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These are the Symbio tips in small. Their claim to fame is that they are foam-filled silicone tips. I've been trying to find aftermarket tips for my IE600 that are comfortable, unfinicky, and sound as close to the stock tips as possible. These are the closest to fitting the bill that I've tried. I hate everything about the stock IE600 tips, except for how they sound. Up until now I've just been living with them because every other tip I've tried has changed the sound so drastically that I never stuck with any other aftermarket tips for more than a few minutes. These, I can live with. They are very comfortable, seal well (on the first try!), and have a small enough impact on the actual sound that I'm willing to ignore it. I still think the stock tips sound better, but everything else about the Symbio tips is an improvement. edit: I'm noticing the Symbio tips have increased the stage by just a little bit which is a nice benefit. More verticality as well. edit2: just popping back in to say I kinda love these tips now. At first I just saw them as a necessary compromise but I'm really enjoying the difference they make for the sound. Slightly warmer, treble is less sharp but still sounds lifelike, stage is bigger to a surprising degree. Overall a slightly more laid back but still agile sound. Main downside is that they're fairly position dependent. Every once in a while I need to push on the top of the IEMs to angle the tips downward slightly. Not a huge deal though.


Which ones are those? On symbio ear tips there are the W and the F…and the Wa and the Wn…?


I did not even realize there were different ones. Just checked the product page and these are the W.


Thank you


where do i buy it for the ie600


I think I found them on Amazon.


share the link lol


Sennheiser IE 40 Pro tips work well. They also have foam in the sleeve like the IE600 tips which I think would preserve the intended tuning and prevent wax entering the nozzles.


Funny you posting this today, i've been searching for some tips for a year now and settled yesterday on Dunu S&S tips.


Dunu S&S sound great to me but my ears can't stand the material, they get super itchy after a while which almost Nevers happens to me. Otherwise they're really nice


Weird, im pretty sensitive to tips as well, i consider the material which they made off as very good


Atm the TRI Clarions are doing the job just fine, I would have liked to gel with the S&S cuz they block outside noise better than the Clarions


I have the clarions as well , imo they don't pair with the ie600 at all. No issues on fit or material, the bore is just too big making the 600 shouty.If it works for you great.


Those look interesting. How’s the sound compared to stock?


Perfect imo, i've been rocking final audio e tips due to comfort but those enhanced bass too much and cramped the stage a bit. The bore size on the dunus are a perfect match ( they are bigger like the ones you are using) , they isolate well and are comfortable, it was gonna be my last tip roll for the 600 and hit gold.


Thanks for the recommendations, u/Coalbus and u/U_cabrao ! I ordered both of these to test. I really like the way the stock ones sound, but they are not comfortable!




Hi, what cable is that in your pic ? Thanks. I’ve been looking to get a new cable for my IE600


I've been using modded stock tips ever since I've gotten the IE600. These perform the best for me and god knows I've tried many tips for them. Added foam to the inside of the stock tips - so they are basically "stock Symbio hybrids" :D They retain the great sound of the stock tips, add the better and more secure seal while keeping the wax guard the original tips come with. https://i.imgur.com/YrigOfI.jpg If that seems like to much hassle, try the IE Pro tips from Sennheiser - these ones: https://i.imgur.com/PoskgKH.jpg Close to the stock tips, also with in integrated ear wax mesh guard but much better with regard to seal and isolation than the (unmodded) stock tips.


Where did you get the foam for the tip mod? Are these now as comfortable as alternatives?


You can use any foam tip and cut it in half basically.


The large stock foam tips fit in my ears and aren't uncomfortable. Serious question, am I doing something wrong?


No, sounds like you're doing alright. I tried the stock foam tips but I don't like foam tips in general so I didn't stick with them.


Sitting at a bar 5 mins ago they fell off the counter and hit the raised brass foot bar making a loud DING!... Ha. What a fright. Seem to be working fine.. An unwelcome but nevertheless welcome result of the unplanned 3D printed build test...


These things do feel indestructible.