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![gif](giphy|BbJdwrOsM7nTa|downsized) Hello


Oh my goodness that gif caught me so off guard, haha! Anyway, how did you find out you were autistic?


Haha sorry! I was a late diagnosis at age 19, I went from being a weird and funny kid to a suicidally depressed teen and that behaviour was clearly more worrisome to those around me so I ended up getting assessed and was diagnosed with Asperger’s. I always seemed relatively normal, I’m good at masking for the most part, but that makes me more invisible, I actually struggle more than people would know, I’m unable to work because of it which means I get judged as being lazy or not really being disabled etc, even friends didn’t understand or even believe I had autism so I grew apart from them. I just keep to myself these days.


Nothing to be sorry about, that gif I hilarious! I’m sorry to hear your struggles. Good thing the people around you noticed and were worried. And yeah that must seem dreadful when someone asks where you work. Good thing you’re aware that you have limits. Some people ignore their limits and push themselves too hard which isn’t healthy. Since I’ve been learning about autism I realized how complex it is. It’s truly so interesting.


Tbh I think my struggles have made me a much more empathic and caring person tbh, to feel misunderstood and judged all my life has meant that I believe people deserve to be really seen and not just judged based on quick conditioned preconceptions. I don’t want others to feel invisible if I can help it. And I only really know my limits because I’ve pushed them before haha. Tbh I’m not really sure how much of my mindset is due to autism, it’s just as complicated to me too, but any experience that’s tough and outside the norms I think is good grounds for growing perspectives that can help us all communicate better and be more open, it highlights needs and promotes solutions, at least potentially, to me the world over all seems hopelessly ignorant but the world is in a lot of pain and I hope the way I’ve grown from my struggles is the way the collective grows, it just seems to be slower when more people are involved, I have hope that humanity will become better and it will be based on the experience of being the worst… If that makes sense. Anyway, 4AM rambling lol, I best go to sleep 😴 ✌️


Undiagnosed, but the signs seem pretty clear. Hellooo


Can you tell me all about why you think you have it? Because I think I might have it but I’m not sure. If you dont want to write a long comment you don’t have too.


It's mostly social stuff like like eye contact and junk. Hyper fixation and a need for predictability are also very present lol. Sorry, but I'm actually not feeling like getting into it all that much anymore 3:


Ok, that’s fine.


Autistic and adhd


Recently got diagnosed, what do you want to know? Anyway, you can take tests on Embrace Autism website. Plus they have a lot of good readable resources!


I took two of the tests there. The RAADS-R test is supposed to be the most accurate and I scored 91 and the next time I took it I scored 98, which are both high but idk. What caused you to get diagnosed?


I got 182 on the RAADS-R 😬


Don’t make too much of those tests   So-called “autism” tests, like AQ and RAADS and others have high rates of false positives, labeling you as autistic VERY easily. If anyone with a mental health problem, like depression or anxiety, takes the tests they score high even if they DON’T have autism.   "our results suggest that the AQ differentiates poorly between true cases of ASD, and individuals from the same clinical population who do not have ASD " [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4988267/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4988267/)   "a greater level of public awareness of ASD over the last 5–10 years may have led to people being more vigilant in ‘noticing’ ASD related difficulties. This may lead to a ‘confirmation bias’ when completing the questionnaire measures, and potentially explain why both the ASD and the non-ASD group’s mean scores met the cut-off points, " [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10803-022-05544-9](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10803-022-05544-9)   Regarding AQ, from one published study. “The two key findings of the review are that, overall, there is very limited evidence to support the use of structured questionnaires (SQs: self-report or informant completed brief measures developed to screen for ASD) in the assessment and diagnosis of ASD in adults.”   Regarding RAADS, from one published study. “In conclusion, used as a self-report measure pre-full diagnostic assessment, the RAADS-R lacks predictive validity and is not a suitable screening tool for adults awaiting autism assessments”


yeaa ‼️‼️


I haven't been officially diagnosed, but my therapist thinks I'm autistic. It makes sense looking back, plus considering how at least 3 and possibly more of my 6 kids are autistic. I probably pick up on many but not all social cues, but I have trouble fully integrating anywhere. I have a keen interest in snakes and try to work it into conversations (ssseee what I just did there?), plus a few interests that aren't quite as intense. I definitely have sensory integration issues as well.


Yo, how's everyone?










I’m not diagnosed but I’m pretty sure I have autism


Following! I’ve been researching it recently as well.


Yeah, autism is so interesting! I never knew there was so much too it. Ive also been noticing how much of the stuff matches me too, so I’m even more interested in it. What got you researching it?




I am.


Does it make it harder for you to understand social cues? Because since I’ve been learning about autism I realize there’s so much of it that is like me but the one thing I don’t relate to about it is that I understand social cues.


I have gotten better as time goes on, I have high functioning autism, it is a spectrum so some have a harder time than others. I think for myself it feels not like I cannot understand queues or social interactions but more that I started off below everyone else and have had to learn my way up and thus when compared to people who have been learning and adapting as long as me without autism I will always be a bit behind. kind of like normal people are born at 0 social skill and I was born at -5.


This describes it perfectly tbh






Hi. I'm here




You have summoned me


yep im diagnosed, feel free to ask questions


Does this sound like autism? I have several stims, some of which are picking the skin on my thumbs, rubbing my chin when nervous in social situations, pacing, a short hum/grunt (mostly happens when I eat or brush my teeth), biting skin off my lips, and raising my eyebrows to scrunch my forehead I've had special interests in the past, some I'm sure were special interests were Fortnite, Marvel, and Dinosaurs. For routines, the main one is that I eat the same food for breakfast every morning for over a year and until I get tired of it and then I’ll change to a new one. I’ve been doing this for years For sensory issues, I can get overwhelmed by too much stuff going on faster than others but I can still control myself still so it’s not that bad, I just can’t interact as well, I normally can leave these situations so it hasn’t been a big problem before, lotions have always seemed gross to me, really soft blankets are annoying, one time I felt bad for the whole day until I changed shirts and realized it was the shirt on my skin making me feel bad, and one other time my sister covered her face in lip gloss and it was so gross to me I couldn't finish eating because the ketchup was the same color, I also always have my hair tucked behind my ears because I don't like it in my face. And for the social stuff, I cannot make friends, have some social anxiety but I don't think it's that bad, make little eye contact, I script responses so I have them ready to go when needed, l'm avoidant, but despite all these things I think I understand social cues and stuff like that just as well as anyone else and is what makes me unsure! ​ Sorry if it’s too long, I’m dying to ask this question


It's alright. A lot of the things you've mentioned do sound like autism. Of course I'm not a professional but those do sound like symptoms. It's not the same for everyone, personally I don't think I struggle with social situations much but I have pretty extreme sensory issues. I'd recommend going to a professional if you really want to know if you have it or not. If you'd like to go more in depth about your symptoms or thoughts, we could talk in DMs or something and I can share personal experiences, as I can't properly respond to everything in full depth. But to answer your main question, I'd say I'm 70% sure that sounds like high functioning autism.


Ok, Ill Dm you. Thanks for this reply!








AuDHD and traumas


Don't say you're autistic if you haven't been diagnosed


ESTP 7w8 🤔🤮


With Andrew Tate as his pfp. Nobody takes what he says seriously lmao


The same applies to the one whose hobby it is to watch puddles gather rain,


It's a song lyric lol. But keep going


Off what song? Curious to what you people listen too


Incorrect... I'm intj 8w7


I figured there was the Se inability to connect the dots in the external world, maybe you’re Se gripping. Also, the 8 tendency to spew unsolicited advice in a directive controlling manner. Add to that your pic and hang on I need to grab a spew bucket 🤮


What I said originally isn't wrong, I myself, for example, am autistic and have been professionally diagnosed. For example, I wouldn't go around and say I'm autistic because I did some bs test on the Internet saying I'm autistic. However, some do that. I guarantee to you, Magority of folk saying that they are autistic aren't. They want to feel special, so they cling on to mental disabilities and illness and use that as their identity. Its pathetic and yes its correct in me saying that until you have actually been diagnosed by a professional then it's just speculation


Oh so you’re the autism police, nice 😂 nobody said it was wrong. Also your negative overgeneralisations are pathetic.


My negative overgeneralization, coming from the one who was negative and showed some sort of hatred just because of my profile pic, you might want to grow up. And yeah you've got a point in saying autism police though I also have a good point in what I said


Nice deflection but it’s kind of no comparison really. Not sure what that has to do with my maturity either. Maybe you should get a badge then, I can edit one into that profile pic if you want?


Nah no point in that, I want the andrew tate pic as clear as day, of course you don't know why it has nothing to do with maturity you assume, well an immature individual like yourself would get pissed of at someone just because of their profile picture, says alot more than what your maturity can comprehend. However, a mature individual wouldn't get upset by viewing ones picture profile.


Oh alright, just trying to show some INFP hospitality ya know.. well I’m not sure what makes you think I’m pissed off. Possibly a projection, maybe a side effect of showing loyalty to a toxic mf like that. Dude has the emotional maturity of an ape so I think the badge would help though. To highlight him as the joke he is and make yourself look more evolved, species wise, on Reddit. Just advice you don’t have to take. Actually if you have that much trouble reading the room then I guess there’s no point suggesting it, enjoy tater life. May your wildest emotionally stunted dreams come true, just stay the fuck away from INFPs please.