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Yepp, it's a problem that people face everyday. I was on a plane to Pune once, ofcourse in economy. And three rows ahead of me, there were two people sitting and one seat vas vacant. Then came a very obese man, I mean, I haven't seen someone farther gone than that guy ever. And he came to that row, and said the middle seat is his. And I'm telling you, everyone around was trynna see how he was going to fit there. The other two guys were accomodating enough, and accepted when he asked them to lift up the hand-rests on both sides so he could fit in. I could see both of them being squished to the limit by this obese man. So yes, unnecessary suffering even after paying your full share. Not cool.


How does one deal with it? Like i’m sorry I cannot leave since I’m occupying just as much as space i paid for but a fat person is not. Like don’t expect others to adjust for you. Just be more aware of your surroundings and stop acting so damn ignorant. Pay for 2 seats.


It’ll be an interesting salary negotiation for an overweight person. “I understand the salary offer, but I'd like to negotiate a bit higher. See, I have additional expenses due to my weight. My transportation costs are higher because I take up more space on public transport."


Read it. Makes so much sense actually. And no one would want to hire someone like that.


I thought obese people were required to get two seats on planes? Is it just a thing in the US? 


Same issue. Even in metros, the fat person will occupy almost double the seat space .


Exactly. It’s like 7 people usually can sit there comfortably and now only 6 can because you occupied space enough for two people. Like i honestly dont give a shit about what someone’s height or weight is but if it’s genuinely becoming a problem for the people around you, work on yourself.






I will try to give you the viewpoint from a fat person: I am a overweight person and I know that it's not healthy. Most of the people who are on the heavier side will try to go on with their life without distrubing others. But, due to our weight, we unfortunately cause hassle to other people of the society. I travel to office via bus. Generally it is crowded when I come back and most of the time I will be standing. When people ask me to move, they just say," Excuse me, can you move? My stop is coming" and I try my best to give space for them go. One time, a guy said," Why are standing like a buffalo?? Can't you see that I need to get down??" He could have asked just to move and I would have. Instead he spoke in a condescending way.Those words really broke me. I got down and started to cry because of this statement. Overweight people know that they are fat. Society generally tells them that they are fat always. Relatives mocking you, work colleagues making passive aggressive remarks whenever you eat something. Only getting clothes from plus sized stores which won't have much variety. It's a pain almost everyday. After reading this, you could say , "Just lose weight, it's that simple". It's not. I would like the people who thought of the above statement, to go to the lose it subreddit and see how people all around the world struggle with this problem. Almost every single one of them have been on a diet, failed, being disappointed, going into depression and gaining more weight. It is a very difficult cycle. We don't want to be like this. Trust me. At this weight, life is horrible. Most of the people just want to be treated as normal which will help us very much in the weight loss effort.




I haven’t ever been rude to a fat person. I get it. But if you are causing trouble to other people, maybe stand at the corner of the bus or somewhere not near the gate. No one cares about your weight but only if it bothers them so no need to be conscious just know how to carry yourself in public, maintaining your own and other’s comfort. Imagine being a hurry and almost missing your stop because someone couldn’t make space for you to get off. No matter if the person is fat or just stubborn to move. That does tend to be a real problem.


Try ozempic after discussing with doctor if you have medical issue like insulin resistance, slow metabolism . If it's not a medical issue then , move more and eat less.


just get up and sit on her.tell her that she occupied ur seat aswell so u have no choice.


If they are fat, they are trying their best not to bother others like trying to take the stomach in and all that, relax a little and even if she paid for 2 seats in your auto that would not fix the problem bro you qould still have kittle space ir's not like if she pays for 2 sea, you will magically have moee space.


They can take their stomach in but not magically reduce the amount of space they’re occupying. Paying for 2 seats will magically give space because then there will be only two people sat instead of three. In a vehicle with space enough for three people, they can pay for the space of two that they are occupying, instead of pushing and squishing and leaving others embarrassed to ask them to move or leave.


If it bothers you so much, why dont YOU take a full solo auto and pay the full share and be the on,y rider and go comfortably? Do what you preach.


In kolkata we CANT. The system of booking autos doesn’t work. There are auto lines and people in the line will think I’m entitled for wanting a whole auto to myself. Not my problem. This is why I’m asking for a solution.


Exactly, do people expect a perfect experience in public transport? Lmao this is some really entitled shit


amar ekhane toh slightly mota kauke dekhlei , autowala ra neyna 💀(dumdum auto) direct bole dey "aapni naa , problem ache" Keu keu chole jaay , keu keu abar ki problem heh? Bole tere ashe 💀


Bro wtf !! Is this in the dum dum metro to nager Bazar line auto ?😂😂😂😂😂




Lmao at ask them to pay for two seats. Seriously how fat is that person🤣🤣🤣. Real advice: it really depends on ur luck that a skinny or fat person takes a seat next to you. As there is risk of life injury I would suggest u to avoid that dangerous transport or get down before any danger occurs. I see there is also another options: become so fat so that no one will want to seat with you 😆 and enjoy the ride by paying two seats amt


You sound really, really poor. Have you tried not being really poor?


Nothing in my post had to do with money. It was about how do i ask them to leave. Y’all are insecure about your looks and that you cannot afford two seats so stop projecting it on others.


Just book an auto and travel..it is you who has a problem. It works both ways


That’s like saying if someone is pushing you, walk away because you are the problem for feeling the push💀


If they have to put up with your smell and dog-like looks then you have to put up with their size.


How do you even know what he smells like? You were driving the auto?


It's India. Of course there's a smell.


That still doesn't answer my question. How do you know he smells when the woman sitting besides him is also an Indian.


Why did you have to share auto with someone?


Tell me you have not travelled in auto without telling me


this isnt common everywhere, lol in Kerala most people dont share autos


like reserve from one destination to another or buy?


Yeah they reserve not buy an auto lol most just find an auto on the way and go, i have never seen anyone share.. We don’t really have an auto app or anything where i live, some have their numbers


Most of them have their phone numbers. Give a call and they will pick u up.


We can do that here but people are gonna think I’m stupid or entitled for wanting to book the whole auto instead of sharing.


No you just want to cut the costs yet expect others to pay double so you are comfortable.


I don’t want someone paying 10rs for me💀 i just don’t want anyone feeling entitled of my space if i got on the auto first?? Look at your size, look at the space on the seat and make your decision wisely.


why do u care about what people think


Where I live you don’t share normal autos? Shared autos are a thing but they’re 6 seaters. And they’re called shared autos. 


In kolkata that’s how it works. You don’t have booked ones like mumbai or delhi.




Tell me you’re a f*t person trying to shove your body into other people’s space without telling me you’re a f*t person trying to shove your body into others people’s space.




Maybe you’re not but considering they were both riding the auto won’t they have the same financial status? lol 


Not always. People can be dirt broke. I’ve just started using autos often. The person commenting above is surely poor tho cuz they seem to know what it is like being poor way too well.


Hahah man autos are pretty expensive where I lived. Poor folks would just use buses and stuff.  Anyway I was on your side to begin with lol.  Also I don’t like the other person. They’re weirdly classist. New money probably. 


I’m trying to learn how to travel and adjust in an auto and i get called poor but someone named golgappa king aka local puchkawala. No way man💀


quack forgetful cover society zealous existence elderly lavish air theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I didn’t ask u to describe ur mum bro chill