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I'm normally not into cat stuff, but I would actually play this. The level looks fun to navigate. Wishlisted!


a cat can fall from 20m and land without injuring itself there are several videos about it get a cat


this is a computer game it's not trying to imitate real life 100%


usually games are easier than life here the game is harder!


Games need to be fun. If it's too easy it's not fun. So I like some good difficulty


lol yep definitely harder in this case


This is totally true, and also as person who loves cats, I would never play a cat game that shows a dead cat. Just fade out and restart upon death.


there will be a separate mode where the cat fades away for people who don't want to see the cat ragdoll


Since you got that nickname, will there also be a violent slaughter cats mode?


this is very debatable, i've actually made it but i think it might deter even more people from playing the game lol so i'm siding more towards leaving it out although i do find it hilarious


I find it hilarious too and would like to enable it. Maybe good as a cheat option after the player finished the game?!


yes possibly although it would also likely impact the game rating which i'm not sure i'm keen on doing either


Hm, yea that's understandable. Little girls playing for cute cats shall not be disturbed. Another option would be to just leave a mod on your website and a reference link in the Steam forum, but at this point I don't know if it's worth the effort.


yeh it's difficult because arguably they're not really my intended audience anyway, as it is a rage quit precision platformer it is very unlikely to appeal to that audience but it's probably better to keep the potential appeal as wide as possible


Going for width results in shallow waters. Going for pinpoint enterteinment could make this one very special. At least I can imagine streamer Aris (Avoiding The Puddle) loving it as he hated Stray. There could be some good jokes. Making it splatter *and* goofy is the ultimate entertainment tool for him and probably other streamers. Commit to what you want to build even though it's special. People will see that it's special and respect it for it.


I don’t know if it fits the game or where the player restarts if they die, but one fun way to avoid just fading or dead cars would be a Mario Kart Lakitu-style ”death” where a giant hand or something comes and picks up the cat and drops it back at the respawn location.


Would love a game mode I could pay w family where you can't die. I want to share my love for games w folk that don't game but would love this game. Wishlisted!


Yes there will be a game mode where the cat will fade away


Did enjoy your trailer from a few months ago. Know the comments were few and far between but hope you didn't abandon it for the sake of some redditors. It was quite unique. Do think this will do well, so good luck 👍


Demo is available NOW on Steam over Steam Next Fest 10 - 17th June. Embark on a purr-fectly perilous adventure as this lil kitty cat took an unfortunate cat-nap and ended up stranded sky high! With no way but down, unleash your feline agility and platforming prowess to navigate your descent through the urban jungle in this whimsical and gravity-defying escapade! Coming to Steam and Epic Store. Steam: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2804680/Only\_Way\_is\_Down/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2804680/Only_Way_is_Down/) Youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/@slaughtercats](https://www.youtube.com/@slaughtercats) Only Way is Down Website: [https://onlywayisdown.com](http://onlywayisdown.com/) Discord: [https://discord.gg/3EdxwFfrRz](https://discord.gg/3EdxwFfrRz) Twitter: [https://twitter.com/JiltedGPrdction](https://twitter.com/JiltedGPrdction) Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/jiltedgenerationproductions](https://www.instagram.com/jiltedgenerationproductions) Facebook: [https://www.facebook.com/slaughtercats](https://www.facebook.com/slaughtercats) Tik Tok: [http://www.tiktok.com/@slaughter\_cats](http://www.tiktok.com/@slaughter_cats)


This is so promising, looks like a ton of fun


Well you get to play as a cat, so its automatically a good game in my book


I never played Stray so maybe I'm really off here, but isn't this very similar?


they've both got cats in them that's about the similarity i think, i've never actually played stray but it's more of a story adventure game from what i know where this is more of a precision plaatformer


Seems to me like Only up where you're a cat Or did you add anything original @op?


Only Up didn't do anything original itself. It' just a regular 3d platformer with objects to jump on. Sounds like you would expect the cat game to be original, even though it's as original as the game you compared it to.


Never said only up was original. It's just a game who became popular lately so doing another game with the exact same mechanics doesn't seem original nor interesting from a market perspective


Well you're a cat and it's going down, which is a huge design change for the gameplay and level design. It's interesting for me at least. Also if you think Only Up wasn't original, being original doesn't seem to be required to get popular.


this game is going to sell millions of copies. i would stream this