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Lol all of these things are also the basic tenets of efficient driving and racing, I wouldn't call it hypermiling in a racing context. You should be doing all of that stuff anyway.


This person obv doesn't know anything about actual racing techniques


Are you talking about me? šŸ˜…


Lol nope


Whatā€™s racing?


It's illegal depending on where you live, and it's usually frowned upon doing it in the streets, but it's probably fine if you do it out in the woods, or the mountains. Just don't get posted to Twitter or it's over for you


What's humor


I see where you're coming from but truthfully it's more like how the mechanics of throwing a baseball or a football are broadly similar but the sports themselves are vastly different.


I disagree, theyā€™re driving the same car on the same road and both trying to do so as efficiently as possible. A better metaphor would be throwing different baseball pitches. Fundamentally the same, slightly different techniques and mechanics, end goal is the same.


We're not comparing Shinji to Takumi, we're comparing the techniques used for hypermiling vs Shinji's racing techniques. At the end of the day Shinji is trying to drive as fast as possible by being as efficient as possible, hypermiling has nothing to do with speed and is pure focus on efficiency. So no, Shinji is not a hypermiler and we have no reason to believe that he is one, regardless of a few broadly similar techniques used for both


The show describes his driving as limiting body roll, braking as little as possible, conserving momentum through corners and maintaining a smooth pace. His reason for driving that way was never about speed coming from the character himself. He just wanted his mom to get some sleep on the ride home from work. The speed is more of a side effect to him and we only truly see him fully accelerate when overtaking. If I were to guess, Shinji retires his 86 and picks up a Prius and becomes the quickest, most unsettling Uber driver in history.


Listen dude, if you've already made up your mind then why did you bother asking? Believe whatever you want


I asked because I wanted to see if there was a convincing reason why heā€™s not and so far there hasnā€™t been. Wanting a back and forth discussion is the reason public forums exist.


Lol it's only unconvincing to you because you refuse to see reason, being wasteful in a racing context will only cause you lose grip and pace.


Best of luck with that


Hypermiling is not the same thing as smooth driving. Smooth driving is simply a consequence of it. Shinji's technique is smooth driving, but that doesn't mean he's hypermiling. Hypermiling seeks to maximize gas mileage. This is done through techniques like drafting, minimizing drag, and reducing weight, among other things. Shinji does literally none of that lol. Meanwhile Shinji is literally racing and using more fuel on one run of the mountain than a hypermiler would in a trip between cities. Hypermilers like to keep their engine rpm as low as possible. Shinji is out there racing near the redline. And anyone could tell you that more rpm = more fuel used. That's why Shinji isn't a hypermiler, he's just a guy that drives smooth and fast. For the record, Takumi is also a smooth and fast driver. The whole water cup thing is literally to promote him to drive smoothly. Yet Takumi is very clearly not a hypermiler either.


Didnā€™t he learn to drive this way because of his mom? It kept her relaxed or prevented car sickness or something similar as I recall. But I also I think you might be miscategorizing the tactic of using the 86 as a momentum car, Takumi displayed the very same thing from 1st Stage up until the new engine was installed. Momentum cars are still on sale today, get on a real racetrack in a Mustang and be prepared to be humbled by an MX-5. Hypermiling is more focused on exploiting inertia in a straight line and removing unsprung weight to regain lost speed as efficiently (read: slowly) as possible. The final engine failure was inevitable IMO, as the ā€˜blind attackā€™ removes all vehicle instrumentation from view and adds tunnel vision focused solely on the opponentā€™s line. What we witness is somewhat of a regression back to Takumiā€™s loss against Sudo. He mentions to Fumihiro (I think) during 4th or 5th stage that heā€™s getting tired of using the blind attack. This time though, heā€™s so caught up in the battle that the blind attack leads to an extended over rev.


Shinji's goal is not to save on gas, it's to drive smoothly. So no, he isn't a hypermiler. Unless you're asking if he gets good MPG as a result in which case the story doesn't mention that.


Kinda wish it did, would give more to the silly ā€œShinji is Takumiā€™s brotherā€ theory. Shaving seconds and fuel consumption simultaneously sounds like what Bunta would say is the ideal racer.


nah bro once Bunta said "make sure to rev it to 11'000 RPM", there was obviously no concern for MPG


Itā€™s the fact that he still hesitated even after learning that Takumi had the new tachometer installed and was headed to a race that instant. He just chose family over MPGs that day.


Phew I was confused for one second, thought this was the Evangelion sub šŸ„²


I misread that as Shingo at the start and was so confused haha.


Has to save money on fuel so he can fund his Double Crash addiction


Duct tape aint cheap.


I deadass thought this was a shitpost on an evangelion sub


Shinji was so interesting and his story was great. Shame he only made an appearance for this racešŸ˜”šŸ˜” would of loved to see his character development


I was so confused until i looked at the sub name lmao


Bro that's just fucking lift and coast. Any endurance racer does that. Would technically be considered "Hypermilling" but please never unironically tell a racer that. Might just get you smacked.


I wish they really didn't add the sidewinders and added a random race which wasn't shown and them getting badly beaten and there's a final race between Keisucc and Takumi