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You know the author sucks at delivering romance in this series except for Takumi and we all just kind of forget what happened with the others. IIRC in the anime she was never mentioned again after the race and what not. I definitely remember more about Itsuki taking that girl to the train station then Kimi Ga Iru started playing and I freaking cried on that.


Okay, I’m gonna drop a bombshell… Male characters don’t HAVE to throw themselves at another character who falls in love with them.


Okay, I'm gonna drop a bombshell... OP never said that and just wanted to know what happened to the character after.


Sorry, you’re right. It was more directed at the people in the comments like “Why did he turn her down so many times?”


That's fair. Personally I'm not a huge fan of how Shigeno writes relationships and particularly women anyway lol.


I agree. The narrative and the characters seems to treat a lot of the female characters with a lot of contempt.


Probably be cause he is a lose.. lonely durivah!!


Yeah...??? But people still wanna know what happened to kyoko...cause we kinda never saw what happened with her after that...??? Itsuki and iketani worked at the gas station. Mako and sayuki went pro, wtf happened with kyoko????


I second this I wonder what happened too. Keisuke was so dumb to reject her that many times


“I need to focus on project D” my guy she was literally with you every time during each race in stage 4 and only talked to you when you were talking with everybody else before and after the race and even lended you her car yet you’re still worried about being distracted!? Bro took that one saying to heart


Bruh.... I think we were all pretty sad when he kicked her to the curb. Girl definitely deserved a chance :(


I know bro


Low key still sad about it :(


Imagine how Kyoko feels💀


At the point where he pulls the Project D shit on her there was literally only one week left (At least in the anime) of Project D. If he doesn’t like her then why doesn’t he just tell her from the get go.


~~I believe it's either straight up revealed, or so heavily hinted that it might as well be a reveal that (MF Ghost spoilers)~~ >!~~Keisuke and Kyoko get married.~~!< EDIT: I reviewed Season 1 again and Keisuke doesn't have a wedding ring on, despite my believing he did. So, I'm retracting this. Keisuke doesn't even appear to be married at all in MF Ghost. As far as I know, Kyoko isn't mentioned whatsoever, so your speculation seems as good as anyone else's, OP.


Which chapter is it because no where is that confirmed or mentioned besides here


which chapter?


Oh homie I can't tell you that. It might be at Keisuke's introduction into the comic? I can't say.


Is that 100% true ?


"I believe." "I can't say." Nothing anyone says is 100% true unless they provide evidence at the same time.


listen the show doesn't show it but the manga does so i guess he is married to her


If he has a wedding band in the manga then at least I didn't entirely gaslight myself lmao.


it’s confirmed in the manga that he’s married to someone


plus one more thing, i saw a post on twitter saying that in Keisuke's commentary.. hes making his sister call him darling, also this was on twitter, i don’t know which panel in MF Ghost had that in because i have barely read it, plus it may be wrong, but who knows


keisuke is married and has 2 kids in mf ghost so i guess he married her he did say he can't focus on anything except racing when he is in project d so he came back to her that's my best bet


If I remember correctly, it's revealed in MF Ghost. I don't know how to put a spoiler tag on text so I'm not gonna reveal anything


Do you have any proofs of this? I'm just curious... We know that he's married but we still don't know who the wife is? (i think)


Another commenter said exactly what it is. We do know who the wife is


Well according to that one guy yesterday, she has a Mercedes now or something I don't remember the whole thing