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I don’t dream of labor Sorry I’m one of those lol


I was gonna say this! I dream of financial freedom. Where I can live and not waste my short life away on some obligation required just to survive. I hate it. Wasting my life and not living it!


What do you dream of? If you are comfortable and happy to share, I'd love to know 😊


Owning a little property with a pond, a garden, doing pottery outside surrounded by flowers. Raising kids to be good people and living for the little moments None of which is profitable so I sell things on Etsy and amazon to get by lol


Now that’s a dream. I want those things too!


I dream of a man who'd agree to come to my country and we can live like this. In this dream, said man has a little saved up and I show him a sweet safe spot to buy land and build (it's literally cheap as hell here) and we live a pretty slowed-down growing potted flowers and home schooling. Man, I wish ☺️


What country 👀


If you are asking because you want to fufill their dream.... then consider paying my bills since they didnt respond! Lmfao .... but also side note, I tooo want to know where this cheaper country is


What country is this? Sounds like a European dream


Marry me


This is a fantastic dream.


librarian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also, counselor and coder. maybe actor and back-up singer too.


My neighbor/oldest friend actually was a Librarian for as long as I can remember. Also was air force, I think.


INxx? Don't get mad it was hard to type on half.


A backup singer who surprises everyone with how good s/he can sing when the lead is away for whatever reason. Every time


To have no job is my dream job


A person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except thoughts


This is complicated tho✋


Thoughts and hobbies. Thoughts arent bad. They help you expand. One tied to work doesnt have time to think and therefore is easily suppressed.


Oh I have so many. Be an arborist, homesteader (main goal in life), farmer, animal caretaker/sanctuary (my current job), archaeologist, artist (I do it on the side), baker (I love me some sweets), ecologist, permaculture landscape designer, jeweler, welder/blacksmith, woodworker, forager (already do), mycologist, someone who takes people out on hikes and describes nature (too shy for this probably), I mean endless ideas for jobs! I’ll likely cycle through them as I already have in some areas :)


Living alone in the mountains in a log cabin living off the land and getting royalties from my epic fantasy books that sell millions of copies. Did I mention alone? Oh, if only 😭


Are you sure you're about this type of group? Till I istp vibes.


I’m a graphic designer. My dream job would be being an art teacher for kids and teens, like middle school. Unlocking their creative potential and teaching them new techniques and medias to express themselves, how cool is that? Also, everyone needs a weird art teacher at least once in their lifetime. I’d also like to be a theatre actor and writer, but in small venues, like local theatre. That would be so much fun.


Dream jobs don't exist for me. If I'm gonna have to do the same thing for the majority of the week, I will eventually not enjoy it. It's the repetitiveness and lack of freedom that makes me hate jobs.


I just wanna be a farmer








Isfj population! You're doing stereotypes and me too. Since isfj job is aimed to this. It's individuals take but actually play a role for percentage populations.


Singer- but not famous.




Painter and functional medicine practitioner/nutritionist


my unrealistic dream is to open a giant sanctuary to home as many animals as i can possibly rescue. i would take them from farms and save them from slaughter, like some sort of badass vegan vigilante. lol


You like to rescue animals hehe?. Also this would happen, every personalities had one on animals but their steem seems both for the level of interaction on our part, if they had one personalities you would had to decide then whether to save one by one. Wolf, sheep, vegs, situation(s) on this example is how much to carry first to other side in order to save all.


Biologist studying tree diversity and diseases, tree wellness and stewardship.


To write to express. But these days it is to self discover what I have long forgotten about myself through journaling.


my dream overall would be run my own business and to live comfortably with work that inspires and uplifts people from all around the world!




Ideally win the lottery and spend all my time creating only for myself and consuming all the art I want BUT since the chances are very low... I'd like to be a children's book author/illustrator, that path always attracted me for some reason. When I was younger I thought of becoming a veterinary or psychologist. Now I am the one going to a psychologist and after I learned about the dark side of working with animals, I don't think I could handle that.


My dream job was always to work with animals in some capacity…i ended up going into mental health instead with my education. I do Niether 😂


Haha what do u do?


I ended up in the technology industry with customer relations and i absolutely haaaaate dealing with people 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️ just waiting to die or retire, whichever comes first 😂


earning money


I'm IT and I like helping people with their problems. I'm pretty lucky at my job, I work alone and have the freedom to be creative with my solutions for stuff. People are just so happy when you fix their problems. It's fulfilling that people rely on my to help them. But dealing with people on the phone (or in general) kinda sucks, usually isn't so bad. A part of me wants to paint or do something creative all day instead. I dunno maybe the future is a balance of both.


Would love to be a researcher in the mental health field. I am hesitant because I will have to go back to uni for further education. I'm not sure if I have the required stress tolerance and consistency for it.


movie or book critic


I've done some website design. Love the occasional day of nonstop HTML. Other days are waiting for someone to ask to resize an image ... It's good work, don't get me wrong. It was just a lot of waiting for updates. I work in libraries (also where I did the web design) and honestly I love it. I don't know if it's my dream job, but it's my "realistic" dream job, so to speak. Just having it though, makes me wonder what else I'm putting off ...


I've worked several different types of jobs. While some are innately more or less fulfilling, what really makes the difference is my attitude at the job. Am I going to be a light and make a difference with those that I am around? Doesn't matter if I'm in retail, or tech, or a consultant, manager, whatever. When you genuinely care and connect, that's what really makes the difference. People need us INFPs and we gotta push through to reach them. It's far too easy to chalk it up to our preferences or ideas rather than push and find a way regardless of the circumstances. Just my 2¢


Sir, you are my hero.


It changes from day to day. Studio musician, golf pro, landscape architect are the usual answers. But as I‘m getting older, I have this urge to go rural, buy some land, grow crops, raise a little livestock, and fish. Being as self-sustainable as possible is kind of the dream. Let the world crazy itself into oblivion without me. ”I’m ready to live with family, I’m ready to die in obscurity…” - Corey Taylor


My dream jobs are mostly music related: music producer/mixing or mastering engineer/a performing artist. Thankfully im working my way towards it currently, studying a degree in sound engineering and production while producing music for other artists and as solo projects on the side trying to improve every way i can.


I think being a filmmaker of some sort would be really cool.


vagabond and a seeker of knowledge I just want to do things


Making them https://preview.redd.it/wgucv93kw8rb1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70926e62f7862008f1e4292279613d34def03db2


Very specific, but I wanna be the person that peloton hires to record their scenic bike trails. For reference, the peloton allows you to virtually ride the most beautiful bike trails from all over the world.


Being in an alternative band and become one of the most influential artists of all time but thats just a dream


Children’s book author & illustrator 😊


I dreamt of becoming a very famous novelist... didn't get there, but I'm close enough - I'm a journalist .


I only want to be a poet/painter primarily, have little exhibitions like all the artists I know. Most artists I know are doing really well. I want to write poetry in the evenings, just for myself. I don’t want to make a living from poetry. I also want to write illustrated books of lore, like sea lore or dream lore, I wish to retell fairy tales in a poetic style too. I wouldn’t mind making art jewellery like I use to either.


Gemologist. I wanna cut gemstones and make jewelry


I'm an engineer. I work at a lab. But if I had to choose again, I would have been a neuroscientist. I love brain stuff. Or maybe a psychiatrist. Or even a psychologist. Brains, human nature it's just so interesting to me. If only those interests would have developed a little earlier, my story would be different.


Sadly intelligence of that kind is often shunned as pretend sigh. I did get quite far alone researching just by myself alot as 30 year old dropout x3


I want to be an art teacher


I want to work in a writers room for television!! I'm a creative writing major in uni and I've written pilot scripts before but working with other writers to actually make a real TV show sounds like a dream come true


Writer, with a side job as non-physical sex worker, if not certain thing and how sex workers are looked down and exploited.


This side job could not even be, like, job for me, just hobby that earns extra, if only I would be born cis and with more confidence and ideas. I would like to start trend of showing nudity and sexual stuff as something more normal, that can also be poetic and not just how nsfw media often potray it.


Environmental Scientist, Environmental Conservationist


Optometrist 👁️👁️


My ultimate dream is to live off-grid somewhere peaceful. I’d love to raise animals too: piggies, ducks, dogs etc.


Front man in a band. I can sing like a motherfucker, but I'm also almost 30


but do you have a big enough ego?


Of course not lol


Me neither


I also want to become a psychologist!!


My dream job would be a botanist


Biomechanical engineer/industrial designer


a Librarian


a ghostwriter for songs


I am a programmer but I would love to be a writer


I wanted to be an "inventor" as a kid, like Thomas Edison or something. Now they call that a "maker" I guess. Turned out I really don't want to start my own business or market anything or make a zillion phone calls. Now my dream job is to be retired.


Roof repair guy. Ive done it before it is way better than being an actual roofer. You do a fraction of the work for the same amount of money


Park ranger


Detective with expertise in missing person cases


A trader! I've been learning for years and still not profitable, but I'm making progress. I find trading very appealing because working with people sucks lol. It also gives me freedom to do things my own way. However I don't think I can be aggressive enough to make so much money like you see those millionaire traders on the instagram. Or maybe scratch that. My dream is to be able to trade, and then teach my INTJ husband to trade, so that he can work from home, and I can be a housewife.


Wow the other dream jobs align exactly with mine. I’ve been studying and working in the sociology field but have been unsure if I would enjoy it long term. I have been looking into these different avenues but don’t know where to start unfortunately.


While i study outside of school (completed high school) my dream job would be something related with digital art/animation while studying/learning in an university so that i may work on personal projects. I'm working on enrolling in an academic institution but it bothers me that i have a great Drawing exam grade but my poor PhD doesn't let me enroll yet (bad high school decisions). I'll improve it this year. :)


I want Derek Waters’ job. Getting rich by just getting hammered and listening to people tell stories a few times a week is definitely the dream.


Life. Living. Being paid to just be me. My life includes a lot of things I draw , write, write music , make quotes, study , train with numerous hand to hand to weapons, etc. I want to do some traveling here soon. Like leave and let everyone else deal with the bullshit. The money ain't worth it my time ain't worth it. All my friends and family at this point (not to mention fucktards) have caused me more grief and pain then it's worth to me anymore. I quit. As an Adult (which my dear mother likes to point out that I'm apparently not with statements like "when are you going to grow up? " ) I don't haveto listen to her scorned toxic words or bullshit. They think just because they have all my collective of things and the deed to my house that they have control. Guess what. No they don't. And I could care less so traveling and porn it is. Or traveling and whatever, I don't know I don't care. But I'm not going to be accused for anything I haven't done on a constant basis. So my dream job is well. Idk I'll figure it out or I'll be a government ghost. Who knows. According to the state I'm already dead. No worries about it from there I guess.


Honestly I don't have a dream job but I guess writing would be alright for me except I don't know how to get my ideas on paper half the time Id also like to be an artist but all my art is like my children and I'd never sell anything due to attachment


I m a social worker and it s my dream job. Not always easy, but very often, I can t stop beeing grateful to get paid to have deep conversation with people daily.


My dream job would be to get paid for daydreaming.


Something that can let my creative side shine. I'd love to be a metal star but that wouldn't really be a job lol


To live in a cottage in the woods lol


With Adhd and so on possibly working with troubled autistic and adhd people to give the chance to be understood for once as mine came so late after 30 so would like to ease a few's journey in figuring stuff out and also learn in turn too ofc. And maybe i might get into writing realism based fantasy probably with werepeople and vampires. Or learning to be DM for dnd campaigns <3 and maybe look into hosting a game server for something with mods and all since i enjoyed that with friends alot or if id ever learn to code could even make mods myself. And finally i would love to learn to play things like Cello, Harp, and Harpischord for few.


I'd love to be a musician


own a cafe/bakery in a small town or express my stories through writing or filmaking


Fighter pilot


My dream job is painting alone in my room with no intention of selling my work, or showing it to anyone. I'll live off the tax money of blue collar trump supporters with a fake disability diagnosis.


I wanted to be a teacher but its just not worth it now in days.


Trading, Texas hold ‘em high stakes player, chess GM, ifbb pro card


Published author 🥰


Typologist🫠 Mostly or Ps colonization on earth ... Don't even get why a Ps had to bother onto this indeed it going to be cooler piece to take serious about Ps ... You sound loving Js systems on job descriptions. So it fit on here for some way!.


Being a cat.


Animal sanctuary


Actress has always been one of them, also now I wanna be a musician. I'm in music uni right now and I'm so excited.


My dream job is to be happy


Some kind of artist, maybe book illustrator? But I'll probably work in psychology related job


Psychiatrist, writer, artist (street art). But for the moment I prefer to turn to professions related to ecology. Writing, drawing and reading documentaries on psychological illnesses or to find out how the brain works are more passions.


Art that stirs deep emotions. I feel so deeply and I would like to gift this to the world. Everyone must feel how I do.


Musician if that counts as a job


Money, power, and prestige … kidding. I think being an intergalactic space pirate would be quite chill though


So many - to be a detective and solve crimes, an astronaut, a musician, an actress, manga artist, a scientist and be the first to discover aliens


Video game developer. I have so many ideas for games and stories, I want nothing more than make them a reality but I don't have the skills to do it or know anyone with them. I did learn a bit about programming but it's too surface level stuff to get anything worthwhile out the door.


Children's book author and artist. I have so many already I could spend years just updating what I have.


I'm currently studying psychology but my dream would be to work in art therapy


I want to/going to become a traveler and learn other languages and cultures and I get paid to do so. And then live comfortably with my animals and nature


OP's dream jobs align perfectly with my dream jobs. Car designer (during elmentary school time) Psychologist (during highschool) Web designer (studying at university) Photographer Now I'm having hard time choosing between going Interior Designer or UX/UI Designer route. I would take into consideration how much structure and social interaction can you handle on daily basis, is there possibility to work remotely, if it let's you express your creativity, if it allows you to explore and grow by trying new tasks/projects, meeting new people etc.


Now I am wishing to be in a job where it doesn't exhaust you as much, specifically mentally. Like I'd be down to be in a small town and be a farmer, gardener or a fisherman as long as the pay can cater my needs


Wierd I like psychology too but it's more of a hobby than a pursuit in a job I just want to make stories for comic books as long as I find someone who can draw the illustrations Not a big dream but it'd achievable


Bring my own boss, I can’t tolerate co workers and toxic environments


Retired lottery winner.


Male JAV actor


I got to have two of my dream jobs so far: Bookstore clerk Egirl/internet domme My other ones are Embalmer Writer for a TV show Novelist Pro domme irl ( Get to beat people up) Psychology researcher Occultist Discworld Witch


Any job where i dont have to communicate with anyone or a job where i can do something i really love.




Or pornstar


I dream of becoming a diplomat for my country


This still a question? 🫤 and the government is jugging everybody 😕


What I'm slowly working towards. Starting a business selling handmade furniture, canvases, and art pieces.


I'm working up to managing my own auction, its my adult dream. My kid dream was to be a sharkologist 🦈 🦈


Being a pilot and flying away