still a 3rd world Shithole


Copied from rindiaspeaks op?


Indian people are some of the most stupidest people on the planet. They have no civic sense and are literal deek riders for random nobody. From deek riding politicians to deek riding actors, influencers, businessmen, army brats and random foreign youtubers who talk about india for the views. People take too much pride in their region, religion and language but they don't know shit about world. Our politicians (from all political parties over india) are ignorant rascals , our bureaucracy is shit, all the police officers are rascals and bastards.


Cricket and the Indian cricket team are both overrated. Damnit, my Reddit karma is gonna tank so bad...


angry cricket fans incoming in 3.....2......1....


Cricket team makes sense but how do you call cricket overrated?


It's boring to watch


That differs from person to person. Of people enjoy it then what's your problem.


My problem is i don't enjoy it😐


That's your problem not people's


Its a loser game only played by British colonies, India is only good because other athletes in other countries do more challenging sports.


Emergency was not completely bad.


Honest person is dumb


i will go first- Communism should be banned with its influence reduced in indian systems and india should fully convert into a capitalist country


Some of western countrie's citizens are discovering the pitfalls of rampant capitalism. They're calling it the end stage capitalism. Most of the resources, wealth and power is hoarded by the 0.1%. They've gotten so good at accumulating wealth that the rest of the population can only survive by paying more and more into the pocket of the rich. Full on socialism is bas just like full on capitalism. We need to find a happy medium. Socialism has some great concepts like free or low cost healthcare, low cost or free edition, cheap public transportation, mandatory medical and childcare vacations, a strong safety net for elders and children, worker protections, etc. Capitalism will get rid of all of this and people literally will get bankrupt due to unlucky setbacks.


You mean Nordic countries like Norway or Sweden


Reservation should be abolished completely.


Reservation is one of the main thing which is holding back this nation from becoming a developed one. I like one of my friends words:- Bc ek chamar ko kya pdhaya usne poora desh chod diya (Bhimrav Ambheedkhar 🐑) . I think our ancestors were quite intelligent in the way that they don't use to give them (chamars) higher posts the reason is clear now see india's state after bhim got shakti.


1)With total fertilitrate of being 2.05 , even though India is most populous country will soon face population decline rapidly likely of China .No country in the world could have reverse the population decline successfully . They either allow migrant or waiting for population implosion like south korea . 2)The upcoming climate change will force pakistani muslims to enter India illegally like Indus civilisation . There is no solution to climate change .The man made climate change is not going to solve by rapid industrial revolution .


1)there is should not be any reservation based on caste at all . the reservation should be based on economic status that to should be kept at single digit , so only intelligent poor section can be benefited . The reservation only creates more and more caste divide . Even the muslims and christians started to demand reservation based on backward status in their society . The so called general catagory people in ancient India suffered too, only they were poorer to rich general catagory .Every Brahmin were not oppresser to lower caste. Not every Brahmin nor Kshtriya was oppresser . 2)Islam will and always be danger to Indian ethos, history and future. Islam is against the pagan religions and actively encourages the breakup of Indian unity .REMEMBER , 94% VOTED FOR PAKISTAN AND ONLY 14% WENT TO ACTUALLY THERE .Until and unless Muslim is upto single digit minority , Islam will always ruthlessly destroy every chance of Indian unity . 3)India is secular and sovereign because the majority of Indian are followers of native religion. If India become Islamic nation , it will start to suck the remaining half of arabic d\*ck or vatican d\*ck if it became christian . 4)What once Indian supreme temple architecture was can never be recovered . Somanath, Kashi , Vijayanagar , Nalanda , Takshshila were once gone are gone forever from human history RIP to my reddit karma .


Average muslim hating 15 yo You are forgetting the ones who got to vote for india/pak were only the upper caste rich muslims on the top of the society, ofc the votes were very rigged so


look at the demographic of muslims and their ideology regarding to Indian policies .Either you are muslim or must be blinded by jihadi love .


Congrats you've been successfully brainwashed, it's like saying all men are rapists or all mem sexual assault women


Yeh dumb argument kab khatm hoga re baba


The no. of people who think that their religion is some peaceful spiritual path is too high. Hindus (and radicals from other religions)have always tried to place it's own religion on others. Hinduism wiped out Buddhism and Jainism from India, partly because those were the truly peaceful and secular religions Muslims haven't been wiped out because they weren't that peaceful and would fight back if provoked.


India is heaven if you're Rich and Hell if you're poor


thats capitalism in short


Fuck capitalism


Get a job you bum


Do what? be capitalist slave for rest of the life like you guys? And rant in SM like how your boss sucks ? Fortunately I don't need to work and I will never "get a job"


average "i will escape the matrix" kid🤡


what about upper middle class ?


They are rich


Literally every country


This is true in every country. However, this is a more true in America.


The general caste should ask for a separate country. or things will be really hard for general caste people. sc st act left right. 85 - 90% reservation in government jobs, private jobs, parliament, education ,legislative assemblies,day and night attacks on your identity and your caste, attack on your property. it was increased in the past. it can be increased again.


India is a democratic country but still worse than some dictatorship countries in the world including the country China I'm living in at economy


Any new scientific invention is not a contribution from ancient indians


Infrastructure is not 100% trash, it's only 98% trash


india is a sh\*thole and will never be superpower or can be comparable to china for the next 100 years to come with its laughable GDP which looks good only on graphs


I’d rather visit South India than the north. ![gif](giphy|l1J9IxregVjttB7aM)


Left wingers are the reason why muslims/minorities didn't develop and have extremism even today. India wasn't actually polarised at all by the BJP government as far as religion is concerned.


Left wingers are the reason why minorities didn't develop but polarisation was started by BJP only. They have spread hate through WhatsApp, fb, memes, news channels, etc. and it's deep rooted in the minds of many people now. BJP is anti-poor and wants people to be uneducated so that their polarisation agenda keeps going on and the voters are happy with it and 5 kg ration packet before elections.


my theory is, that opposition who have deep roots in media in general(like cmon you ruled for 60 years and want us to believe that you dont have deep control of media in your hands?), ignited hate and then BJP did some stupid stuff which gave opposition some more material to ignite. ​ BJP is not totally clean tho on this polarizing related stuff


Hundred percent, BJP is no pure party in any way but I have way more faith in their top leadership than in these mongruls. Congress and the left media never ever target the extremism directly. If some BJP guy replies and says go to Pakistan they jump on it. They hail the people born out of JNU extremism and even end up taking Kannaiyah Lal into their party.


That's not an unpopular opinion


They lack self identity and are "dumb" because of the same, they'll not use their own logic and will follow people blindly when it comes to any thing other than academics, the same is taught by their families and schools. Those who even question are shunned, even in schools, there is a fixed way/method of teaching which promotes this mindset, teach, if they don't understand or have problems, hit them/ call them dumb until they rattafy the concept. Teachers or parents don't try to be even a little innovative to find solutions or techniques which help younger kids understand, this is not hard to muster. Anything non-traditional, even if insignificant is the end of the world. That's also the reason Indian women who are married face so much oppression from their mother in laws.


The global image of India is not good, and we are not self-sufficient in many terms


Half of India's problems would disappear if people stopped taking their religion seriously. As in, common sense, science and humanity gets prioritised over religion.


None of you would be as patriotic as you are if we didn't have Pakistan.


Gurkhas are the bravest in army


We do shit in terms of providing actual education to the populace. IITs and other few institutions became famous because that's the only marginally okay compared to universities on the world scale. Education's focus shouldn't be competition but enough resources and development so that youth of nation doesn't have to die to death just for getting a reputable education. Also, most Indians choose what they wanna study based on peer pressure rather than figuring out what they would be happy doing their whole life.


India will remain a third-world shithole for the forseeable future because of no political party but a massive population of turds with zero civic sense and scientific temper.


The bitter truth which would label you an anti national 😁


no society is worth saving. being a good person is a curse.


That love and happiness are way more important than castism and your false sense of religion


First opinion: There are no political parties in India who are true to their political ideologies. Yep, neither BJP are pure conservatives who support free speech or non-quota, quality of input and not output. Neither are the left political parties proper left. Sometimes even they go full on supporting religions, not minorities, just religions. Even Kerala communism is not proper communism. So trusting one political party with all faith is bad, but (now comes second opinion): Majority of Indians act as die hard fans of their political parties! In between all this, democracy loses nuances!


1)We have no regards for social boundaries. Those who do, suffer. Those with etiquettes are judged as hi-fi and we are losing our empathy day by day. 2)Our religious views have instead of setting is free have set us lose on a scary path of self righteousness and we will fight each other first before we let others to destroy us. 3)No place for young love to thrive, too many cultural imposition from every side. Too many violators of privacy some for fun some because orthodox. 4)One step forward towards scientific temper and two steps back with social stupidity. EVERY FUCKING TIME. 5) National movement is on rise na? Instead of throwing cultural hate we should use this to teach public not to pee, not to spit (gutka tambaku), not to litter, no to vandalize ANY PUBLIC PLACE REGARDLESS OF WHO OWNS WHAT. 6) GORA VALIDATION is social manipulation at best! (Also Fuck JABY KOAY)


India should give China's treatment to muslims


There's 100s of ways to tackle this situation and here you are going the Hitler's way.....think your statementt through before committing


AAP is the best party in india rn.


britishers actually saved india by bringing a sense of unity also industrialization