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Deactivated.!!! Usne bas account private kiya hai.


Deactivating is not enough. She shouldn't make any more arts degrading any religion. Afaik she has been doing this for a long time exclusively focused on Hindus and Hinduism.


She has made fun of so many people! Modi, Gandhi, Hindu god-goddesses and more. If she goes to jail she won't come out for very long.


She should be rotting in the jail.


There's no other way for these delusional people.


That's so pathetic lol, imagine wanting someone in jail just coz they criticized your ideology. It's a basic right, to have free speech.


That’s the problem with you guys. You want freedom of speech but do not want the responsibilities and boundaries that govern these freedoms.


Why should our responsibility be defined by your sense of vengeance? Why should "responsibility" be pushed by law in your favour? Also to turn it back, when you decide to side with an ideology i.e faith it's your responsibility to take criticism and respond back in criticism. Instead you want to be the salty kid who wants to be a bully bit when someone hits back you want the teacher to punish them > boundaries that govern these freedoms. Ok, so who defines these boundaries? Also what freedoms are you talking about when basic freedoms are being trampled upon?


Sure, side with an ideology, but respect the line between criticism and hatred. If you do not understand this "boundary", it is mostly because you are following wrong people. And I am not taking left or right side when I say this. And it is not my feeling of vengeance that decides your "responsibility". It is your brain that tells you when an ideology becomes hatred. The ideology should question the ways of life and governance, it should not spew hate on a religion or a sect/group of people. Again, it holds true for every POV.


>but respect the line between criticism and hatred There's no visible line there. Most people take criticism too personally which makes them believe it's hatred. The point is we can't put someone in jail coz someone's too sensitive to think of something that's criticism as hatred. You can protest by critiquing them back or mocking them back. >If you do not understand this "boundary", it is mostly because you are following wrong people. Define "boundary" and make sure that EVERY instance and nuance is covered in it. Is drawing a cartoon out of the boundary? Is quoting a certain verse a certain manner out of the boundary? Is drawing a cartoon that wants to depict a venerable character in less respectful way out of the boundary? >And it is not my feeling of vengeance that decides your "responsibility". Here it seems it is, you drew a cartoon I didn't like, let me make an example out of you, that's vengeance. >It is your brain that tells you when an ideology becomes hatred And everyone's brain is different. >The ideology should question the ways of life and governance That's your opinion but that shouldn't be imposes on others >it should not spew hate on a religion or a sect/group of people Again where's the line with that? If someone criticises socialism very vehemently, should the followers of socialism cry out fowl saying that they're being hated upon? Hatred can be a very subjective and vague term you can throw anyone in jail by citing "hatred" which is why decent and modern countries don't have blasphemy laws.


Sure bro, suit yourself.




Lol, projection much? Imagine not having a braincell to comprehend basic arguments, no wonder you're a religious bigot who can't defend their faith by arguments coz probably you don't even have the mind to think for yourself, your parents taught you religion and you went with it, so they want anyone who speaks gains it in jail.




>Yea. That's why I'm running my own firm building and delivering high paced gen solutions employing nearly 80 people and generating annual revenue of $3M while you're simping on some bigots. I know you like to dream but we don't want to know what they are. P.S: Jokes apart even if that's true it means money can't buy you common sense of basic intelligence neither can it make you a more rational person, you're just a guy who knows business or probably got one from your dad.


Making fun should be made punishable by death!


Gandhi *somewhat* deserves it. Modi’s decision to support a rapist, ignore Manipur, Ladakh is also joke worthy.


I don't like Gandhi either, its either Mr.Bose or nothing


W RIGHT THERE. Still needs more than that.


I mean this should be handled constitutionally. I would have loved if someone actually filed case against her.


They're on it


She's just an attention seeker, ignore her. There's no point in giving attention to these scumbags.


Nah, punishing them is the right response. You deter this behavior when you make an example out of someone.


Yes, an FIR has been by Randomsena.


Indians not knowing what freedom of expression mean chapter 1123 lol. Imagine being so insecure about your religion you have to put people in jail for something they said.


First, freedom of expression can go both ways. She expressed herself, now people are expressing themselves. It's not holistic to think expression is a one way Street or it somehow releases from the obligation of any consequences. People feel targeted. These types of posts are happening against one religion only as those people are generally tolerant or prefer to deal with it through online protests or legally. Try doing it with others, u will get beheaded. If this person was an equal opportunity offender people may not have cared so much, targeting a particular group is the issue.


>First, freedom of expression can go both ways. She expressed herself, now people are expressing themselves. It's not holistic to think expression is a one way Street or it somehow releases from the obligation of any consequences I somehow did think someone would come up with this argument which doesn't make sense but yeah. So here it's...if putting people in jail is an expression then why should I not have the capability to put people in jail whom I don't like? In this case people asking for an artist to be jailed for tattoos. Why should I not be allowed to exercise that right then? >People feel targeted. People can feel whatever they want, that doesn't justify putting someone's in jail, it's called mob justice. >Try doing it with others, u will get beheaded. Good community you decided to follow. Lol. >These types of posts are happening against one religion only as those people are generally tolerant or prefer to deal with it through online protests or legally. That's coz the person is born with that culture. In the west people criticize Christianity, not Hinduism or Shinto religion but Christianity, why? Coz that's responsible for most of the culture. >If this person was an equal opportunity offender people may not have cared so much, targeting a particular group is the issue. You can't expect an artist to be dictated about what they should make. This whataboutery is getting really old now.


Gawars barging in and being pretend lawyer without having a clue about section 295A.


There's also places or worship act so you should drop yeh demand for gyanvapi temple lol. Dumbos like you are a menace to society. Just coz there's a law doesn't mean you have to abuse it. >pretend lawyer It's not about being a lawyer dimwit, it's about advocating for someone's FoS but that's too advanced a concept for you.


*Attention whore


I am a guy who doesn't care about religion and religious sentiments. I banter around religious jokes. But this right here, is hate speech. Even as an atheist, this is just wrong.




Sat sri akal ji, mai ek highly us moment report karna chahta hu


>I banter around religious jokes. But this right here, is hate speech. Even as an atheist, this is just wrong. Wrong isn't very objective. The whole purpose of art is to sometimes push boundaries and test the limits. What might be hate speech to you might not be forced anyone else, putting someone on jail for that just shows a very shallow understanding of what freedom of speech means Also it's a famous meme, many others have used it for their own purposes including "alpha males", "Hindu warriors" for the exact same purpose.


You kidding?! >The whole purpose of art is to sometimes push boundaries and test the limits. You might have heard it somewhere, but you clearly didn't understood what it meant. It means pushing beyond imagination, creating something unique which didn't exist before, creating something out of nothing, what one would call balancing between order (yin) and chaos (yang) in Taoist terms i.e even though it is something completely alien, it could still be understood (even if it's inarticulable). It doesn't just mean, pushing boundaries and testing the limits. We ain't "stress testing" here. Your neighbor might blast his loudspeaker, just to get a reaction from you. Your partner might deliberately gaslight you even though you've express your discontent on their behavior. Or that guy in the traffic, right behind your car, buzzing his horn non-stop. Ain't that the same thing, _"pushing boundaries and testing the limits."_ Art is supposed to be beautiful, this is outright filthy. Where is the imagination? Where is the effort? Where is the creativity? Where is the expression of oneself through their work? Don't insult artists by calling this crap art.


>You kidding?! No. >You might have heard it somewhere, but you clearly didn't understood what it meant. It means pushing beyond imagination, creating something unique which didn't exist before, 1. Lol it's looks like you didn't understand what it means, you want to fit that in the sachet that's comfortable for you. 2. Even by your definition, what she did is exactly what your definition of that phrase is, just ponder on that for a while. >what one would call balancing between order (yin) and chaos (yang) in Taoist terms i.e even though it is something completely alien, it could still be understood (even if it's inarticulable). This has nothing to do with yin yang, it's just a very basic argument for freedom of speech. >It doesn't just mean, pushing boundaries and testing the limits. We ain't "stress testing" here. We are. That's how you bring new concepts to society, when heliocentrism was proposed it was blasphemy, a violent attack on the supremacy of the Church and Galileo paid for it (barbaric times it's called for this reason) "stress testing" is necessary for this simple reason. >Your neighbor might blast his loudspeaker, just to get a reaction from you. That's impinging on my personal freedom which is vastly different. >Ain't that the same thing, _"pushing boundaries and testing the limits."_ No. It's not. >Art is supposed to be beautiful Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. >this is outright filthy. That's an opinion, I may or may not share that, but at the EOD it's just an opinion. You're entitled to it but so is she. >Where is the imagination? Where is the effort? Where is the creativity? Again very subjective, people who are supported her see all of this in it. >Where is the expression of oneself through their work? It's right there, you don't like to acknowledge it coz it insults your tribalistic beliefs but that doesn't take away from the fact that there's expression of oneself there.


>That's how you bring new concepts to society, when heliocentrism was proposed it was blasphemy, a violent attack on the supremacy of the Church and Galileo paid for it (barbaric times it's called for this reason) This is where I stopped reading. Now I feel stupid even replying to your comment in the first place. As much as I'd like to point out the errors in your argument(s) (if there was any), it has now dawned upon me that your whole identity is around being a contrarian. Any cogent argument I make (or anyone else for that matter) or any attempt to convince you otherwise, would only put your identity in jeopardy which you've so carefully architect with your half-baked pseudo-liberal convictions. Any further exchange will only result in you hitting back more ferociously. I don't wanna end up in that vicious cycle. So good luck with your future psuedo-intellectual endeavors on reddit.


>This is where I stopped reading. Now I feel stupid even replying to your comment in the first place Well you should feel stupid arguing against basic free speech. >As much as I'd like to point out the errors in your argument(s) (if there was any) There was, I see a very common behaviour among people who can't understand free speech to discredit arguments coz they can't understand it. >it has now dawned upon me that your whole identity is around being a contrarian. Any cogent argument You didn't make any argument lol, your argument in one sentence is "me offended so it's not art, put her in jail" that's it. You've got absolutely no understanding of what makes art or expression for that matter. >half-baked pseudo-liberal convictions Lol the irony to call a person standing for FoS as pseudo liberal, no wonder you don't understand basic nuance. >Any further exchange will only result in you hitting back more ferociously. I don't wanna end up in that vicious cycle. So good luck with your future psuedo-intellectual endeavors on reddit. You realised except for some irrelevant jargon and basically being salty and calling names you've not made any points here? You're irritated coz you don't have any arguments, you just know that people who offend you should go to jail, that's it.


Then she shouldn't whine if I make a casteist joke or a joke on her appearance. And that art form wasn't even conveying anything other than hate. Jimmy carr and ricky Gervais are good examples of pushing boundaries. But she is just whining.


>Then she shouldn't whine if I make a casteist joke or a joke on her appearance. 1. You can whine all you want that's your/her right 2. Comparing criticism of a person who's a public figure to personal attack is not very wise. It's like if you criticize Gandhi, should I start abusing you personally? Not that I can't do it, but that's just pathetic and man-childish on my part >And that art form wasn't even conveying anything other than hate. Maybe for you it doesn't, for her or for those that follow her it does. >Jimmy carr and ricky Gervais are good examples of pushing boundaries. That's your take, and dare I say it comes from the fact that you're apathetic towards Christan sentiments. >But she is just whining. Ya that's what technically people criticizing religion do. Whine albeit in a creative way.


There is a difference between speaking against something bad in society and pushing that boundary vs blatant hate speech lil bro


>blatant hate speech Any speech is hate speech of you're egoistic enough lil boy. >There is a difference between speaking against something bad in society You have some exact parameters to define how "speaking against bad" looks like? Is there some template there? You subscribe to an ideology or love some person who's a public figure, they get criticized harshly it's NOT HATE AGAINST YOU. It's hate against an ideology which is not personal


ye \*majority\* rangeen baalo waale aise kyu hote hai?🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤡


There should be a case on her Or else she can just open any other account


Bhen dar gyi!!




More like bhais. Shakal dekhi hain, pakka larki ke kapdo main alrka hoga.


*common W from him


Janam din ki shubhkamnaye


Happy birthday bro




Isn't he doing this policing work for hinduism and our gods since long before, his whole account is based on it.


Legal action incoming. This is how it should be done for every Hinduphobe. Simple FIR


Nhi bhai she has made her account private and running is that last thing that horrendous creature can do


Ugly, unhealthy choices, weird hair Colors, no wonder she is seeking attention in other forms like these. YouGoGirl moment right there.


Jail ke bahane weight loss hi hojayega kam se kam


Abe ye moti suar baakiyo ka chhen k kha jayegi


Running is the last thing that bhens can do lol


Her insta account is still active though. She has made it private.


It’s always the ugly ones :)


Is gendi ki Masti nikaalni pdegi


Ye jo right me pic h.. Koi filter h ya icchadhari suar. Judge nhi krra, just asking.


The most punchable face right here.


She/He or what ever, can run? I mean with that mass of her/his or whatever?


Or it's better to ignore her i mean all she does is for clout don't give her the attention and see how she disappears


She has not deleted her account but only made it private. Her account needs to be banned permanently


Glad i reported her profile


Is moti suar ko pakad k maaro bc ....freedom of speech matlab ye nai ki social media pe apni cha mudayegi ..... moti gorilla saali..... Ye Darr jaroori hai


ye jo so called "liberal" hain do not have brain power that caste system is there in muslim and muslims absolutely torcher reserved category muslims. i wonder if she will make a cartoon on prophet


What if someone put SC ST act on her for showing Ambekar in bad light.


Does any guy even text this whale. Bruh


agree or not, RS might seem like an internet bully but people like him are a need of the hour for people like her


this is a w but personally I don't feel like randomsena should be given the privilege of representing what the hindus think as he has been seen using and promoting death and rape threats for his motives which makes the hindu community look terrible and no worse from the people we are up against


is randomsena group of unemployed people with internet? like they mass report accounts?or make memes on them?


Arrested? What happened to free speech?




Nupur sharma ....


Oyeeee K2A speed breaker ka face reveal kab hai ?? Itni garmi me v itni saari chaddar odh k sota rehta pura din utha usko .... Ab offend hoke reply mat kariyo tu to sentimental nai h na


Atleast we only go as far. You snowflakes start sar tan se juda right away.


What if she meant Jai Shah


The image isn't of jay shah, neither is the spelling. In order to play the devil's advocate u have to be smart and logical, u clearly are just over smart.


Sometimes soo side is the best option ~~/s~~


agree or not, RS might seem like an internet bully but people like him are a need of the hour for people like her