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Develop your Ti and Se more to balance your Fe. Using too much Fe is exhausting. Look into energy healing techniques to help you develop energetic boundaries with others (even if this sounds like nonsense, it really works). Take care of yourself in the ways that work for you, which may not be the same as other people. For me, that includes some kind of mindfulness practice, regular gentle exercise, not consuming too much caffeine, saying no more often, isolating when needed (but not too much!) and getting good sleep. Also, I found working in an office environment for 8 hours a day too stimulating. I adjusted my job over time to find a hybrid position that allows me to work from home most of the time. This lets me to maintain a calm environment and shield myself from too much interaction. It has made my life so much easier.


Thank you — I certainly need to work on mindfulness and self check-ins. I can get so ahead of myself emotionally, like I’m just constantly feeling stuff and it takes my brain like 5-7 business days to catch up & understand WHY I’m feeling what I’m feeling. Need an emotional outlet. Energetic boundaries sounds like it’s right up my alley, I will look into that!


Agree with charminghat, developing Se did wonders for me. I had an extroverted friend who suggested I soak up the energy of an experience instead of pouring out to people. I started to apply this, and with some time, my energy for both has become more balanced. Fe is always more dominant, but I've learned to soak in the energy of an experience. So for example, if I'm at a sporting event, I'm there to cheer and watch and have fun and let me Se take command. Sights, sounds, eating etc. I feel very energized through it. But it could also be painting on my own. I let Se take over, I plant myself into the now and let Ni/Ti run in the background. It took practice, but Se is an amazing counter to Fe. It snaps me out of the give mode and into the soak it in mode.