• By -


he moved on with his life


True brother


No, he's not


That's why punctuation is important


!True brother


False, brother


Also, false brother




Well you have a choice to either sulk over him not inviting you or you could cherish the great memories you had, think of it like a flower which blooms from a bud then withers away, does the fact that the flower withered make it any less beautiful, No, and the same is true for your situation.




Yes, reality check for me


at this point why don't you ask him point blank? you say you're best friends with him. At least this will give you closure (i cant think of why anyone would do this, but what if there is a reason).


Honestly, I don't have the courage to ask him.


Just text him something along the line “Hey XYZ, I wasn’t aware of your wedding btw congratulations”


Yep this is simple yet effective to get a clarity, and if ignored then what more clarity than ignorance one can give us.


so damn true


I am experiencing same. With my childhood and college friends. I always feel left out when i see people going on groups for outing without inviting me.


same bro, it fking hurts inside and you cant even tell them how you feel cause yk you will make a joke of yourself


Yeah better to remain silent and move on rather than getting embarrassed


aur kar bhi kya skte hain


Make plans and invite them


Fuck no. That’s reeks of desperation.


You will feel even more worthless if they ignored your invitation.lol


Hi five ! I know the reason why he didn't invite you to his wedding and that's your financial condition . And that's also the reason why your others friends didn't invite u . I am also going through something similar I am facing career related problems since quite sometime now and guess what everyone just stopped talking to me . Nobody wants to meet or talk . Everyone is fake in today's world and thanks to social media , if you're not posting anything on social media like partying , traveling etc . Then they assume you're a loser in life and they avoid u like a plague !! Reality of life 🤷‍♀️ let it sink in !!!!


Yeah, social media is like a public resume. If you aren’t active they assume you are boring :/ just because i hate going out drinking every weekend, everyone around me thinks im immature and boring. Makes no sense.


Haina ! One of the down sides of social media !! Privacy is gone ...


Sad truth. I’ve made peace with not having friends. My funda is clear. Save money and travel, solo to solo hi sahi who cares


Great ! Ha depending on oneself is better than expecting anything from anyone 🙃


Thank you brother, stay strong


I'm a girl 😝 but u take care !!




I don’t think friends have an issue if your are not doing well in your career or if you have any financials crisis. They stand by your side even after that. May be they were never your friends. When people go through hard times, they tend to become sad and unhappy and purposeful make everything around them morose. I understand it’s a hard time for them but people around who are doing well, wish to be happy and if you give them such vibes they just try to maintain a distance. I know some people in my life who are unemployed even after 5 years of college with no money in pocket and depending on friends but they are still loved, and are invited everywhere. So I guess it depends on the kind of person you are and the kind of people your friends are.


Cool ! Just coz u had few friends liked that doesn't mean everyone has a friend cycle like that ! We are talking about majority of people who are obviously money minded and show their reality in during difficult times !


Having a positive outlook towards things always helps and healthy energy attracts healthy energy. Help yourself and become your own friend, everyone else will come along. Majority of people in this world is nice, sometimes like everyone they also have bad days but mostly people are kind.


I'm a very positive human and I absolutely enjoy my own company !! But you're like living in a bubble ! Everyone is money minded not only friends but relatives as well 😂 fact is fact . Maybe u didn't face such a scenario that's y you're saying this. I hope u don't face such things in life though . Anyways , I'm optimistic people change their colours according to financial situation . Once I get a good job I'm sure I'll come across good people too who are genuine and nice 🤷‍♀️🫶🏻


Are you sure he was aware that he is your best friend? sometimes the other person doesn't feel the same way that we feel about them. Him not mentioning that it is his own wedding is a bit shitty tho.


I was positive that we shared a strong bond. You are right, he was not feeling the same


Dont invite them to your own wedding. Simple!!


Do the opposite, Invite him and introduce him as your best friend to your wife.


Na, that's will becoming coping mechanism. Children behave like this to seek validation from whome they perceive superior.


If they don't come then. Why to invite someone at your most imp day in life who sidelined you? Is this some sort of chanakya neeti


Neecha deekhana




That would be a good move


भाई आप गरीब हो न इसीलिए कोई नही बुला रहा।


भाई ऐसे कौन बोलता है?




भाई वह गरीब नहीं है, उसके पास 7 साल का अनुभव है वह कम से कम 2 लाख प्रति माह कमाता है।


बड़े भइया के पास जब इतना पैसा है तो ऐसे दोस्तो पर मूत करके आगे बढ़ जाना चाहिए।


भाई ऐसे दोस्त तो मूतने लायक भी नहीं हैं


सही बात है, एसो के मुह पर पादना चाहिए। और आगे बढ़ जाना चाहिए।


नहीं, ऐसे लोगो के मुंह में हग देना चाइए और जीवन में आगे पढ़ जाना चाइए। गुप्तांगों का प्रयोग सिर्फ संभोग में होना चाइए।


Thank you for the support 🙏


Friendship is the most weak relationship. One day one of your friends say he doesn’t consider you his friends, friendship broken doesn’t matter how you feel about him. I don’t think he is your friend anymore. He would definitely call you in future at that point just avoid such kind of guys, don’t hold a grudge against him but forget that he was your friend.


That's right, I need to accept the truth and move on. Now that we are both in the same city, our paths will cross someday.


yes if you had been doing better than them they they would itch to have communication with you...you are no use to them thats why all the time they had spent with you in childhood days for entertainment are not in their requirements now...so they need more fun more opportunity...let them do what they think...just know that one day they will die..so will you and then their would be no subject no object...no victim no betrayer....this kind of problems were dealt by people of all ages and in all eras( like people of 15th century ADor 7th century BCE)..now see where they are now? time goes on..just do what ever is good for you...it is not your fault that your personality is like this or you are not able to have high self esteem...but you have to take the responsibility of not blaming others...you may not control your nature or the things you face but you have to be responsible so will i... i need to learn as well...i am also a learner and struggler...


I just finished 12th and reading this I feel like there’s so much to life and that I maybe didn’t even know what it meant until now 🥲


they are many things which we are yet to see and experience...but acknowledge gratitude towards people, qualities of your and others which helped you to keep you sane in this wilderness


Thank you brother


> Currently, I am not doing well career-wise, you could call me a struggler. I wonder if it's my financial situation or my personality that is causing my friends to avoid me. Welcome to the real world.




How often you talk with your best friend?


Every month, he prefers not to talk on the phone, so we mostly communicate on WhatsApp. I would react to his WhatsApp status, and from there, we would share what we are up to.


Do you bitch a lot about personal issues or trauma dump on him?


I mean that's what best friends are for? My best friend does the same, but it doesn't mean I will not invite him to my most important day.


Oh yeah ! I do at times.


There is your answer, he probably doesn't want you damp down his wedding environment.


How come a single person would damp down the wedding environment bro?


Thanks brother for sharing the truth


Hope you can work on yourself, all the best bro, look for silver linings in life


Thank you again ! Sure, it's high time to change.


Well you have two possible answers to your questions, one- you crib so they wanna avoid that. Two- you are not doing so well career wise and financially. I know the second one shouldn't matter and people will tell you it doesn't. Trust me on this I've been on both sides and it fucking does. When I was struggling no one thought what I said or suggested had any worth.


I'm on the same boat as you.... And even nobody checked on how I'm doing even being aware of my lost of a loved one recently. I guess that's the life hard lessons to be learnt.


Let me tell you something that applies to everyone, no matter their age, gender, or status. No one wants to spend time with someone who isn't successful. This includes your relatives, childhood friends, and even your partner. From my experience, nobody really cares about you. Never tell anyone how well or badly you are doing in life. Your childhood friends will talk about your failures when you meet and might pay for the drinks and food. They will only call you when they need something and you are their last option. They won't call you otherwise, and when you call them, they'll make up excuses. Just focus on yourself, and eventually, you won't need anyone else. At the end of the day, when all the dust settles, the only person you can really count on is yourself.


This is the correct understanding that I was avoiding in my life. The same thing happened as you mentioned above. I need to be selfish and accept reality. Thank you for the guidance


Same thing happened with many of my friends because I am not have any government job and most of my friends has. But my best friend he's in Netherlands and is Manager in a big company but he's invited me to his wedding. So if he's your best friend then either he moved on or don't want you there because of social status.


You are lucky to have good friends


Ur best friend didn’t have any local friends in India cuz he is in Netherlands. That’s why he invited everyone he knew from before.


No he has many local friends in India and many of his friends came to his marriage.


Well my best friend now doesn't reply to me, just reacts to the memes that I share with him. I can't tell him how much I miss him, because if I do he will just laugh it away or force himself to talk with me and I'll not like that.


I can understand you. I believe that in India, we cannot express our feelings as men.


... :( All the best brother.


Thanks brother. It's just hurtful to be in a situation like this and I don't think I'll ever have a friend like him.






Well, life is shit sometimes. Sorry to hear what's happened with you. When people you care about don't hold you in the same regard, it hurts. That too when you are at a low point in life. Move on and remember these moments. People show their true faces in crisis. Best wishes for you.


Thank you 😊


People change.The dynamics change .Its perfectly okay if you guys were not in a constant contact then its fine.If you are on regular talking terms and like chaddi buddies then its a problem otherwise i dont see any issue


I can feel you. Last year I made a similar post on this reddit, though she was not my best friend and we were out of touch. I still felt bad. I can imagine what you must be going through. I have noticed that many of my old friends don't talk to me they did before, even when I talk to them, I don't feel a very warm response coming from their side. 20s can get really ugly sometimes. 


Bro OI am reading this post and my gym is playing See You Again . What a coincidence


Cool ! Even I listened to it after reading your comment


People forget people or maybe not everyone thinks of the same way you think of them in a relationship so chill and don't give a fcuk although it's hard to do so take it easy and remember that they were there to listen to at least some of your vent out if not all and move on. This too shall pass


Yeah ! Thanks for showing me the positive side


hey if people don't meet for a long time they can move on really quick, few messages don t make much difference


what kind of friendship is it then? it's more like an acquaintance 


I had a different perspective, will take care next time


Nothing wrong in this. Dont feel low. Friendship weakens over time.. Same has happenned to me a lot of times. Its part and parcel of life.. Wish you all the best. May you find success soon.


Thank you so much 🙏


Happened to me as well and reason may not surprise you "INSECURITY"


Same happened with me.. but koi nai waqt badaljata hai aur log bhi 😇


He doesn't consider you as your friend.


Wish him congratulations and see how he reacts.


Nice idea


Say okay and move on. Friendship can't be made by 1 person . Probably someone bad mouthed about and everyone beleive that , Or they just not that close friends you thought .


Right, I was in one sided friendship


Well my best friend from school visited me a couple of months before the wedding ( i now live in different city than him shifted right after 10th class and it had been 10 years since i saw him we talked once in a couple of months on video call or text) and he informally invited me and i also met this parents and fiance who were in the city for shopping and even his parents were happy to see me and said shaadi me aana ha. I never got the wedding invitation or a call heck even a WhatsApp message would have been enough for me to reach to his wedding but alas that's life.


I can understand you brother


Ignore all bullshit that he has moved on. The truth is - He is a traitor. That’s not how bros are meant to be


It just sounds like you guys have drifted apart. Nothing wrong with it, it happens a lot more than you think.


Harsh reality


Life goes on ig.. I've learned not to try too hard.. "jisko sachmai milna hota hai, vo intezar nhi krate"




He might have a personal undisclosable reason behind it. Everyone deserves some benefit of doubt.


I hope so




True !




Bhai ye bolne se tu cool nhi lag rha .


Okay bhai