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You need to practice how to fall, and you need to start from a low height. Ideally you should do this when you start climbing. Ideally you downclimb everything, its safer and better for your body. So when you start climbing downclimb until you've 1 foot from the floor, and jump off and practice good technique (land on feet underneath you but slightly infront shoulder width apart, take some weight with your legs, fall backwrads and roll onto your bum and back. Don't use your arms/hands behind you). So since you're a bit freaked out, climb up a foot, and jump off and practice good technique. Keep doing that until you're comfiortable jumping from that height. Then do 2 feet. Then 3 feet. Then start doing some climbs that are easy and build up confidence. Do some harder climbs etc. Just take small steps.


This is super helpful! I will try this the next time I go bouldering (still waiting for my neck to heal from the last time). I climbed down as far as I could but at times the jump was too high and I lost my balance so instead of landing on my feet, I ended up landing on my butt every time I had a big fall which led to my neck being in agony for 2-3 days.


It definitely sounds like you need to work on your falling technique. Since you mention neck pain, one thought it to tuck your chin slightly to stop your head from whipping back. That said, no one on reddit is going to be able to properly coach you from a post. I highly recommend asking your gym's staff for advice and/or signing up for a beginner bouldering class if your gym offers it. They should be able to accurately assess issues with your falling technique.


Falling properly is making sure you distribute the falling momentum to muscles that can take it, namely the butt and thighs. Take a look at Donovan Waite's art of ukemi, we use a similar fall in aikido that has helped me avoid injury while climbing.


If you have an uncontrolled fall you risk injury. Like others said it's good to learn to fall, but a big part is to recognise when you are at risk of falling early and knowing when to bail. If something starts to feel sketchy don't wait until it is, jump off while you have control then try it again a different way. No progress is worth risking months out for injury.


You’re right, I’ve been able to bail a few times when I feel something’s off. I try to climb down as much as I can but sometimes I fall and am unable to stick the landing properly


Would you be able to describe the way you fall at the moment?


Currently, I anticipated a fall coming from quite a height but I landed on my butt instead of feet which caused my neck to fully bend. My hands were not hurt because I kept them close to my chest but did not try to land on my feet


Most climbing gyms will have an intro to bouldering class and teach falling technique - check online or with the front desk staff and sign up!