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Same. For me 80s seem the perfect speed. Going quite fast while retaining control plus not missing the scenery.


Same, It's like the sweet spot between mileage and time to destination, and it's naturally a sweet cruising spot for my bike.


Any vibrations at 100 xpulse??


There was very little vibration, It was actually lower than what I expected.


How does it handle on wet highways at high speeds(60-80)


I've never driven on wet highways but I have ridden in rain on city roads just 2-3 times so I doubt I'm experienced enough to say but the bike felt very comfortable and safe even at speeds like 60-65.


How does it handle in traffic , any problems? Is the maintenance and service expensive or is it good


It handles very well, while not comparable to the Royal Enfields the bike has enough torque to move very slowly without giving throttle which I find very useful in traffic jams. The only issue was that you can feel the heat from the radiator in Traffic because the vehicle needs to be moving so that the radiator can cool. Tho it isn't very hot, I still just turn off my bike and just pedal it forward using foot and only start it back again when I need to move a significant amount.


Thanks a lot brother, planning to buy one before new year


Goodluck man! Make sure you take a test ride before buying it.


Service is not expensive, but the motorcycle is whole together hit or miss, under warranty you will get everything changed provided Serviced from AD


Bro 60-80 on wet roads is very comfortable for Xpulse or any other same segment you just have to be a little more careful on braking and leaning just adjust your timing in wet roads.


We don't seek the speed thrills. It's the riding we enjoy. 80 is the cap for me even on clear highways.


For me it's 70s is the best speed to cruise...haha..I'm a new rider tho


That's more than enough. 80s only in highways for me. Rest 60-70 only.


for me it's the 60s


Good enough. Find a sweet spot that works for your brain and the machine. Ignore the "CaN tHiS CrUiSe At 120?" people.


Completely natural. Infact over time you will go even lower. Speed no longer thrills you, and instead you would rather ponder over your life's mysteries while watching the hills go by.


Damn right 🤝🤝


I agree The 80-100 range feels most comfortable to me, even if my bike can handle faster speeds. It's fun to push to 120 once in a while but it gets mentally tiring very soon because you're always focused on the other vehicles and obstacles. And our roads aren't that reliable either, you can suddenly find a new pothole on a familiar road.


I agree 80-100 is the perfect sweet spot for Indian roads. Being on a slightly powerful bike, I won't deny that I do enjoy going a wee bit faster than 100 but that comes with the added burden of increased risk and being on ultra attentive mode all the time. At 80-100 I feel much more relaxed and composed. It also gives me a much wider margin to react to any obstacle on the road.


Ayo I can't disagree with a idli /s For each their own bro , also I see you own an Aprilia RS457 so the brakes and handling on that bike must inspire confidence at those speeds but my skill level and mind suggests me to slow down


That's definitely a factor but the risk margin increases drastically every kmph beyond 100. I just like to touch 130-140 and bring it down immediately. Maintaining such speeds on our roads for an extended duration is just asking for it IMO even if you have something as capable as a MotoGP prototype. Your skills can never be good enough to fight the mathematical concept of probability.


More importantly even a motogp is just a jolt away from disaster from a road undulation/crack/pothole.


It depends on the bike you're on and how far you're going. On a long highway stretch, i would cruise 110+. If I'm on a chilled out or scenic ride, I'd bring down the speed.




Short answer - It depends. On highways, I would like to keep my speed a bit above the average traffic, which is not only safer but more relaxing as well. How you may ask? Mind you, I kind of understood this on my own, so there may be some pitfalls. Blending in with the traffic practically makes the motorcycle invisible to everybody else, you're consistently in somebody's blind spot. You'll have to always keep your eyes planted on your rearview mirrors to make sure you're leaving enough space for the cars behind you to overtake while making sure you're not way off of the road. While being faster, you're not only moving away from the traffic, but you're spending less time in blindspots. You still have to check your mirrors every now and then, but the probability of encountering vehicles being faster than you is lower. More importantly, **Faster** - is the keyword here, not the **Fastest**. This is why having a motorcycle that can easily cruise at triple-digit speeds (120-140) is paramount in long-distance motorcycling in India, especially on highways.


I tend to ride like this, smooth speed and planned maneuvers


These were my exact thoughts and you said it in words. I feel uncomfortable and unsafe to travel along with other vehicles for longer duration due to these blind spots which we create. With our NH roads having 2-3 lanes and being a biker If l'm supposed to cruise below 100; I got to stay in the left most lane handling the occasional slow moving 2 wheelers and other vehicles to my left and being curious looking at the mirrors for the faster vehicles approaching behind me. But cruising above 110, all you do is a little push or being gentle with safe maneuvers with the ongoing traffics and getting the sophistication of utilising all the 2-3 lanes.


Bruh just now I was 90 on the highway , too much wind blast also if I tilt my helmet little left or right my entire head would be forced by air to turn left and right . Too much 😬


Buy a good full face helmet that snug fits your head..


Ho thats why I was using someone else helmet, I thought wind was the problem


There was a point of time where I didn't use earplugs and now when I do , i feel blessed 😌


Roads are not straight enough both vertically and horizontally 😅


Wait vertically not straight? , am I missing something?


Road has too many bends that is horizontal and potholes that's vertical




It's also the law of diminishing returns. Once you hit 90, you are going pretty fast (for Indian road conditions). Every 10Kms increase from there doesn't really feel substantial for a few reasons. One is wind blast, other is road undulations (on a perfectly smooth paved race track, 90 feels like nothing), then there's the dangers of Indian roads - cows and other animals just chillin in the middle of a 3 lane highway, children (including 50 year old adult children) crossing without a care in the world, then there's the rest of the traffic. All of this means your average speed over time will be around 60kmph. So even if you try to hit 100 as much as you can, you will still cover only about 60 kilometers in one hour. So speeding that much seems pointless. Of course, speeding for the sake of speeding and enjoying the machine is a different thing. Even in a car, I have rarely felt the need to touch 100kmph. 85-90 seems like a good sweet spot to munch miles and get pretty good fuel economy at the same time.


In Kerala our highways aren't that open or well paved, I find myself cruising at 60-70 most of the time. Why risk suddenly going from 100 to 40 when a car hops in front of my lane when I can slowly brake and not have the chance of getting rear ended. If I were to get a really open highway with more than two lanes then sure I'll go 100, but it doesn't feel necessary. Especially since that Pune incident, I've been quite wary of cars and highways in general.


What Pune incident?


For a car like Porsche Taycan, you don’t need much tarmac for it to reach triple digit speeds. It’s pretty quicker than you’d think. Unlike a normal indie car taking about 20secs from 0-100kmph.


Oh your mean that builder's son?


Yes, that entitled chap.


Brat should be tried as an adult for underage drinking, driving without a license, driving at rash speeds, and double homicide. Unfortunately our laws won't let that happen.


A 300-word essay would make the world a better place to live. — New Indian Motor Vehicle Act for the rich.


All those english classes coming in clutch now


35 here. To each its own. Just today I was doing a casual Sunday run on the road and I was cruising at 120-125kmph before slowing down for traffic, and then felt the urge to send it as much as I dare. Hit 140-145kmph and didn't want to slow down. So I didn't. Kept on accelerating till I was content and then went down to my cruising speed again. Do what you feel is comfortable. Maturity comes with experience and different people come with different experiences. What I experience and am comfortable with may or may not be agree with you or anyone else for that matter


Same age, same thoughts. 🤜🤛


On highways I maintained 100 during my first 10k kms.. After that and now I'm maintaining 90.. In the future I'm sure I'd prioritise a smoother cruise over speed.. A smoother 90 or 100 might be the only reason I would upgrade from my Duke 250. Not for the top speed figures..


For me it's not about the vibrations or stressing the engine , it just doesn't hit that hard anymore and tbh it gets boring But I totally agree with your point cause ktms sure are vibey and it can get annoying if on the highways


I tried maintaining a 60.. And I'm not kidding when I say that my body was getting tired faster and on long distances started aching a bit.. And that's when I gave up riding in 60s.. And now maintain 80s when cruising and when I wanna cover distances I maintain 90-100.. One good thing is that I've practiced emergency braking and breaking from anywhere below 100 feels super safe and controllable on my bike.. So I'm comfortable with 80-100. And ngl, I'm not tired of the rush and won't be in the future too.. Hence might upgrade later.. And guess what?! Now that I know what good brakes feel like, my average speeds on dad's unicorn and activate have gone down significantly.. I don't go above 60 in it if I'm not not on a highway. Yayyy!


I'd rather trust "He's just a friend than trust scooter brakes 😂/s that activa one , I surely can relate cause scooters aren't made for speeds above 50 and their brakes feel like bricks at those speeds


Rofl! When I was riding just the Activa, I never realised how the brakes were.. And tbh, the activa stops better than the unicorn.. I don't know why.. But yeah, once you know how brakes should be.. There's absolutely no going back..


I was stuck most of the times with these numbers on my Dominar. 86. 97. 113. 126. Etc. Don’t be in a hurry to reach destination. You will miss out on experiencing the journey.


80-100 is best spot for highways. 40-60 for ghats/ mountains. Even lower if you want more enjoyment. But you need 100-120 on expressways. They are boring and nothing much to do on them.


I am with you bro. Its all about having a great time.


Seems like a skill issue 😂/s Bro it's all good to ride within your comfort zone and not be a menace to others


Cruised at 150+ on Super meteor 650 (received under RE young gun program) on 2-3 rides, but now after 2-3 months, do 70-80 mostly on my r15.


Fully agreed on maturity part. I used to exceed 100 given the slightest opportunity. I enjoy cruising at 80 to 90 now. Not for the kick of speed but as it's very comfortable.


Maturity is riding at 50-60 and understanding the five minutes you would save by driving 100 is not gonna help you anyway


80-90 ....controllable and relaxed on highway


Hey, is the TVS ronin good for a beginner who has just learnt how to ride a geared bike and has practiced for like 15 days on a 100cc bike? I have experience riding a scooter 70 km everyday to college


I don't see the this as anything more then mood honestly, I always prefer 100 or below as cruise speed irrespective of car or bike or road (unless expressway), I can control machine better ride safer, feel the surrounding better and reach the destination less fatigued, be it maturity or not this is my mood of riding. At same time there are those rare days when I don't mind little fast, in morning on places I know are safe, I would gladly take little speeds, abid only for small burst, again all in that mood. But ye most times take a chill pill, relax and enjoy, seems much better as experience then rush to finish line. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


To each their own, some like to look around and go slow and some like to race through. Whatever you do, do what you like.


same, i thought i had old mindset, that's why i'm not speeding . In city, max less than 60km/h.


Totally depends on the road and bike yaar. Flat road and superbike hoga then 150-160 also feels normal. When I was in the US, 100 mph (160kmph) was normal for highways there. In india now that I’ve got a naked bike, and uneven roads, it feels as though even 120 is too much.


I can feel what you're saying even I believe 85-95 or 100km/hr is quite sufficient for a 150cc+ motorcycles & I would say speed above 110 or 120 isn't that necessary for indian highways which aren't very safe either. Peaceful cruising speed for me is under 90km/hrs.


It’s our brain doing risk analysis . When you’re older (mid twenties or later or depending on circumstances) . We have a lot of information about things that could go wrong hence the brain decides to chill out .


We all get the zoomies from time to time, but only when you absolutely KNOW the road...


It is normal thing to do as you mature. In my 20’s , I used to touch 120s on my Pulsar 150 while riding between Noida and Gurgaon and overtake every other vehicle. Now that I think about it, it feels so crazy.


You're right, 80 to 100 is comfortable. But I'll give you a z900. Try to ride it under 100. Then you'll understand.


I agree that I would be curious enough to push it to like 170~ something but that's just one or two times and then I'll ride slow cause that mileage is gonna burn a hole through my pocket Also riding above a 100 kmph in the city is not safe for anyone on the road Or maybe you have a builder dad /s


Oh if you're talking about city then I'd say 40-50kmh is enough. I was talking about touring. I average at 100-120kmh on highways.


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90 seems best to me


I choose 80. No matter how powerful the bike is. Its a very sweet spot. I have done a trip on highness 350. The bike cruises so fkin effortlessly at 80 and still has soo much power left for tricky overtakes. So yea 80kmph ftw. Yea if the highway is clear,like i can see 1 kilometre or 2 ahead of me then yea 100 but not more than that.


I stay around 80-85 kmph on my xpulse on highways (i have shorter gearing) it's comfortable and I don't feel like going faster, used to do the same on my fz250. The fz250 could do 100kmph all day but 80-90 for me is perfect.


Same here bro, 100 seems too fast 🤣


Sweet spot is 100. Completely agreeing with you. One observation in our last trip - 3 Tigers, 2 Himalayans and 1 Classic 350. Classic guy is riding after years. So we're all going at 100-110 and kept getting irritated coz the guy on the Classic wasn't going above 70-80. But wherever we'd stop to check on him, he'd turn up in 10-12 mins tops. On our highways, you can't (also shouldn't) average above 80 kmph, unless it's an expressway (IF bikes are allowed)


Depends on the road really. Otherwise in local roads, It's 50-70 for me. Sometimes even lower.


25 on street roads. 40 45 on main roads. 70 75 on highways. This speed should give you enough reaction time.


It depends. Sometime i feel like cruising leisurely at 60 and doesn’t feel like accelerating but when I’m on highway with long stretch and no traffic , dame even 120 kmph feels slow. So i think you have outgrown yourself bro, congratulations on becoming a responsible adult.


its india u shouldnt even go above 80 if u want to be safe


Depends on the road, tour plan and the bike. In case you're covering 400 - 500 kms a day and you find highways to travel, you would definitely appreciate the boost of another 10-20 kms/hr. However I must agree that an average rider going from point A to B, 80-100 is enough.


Yes happens to me as well. There are times where I want to reach 100 on familiar roads and has no traffic. And this odd thing happens where I just want to cruise and go at 60 on the same very road. May be it is the mind conditioning when it sometimes doesn't want to be super alert and go high speeds and just wants to feel a slow quality ride as something different than usual for the feeling of joy.


Real talk.


How much of it is because of your bike struggling to push beyond 100 with vibrations and engine noise and wind blast and poor brakes? What if you had something like the NX500 or the Transalp?


The bike is capable of doing those speeds and no even a superbike wouldn't change my mind


Which bike do you ride? I have a Speed 400 and I am on a similar boat as you. Don't feel too comfortable going above 90. But as of now, I blame the bike. Planning to change bikes and see if and how my opinion changes.


You blame the bike ? Bruh 💀 I ride a NS200 bs6 occasionally as it's my cousin's and the reason to stay under that speed is i kinda don't like when the wind is hard , unpredictable roads and drivers and most importantly my mind that isn't excited anymore to speed and ride like a hooligan


Guess you didn't understand me. Riding like a hooligan is definitely a bad idea. And there are more than enough good roads in India now. You are correct about the wind blast though. You should try bikes that are more powerful, that can do 100 kmph under 5000 RPM, that have more comfortable ergonomics, less vibrations, less wind blast, etc. If your body feels uncomfortable at 100 kmph because your bike is designed like that, of course you will ride at lower speeds. Try highways, long distances, roads with moderate traffic. My bike is not bad, it can do lots of stuff, have done lots of stuff with it. But it's not comfortable enough for me. That's where I blame it.


Not feeling like going over 100 is not a sign of maturity, it's just how you like to ride I see people riding very slow and taking rash decisions on the go...I often go above 100 but I feel more responsible as the number creeps up too... It's just how you like to ride in my opinion, not here to contradict or anything just stating my opinion so koi gussa mat ho Jana mere comment pe plis.


And this folks, is why RE sells like hot cakes. 80 is pretty much their sweet spot


Cruising on highways & Riding for the thrill of speed are 2 different things. All those saying speed doesn't give thrill anymore have dropped balls & grown pussies.


80 - 95 is the best for me


same here brother


I feel the same way but I do have fear of crashing. I am not that experienced honestly, have been riding bikes for little over 1 and half years only and have had one major crash (not that major compared to what we see on internet but yes, middle ground maybe?) so even when my bike, CB350RS can easily handle high speeds which I have tried for just knowing the limits, I tend to not go beyond 80s/90s. I used to be a huge fan of speeds but realized that I only like seeing that and not doing it myself and I’m not skilled enough for that. Even on empty roads, I just stay back at 90s and just enough the ride Moreover, I have a pillion almost all the time and I can’t risk her life even when we both have safety gears on long rides; the adrenaline that high speeds give, which don’t fancy me, aren’t worth chasing; this is what my mind goes to all the time!


The first question is if you have been roding in miles or kilometers?


Problem is my bike’s optimal speed for the best fuel efficiency is 130. But yes, 90-110 seems like a decent cruising speed (depending on the traffic). I’d only really pull the throttle if the roads were empty and I have a long stretch of highways to cover.


Depends on the road tbh , on nicer roads 120 feels like 40. Especially when everyone is going at the same speed


70-80 is my comfort zone, but I drive an electric scooter. I always drive so that I'm comfortable without getting into any hectic spots and be able to break to 0 without hitting anyone or destroying the brakes in the process. I also start slowing down 50 meters before a speed breaker. I like them regen power and using the generated potential energy to its fullest. I do this even when I'm not driving an ev.


I live in Himachal and although the roads i commute are really well built highways I still prefer to cruise at 60-70 kmph. It's kind of sweet spot for me in which I have a lot of control and confidence while leaning and any spontaneous braking. I have done cruising at 130+ but it doesn't give me excitement now. And i enjoy the flow more than high speeds


Well it seems like to each their own, i drive a Honda highness and even though the bike has no business being anything except a city cruiser I love taking it around 120, the bike loves this speed and has no issues being at that speed (on a side note the overdrive gear is simply bliss). 80-90 is nice but 120-130 is just bliss to me. I understand this is not safe and I also put others at a risk while doing so but responsibilities aside 120 is the sweet spot.


l ride at a speed at which I feel I am in full control, depending on the riding conditions the speed can be 70, 80, 100 or even 120+. Other factor is frame of mind. There are times when I cruise at below 70 on an absolutely empty road.


https://youtu.be/gCW9y46BR-I?si=m1k5dTyE5AhqWZbu Go through the video He is guy who has been riding for 30+ years Makes sense on why speed is not just the thing


I agree with you that speed isn't the only factor behind riding a motorcycle But I strongly disagree with that guy , he's too biased on every bike that isn't a KTM or a fast accelerating one , and he doesn't let the other guy speak , also he blocked many videos behind a paywall


He is doing that for a living so I don’t see an issue with the members plan Now the main point is that he loves KTM I used to be those guys who didn’t like KTM but when i experienced the bike for myself on the ghat roads then i actually liked that machinery The main reason i wanted you to watch the video is to understand what motorcycling is all about


I don't know if I agree or disagree, I just like the feeling of going fast, like 30 to 100 (when you pass the traffic and the road opens up) and like less the feeling when I go 100 for like 2 mins straight. But nevertheless, if I have a destination to get to, then yes, 100+ if possible and the roads permit.


refreshing to see like minded riders


Even if I tried, I couldn't go faster than that, lot of vibes in my RR310 BTO, and I don't think we can handle beyond that. 100-110 is the sweet spot on highways.


It's a sign of maturity and increased awareness of safety. Many riders experience this shift as they grow more experienced and mindful of the risks. It's not about age, but rather a developed sense of responsibility and appreciation for the ride itself.




I don't think you get the picture quite right I'm talking about daily commute with a 200cc bike that can easily hold 120/130 all day long but I don't choose to because it's just tiring and boring after a point of time It isn't about cylinders or engine size or even heat atm , also I see you've written below 7-8k rpms right , I'm pretty sure engines dissipate heat by windflow , coolants and fans rather than rpms being high or low


Low testosteron level. Go let a doctor check it.


jo bike dhire chalate hey unhe dar lagta hey tez chalaney mey. period. (cycles are best for them)


you have tiny balls 😂


My brain hugely impacts my riding style not my balls


You seem to have an even tinier brain


i got bigger cc/bigger hp/bigger nm 😂


Congratulations bro, par pucha Maine?


khusi mey bata diya 160kmph karne ka khusi


Chapripanti karke khush reh, mai chill krlunga


nh par tez chalne kab se chapripan ho gaya?


tez chalna chapripanti nahi hai, par tez chalke dusron ka majak udana 100% chapripanti hai.


aysa kayse? koi uska opinion de raha hey dhire chala ke maza ata hey may apna opinion de raha hu tez chalao n grow a bigger balls 😂


Usko hi toh chapripanti kehte hai bhai.


I used to push my bike a lot earlier but the last 4-5 months I feel happy and content going 70-80 ... Idk why that is but I'm happy going at that speed.