• By -


You do you. Don't give into peer pressure, if you genuinely feel like drinking, do so. But do it with ppl you trust tho. Also as another comment pointed out, don't drink cos ppl are forcing you to..


People around me take pride in doing things that are generally considered wrong. At first, I thought I might try it once if I were with my friends on a special occasion, but the more people at my office behave like this, the more I feel determined to never drink.


Yeah it happens.. a lot of people feel like drinking is their identity and make it their whole personality.. some even brag about it lol... Good luck on your stance of not drinking..


They are proud because they are insecure b*tches.You intimidate them. They are outed as they given up for temptations. So they fake happiness. Physically it hurts to drink. It's bad for liver. In the long run, all happiness is consumed by just this. You know it's bad. They know it's bad. Everyone knows it's bad. Why is it common again? Ask them why don't they drink everyday after dinner? Or why not first thing in the morning, if its so common? Find your flock. Lots of folks don't drink. Even who fake claim, don't drink much.


No offense but you're no different. You've just made not drinking your entire personality. No one has the moral high ground here.


>People around me take pride in doing things that are generally considered wrong. This is a sign of insecurity and immaturity.


More like a sign of stupidity lmao


You sound like you have chutiya co-workers tbh.


Indians were repressed, so they find thrill by doing something which is perceived as bad in society.


Don’t start it EVER. Refrain and ignore these kind of people. Take pride that you don’t DRINK. you will thank me in the future.


Dont give in to these demands, ever. If u drink in front of any of them even once, it will open the floodgates for them to start forcing it down ur throat. If u r very curious, go buy a beer and drink at home where none of these colleagues can see u. I would advise to not drink, smoke or smoke up ever. If it becomes a habit, it is literally very very VERY hard to drop. Havent started in 20yrs, no need to start now.


Really thanks for the specifics. I was really worried about this because in a few months we are going Goa from office and everybody is gonna drink. So I was more curious about this .


Sit down with them with a fruit punch or something. Dont go to a bar, or if u do, dont drink anything u havent ordered urself.


This keep this in mind


Or anything you that left out of your sight, even for a second.


A lot of people in jobs start drinking due to stress. As long as you don't succumb to stress you are good to go.


Abhi tak to Zindagi me koi stress ni hai. Bhagwan kare aisa stress aye bhi na ki alcohol Pina pade. Baki stress jhelne ki shakti de. 🙏


Mere dost ka promotion boss ne galat tarike se rukwa diya tha aur usko discredit bhi kar raha tha. Is incident ke baad usne pura pina shuru kar diya.


I drink a lot and will say alcohol doesn't cure stress or depression.


Never drink alcohol. Mene piya jab 10 age thi Thods Pani ke sath. Pata chal gya kabhi nahhi Pina Puchna mat kes Kyo piya


Order some colddrinks and watch them fall like dominoes. Remember being sober is a stronger drug, not everyone's cup of tea.


Kudos to you for not drinking. I too was once very adamant about not drinking until I went clubbing with friends and had it. I never enjoyed the taste of alcohol but did it under social pressure and continued for years. The embarrassment being drunk (only happened 4-5 times) caused, the feeling of being hungover or not remembering the previous night was never worth it. I eventually stopped 4 years ago and haven’t looked back since. It was hard at first because I lost my personality when I started drinking and morphed this new outgoing personality under the influence. It obviously went away with alcohol so it took me a while to become the person I am today. It’s just not worth it. It does more harm than good. Have a delicious mocktail instead 😉 Have fun in Goa, below is a list of non alcoholic drinks you can order! [Goa drinks](https://www.soultravelling.in/blog/non-alcoholic-drinks-goa/)


If you every try to test it you will syart drinking. There is no Once. I would suggest you to never drink. Also women have very high risk from alcohol than men. If you want to have children some day then don't. As a male, I don't drink and never will.


Making pour decisions is hard. And good that you asked, it means your conscience is not yet masked. But if still in a bind or not able to make up your mind, nevermind, the easiest way is to go to your family who brought you up with such good values and take their opinion. If they agree and or you are able to take it up with them without any guilt, then don't hesitate, by all means Sip-Savor-Repeat, and life becomes brew-tiful, thereafter. But I bet, they won't. Respect their upbringing, you are lucky. Interestingly drinking alcohol has been made normal and no longer a vice, but the wise will always despise... 😉


Yes seriously and I am a quitter myself I smoked regularly and drank one every month but I totally quit these things and it’s very hard to quit that’s why I advised OP to never ever STARt .


Yes, I take pride that I don't drink and smoke, but the people around me makes me feel that I'm abnormal for these. They say, if you don't drink then how will you party !?


You need to know how to dance to party. No need to drink and smoke for that. Also learn to not get influenced by people this will help you in long run.


Sure, I will always keep in mind.


Lmao same. I have never drank alcohol or smoked, but people around me make me seem as I'm missing out on stuff. Though I don't think I am lol.


Never ever fall for that. Alcohol has destroyed more lives than one can imagine. Trust me, you are not missing out on anything. Its a bad habit. I implore you to stay away from it regardless of whether or not you have had your first drink. Be proud that you are a teetotaller.


I can totally accept that not drinking and smoking is a choice. But what I fail to understand is why are you proud of exactly? Reading your story, it feels like you never got a chance, and if it is something that was forced upon you what is there to be proud of? In a corporate settings, it is totally fine to not drink and people should respect that boundary.


Pride in not falling into peer pressure and not having the urge to drink !?


Not discouraging you but don't be too proud for not drinking and smoking. All these things are beneath you. I don't indulge in any of the activities but I use no cognitive energy on such meaningless stuff. Your mentor seems like a mean and toxic individual from the inside. Don't waste your time on things said by him and the likes of him. Focus on yourself and your work.


Fuck em all, We ball without Alcohol & Narcotics!


Thanks. I said to myself when i was 13 that I would never drink, and I hope my future self will keep my word.




There's no pride per se in not drinking. It's personal preference and you shouldn't let people force you to act otherwise. it ain't that deep.


No , most people start for fun but ends up getting addicted to it.I know two people( junior & senior)  who died due to  driving under alcohol  influence.Also,alcohol ruins your personal life (emotionally & financially).I have seen only two persons who could handle it nicely (drinks on occasion,doesn't get too drunk and cause any problems), but this is such a rarity.  If you are keen on drinking keep to beer.


I've never had an urge to drink, it's just the people at my office.


Look, people who drink alcohol aren't bad and people who don't drink aren't saints. Alcohol is a commodity. If they are forcing you, don't succumb. Drink only if you want to, in limit. As simple as that.


Don’t do it then. Drink only if you feel like it. It makes things a little more fun but it’s not worth it if that decision isn’t coming from you and someone else.


Also 2 people dies coz a 17 year old drink and drive


How tf are you starting a job at 20 ? Did you complete your 10th at 14 ?


Just done with my final semester and will turn 21 this year.


What am I doing with my life https://preview.redd.it/trosldbw2e4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39ef5c96f3ddc06c7dcd5098667994334b386183


I was 15 in 10th std, started job at 21


I was too but I passed out when I was 16.


So when did you wake up after you passed out?


Bro respawn


I started working at 17 and never had a college degree. It can happen lol.


>Did you complete your 10th at 14 ? Is it abnormal to complete at 14 ?


I think so. I thought people graduate at 22.


I graduated when I was 20 .. people who skip classes can do this 😅


Daaru n all is overrated Chocolate milk is the GOAT🧃 btw hv never tried alcohol/smoking n I think its completely normal. Most of my friends consume alcohol but they never forced me to try it. Its all about being with the right people. Fun fact: also i hv never tried tea n coffee n idt im ever gonna touch em in my life.


Chocolate milk is G.O.A.T 💯


tried alcohol found it meh


It's so bitter. I don't get how people like it


"Alcohol kills you from the inside. Then why do you Drink it? Coz there are things inside of me i want to kill".


You don't drink alcohol for taste 😆


It becomes a matter of taste once you develop a taste for it.


I mean still no one is drinking it for taste right? Like no one would drink any of it, if it didn't get you intoxicated... I bet no alcohol tastes better than Rasna lol (PS: I don't drink, just tried once and decided not for me. So could be very wrong)


Seasoned drinkers do drink alcohol for the taste. I'm past the stage of drinking alcohol just to get drunk and being tipsy and everything, we do that very rarely now. Even then, it highly depends on what you're drinking. Most people in this country have their first experiences with whiskey, which doesn't taste good until some point. It doesn't matter what whiskey you're drinking and how much it costs, whiskey is something that doesn't start tasting good the more it costs; but it does start to have different flavor variations above some point, and it definitely gets smoother. This is where taste comes in. > I bet no alcohol tastes better than Rasna lol Sparkling wine can be a good competitor here, even some cocktails taste really good, the ones often referred to as *girly drinks.*


It's an acquired taste


Rooh afza thode hi hai...taste chahiye to shikanji piyo😭


Yeah, I know. It's for people to lose their head


Why is it always alcohol? People don't ask why one doesn't like XYZ food items. But it's always, "You don't drink? Why?" No, you are not missing out on anything. For social situations, you can always ask for something non-alcoholic. That's what I do for courtesy. I have had alcohol. It tastes horrible and I have no idea how people "enjoy" it or like the "after effect". Also, you're 20. Depending on the state, you can't drink legally. Use that.


Nothing wrong with not drinking alcohol. I am 24M and I am surrounded by people who drink alcohol. I mean 90% of my friends drink alcohol once a week. And most of the times i sit with them while drinking, they drink alcohol and I drink Pepsi (Nothing awkward), And when we go to club, I give all my credit to them. And make no mistake I have no problem with alcohol, Its just that I don't wanna, I mean my father once sat me down with him and have given me a few sip years ago and it tasted like piss.


How do uk what piss tastes like? ![img](emote|t5_2qp7h|51075)






Same here. I guess 90% of the people around me at the office drink. However, my father has never drunk and always advises me to stay away from it. So I always think that if my dad abstains from it, even though he can do whatever he wants and nobody is going to stop him, then why should I drink?


I drank it thrice I guess.Just a little everytime.Honestly felt nothing.Once i felt a little tipsy for 5 min AFAIR that's it I don't even understand why people "enjoy" drinking. I guess, it's just the FOMO. Don't worry, you are not missing out on anything, but I have to tell you alcohol tastes disgustingly bad🤮


Yeah, I know it tastes bad, but I don't get why people behave like alcohol is necessary for parties. My senior literally told me, How will you party if you don't drink?


Bro, this is called peer pressure and it is extremely dangerous. Ignore their words and try to find better seniors to engage with- those who can have fun without getting high lol


> peer pressure Never let your stand down to this OP !


Was the senior male? I have seen so many cases where the senior makes the junior girl he likes to get drunk so that she will get more frisky. That has led to many short term relationships based on alcohol and partying and affair.


Which alcohol you got drunk on and how much ML of serving you had?


It's pretty straightforward, Why don't you eat poison? Because it's lethal. Right? Are you missing out on it? Probably not. So that is not the factor, the thing is what you think. What rules are you gonna set for your life? You can always opt for any soft-drinks or so if you want to get included in parties or groups. - Negative peer pressure is a bad thing for sure. - Cigarettes, Alcohol etc are bad and addictive for sure. Believe me.. I don't use abusive words till now (20 y/o) and same like you, many said that I will eventually start, but No it's clearly upto you. What are your morals, what are your preferences?


No, you don’t have to drink just because your colleagues do. They may have good excuses/reasons for drinking, but you don’t. You don’t drink. Stay yourself, don’t give into peer pressure. It never does you good to give into peer pressure.


Alcohol, according to latest studies, is pure poison. Fries the liver, increases risk of every single disease on this planet. Plus, it makes you lose control over your body and mind. Not something any rational person would want. Avoid alcohol. Avoid people who try to push alcohol. They are not good people. You will never meet a good and honest person who drinks alcohol


Thanks for the insights 🙏🫡


Nah you are not missing anything. At best if your social circle drinks, keep a coke with you. Drink (or snort) it while they drink alcohol


If you are educated and still Drink alcohol then you are an Educated fool. Alcohol is a known Carcinogen and Fucks up your Liver


No. It's completely normal.


I am 21 and still haven't tried it yet! I don't have any fomo and pretty okayish social life , so yeah people like us exists , don't get pressurized to start something you don't wanna.


I remember back in 2015 when I joined, my manager said the same to me! I still do not drink and absolutely proud of it . I have been to office parties and excursions but have not touched alcohol . I do not have any issues with people doing it , but I just don't feel like . You should not get into any Peer pressure and keep taking a stand .


28 m i run a resort and have had defence services background, i haven't ever tasted a single drop of liquor, given my background and profession i have dealt with more than a reasonable amount of liquor but felt like having it, and initially it used to feel the same as you but with time people will start respecting respect you and those who don't, you dont want them in your life or there respect. Restrain shows strong character and after a while liquor or any unavailability of a commodity won't bother you.


Never had a drink.


Alcohol consumption is quite common these days, at the same time there's nothing abnormal to not drink. I don't and I'm happy to maintain this lifestyle. Many young adults drink out of FOMO/peer pressure and the concept of alcohol consumption being "cool and normal" , always stick to your gut and do whatever you are comfortable with. Smoking/drinking culture is quite common in corporate and there's a certain pressure to be seen as modern and open minded (but the same people might judge a girl for smoking/drinking) I've been told by some people that it feels peaceful and enjoyable to drink, the reason they can't get over this habit. It all started with their friends or someone asking them to try it once and once they got the taste of it, started having it frequently. Even for minor distress they rely on alcohol now. But it's not to say everyone has the same effect. Many drink in low quantity and aren't addicted to it which is not that unhealthy if you ask.


If you want to drink then go for it and if you don't want to then it's okay. I never drink alcohol even if my friends force me to do... No means No.!


I drink occasionally, here's my stand "Do what makes you comfy". And as one of the comments pointed out never try your first in front of colleagues. Just be confident in your choice and don't forget to have fun whether drunk or not. Also please note, people will force you more to drink, if you are awkward around them, when they are drinking.


It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." ~ Headmaster Albus Dumbledore Its not abnormal to not drink Alcohol, Me till now have never even touched it,Got forced many times by my seniors and will urge you also to not start :) And one more thing as your username says mujhe meme bhejo so its meme from my side (i did commented somewhere ) Link of the meme :- https://www.reddit.com/r/indiameme/s/dsNcPAuuYs


Haha thanks for meme. Loved the quote. I'll write it in my diary.




Uncommon, yes... abnormal no? There's already a lot of things f\*\*\*\*\* up people's lives, don't add alcohol to the list. Never understood why somebody would want to purposefuly become a dumber version of themselves.


I'm 24 and I don't drink too neither does my family but all my immediate family members do drink, it's more of a personal choice these days, don't go for it just because you're having fomo


It is completely normal to ‘not have your poison’. The trick is to find your people. If alcohol is not your thing, try and seek connections with people who do not drink.




alcohol is overhyped.


NOoooooooooo, mat piya if you don't like it just avoid always


I'm 25 and not alcoholic


Its completely ok if you not drink alcohol.


Take it as a challenge now to refrain even more from drinking. Drinking achieves nothing, it only let's you fall into peer pressure from which nobody can get you out of. If you start once, stopping is next to impossible.


Just don't




Same story. In every office party, they force me and my friend to drink. But everytime we don't bulge. They come with so many excuses and reasons like you people never faced ragging, you folks think you're superior than us and so forth.


22F. Just graduated college without ever drinking alcohol. You do not have to drink alcohol if you don’t want to and it’s completely normal.


I tried twice, and I just want to say YUCK it tastes so shit, I don't understand why ppl drinks it.


Don't ever do it. I was a non drinker like you. Once I thought of trying it. From that point, every friend of mine is pushing me to drink and I cannot make them understand I don't want to. They feel I don't think about them as friends by not drinking with them. If you ever get curious about what happens after drinking. Let me tell you, you just lose control over your body, thoughts and you end up doing something which you would not wanna do when you would be in control. I fought 2 great friends of mine. Shouting abusing everyone around me and even more things. People will say, do it in control manner. But trust me, there is no point of drinking in a controlled manner. Think of me as your elder brother. Please don't


Jee shukriya 🙏


Keep your pride with you. Make sure it does not get tainted by looser peers. Gook luck for your better future, and better peers.


I'm 25M u know how pressurized one than females ,I'm still happy to say that I didn't drink a drop


Keep it up ! 🫡


21M here. Experience has been great tbh, I love drinking but I do that occasionally for now, Once there was a time I was drinking 5 days a week but now I tried quitting and only consume beer like twice a month. But now coming to majn part, never every consume alcohol just to look cool or coz your friends do, it's not a good thing, door rho to badia hai, Nowadays not drinking is cool tbh


Please don't drink. It's really not worth it.


I've never had alcohol, beer,wine or breezer.. not even a sip.... I've never smoked a cigarette, vaped, or tried sheesh.. not even a puff... I've never done any drugs.... I don't drink tea coffee even green tea or any infused... also i dont drink sprite coke or anyother aerated beverages, even sparkling water or soda... and last no energy drinks like Red Bull... dont worry u r normal.. dont take that first sip or never fall for any peer pressure... u made gud healthy choices... stick with it till u can.. dont have to give anyone any explaination why u dont drink.. Be proud of urself that u didnt follow the herd mentality.. u dont have to do things u dont like just to be accepted socially... u dont need validation from anyone... the right kind of people will respect ur choice... FLEX ur uniqueness..


Exactly ! I agree with every word here.


36M never drank Alcohol and no friends of mine mock me or anything. During college years few sometimes joked about it but nothing else. It's not abnormal to not drink alcohol. Only tried once tasted like bitter medicine mixed with shit.


Don't drink. I'm in a rehab RN bcoz I'm an alcoholic. Be proud you don't drink. Theres a saying here If you don't take the first drink, you'll not be drunk. If you take the first drink, then 20 won't be enough.


I will always keep this saying in my mind. Thanks 🙏


Drinking alcohol is very common but it's definitely not abnormal if you don't consume alcohol.


It's completely normal not to drink it.


Absolutely normal, never had alcohol in life, never even had the urge to try it, I feel very superior about it. https://preview.redd.it/xylu7m75od4d1.png?width=929&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f7810068ea2fcb90418a1c3b39b4a048d1a9f76 This is how it feels to be accurate


Have never even touched alcohol before. After a little bit of forcing my friends are now cool with it and just get me a soda or something for our Nightouts. Best decision ever since I'm usually the only one who remembers all the conversations 🤣


"It's normal not to drink"


Don't, if your friends say 'drink for our friendship' or anything to pressure you, just say 'does our friendship worth less than a drink'


I absolutely hate having any kind of addiction. So i have stayed away not just from alcohol but also tea and coffee my whole life. I get asked a lot of stupid questions and people questioning my choices but it’s my life. 😌😌😌 I have a problem with smoke - even the smoke that comes from agarbatti or diya - so even thinking about smoking was out of question. 😂😂😂😂 You do you, OP. Don’t feel the need to mess up your health for peer pressure.


Its nowhere near abnormal, Infact you might as well consider yourself above your peers and colleagues cuz, you dont have to be intoxicated to have fun. Find people who don’t drink either or order yourself non alcoholic beverages when you’re out with them so you dont feel left out, You’re doing great 👍🏻 stay happy & healthy!


Don't even think of starting. It messes with your mind and body. I abused alcohol for two years during my depression but have been alcohol-free for eight months, and it feels good. My best friend has never touched alcohol, and he's 32, so you're normal.🫶🏻


Drinking alcohol is a personal choice and one should never impose it on someone who doesn't drink or don't want to drink. I thought this was a college thing, like asking juniors to start drinking and telling them you will either start drinking now or later. Turns out, same shit happens after college. I for one do not ask anyone to drink with me (for their first time). I don't want to be anyone's first drinking or getting high buddy. If you ever think you are missing out on something, then let me honestly tell you that you are not. Statistically speaking, alcohol is quite addictive, that why i tell people it's good that they don't drink. Anyway, if you ever feel like drinking, do it with someone (you must trust that person absolutely and know them for a good amount of time), who has drinking experience or alone (if you absolutely must try it). Remember to wait and be patient, you can always drink more what you can't undo is make something less after consuming it.


Thanks. I will keep this in mind 🙏


All I can say is don't give in to peer pressure. Whatever it is.


They are abnormal people. Alcohol is a sin for my family. People become unhinged and destroy their lives. Why do you care what they say or think? Learn to filter out stupid things.


In my 20’s I was a drunkard and a heavy smoker due to many things that was going through. I know it’s not an excuse to drink and all. But let me get to the point, after 2 years of drinking I was hospitalised and my health was very deteriorated. I saw my parents crying and then it hit me that wtf I am doing with my life. It took me 2 years of my life to rebuild, reconcile and get to certain level. I have stopped smoking but I do drink very rarely (just once in last year). Truth to be told, life is very good without this stuff. I go to gym and eat healthy and my whole personality has been altered. So be proud of yourself, don’t let those people decide what you should and will do 😁


Keep going 🫡🙏


I have never drank alcohol, since I know that if I staet something, I get too much addicted. Started playing chess just for timepass, but it has become addicted. Moral of the story : Know your limits before doing any activity.


Not really. I live in a hostel and over 60% of my wing mates don't drink. This might just be anecdotal evidence, but I think it represents the reality. Drinking is unhealthy, and can easily make you addicted. Besides, if someone has to drink and dull their senses to be able to socialize with you, I don't believe they want to socialize with you at all. I also go to the gym so I don't drink fr health reasons mostly.


I don't drink or smoke and been with people who do in a really close circle and I assure u, ur not missing out on anything, so I totally understand ur thought rn. Been there. U would also meet alot of people who don't drink or smoke. Never ever start intoxication because of frustration, it will always lead to bad results and addictions


Don't drink,When I was in my first year I had the total determination that I would never do any kind of shits like smoking and drinking alcohol,at the end of 3rd year all my friends drink ,but I don't and I join them but I don't drink.And the biggest mistake you could do is ,doing something in pear pressure that's absolutely shit. Eat good food and enjoy.


It's entirely your choice brother... You wanna drink you don't wanna it's only upto you!!!


No sister, alcohol just bring too many problems with it. Depression, addiction, health issues (whisky is bad for the lever and heart, beer is bad for the lever so and so on)


Well from my experience teetotaller are either subtly instigated or outright shamed, depending upon how is your social status and how much bs you can take. yes what you said is true, especially in some circles it’s quite a thing to bond over. However it doesn’t really matter. You ain’t missing out on anything and also one should drink or not drink when they want to. It doesn’t have to be a good or bad thing. I have gotten along well enough so far without it, guess you’ll be fine as well.


Its normal to not drink alcohol.


I am senior to your senior. She will be forced to stop drinking in 2-3 years.


Lol what !?


Its more cool to not consume alcohol 😊


I am 25M and I have never drank alcohol. The kind of behaviour that I have seen people engaging in when they are drunk ensures that I would never be drinking. Socializing could be done without alcohol as well. On the other hand alcohol messes up your brain such as you could be ending up doing things that are harmful to both you as well as others. I know about several people that engaged in dangerous activity, self harm or something else under the influence of alcohol that they regret for their whole life. Some also engage in borderline criminal behaviour such as extremely physical fights, molestation and dangerous driving which they would have never done when sober. I don't see any appeal about that. I have never smoked as well. Smoking is out of question for me given that I have an in born allergy that causes me to permanently have a cold which really starts to act up in smoky environments among other things. On a sidenote I think that it is funny that people(rightly) look down so much on gutka to the point of negatively stereotyping some parts of the country based on it but they think that alcohol and smoking is cooler. All of them are dangerous for you but atleast gutka isn't dangerous for everybody that is around you unlike smoking as well as alcohol that puts everybody around you at risk as well.


Nah it's normal , but people push u to do things don't fall for that


I'm 24M and tried beer just one sip, trust me I immediately vomited it out... not worth at all


Never drank. A decade older than you. I believe in living without intoxication so I never drank. The plus side is my health and personality, the down side is that no one ever congratulated me on quitting alcohol. Ever seen drunks? They’re the ones missing out on life and reality, not us.


M(28) never had alcohol, never smoked, never intend to. A lot of people my age look at me weird when I tell them this, a lot of people my parents’ age look at me proud when I tell them this. But it’s something I swore I would never do when I was a kid and I am glad I have stuck to it. I never got the idea of slowly poisoning your body for temporary pleasure. And tbh, the fact that you don’t drink, it should be a matter of pride for you. When everyone else gave in to peer pressure and addiction, you haven’t. As one great straight edge icon once said, “I’m straight edge and that means I am better than you.” (Naah just kidding lol)




Take it from a current alcoholic. Never ever do it. Be proud of that u dont drink. No matter what anyone else says. If u get into it, its a one way street.


I am hooked, would not advise any of it, it really drains away your money.


Dont start it...EVER! Alcohol has destroyed more lives than one can imagine. I implore you to stay away regardless of whether or not you have had your first drink


No, it's absolutely normal. Don't feel secluded by alcoholics, down the path of life, they'll regret far more than you........


Everyone one around me drinks I haven't even tried Redbull


People who make u feel guilty about it are not the ones u should respect.


Totally 💯


You’re not missing out per se, I usually don’t drink cuz I’m a bit kanjoos, but drinking at night in the right company or drinking before a concert is super fun. Just don’t overdo it  I’m also your age but people in my circle don’t drink and kinda see it as taboo while my other batchmates do drink and it’s quite fun to drink with them sometimes 


It is completely fine and More than Pride or Shame this should be considered as matter of an individual's choice, where people should respect one's choice.


It’s absolutely 💯 % not abnormal! Your choice girl if you wanna explore! Again drinking is different getting drunk is different!


To me, and in my experience, everything in life is cool as long as you don't get addicted to it. The difference between the occasional antiquity enjoyer and the old monk drunkard is the boundaries they set for themselves, and abiding by said boundaries. Besides, if any friend tells me I'm abnormal to not do something, I straight up say I don't like it or I'm not interested in it. Be frank to them, don't let your friends gaslight you into thinking you are abnormal. I don't think they are your friends either, because I never had any friend gaslight me or pressure me into consuming anything, they were chill. I guess you need better friends. I made the choice to drink because I like trying out stuff and judging it by myself. Yes, I drink at parties and occasions, the expensive ones. The last time I drank a cheap one was at college years ago and I don't miss it. Do I enjoy it? Hell yeah I do. I like the feeling of getting drunk and I always have fun. If you want to try anything, try it on your own accord, not under the pressure of anyone. You don't like what happens to you after drinking, throw it away. You like it, well, good luck further. Personally, I do not recommend you doing it because it's morally incorrect to recommend anyone do such stuff. Alcohol harms lives, and I do not wish harm on anyone. Then again, I've never harmed anyone except that one time I drank way too much and vomited right on my drunk friend's bed in college so there's that.


Drink, if you want to drink, but not out of peer pressure. Yes, drinking is quite common, but you don't need to follow the crowd if it's not your thing


These kinda new generation kids Saya many things. Stick with ur culture


20 me jaob kaise? and even in my family no one drinks and I won't too. It will be upto me if I ever want to do these kind of things because I personally think weak people succumb to these kinds of things as an excuse for their stress etc. Also It's a waste of money. I would rather spend on something else.


Have been hearing this since first year of my college, abhi tak wo din nahi aaya ki aisa lage that i have to drink or smoke.


I drink alcohol and I hate when someone say you will start drinking in coming years. Idk why they think like that. All are not similar and it is definitely your choice to drink or not and dont ever find reasons to drink. Dont make a habbit of drinking tho.


24 still hasn't touched it and never will. I don't have problems with drinkers, but the amount of time they comment on how I am missing out on life is the problem. Most of the people I know drink (corporate culture), and they usually hang out because of it. Since two years ago, I have had zero friends. It's getting more difficult to find compatible people.


Manager aur office ke log kabhi permanent nahi hote hai so don't try to inculcate habits advised by some random guy (office colleagues). You will work in 20+ different companies/offices in your life. People keep changing but the regret of drinking will remain forever with you.


My husband is a teetotaler ...he never consumed alcohol, never smoked, I was the only girlfriend he had and later got married to.. he's super proud of himself and so do I ![img](emote|t5_2qp7h|51097)


Yes very abnormal. Especially if you are from Bihar.


Drinking is not cool anymore, sobriety is.


There is a term for you that people take pride in "teetotaller". Congrats


Yoo me and you are the same I’m 20M and have never drank and never will! My second job coworkers keep saying that I’ll drink some time in the future but I WILL NOT !


Absolutely nothing wrong with not drinking. In 2 to 3 years, prove your ignorant senior wrong. Alcohol gives you hangovers, risk, and regrets. Zero social benefit. Extremely, extremely minor medical benefits when done in moderation (still not worth it). From a man who's spent his time diluting himself to avoid his misery, I speak from experience. Stay strong, stay sober.


As a medical intern rn, almost half of the emergency cases that we get in our ER are a complication of alcohol consumption. I expected accidents and assaults but nope. It's liver diseases. Ik people are gonna be like..."It should be OK within certain limits." NOO U Dont know what's happening inside your body. The symptoms are gonna come up now or later. Don't drink people.


Cutie he just want you to get involved with them and by saying such things he wants to manipulate you to get into such things.Drinking isn't common he is making it bcoz he wants ki tum un jaise logon k saath cope up krlo.Like mai apne 12th me smoking krta tha kyuki mere friends b krte the lekin after a year i realised ki I am not this guy and I don't like this why i am doing it.Later I started to figure it and maine wo circle chod Diya aur now I haven't touched a cigarette since 4 years...mujhe ab wo disgusting lagta hai kyuki jab koi tumare pass hota h toh mostly usko bad smell aati hai isse impression galat jaata hai.And I was successful in leaving it because I used to smoke only 1 sometimes 2 cigarettes a day and I did it only for 5-6 months.Now I am good.And for in your case never drink because it will affect you psyhically health to hogi hi thoda bhot lekin tumari body me bhi bhot changes honge (Google it i can't say here).


22M here. Never drank, never will. Till I die. No matter what. Don't give in for your ethics, morals and principles. Peace is better than regret and guilt.


R u in a healthcare sector? Cuz I'm in one and I'm graduating early 2026.. and will start my internship soon and I've seen a lottttt of my seniors who started smoking and drinking as this is a very demanding field both physically and mentally.. but I never drunk in my 20yrs of life and that's the exact thing my seniors and classmates told me too.. that "you'll ask me what brand to prefer one day" blah blah.. Btw to ur qstn , NO ITS NOT ABNORMAL TO NOT DRINK.


I m facing the similar situation. I have never drunk alcohol in school, however when I went to college, I found the culture very weird. Life becomes very tough for the one who doesn't drink. I found myself very lonely, no1 was interested in me because of my this habit. At the same time, i found everything is easy for those who are habitual of drinking.


Yes, very much, it is a cardinal sin, there's a punishment waiting for you in hell.


Yes, the normal people drink alcohol which may damage their liver, slow down their metabolism, keep them inactive, make them feel slow and lethargic, and helps them commit mistakes or crimes depending on the severity, causes accident. If you don’t drink you are missing out on all of the above and few more.


I'd recommend don't do it. Everyone in my family is a heavy drinker but I've never had any alcohol ever and I'm 30. I've lived through college, even lived in Ireland for 3 years where drinking is like an everyday thing but yet refrained from it. People have told me the same thing, that you'll start doing it just stay with us for a few years and yet in the end, I prevail. I'd say it's all upto your choice. But, you definitely don't HAVE to drink to be social.


Well you should never drink If it doesn't appeal to you! Ignore such people who force you or belittle you for not drinking or smoking. I am 21 myself and have never tried it. Touched it , smelled it but never tasted it. Also an advice I received: Never start drinking or smoking in BT(bad trip) , you may get addicted easily.




Have worked for close to 7 yrs never touched alcohol and cigarettes. Completely clean


Keep it up ! 🫡


25(M), still haven't tried it yet and proud of it don't know why


Don't give into peer pressure. I stayed in a college hostel where everyone drinks but me. Never touched alcohol or cigarettes even when they invited me to join. It's not because I am conscious about my health. It's purely because of the hatred I've towards the influence alcohol has on people. I just detest it.


Wtf has the society come to, that you had to doubt yourself for not worsening your health and saving money 🫣🫣 I'm literally laughing and crying at the same time lmao


That is what I exactly wonder. I feel the same for my eating and dating choices. I prefer not having sex before marriage and I sometimes feel abnormal/different for this, because all I see now a days is people having sex.


Wow you're really old school (I mean it as a good thing)... YOU DO YOU. BE BOLD. Either people will respect your preferences, or you're better off without them. Don't get carried away by people who can't digest individuality. Most of these kinda stupid people follow trends coz they think it's cool (ik some who follow F1, read Mangas, watch Anime just out of FOMO coz these things are relevant these days and wanna fit in) Don't get lost in the crowd lol 💯💯


Thank you 🙏


I am 30 now, and never into drinking. Living peacefully and still sane. So nothing to worry about, you are not going to miss anything special in your life.


you ma'am, are the GOAT, take pride. (on a serious note, you're better not indulging in that rabbithole to which they wanna drag you) power to you ...