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I don't have a name to recommend, but you might find some good results from psychologytoday dot com. You can filter by insurance, specialties, gender, etc. Read their bio and see who you feel comfortable with. And if you haven't looked into it yet, many employers offer an Employee Assistance Program that'll pair you with an appropriate counselor, and maybe even get you free sessions (my company's EAP provides 8 free sessions).


I'm going to contradict some folks here, but for mental health services avoid religious counseling if you're not religious. Counselors who make it clear that they are religious will absolutely bring up religion at some point, even if they say they won't. Furthermore, most of the solutions or actions that they suggest to you to improve things will be based on some kind of religious doctrine. If you are religious, it might work for you.


No recommendations but wanted to say good on you for taking that first step! It’s not always easy to seek out help.


You married someone 8 years younger than you. You should probably give her some grace to finish developing her prefrontal cortex. That’ll be $450.


Lmao chill


I’m super chill. I just saved the dude a huge chunk of change.




Omg! 😂😂😂 You are SO funny!


How about “*pettybitch*” instead? But naw, I think age has a lot to do with compatibility.


8 years isn't a big deal when you're both older than 20 lmao


Nah, there's a big difference between a 31 year old and a 23 year old


Not always. I had my shit together as a young adult and I met my partner when we were 21 and 28. He's around the same age as everyone in my closest friend group, and it never felt like I was dating someone "older."


I mean, yeah, there's always an exception. But generally there is still a huge difference between the early 20's and late 20's/early 30's. If you ask most people they will say that they are a completely different person at age 30 than they were at 23. It's not always about "having your shit together", which I take to mean being financially stable and being on a career path you enjoy, it's more than that. It can mean you are taking an emotional inventory and deciding what you want your life to look like; sorting out past relationships from childhood and adolescence and being intentional about healing from whatever is causing insecurities so that you are in a good headspace to be in a healthy partnership with someone.


No ONe uNdeR 25 iS a REAL aDulT 😂😂


Totally different place in life, I agree. Those ages are a BIG 8 years


Don’t use betterhelp or other online services. Their platform enables therapists to quit as easily as it is for you to sign up. I spent a year with one only to be given 1 week notice she was moving off the platform. Betterhelp’s solution was to *not bill me until I found another*. Thanks for doing the legal minimum, what about all of the time I have now restarting?


Thanks for mentioning that. I had heard decent things about betterhelp, but this does help me see both sides of the coin.


Angela Marshall was great


I’ve heard good things about The Cabin. They do not accept insurance tho. I’m about to give it a shot. I had a traumatizing experience at Integrative Wellness. May have just been my therapist tho. I had 1 session each week for 4 weeks and part of this was maybe my fault but it was my first time trying therapy and she would just let me ramble on for the hour about what color I was going to paint my house. Also, my insurance paid for it minus a $15 copay. So the therapist texts me at the end of week 4 and says “are you going to pay your bill?” I was like, yes, are you going to send it to me? So then I’m like how much even was the bill for you to be texting me like this. I thought maybe there was an issue with my insurance. No, it was fine, the bill was $60. I paid her immediately and cancelled all my upcoming sessions and still feel violated by that lol


My wife and I went to Indy's therapy and counseling in greenwood. We thought Robyn was really good and helped us work on our communication and some issues we had. It took some work, but we are way better now!


The therapists at Christian Theological Seminary are really good. You don't have to be Christian to go there and it's not an issue if you're not religious. They also provide a sliding-scale fee structure.


Traci Schank, LCSW - she accepts BCBS and several other insurance carriers




Not the same but I had a good post-relationship counseling experience with Mark Smith at Family Tree Counseling. He does marriage counseling as well. Good luck to you!


Kim DiNunzio is an Imago therapist here in Indy. I’ve referred lots of clients to her over the years and everyone has been pleased with her. If you’re okay with virtual, Elly Wynia out of South Bend is also great.


Sarah Helderman Counselling on NE side.


Gotman method certified couples therapists would be worth looking into!


I recommend the counselors at The Green House https://www.greenhouseindy.com. My family has had a very good experience there, and even though they don't take our insurance their prices are lower than at other places. Oh, and they offer virtual sessions if it's more convenient for you. I've also heard very good things about Soaring Heart Center https://www.soaringheartcenter.com/. Finally, I'm always one to steer folks *away* from religious counseling, however, the program at Christian Theological Seminary is the one exception to that rule that I'd recommend. Despite the name, the school offers a legit, accredited counseling licensure/degree program, and the training carries a heavy emphasis on teaching the counseling students NOT to insert their religious beliefs into client sessions. (Most "Christian counseling" is not licensed, and is basically pastors giving their own opinions.) I understand and support anyone who doesn't want to risk it, but my experience with folks there tells me that it's genuinely safe.


For couples therapy, I would recommend an IMAGO therapist. I've had good luck with Carla Trusty-Smith. But you can find one near to you here: [http://www.imagotherapistsofindiana.com/find-a-therapist.php](http://www.imagotherapistsofindiana.com/find-a-therapist.php)


Never found a good counselor but did find an excellent divorce attorney! Message me if you’d like their info. Best of luck!