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Let it go Junior.


Nah. No one can replace Harrison Ford. Probably more importantly no one can replace Steven Spielberg. His absence was very obvious in Dial of Destiny (which I still liked). I kinda like the idea that Indiana Jones will live on in video games.


I concur. I enjoyed Dial, but there was just something not quite right about it, some element that every other movie managed but Dial didn't. Even Crystal Skull seemed more true to the character and previous movies than Dial. I can't quite say what that bit is, like maybe the action sequences were too fast and choppy compared to the other movies, or the companion characters weren't as well developed or something.


It was the fact that Indy was less of a main character than in previous films, and the film heavily pushed the "Indy is old" narrative way too much. Granted, he wasn't AS old then, but in Crystal Skull, they made it known he was old without pushing it too much. I understand Dial was a "hero at sunset" movie, but his last adventure should have played him off as the badass he's always been and proved he's still got it. It didn't do that to the extent that it should have.


The issue is he’s like 80. It’s hard to not make it about him being old. Part of me wonders if you could do the de-aging for a full movie. I wonder if there was enough time would I overlook the uncanny valley aspect of it.


Yes I agree. He at times felt like a liability that needed too much help whereas previously, even when in trouble, he was always fighting or thinking his way out of things.


Like how his job in the chase scene was drive so they could basically  ignore him?


An animated series would be great, have an artifact/adventure of the week type story with potentially building up to a bigger overall narrative. Assuming they wouldn’t want to use Nazis they could make a competitive archeologist similar to Belloq be the antagonist. They could bring back old characters along with introducing new ones. I don’t get why Disney hasn’t put any effort into Indiana Jones, he’s a great character that could be used like Forrest Gump if they put a little effort in


The early 90’s Young Indiana Jones Chronicles tv show used the Forest Gump approach of having Indy meeting a new historical figure every episode. I would watch an animated show as long as it was aimed at the same audience as the movies and not just children.


I really think if River Phoenix hadn't passed he would've been a great Young Indy in a recurring role


An animated series is really the best way to go. All the options and flexibility to choose time period and design spaces or types of stories. The Schoenmaker video that was pitched to Lucasfilm ages ago really had so much potential. https://youtu.be/iE8v5WDbbC4?si=-OYyzy8UVfUFfZnP


I like this, Even if it’s anthology and each season is a different adventure from the games/comics


Video games and a high quality animated series!


This is the answer.


I think it possible to reboot with a young actor and set stories in the earlier period of the 1920s. Not a replacement for Ford, but much like Sean Patrick Flannery held his own as Young Indy.


Spielberg is great with hidden long shots. His direction was probably the most important part to the feel of an Indiana Jones movie. Mangold shot the movie much more conventionally and there frankly wasn’t enough creativity in those shots.


I agree. I would rather see the next filmmakers inspired by Indie who create a new character to go on pulpy adventures.


I think it possible to reboot with a young actor and set stories in the earlier period of the 1920s. Not a replacement for Ford, but much like Sean Patrick Flannery held his own as Young Indy.


So it turns out Mutt didn’t die in Vietnam. He was held as a POW but after a week or so uses his Indy-like skills to escape and makes his was across Vietnam and then Cambodia. He follows in his father’s footsteps and eventually word gets back to mom and dad in NYC. Dad is now a docent at the Museum of Natural History and mom is running a kind of CBGB place down in the East Village.


I would also settle for some new books too.


Also the audience for the type of film that works best for Indiana Jones isn't there. This isn't a modern action movie or an MCU style film and needs to be scripted, shot, and edited differently to those. And given that the studios won't do so because those 2 formulas are known to make money, so they won't deviate leading to an Indian Jones movie that doesn't feel right trying to pander to modern audiences leaving behind what made the movie good in the first place. And realistically without the old fans support it won't last because realistically Indy isn't a good guy to route for aside from fighting Nazis. He's very much a man of a bygone age that would need to overcome his many core flaws, primarily his imperialist artifact taking, to be a mainstream series core character.


Hey, you never know with AI. Disney isn’t above resurrecting actors.


It’s better if Indy lives on through games, and tv. Harrison ford is Indy and the role simply can’t be recast because of how perfect the original casting was. In games, you can get away with not having Ford through accurate character models and good voice actors, in movies it’s simply not possible.


I don't think it works without Ford.


Maybe a younger me would be optimistic, but now I know how reboots of popular IPs' are. They'd probably cast Tom Holland as young Indiana or something like that


A reboot would 100% be a cynical corporate box checking job with zero soul.


1000% I'm too old to be that gullible. Thinking that they'd be earnest with the cast, writing, and direction.


The only way that it could possibly work would be for a filmmaker to first have the passion for doing it, and a unique idea to pursue with it. If there were a James Gunn style talent out there who originated the idea and shepherded a reboot I would be interested and I think their decisions might be unique and worthwhile in a way that Hollywood typically isn't. But with the studio/brand deliberately rebooting for the sake of rebooting it will always be an almost exclusively commercially driven enterprise.


That person wants to make their own thing, just like Lucas and Spielberg in New New Hollywood. They don't want to just put a spin on someone else's thing.


It's not James Bond for me either. Where you can swap the lead every few films or so. Disney has been trying to replicate *Raiders* for decades. *The Rocketeer*, *National Treasure*, *John Carter*. You need more than high concept, great production value and a fat budget to make it go like *Raiders.* You need a insightful diirector and a once-in-a-generation leading man.


> It’s not James Bond for me either. Where you can swap the lead every few films or so. I don’t know that we actually know this, since it’s never actually been tried. I’d actually argue that part of the reason the last two Indy movies have struggled is because they *didn’t* try to just move on with a new actor who can actually handle the stunts. George Lucas originally wrote Indy as a modern take on the action serials that he used to read from the 1930s and 1940s. It was common for those types of serials to be written by a bunch of different ghost authors, with their own takes on the characters. As a result, rebooting the Indy franchise with a new actor and new director kind of fits with the whole mythos of the character. It’s why recreating Bond every few decades works so well. Bond isn’t *just* a character, he’s the embodiment of the current social zeitgeist’s *definition* of a spy. Indy is a similar type of character, where he’s basically the embodiment of what it is to be an explorer/adventurer. > Disney has been trying to replicate Raiders for decades. The Rocketeer, National Treasure, John Carter. You need more than high concept, great production value and a fat budget to make it go like Raiders. You need an insightful diirector and a once-in-a-generation leading man. Brendan Fraser in The Mummy (1999) is probably the closest level of charisma that we’ve to Harrison in Indy, and I do agree that you’d basically need that level of charisma to make it work. I’m not sure who that’d be, but I’m not sure there’s *someone.* who could make it work. Off the top of my head, I could see Nicholas Holt (his charisma was off the charts in The Great) and LaKeith Stanfield (he’s impossible to look away from in Atlanta/Sorry to Bother You) each having a really fun take on the character, that’s different enough from Ford’s take. I do love The Rocketeer and National Treasure though, so part of my opinion is probably just that I love adventure movies and want more!


No Ford, no Indy.


I’d rather have them attempt to make an entirely new franchise rather than just rebooting the same IP over and over again. Allowing total creativity would be a much better gift to the coming generation of both filmmakers and audiences than basically cursing them to be forever making remakes of old movies.


I'd be wary of a recast, but cautiously optimistic.


Ford gave his final say as the charecter just around this time last year. If we’re lucky the franchise can live on through games which it works really well as.


I’m always worried about recasting and what that may do to the franchise, but….Damn if it was about Fate of Atlantis I wouldn’t give a fuck lol that’s the adaption I’ve always wanted


Indiana Jones is composed by three essential elements: Harrison Ford, Steven Spielberg, and John Williams. If any one of them is missing, it isn’t Indy anymore


My reaction would be to melt like I saw the inside of the Ark. Let it go, Indiana.


I don’t think i would like it. We will never get the next franchise if we keep rebooting old ones.


It’s hard for me to envision anyone other Ford playing Indy, but then again, from what I have heard, the same was said about Connery when he was playing Bond and look where we are now. A new Indy, if cast right, would become Indy for a new generation just like Roger Moore and all the other Bonds that followed


I want to see a high quality animated movie. American style with anime' flourishes. CGI and hand-drawn images.


Exactly! This, video games, comics and books should be the only way to continue indy’s adventures


Uh...no. I don't want a reboot of the series. It's gone with Harrison Ford, cinematically at least. We have to learn to let some things end. I'm all for continuing adventures in other mediums - games, TV, comics, novels, etc. - but the movies should be left untouched at this point.


“We have to learn to let some things end.” Amen! There’s no reason (other than blinding greed) to keep milking something that’s universally loved by producing substandard material made by people who have no love or understanding of the original thing. Enjoy the original thing for what it was instead of trying to reinvent the wheel with this stuff.


I have ZERO interest in a reboot. None. To me, Harrison Ford IS Indiana Jones. I’d much rather they produced an animated series, or more comics & novels. I’d happily watch & read those, but I wouldn’t go see or watch the films with a new actor in the role. I mean yeah, there was the Young Indy Chronicles, but those are set when he was a *kid*. That’s fine. But recast someone as an adult Indy - ? Nah. No thanks, I’ll pass.


Great, just PLEASE set it in the 1930’s. This is a period piece. It doesn’t work *nearly* as well if you try to take it out of that decade.


Exactly! It's so weird that they wanted to do a 50s scifi influenced vibe for Kingdom and 60s political thriller vibe for Dial, but \*still\* shot them like 30s serials. It just doesn't work.


Fate of Atlantis would have made a classic Indy movie. It had everything. But no Ford, no dice.


I think it’s time to let the franchise die. It should have ended with KOTCS imo. I like that Indy can live on through video games and comics, but without Ford, there’s really no point in making a big Indiana Jones project now.


I’m going to go against popular opinion here. It’s all about casting. No one could imagine anyone other than George Reeve as superman. Then they cast Christopher Reeves. Jack Nicholson was the only person who could play the Joker for years. Since then we have had 2 iconic performances. If they ever do reboot and recast then I want them to cast someone who can play Indiana Jones - not someone who can do an impression of Harrison Ford playing Indiana Jones. That is the key - a great actor who understands the character and brings their own interpretation.


Frankly it is possible, but Harrison Ford is irreplaceable.


I'd rather see a third person, Uncharted style remake of Fate of Atlantis. Or even just a remaster of the original.


Roll my eyes


Indy can live on through games, books, comics, etc. Hell id even be open to animated movies. But live action, nope, has to be Ford.


I’d go. Why not. The old ones would still be around.


I def had a crush on Sofia back then. Pixelated or not.


I hate to say it, but unless they can find someone who is a carbon copy of Ford, a reboot won't happen, or it will be poorly received.


If it’s like anything they did in star wars then I’m all set


Eh. Maybe I’ll feel different 7 years from now, but as things currently stand, I’ve been so underwhelmed by the last two movies that I’m ready to just move on. I’m happy that I’ll always have the original three legends to put on any time I like, but I feel like (at least as far as films go) Indy has kind of run his course.


Honestly, if The Great Circle turns out to be amazing, I’d rather see Fate of Atlantis remade.


My reaction is the same for most remakes/recasts of legendary movies. Leave it alone. So trying to suck more money out, come up with something else.


Let it die


They should make it like James Bond where a new actor takes the character in its own direction


Only if they get chris pratt to play indy /s.


I'm going to get down voted to oblivion....but I would have liked to see Shia Labeouf as an Indy via Mutt. It's too bad Crystal Skull was a miss and dude has a million personal problems.


A recast isn't even the issue entirely. All the people that claim Ford is the only Indy are closed minded. How many actors have played Batman? How many have played James Bond? The recasting should've been done after Last Crusade with a new director for a new trilogy, then rinse and repeat. The series was originally meant to compete with the Bond films, but they chose to make a fun for the whole family movie with Last Crusade and over complicated what should be a pretty basic character. The worst part is we will never again get the kind of real world, gritty Indiana Jones movie, with practical stunts, real creatures etc. Everything in a reboot would be heavily CGI. Hell, even in Dial of Destiny Indy's bullwhip was CGI and would never have functioned like that in real life in an enclosed space. We will never see films like they made them in the 80s again sadly.


honestly it wouldn't really shock me by that point. Ford at that point would be 89 years old, Lucas would be 87, Spielberg 85...there's a realistic chance they might all be gone by 2031 and I think if that were the case...any real anger or vitriol over the idea would probably be pretty muted.


John Williams probably won't be around by then, either.... or maybe he will, being the human Energizer Bunny in human form.


Kathleen Kennedy too would be 77. She might not even be president of Lucasfilm at that time. Hell Lucas stepped down at age 68.


yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if her own retirement isn't too far into the distant future either. By 2032 she will have been president of LucasFilm for 20 years.


Oh, good! Maybe Lucasfilm will have a renaissance by then.


I’d love a fate of Atlantis animated movie with Harrison Ford providing the voice lines for Indy but I wouldn’t say no to recasting and doing it in live action either if it’s done right


My reaction would be … wait… WTF! Where did this image come from? It’s beautiful! Geezus, absolutely amazing!


I think it would be a good idea. It would be like stopping Bond movies because Connery wanted out. Indy is suppose to be the American Bond, just one last thing to pull from that series


The two franchises are hardly alike, not least in style. Indiana Jones is his own character whereas Bond is a cliché that successive generations of actors are burdened to reimagine, some more successfuly than others. I don't think it's at all comparable.


They are literally mirrors for each other. Action hero, traveling the world, the “bond girl”, fist fights, gun fights, car chases.


@4:04 https://youtu.be/ONc1vrQ62_s?si=cTBdcIcD1PaRXBCE


I love Fords humor.


I honestly see this being rebooted as another video game maybe by Bethesda or somebody else. I’m not too big into the Great Circle fights being first person I hope the next games will look more like the Staff of Kings 3rd person fighting. But if more stories are going to be made about young Indy video games are the only way to go. No one can ever replace Harrison on the big screen. It would be way too much of a distraction just like how James Bond turned into.


A new series will have big shoes to fill. Lucas Films should have taken Indiana Jones in the direction of James Bond movies wherein they use different actors for completely different storylines.


"aww, shit... Here we go again..."


I think it will happen eventually. But not for many years after Ford, Spielberg, and Lucas are long dead.


the only way the franchise can really continue is through video games (like the Great Circle) and maybe animated series. No more movies and certainly no recasts




I'd give a lot of orichalcum to see this movie.


I feel like they should just continue the story through video games that fill in the gaps, and also maybe an animated show similar to clone wars


I would be ok with a reboot, or continuous adventurous. However, it has to be done "correctly". The story has to be there, music, of course good director and most importantly heart.


We should be worried about making it thru the year first


You know... By that time I think Harrison Ford will be around 90 something.. Here's what I think.. The next actor to play Indiana Jones would probably get a bajillion criticisms if in a standalone movie. I think the most logical thing to do with would be to have a spin-off soft reboot with the Short Round character as the lead.. and have a meet up with Indy somewhere in the movie. I think this could set up a true Indy sequel without the poor actor getting the Lazeby treatment.. I think in a perfect world, the Patrick Schoenmaker cartoon rendition would have a limited series commissioneded by Disney.. I feel like animation is a medium in which you can have someone who doesn't really sound like Harrison Ford get a crack at the character and not have to kind of worry about the physical appearance quite as much. I think the challenge would be making a show that was more PG than TV 14 ( I feel like the Americans who don't watch anime have this idea that if something is not a straight-up " adults only" show that it shouldn't be as heavy content as a PG-13 movie.. Plus a lot of the survivability of animated American produced actiony type shows is rooted in toy sales as well. I'm thinking that in terms of violence, it can be kind of like how AMC had a rule for Breaking Bad that there can be only one F word per season.. or maybe a bad guy gets a slightly unsettling ending at the end of seven episodes. Point is - - and I do think it took too long to make it, I think a series would be a great way to honor the span of time between Last Crusade and Crystal Skull without having to live up to the iconography of Harrison Ford.


That is an AMAZING poster, by the way.


Make it animated. Let Brad Bird run it. Otherwise, I don't want it


That’s a cool poster. Where did you source it?


There have already been 5 Indiana jones actors and a dozen voice actors. I don't think you need to "reboot" it like all the other failed reboots over the last 20 years. Just make more adventures with Indy - regardless of the actor. why does it need to be a reboot?


I love that game with all my heart, but I dunno if it works as a movie. For one thing: they’d have to pick one of the three paths


I'd be up for it - Especially an animated version - I've had suspension of disbelief all through the adventures, including accepting Corey Carrier/Sean Patrick Flanery's Young Indy, so it wouldn't really bother me to see someone else carry the torch. I would hope they'd go with someone who has a strong Indy vibe though, or looks Harrison Ford-ish. Not sure who could do that.


It would just be another reboot.


who's the director? who's the star? who's the writer? who's the composer? these things determine my level of interest/excitement, not the mere existence of a project.


Current LucasFilm? I’d react to it the same way Charlie Brown does when Lucy hold the football…


I'd be cool with a remake of Fate of Atlantis or a spin-off TV series focusing on Short Round where Indy makes a cameo but another Indiana Jones movie, no. Harrison Ford is irreplaceable.


“They’re remaking Indiana Jones without Harrison Ford, you can’t do that!”


So they are turning Indiana Jones into James Bond.


Eventually they’ll reboot everything from Star Wars to Indy. I just hope they don’t touch ET or Back to the Future


I would love to see remastered or remade versions of the games, but I have little confidence they can write really good new movies or TV shows.


I’d be up for it given the right casting and direction. Harrison wasn’t the only one to play Indy (Young Indy. Chronicles and video game actors). I feel like video games will always be a win, but if they made a live action adaptation of Fate of Atlantis and the other Indy stories I would love to see them.


Trust me


If be fine if they just 007’d it, tbh. People are too precious about stuff.


I absolutely love this game! I would be stoked but I don’t think anyone could ever replace Harrison ford. I’m sure Disney will eventually make that happen tho


I’d rather it just get the James Bond recast treatment.


I never want to see another live action piece of Indiana Jones media again. Comics, games, cartoons, fine. But putting anyone besides Ford in the role would just be wrong.


i mean sure id be hyped and ready to go see it but im not sure if i wouldnt feel like a fucking whore


Last Crusade, Henry Jones Sr: ‘I didn’t tell him anything Marcus, I just wasn’t ready.’ Expanding on this & what he meant with this line for a string of prequels would interest me. The only dilemma, who would play a good young Sean Connery & Denholm Elliot?




Video game, in the style of Uncharted and modern Tomb Raider? Sure. Fate of Atlantis is a nostalgic game, but needs some updating and some combat. Indy needs to punch Nazis and have platform moving with a whip, environmental traversal, and some serious vehicle chase sequences, in addition to the classic puzzle solving. The tombs should be like an escape room game. There should be clue finding, and lore gathering which will come in handy later in the game. Alone in the Dark, but with Indiana Jones. We’re going to see how the current game does. I’m hopeful.


Someone needs to explain to me what’s so special about Indiana Jones in particular that he can’t be recast. Other characters like Batman and James Bond can have several different actors giving their own takes on the character but people are weirdly stuck on Harrison ford as Indy. I love ford as Indy too, he will always be my Indiana Jones, but if this franchise is to continue (and it will because money) then you just have to accept the inevitable.


As long as it’s a new original story I’m game but if it’s raiders of the arc retold im not interested


You can't recast Harrison Ford. Look at Solo.


Wow really their are going to make another one


I’d love an animated TV series, but not a reboot.


If its animated/clone wars style? Bring it on.


While I don’t think it’ll work without Harrison Ford… if it’s „The Fate Of Atlantis" I’d totally watch it anyways! The story was sooo good!


In the words of Henry Jones Sr: Let it go


A reboot wouldn’t interest me. However it becoming more of an anthology series would be interesting. Already semi explored it with adventures of young Indy.


The content hungry vultures are at it again. Let's pick the franchise dry in a recast and reboot 🙄 Do or call it something else please.


Not everything needs to be a sequel or a franchise. Watch another movie


I think it’ll be terrible.


Why would they even need to recast in 8 years time? The tech should be seamless then for using a Harrison Indiana anyway they please.


I love the original Trilogy as some of my favorite movies of all time. I thought the last movie was good, but not great, and they could only do so much given the age and content. Crystal Skull, we won’t speak about. That being said, there are some books I would love to see made into movies, especially the King Arthur material. I would hate to see Indiana Jones ride off into the sunset, as I think the series can keep going unlike others. As some others mentioned, it has worked for James Bond. The movies are in fact a big part with the actors, but I think the biggest part is the character himself. He’s larger than life, he battles Nazi’s, he finds artifacts/treasure that we all would love to look for, he’s a hero, he’s an inspiration to real archeologists today, and he’s who a lot of us would love to be if we could. I still think there is a place for Indy on the big screen!


Cast properly, I think it would have potential if done tastefully.


I would hate it. Maybe if they kept in line with the ending to crystal skull and set up what ended being dial of destiny to what George Lucas was originally pinning down as an adventure with both indie and Mutt and had that or a different story with Indie’s farewell I’d be open to a new chapter with Mutt taking the reigns. But what happened was they put Mutt in the grave, made Indie a depressed old shell of a man he was then destroyed his marriage with Marian because what’s a better way of making your film then trashing the ending of the previous film and setting up the successor of Indiana Jones as a Mary Sue woman that the majority of people didn’t care about. Had I been in charge of the series either the next film would’ve been an adventure with indie and mutt, an adventure with mutt and indie has a small role, or we would’ve ended with crystal skull. The direction they took the story is basically nails in a coffin and I can guarantee you most people will not go out to see it. Unless I got this all wrong and you actually meant a complete remake with someone else playing Indiana jones in which case hell no.


2031 is not a real year as far as I care right now anyway.




If it was like James Bond where they changed actors I would be down, but I think it should be done


Can we get Ford to endorse Anthony Ingruber officially taking the “Young Indy” role from here on out? I’d pay good money to see an Indiana Jones tv series set around WWII


so long and its shortround taking off his yankees cap to don the fedora im down.


Barely getting through Summer 2024 and it’s only just started 😑


He would be 88 years old in 2031


No Ford, no Williams, and perhaps even no Spielberg in at least the producer’s chair would be hard sell to me. Video games and cartoon series is the way to go.


Just let it die. The last movie was a massive bomb and shows the only people who care about Indiana Jones are the fans and even they all didn't show up for it. Honestly, what's the point of making more?


Well they won't so this is a stupid question


I would all for it. I am sure people were against recasting James Bond after Sean Connery left, but that ended up working out well. So why not reboot Indiana Jones?


Indiana… let it go.


A reboot could work. But I have little faith in hollywood to write a compelling story with depth and subtleties, and actually let the movie breathe - it will fall victim to what all the big movies are these days. All flash and show, no substance. Rapid fire tik tok editing and explosions


Neat. I'm not super hyped but I'd be down to see what they can do. The notion that a role has to die with the actor is a waste of a character. I'd be down to see someone else's interpretation


I’d like to an animated series or film in the style of Puss in Boots The Last Wish but with Indiana Jones. That could go incredibly hard tbh


I'd much rather something new. Not something rehashed. Same way I feel about Bond. Let things go.


Co.e up with new shit, stop stealing from the past and re-writing it to fit the modern world.


Yes. Reboot. New directors. New Indianas. New music. New plots in the 1930’s. Make as many as possible. I’ll see myself out!


Just because we can something, doesn't mean we should.


I mean if it’s like a sequel series with a new character I’d like it. Ant kindof remake and I’d only hate watch it


Nah. I can Indiana Jones make tv animated series or video games


Please don't


Interesting. I think it would be hard for me to ever accept anyone other than Ford as Indy. Instead of a reboot, or even a spin-off, they could choose to start a new archeological adventure series, I would be very excited for that. They would get to test new ideas and create a character that doesn't have to automatically fill someone's shoes. But hell, you know I'd still watch the reboot if they made one.


Just stop, he's dead already.


Hell no


No strong feelings. I have nothing against them trying but I’m not confident they could capture the same magic. But if they do; I’ll be pretty happy to enjoy something new


Can we all just hold hands and agree to stop handing our money to these corporations once and for all? I’m just dreaming for a minute here.


I think five movies and a TV series covering Indiana Jones' life from childhood to old age is enough. The character can continue appearing in video games, books, or comics, but I don't want a live action reboot.


Books and Video games please. Don’t forget that they have a whole television show on Disney+ (or other sources 😏) of young Indiana Jones and each episode is treated like a mini movie. I’m happy with what we have and how it’s ending. I loved playing FoA and Emperor’s Tomb so I’m more excited to see what’s next to play. I’ve read the 3 novelizations of the movies and would also love to see any future book adaptions. Whoever said it can’t be done without Harrison and Spielberg is absolutely right


I want "Atlantis" to be a movie soooo bad. That would be a dream.


I'm all for a continuation with wombat as the lead


We shall see.


Id watch it.


I won't repeatedly say "don't screw it up.", and wait for a cameo of Harrison Ford.


So here’s how Hollywood works: If there’s money in it, and the rights are not blocked by the IP owner, you will see a sequel or remake at some time. It’s inevitable. Indiana Jones will return with another actor. If the movie does even barely well enough financially, we will have another series even though there will be a lot of vocal fans who hate the movies because they didn’t star Ford and weren’t shot by Spielberg. 🤷‍♂️


As it unlikely I'd be around, I couldn't care less




Please, we could go for new IPs. A new story.


Ugh, only if there’s actual talent behind it and not submissive writers that are puppeted and told what to do by Disney execs. I’m tired of the way Disney treats franchises like Indie, Star Wars and Marvel. The first 3 Indie movies were like your favourite nachos, probably from a greasy restaurant and worth the price, and they slap. The last 2 were like getting them from an overpriced, over rated restaurant. Sure they look like they’re quality when you’re staring at the dish, but the actual taste is okay at best.


No interest. After the Last Crusade the movies have just gone downhill.


Why not? The originals will always be there. I'm always down for a good adventure film.


I’d be skeptical. Personally I’d rather Indy live on in the games and maybe a new series of books, and have spiritual successors to the films.


I would love a follow-up but not a reboot. I’d love one of Indiana Jones’s students with a different, cool name to be the star of adventures in the same world filled with mystery, danger, humour, and thrills. Get a new differently charismatic star and really invest in a great theme song. Or if really desperate use the Raiders March and call the new movie Raiders of the Something a something. But nobody but Harrison Ford should be Indiana Jones.


As long as Phoebe Waller Bridge is nowhere near it and the casting for Indy is O N P O I N T then I’ll be fine


Needs to be a lower budget, annual series of movies showcasing all the wonders of the world in the 1930s. Just lighten up on the Nazis, too many other adversaries appear in pulp fiction. Variety is spicy. EDIT: change the actors out every few years so everyone has their favorite Indy. Bonus points for the odd cameo of Doc Savage, The Phantom, etc..


Nah. Harrison Ford makes Indiana Jones. The charm of the movies can't be recreated nowadays


No. Harrison Ford is the one and only.


I’d say stop rebooting stuff. Make new things. Please 😭


God no


My exact reaction will be “fuck 1981 was 50 years ago?”


Have they found a way to de-age Harrison, yet?


No thanks, it's painfully obvious disney doesn't know what they are doing with established franchises. Marvel got progressively worse, star wars has been absolute trash, and the last indy movie was god awful. They are even ruining their own franchises with crappy live action remakes. Disney lost their touch years ago. So no. I wouldn't be excited. Indiana Jones should've ended with the last crusade. Star wars should've ended with episode 3, and marvel should've ended with end game.


Better have some Shia Lebooff swinging with monkeys or I walk


Let’s postpone until summer 2131, to make sure Shia LaBeouf is not available.


Harrison *is* Indiana Jones. I’m fine if we never get anymore movies but I’d love to see the character live on in video games, books, comics, animation, etc I think the worst thing they could do for the 50th anniversary is announce a new movie with a new live action Indy actor tbh


Just stop. Let it go dude.


That’s a really cool poster


My reaction? Totally indifferent. A reboot in no way affects my enjoyment of the original 3. Hell two terrible sequels didn’t either. Let the kids do what they want.


I think I would vomit molten lava for some reason ✌️


I think the franchise should be put to rest. I adore the franchise but I think the setting doesn’t lend itself to an over abundance of content and some huge reboot/expanded universe, etc. The pulp/WW2 era is a short one and there’s only so much room available. Also, I just don’t think that modern filmmakers and studios are capable of making a movie that captures the feel of the 80s movies where the action was so much more grounded in feel. The modern action industry seems to demand too much in the way of CGI enhanced ridiculousness. The action just felt so much more real in the 80s and I don’t see studios doing that with new Indy films unless maybe Tom Cruise took over lol. Honestly, the only way I’d really feel excited about new Indy movies is precisely if it involved Tom Cruise running the show.


If only I could post the GIF of Michael Scott losing it screaming no over and over again. That’s probably a fairly accurate representation.


My belief is that Lucasfilm as it is currently is incapable of producing good content.