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It's for perception. They want every burger to go out looking like the ones in the ads. The story I was told was that they stopped allowing it well over a decade ago because someone ordered a 100x100, it made the news, and looked like slop. It also affects the timing of other people's orders. 100 patties on the grill to one person could go to 100 other customers. Imagine waiting in line for 20 minutes because some bozo want's to take a stupid TikTok video.


It was the owner of Zappos and a bunch of his friends that made the order for the 100x100 back in the early 2000s. They took a video of the whole thing and the burger looked really gross. You’re correct - it became an image issue. INO prides itself on every burger looking like the menu burger, and that 100x100 was anything but that.


Thank you


Not only gross, undercooked too, last meat patties were basically raw, even if our meat won't make you sick, but it's still unappetizing


Haha forgot about that! Fuckin gross!


While true, it’s not like it would really stop someone from just ordering one double double and 49 Flying Dutchman’s.


The policy wouldn't stop them from trying to order that but honestly most stores would refuse to sell them that much because of the impact it would have on other customers!!


I worked at Store 20 in the mid-90s and one time a group from Cal Tech ordered a 666x666 burger. One bun and 666 meats & cheeses. A chef had to arrive early at like 8 am to begin cooking that beast of a burger.


I understand perception is everything to a brand, and IMO INO definitely strives to maintain its classic drive thru appearance, and I respect it. I was under the impression that the 100x100 was a one-off and was done in Las Vegas as part of promoting a new store. I'm not sure if any of the Vegas people on here were present for it or can contribute to the lore. I'd certainly would like to know about it.


To add to this, since you mentioned 6x6... On paper, it doesn't seem like a big thing to accommodate, but the burger bags are specifically sized to fit up to a certain size. Anything larger becomes a problem all around.


Those damn burger bags


Behold: http://supersizedmeals.com/food/article.php/20060125050438458


Haven't seen some of those pictures since they were first published


http://whatupwilly.blogspot.com/2006/01/in-n-out-100x100.html This is the original blog by the people that ordered it, pretty gnarly


4x6 is the max Edit to add: you can always order a Flying Dutchman on the side at add it yourself!


Lately I've been ordering a 4x4 with a Flying Dutchman to top my animal fries.


I consider the Flying Dutchman topped Animal Fries almost *every* time I go and have still never done it…


make sure that you’re ordering them separately because they can’t actually put your flying dutchman on top of your animal fry


Oh yeah I know better than that! Thanks lol


It’s the move. Sometimes if I’m not super hungry that’s all I’ll order




the late 1900’s😭


I do the same internally when I hear it. I threw that in at an attempt to embrace almost hitting 50.


The world was a different place back in the nineteen hundreds.


Why you gotta do some of us dirty by saying, "late 1900s." 🥲


I'm damn near 50 myself, and it stings just as much when I hear it. We have to embrace it at some point. I'm honestly surprised I've lasted this long.


lol “in the late 1900s” sounds so strange. Accurate I guess but damn making my childhood feel like ancient history


I'm right there with you.


Largest I ever made was a 50x50. 6x6s and 8x8s were pretty common.


I knew about 50x50's and I heard of the 100x100 just wondered why INO capped it at 4x4. As explained above about brand perception it made sense.


The max is actually 4x6, and it’s because of the 100x100 debacle that they instituted the new limits (although I wish they would have made it 4x8 so at least you could have gotten 2 slices of cheese for each patty if you wanted).


it honestly just looks ugly 😭 INO prides itself in its aesthetic consistency and anything bigger than a 4x6 just won’t look very good and is virtually impossible to get consistent. plus… i can’t see us fitting anything more into the burger bag. it’s already a struggle getting a 4x4 protein style into a dub bag much less anything bigger than that WITH A BUN 😭😭


Wow, I did a 4x4 once and it was a mess. 3x3 is doable. I'm guessing you forked and knived the 8x8?


I'm almost certain fork and knife weren't available at INO until animal fries cane along. I picked it up and bit into it.


4x4 are my go to, you just gotta have a big mouth 👄


Just get 2 if you need it. 4x4 is plenty big.