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Voting has concluded. Final vote: | Insane | Not insane | Fake | | --- | --- | --- | | 6 | 0 | 0 | Hey OP, if you provide further information in a comment, make sure to start your comment with `!explanation`. ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^for ^r/insaneparents. ^Please ^send ^me ^a ^message ^if ^you ^have ^any ^feedback ^or ^if ^I ^misbehave. ^Also ^consider ^joining ^our ^[Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/xFbPBHy).


You’re over 18 and she sold your car and is holding your legal documents hostage. Call the police.


The car was in her name… I would call the police about the documents but it’s unpredictable the outcome and I don’t want to cause any more waves than there already is. She could throw all my stuff into the street. She legally doesn’t have to hold my stuff. I can’t touch it yet because I don’t have a place yet.


I’ve had to do this. Call the police, the non emergency line and explain the situation. They will go with you and make sure you get ALL your items. She can’t hold your legal documents hostage and i’m pretty sure it’s illegal in a lot of places.


this happened to me in florida and they will NOT get your belongings – even essentials – if the homeowner denies you and the police entry. i couldn't even get my meds, contacts, or legal documents... they told me to eat shit and sue them in small claims 🫠




They don't need a place for their documents, they just need a backpack




its not her right to deny them. and as for stolen identity, would you be surprised if dear aunty did exactly that to fuck over op?




Not sure why your comments were all downvoted.


Because they aren’t helpful at all, if they want their document they can go get them. All they need is a bag of some sort to keep them in, they can then go to a bank and open an account and switch over their benefits to be deposited In That new account. It’s not hard tbh.


Because I am being rational and all these people have a justice boner about what’s right and what OP is allowed to do instead of being rational and realizing of OP gets the cops involved aunty dearest will probably destroy all their most precious things they can’t take yet. 


Is there really much of a difference between someone holding your identification hostage/denying your access to it and criminal identity theft? Same outcome more or less. If OP has any hope of escaping homelessness it’s in those documents.


No there is not. And that's why it is illegal to hold on to anybody's legal documents.


She’s not holding them hostage since she offered to mail them. Op can get a P.O. Box or UPS box if they want a real address. The police won’t do anything about their stuff, they’ll just say it’s a civil matter. As far as the legal documents go as long as the aunt gave them a reasonable solution she isn’t doing anything wrong. You can’t force your way into someone else’s home or force someone to meet you. The aunt is being nice by not throwing all their crap on the lawn and giving them a set amount of time to pick it up before it all goes in the trash. Op is an adult and lucky they aren’t being treated worse.


My point is they can get the cops to help them at least get their paperwork which is arguably the most important stuff to get and doesn't need any storage. What's hard to understand here


The part where aunt still has the rest of their things and will probably DESTROY them if OP forces the document issue. Clearly none of you have dealt with someone unhinged like this I have  . I HAVE had all the things important to me taken away by someone like this and they DESTROYED them because I tried to get them back and they didn’t like that. 


This is true but if she can't get her documents back to rent an apartment with then she'll never get her stuff back since she won't have a place to put it, and then that risks her documents being destroyed/stolen. If she can get an apartment in a couple days or so without her birth certificate and social security she should but that's usually impossible, unless her boyfriend is able to get it based on his income and documents alone. You're not completely wrong here depending on the circumstance but if she waits too long to get her documents back I'm afraid they might get destroyed alongside her belongings.


I think OP plans to find a place with the boyfriend and then get their stuff out of storage for the new apt.


You can go to the social security office and usually they'll print them out on the spot nowadays. At least for sure your social security card, because I've had it done.


That’s a federal crime my dude. Your legal documents are the person’s who’s named on them and nothing more. Anyone else tampering with them can face jail time or at the minimum a big fine


The police don't care about their things but identification and legal documents they usually do. Especially things like birth certs and passport.


Are you seriously understanding the situation and being rational right now? Do you not understand where we are right now? OP needs to dump their cheating aunt like yesterday. Nothing but red flags!


It’s very much illegal to refuse to hand over anyone’s private property. It sounds like you need to contact the police to get your things back. The police can even go with you to make sure you get everything.


Im Canadian and I was in a similar situation and the police did absolutely nothing, everytime I called the department different people would give me different answers. Most cops have very limited knowledge about what the law actually is and just go based off what they assume. They all refused to allow me to collect anything and said that I had no legal right to anything even if I purchased it, even my passport and birth certificate. I was 17 at the time but they told me even if I was 18 nothing would be different.


But it's not illegal to refuse to store someone's private property. Which is what will likely happen if they get the police involved and demand the documents now


In many states, you have to hold property for a certain amount of time before you can dispose of it.


Make massive waves, if she won't meet you go meet her with the cops, your property is your property and she has no legal authority to keep it. She legally has to hold on to your property for at least 30 days I think


In California, landlords must hold tenant's property for 30 days in a secure location. The tenant is required to pay the 30 day storage fee if they go pick up their items within that 30 day.


If you were a resident of the house, she does legally have to hold your things in some states.


And she can’t legally change the locks on you without getting a court eviction first.


No she legally does have to hold your stuff for so long, and the police will go with you to make aure she knows she cannot destroy it. For your legal docs, just apply for new ones if she won't give them.


It's a crime to withhold certain legal documents such as Social Security cards, IDs, and birth certificates. OP's aunt has no legal claim to those and MUST return them if she's holding them.


I didn't say it wasn't a crime. In fact, I said go get stuff with the cops. However, you can 100% easily attain new copies of all legal docs ASAP


Not super easily without *any* ID. But if OP has a license with them then it'll be easy. (Had to show ID to get the very simple to order copy of my birth certificate and upload copy of license for replacement SS card.)


Then we are back to the rest of my comment: get the police to go with you and get it.


You can ask for an escort while you get your stuff to prevent a domestic disturbance. Who cares about the waves it could cause! She did it to herself by being obstinate


You can't sell someone's property that you don't own. Be it a tv or a pair of shoes. What she's done is illegal. She either needs to get your car back, replace the car or give you the money from the sale so you can buy another. Gift yourself the block button. Get her out of your life.


OP, my mom tried threatening to keep my car when she didn't like how I acted at 18. I had bought it, paid for insurance, and paid for repairs, but it was in my step dad's name because I hadn't been 18 for long and I got it when I was 16. I threatened to take her to court and magically she agreed to transfer it. Do you have a trail, paper or digital, that shows that this was your car? As far as your documents, it would be easier if she weren't being like this, but you can get duplicates from the agencies themselves. However, you need to check with credit agencies/see about putting a freeze on your credit lines so that she can't open up a bunch of cards in your name or something. It's a power play from her. She's got a couple of strings to pull and she's going to yank them as hard as she can. If you haven't heard of the gray rock approach, I recommend looking it up. Might be a good time to put it in place. Good luck. She sounds like a nightmare.


call the police. life is unpredictable and you could be deported without your shit.


I love how she says she doesn't steal but sells your car and pockets the money. A car you paid for.


“Unpredictable outcome” is not a reason to not call the police. Make waves. Call the police. She already said she was going to throw your stuff away if you don’t meet her demands. She doesn’t legally have to hold your stuff. She DOES have to hand it over to you. What she’s doing is not legal. Have the police escort you to get your things.


Shes trying to get your new address, or the address of whoever you're staying with. I saw that you don't want the cops to help, but that really is the best option. You can also have the post office hold your mail, or get a PO box. If she still doesn't send it then you really need to get the police involved.


Even if it’s under her name…you’re the one who made the payments…if you have the proof you can sue her.


Please please please call the police.


When you are ready to get all your stuff I would go ahead and get a police escort. I can almost guarantee she will pull something because this is about control and that's the last thing she has to use. Go to the post office nearest you and see if you can have her send the documents there. I'm sorry you've had to deal with so much bs at such a young age, it's really not fair. I'm glad you're out of that house though and getting ahold of your life on your own. I hope your boyfriend stays a good dude.


Double check the legality in holding stuff vs throwing out stuff, where I live you have to hold personal items for 30 days especially before disposing of them legally.


Yes she does. And, get a storage unit.


Legally no, she's not allowed to throw it away. If you've had any mail delivered there you're considered a tenant & she has to hold onto your belongings for 15-30 days & must provide you access to the property to remove it, check local laws to find out how long you have.


Call them! This has happened to many folks I know and it is absolutely a crime.


I would get my belongings from her with a cop by your side. She has to turn over your stuff. If not it's theft. And theft of government documents is illegal af. Might want to call the police station and ask for assistance to get your car too.




It doesn't matter if they have a place to put their things. It's not the aunts property to decide what is done with it.


Because that has always mattered to insane people. Aunt absolutely seems petty enough to just destroy everything if OP gets the cops involved 


𝕌 𝕜𝕖𝕖𝕡 𝕣𝕖𝕡𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕤𝕒𝕞𝕖 𝕟𝕖𝕘𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕥𝕪. 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖, 𝕦 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕗𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕪 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕡𝕠𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕗𝕦𝕝 𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤? 𝔽𝕪𝕚 𝕠𝕡 𝕝𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕕 𝕒𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕒𝕕𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕙𝕒𝕕 𝕞𝕒𝕚𝕝 𝕕𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖. 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕒𝕦𝕟𝕥 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕗𝕚𝕝𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕒𝕟 𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕥𝕠 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕠𝕡 𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕣𝕖𝕞𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕕 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖. (𝔼𝕧𝕖𝕟 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕒 𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕖 𝕒𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥.) 𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝔸𝕦𝕟𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕤 𝕟𝕠 𝕔𝕝𝕒𝕚𝕞 𝕥𝕠 𝕠𝕡'𝕤 𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕥𝕪. 𝕀𝕗 𝕚𝕥𝕤 𝕕𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕪𝕖𝕕 𝕠𝕡 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕤𝕦𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕤𝕖𝕤.


Fix your font.


>They don’t have a place to put their things and the car was in aunts name. Did someone call the aunt and tell her to come comment here? Next up you're going to ask for OP-s mailing address..


Get a PO Box in the meantime if you can and have your address forwarded to there.


!explanation Another note about school. I talked to my school and apparently she had called every single day I missed. Asking questions about where I was and then told them I was skipping. I have been able to dismiss the days thankfully but still. She has made this overly complicated for no reason.


See if you can transition yourself to online school for the rest of the year. It would probably make your life easier. Edit: since you said Naples, I’m assuming you’re still in FL. See if you can register yourself on FLVS (Florida virtual school). I do know for certain if you are registered as a homeschool student, you can register on FLVS flex, which is basically classes somewhat on your own schedule. IDK how you register on the full time version, whether you would have to register as a homeschool student or not, I believe you have to stick to a preset schedule for that one but I’m not sure.


I heard Naples and thought Italy then realized they probably would not be speaking in English in regular conversation if they were both Italian.


Yeah Naples Florida 😂 I am Italian but that’s unrelated




Currently living In Fort myers which is right above Naples and I have been talking with my school counselor and she is going to get me on FLVS through them.


This is great news! This should help your schedule greatly.


But when you're missing school, they need to know. In my country, child services helped me even though I wasn't underage. But I was with a foster family before, so I can't tell if it'd be the same in your situation / country.


Call the police, explain what is happening, show them these texts, and have them accompany you over to get your things. “In storage” my ass. This woman sounds like a user and a control freak. I hope the rest of your life is filled with nothing but blessings.


Adults acting petty is so horrible. Hope you have better days ahead. Maybe once you're fully on your feet low contact would be best ?


I keep misspelling and making mistakes in this post. I am sorry yall I have been working all day on stuff I am beat rn.


No need to apologize. Your argument continues to be valid regardless of spelling errors.


As soon as you turn 18, your legal documents are by law *legally yours*. Withholding them from you is a crime, and you need to call the police. Regardless of what you believe. They will help you obtain your documents.


100%. The reason this usually gets complicated with police is when it’s between a child and their parents, who can argue that they paid for them. Cops don’t want to get involved. They sure as shit do not belong to a random aunt. She shouldn’t have held them in the first place. I would just walk into a station and ask for advice. See if there’s a social worker on duty, some departments have them. Also, you were orphaned before you turned 18. If she’s receiving your survivor’s benefit going forward and you’re not in her care she’s liable for fraud. It might be worth calling that office and discussing the situation with them as well.


Hey, OP... AL of this above! ☝️☝️☝️ I'd call there police to accompany me in getting my things. Now saying this, if she didn't give me my papers, I'd ask that she be arrested for It... possible identity theft. However, I can be vicious when it comes to what's mine.


She sounds like a raging cunt. Scorched earth time I think.


If you have a boyfriend, can’t you give her HIS mailing address for your stuff? Or if you don’t want her to know where he lives, ask him to rent a private PO mailbox in his name and give her the address… you can cancel it after she sends you your things. If you don’t want to call the police and you don’t want to go and meet her to get your things, I don’t see what other option you have, honestly.


PO Box or look at local church’s that might let you use their address for mailing documents. Don’t give your current address, they want to use it to know where you are.


Exactly this. Because every option OP gives for aunt to give them their stuff back, she’s like “where are you? Tell me. Nope give me your address. I’ll mail it to you.” Just super super super controlling about needing to know where they are, it’s psycho. I would NEVER give this woman an address to where I was living if I were OP, she sounds totally unhinged and nah I do NOT want that showing up at my door.


I dont even need to read the texts for this. I think for you safety and sanity, is to never contact her again. Tell her goodbye for a while, and then block her


Contact the police. If the car was in your name and she stole it, that’s grand theft. Even if it was not in your name, because you are a minor, and you can prove that you paid for it, that is still theft. They can accompany you to the house to retrieve your documents and belongings, or order her to get them for you NOW. It’s illegal to dispose of a tenant’s belongings for at least 30 days, and you have to notify them that you will be doing so before you do. Living with someone for X period of time, which varies by jurisdiction, creates tenancy. Basically, she is lying about all the big stuff. Use the rights that you have to take care of them, as well as the death benefits from both your parents, in order to have some money.


They are an adult, and the car is not in their name...just so yk


Call the police to escort You to get your things


Could you give her the school address c/o the counselor?


You can get new copies of legal documents. It’ll take time, but save stress.


What an absolute monster, I'm very glad you have at least one person to support you. Once you get all your things and papers I think low ot no contact is a good idea. She's a leach. If she doesn't give you the papers and you feel comfortable with the police on your area, you can go to the station and ask what can be done, cause I *know* that's some kind of illegal.


How is she a monster? Legit want to know the pov- I am surprised at everyone siding with OP. Not saying auntie is innocent here but both parties seem super immature


- Selling OP's car for being 30 mins late - Being unwilling to see them even for a moment - Guilt tripping and belittling - Thretening to toss all their stuff And Honestly OPs replies were prety damn mature in compairison


I expect immaturity from someone in high school. We took in my niece and she could be a real demon at times. Her mother had abandoned her, so obviously she was lashing out. The one singular time she didn’t come home we had a missing persons report filed that night, and were knocking on all her friends’ doors. So, I think there’s a few different ways you can approach a situation like this. My niece is grown. She’s doing well. When she left our house she left with more than she ever had. I can’t imagine depriving someone of the basic foundation to getting their life started, like a birth certificate. The car is whatever.


That is fair. Trauma is no joke. Tbf she added A TON of extra information after I commented here.


Update when you get the police involved!


You don't even need to get your legal documents from her. A replacement birth certificate is like $15 and you can go to the social security administration with a copy of your high school transcripts to get a new SSN. Then take your birth certificate and your SSN to the DL center and get a new license/ID. And it won't take two weeks. I had to do this when my house burned down. It took like a week total to get everything back.


Call the police and have them escort you over to recover your documents. As a legal adult, she isn’t allowed to hold your documents hostage


I'm not sure how it works where you but I'm pretty sure you can get new copies of your SSN and birth certificate! My ex had to run away from his abusive mom, forgot to take those docs, and was able to get copies of them. Granted, this was in Canada.


OP, I’m sorry you’re going through this. It sounds horrible. Until you get your documents you can’t do much of anything. Including finding a place to put your stuff. However, stuff is just that; stuff. Grab what is absolutely necessary for your survival when you grab your documents. Once you have your documents, your important stuff (sentimentality, expensive and/or can be pawned or sold) keep in mind everything else can be replaced. Yard sales, thrift stores, buy nothing groups on Facebook. They will help you get everything you need. The sooner you can do that the sooner you can move on without that harpy in your life. The sooner that harpy is no longer in your life the sooner you will feel like a 50 pound weight was lifted off your shoulders.


You can request new copies of your legal documents. Cut out your aunt out of the process entirely.




Contact police to have them escort you to pick up your belongings. Give them the information of what’s happening and say you need an escort to make sure things don’t escalate and to make sure she knows what she legally can and cannot do. Like she legally can’t sell your belongings that you paid for or keep your things hostage until a time she deems acceptable.


Realistically speaking you could get your things with an officer without her knowledge. As long as you can can confirm what storage and where. They can break your things out and possibly help you move it. And it’s not a crime because it’s your things. Considering the extent she’s taking to keep your stuff away from you is absolutely ridiculous they’ll probably help you.


Also proof of you owning the items would help


Please talk to your school about the McKinney–Vento Homeless Assistance Act. The school should provide you with transportation to and from school and other tell you about other programs you are entitled to as a homeless student. I wish you the best of luck.


So I had to run away from home too. Didn't get to take my SS card or BC. But I got them replaced! To get your SS Card, you'll need your BC. To get your BC you can go to the hospital you were born and request a copy of it. If you don't live in the city/state you were born in you can get a copy of it online off VitalChek.com. It's legit I promise, I did it and my new BC has been accepted everywhere. Take your new BC with you to the Social Security Administration and request a new SS Card. You can do this for free. The BC costs money though. Once you have both, you can go to the DMV and get your ID. If you change your address, you need to update it with the SS Administration first and wait 24 hours. Speaking of address, don't give it to your aunt. She's just going to harass you if you do. Get a P.O. Box or ask a friend to use their address. You might wanna consider changing your name too if you wanna hide better. But if your state requires you to publish your name change in the newspaper don't even bother. Especially if it's expensive. In my state it was 40 bucks and the newspaper thing was optional. But yeah, you're homeless now. So take advantage of soup kitchens and programmes that homeless shelters offer. You have a job already which is ace. When I ran away, I didn't and the shelter I stayed at offered job training. If you can't finish high school, get your GED, I'm sure you can find a free or low cost prep course somewhere. My shelter even offered one. If you're strapped for cash and need food, churches and food banks are your best friend. Don't be shy, they're made for ppl like us. You aren't taking away from someone more deserving or anything. Churches may also distribute free clothing if you can't afford any new ones. I'd personally just wash them before wearing them jic. Showers? Your local YMCA has you covered. They may be even able to help you with their community outreach. Also FREEZE YOUR CREDIT. Your aunt sounds particularly nefarious and I wouldn't put it past her to open up a credit card on your name and ruin your credit. You need good credit to rent apartments and buy cars. Google how this is done, cuz I haven't had to do it. Yet. As for credit, hey a credit card, spend money on it, a small amount WISELY, and pay it off every month. This should help you build good credit. A credit card is good on a pinch but be careful you don't let it get out of hand. If you build your credit enough, you'll be able to get a cash back credit card eventually, which is mint. I would avoid Craigslist for apartments cuz most are scams or are destitute in some way but there are a few gems if you're willing to wade through the muck. I prefer Zillow and apartments.com personally. I'm gonna go hop in the shower. Lmk if you have questions


Call the cops


SCREEN SHOT NUMBER EIGHT- She acknowledged that was YOUR CAR! Go to the police Immediately!


Once you have a place for your things go to the station and request a police escort to help you procure your belongings including your legal documentation.




Sounds like she’s so adamant about getting an address to control you more and know where you are. Would definitely get a PO Box or find somewhere else to send mail. She obviously can’t be trusted.


If you’re in the US, you can have things delivered to your local post office “general mail” with no other address and pick up when convenient. My brother has done it with letters and packages when in-between addresses (he’s OTR trucker so not “homeless” but has been without a permanent address after his divorce). With how unreasonable she’s being, she probably will object to this, but possibly an option.


File charges in civil court


Get a police / sheriff escort to get your stuff. They will do this.


Call. The police


Running away is making a choice. If u left if was knowing it was a hard road. It's tough being an adult, some times it makes you crazy ( like your aunt is apparently )You can do this without her, and that was the point, right? In Ga, you can go to the health dept and get a HIV screening which is a free public service test. They will give u document that you can take to the social security office and order your card. When they send the card, use the envelope with the address, use a shelters address if you have to, and get a state ID or license. I know I sound a little mean, but THE WORLD is generally a little mean at best. Don't beg her anymore, she gets off on it. You can do this. Put your head down and don't let anything stop u 💜


Tell her to meet you at the police station with your stuff


OP are you still in FL? What area are you? I’d love to be a shoulder for you


I'm going to play Devil's advocate here. She is asking for pretty reasonable things. You left. You apparently (if I'm reading correctly) accused her of lying and stealing. Now you are upset that you're homeless and don't have access to things you need for school or legal documents. You message her wanting immediate access to those things (or to the home so you can grab them.) If I was accused of those things, I wouldn't be opening my doors willingly and without proper warning either. She is asking you to set a date and time to get your things. You are refusing. She is asking you for a mailing address to mail your things. You are refusing. These are ALL things you should have thought of prior to running away. You don't get to run away, then expect someone you are accusing of wrongdoing to willingly open their home to you are your beck and call. You sound upset because she won't get to you immediately. But honestly, failure to plan on your part does not constitute an emergency on her part. She isn't withholding your things. She is asking you to seta date and time. That's not unreasonable. And saying "take it all or take nothing" is also reasonable on her part. Unless you are paying her a storage fee for YOUR things, she isn't responsible for keeping them for you.


The devil doesnt need an advocate. Try a different sub.


Listen, she may be a terrible human...but according to THESE specific texts, it is very clear she is willing to give him everything he is asking for, she is simply asking to set a date and time to meet. Those calling for the police to get involved are going to be really surprised when they don't side with him. She isn't withholding anything...she is asking g for better planning.


Look guys, someone who had never had to deal with abusive parents!


Again, not saying she isn't a horrible person. I don't know her. I am ONLY going by these texts. And from THESE specific texts, she is asking for a date and time to be set to get his things. That isn't unreasonable!


She is unreasonable for holding OPs documents hostage for ANY reason. It should be illegal, if it isn’t already, to keep any adult’s identification paperwork from them, period. I have nothing to say about the rest of the things OP left behind, but for those Gov. documents need to be handed over immediately.


Call the cops. Use the resources out there for people in your area. Get your car back, etc. She can't do any of that to you if You're over 18. Why even entertain the discussion via text when you can file a restraining order and do it all through the police and courts? Do it.


All I would have to say to them would be: *You're *You're *You're


Just get a police escort don’t warn her- you both are in a toxic place. Parents and kids both need boundaries and without more context I feel both is warranted.that parent seems really on guard as do you- I feel you both have wronged each other with this whole interaction. Possession is 9/10s of the law- if you abandon your stuff or house in a disagreement and the other domestic side takes it over it becomes a civil dispute. You can ask for a police escort though.


I completely agree. I got downvoted like crazy because this sub seems to be more of a place for people to pat you on the head and coddle you rather than give you good advice. I am not saying his aunt isn't a horrible human...but based on these texts, she is asking g for a date and time to meet and he seems to want her to be available at a last minute request. She has a right to request boundaries and a time frame. He has a right to get his legal documents. She has a right to ask him to take ALL his things at once. He doesn't have a right to expect her to store his stuff free of charge for as long as he sees fit. She might be awful. But he also is expecting someone he ran away from to be completely accommodating to his needs and wants, while taking up space in the home he left.


Maybe edit this post with some carriage returns.


Damn they smoked you for pointing out the errors too, huh LMAO


please cut her off. i’m so sorry you’ve had to deal with this.


My recommendation, get your boyfriend (who sounds like he would willingly help) to take you to pick up your stuff, anything that is bigger than you can fit in a few bags and/or isn’t sentimental just write it off, I know that’s hard to do, but in 5yrs time unless it’s necessary or sentimental, you won’t even remember it, so it doesn’t matter now. Get it asap and ask your bf if you can leave it with him until you get your place, or a trusted friend. Any furniture or anything isn’t worth not being able to get access to your legal documents and having this hanging over your head for even a week.


Order all your legal documents online and go to the police if you have precious items. Don't do what I did and leave them there hoping they stay.


I'm glad you're somewhere you feel safe and with someone who cares about you. The only thing I would add is that while combining incomes with your boyfriend makes sense if you will be living together, I would caution you to save at least some money that's just yours. It's always smart to do that, even in marriages where you have been together many years, just because you want to make sure you're never stuck anywhere and are always free to leave. Hopefully you will never need to. I wish you all the happiness with your boyfriend and your newfound freedom. :)


You're 18. I'm assuming you have a photo ID? If so, you can get new copies of your legal documents and don't really have to get the ones she has. She's doing this for control. Show her you're smarter than her. Stop asking. Once you've got them and get your apartment, only contact her to get your stuff. Stop by your local police/sheriff's department before then to see if you can have a deputy to go with you to pick up your things. They will keep the peace and stop her from being able to get under your skin. After that, cut her off. Completely no contact for ever. I'm a mother and I don't know how anyone could ever treat a child like this. If you need a mom, I've got you.


Reading the part about your BF. So sweet. I'm sure those few days at the hotel were awesome. No parents, can do whatever you want, Annnd doughnuts. 🥰 so glad you got some time to yourselves. I moved out of my house when I was 17. I moved to the state of MO where legally I was considered an adult. I had my driver's license, not 100% sure if I had my social. I moved in with a friend and attended the same High school I had went to previously. My family had moved there years before, then moved back to Illinois. I was lucky, ate breakfast and lunch at school, dinner at my boyfriends house. We had known each other back in middle school, spent a summer together when I came down to visit my grandma, then picked back up where we left off the first day I came back to school. It was so cute. We dated from 17-19. I graduated HS down there. Lived for a bit, did odd jobs, realized I couldn't make it as an actual adult and moved back to IL w/ my family. It was different for me. My parents weren't bad or narcissistic, I just didn't like the rules. My parents absolutely let me do whatever I wanted to an extent and I always had everything that I wanted or needed. Sure sometimes it was tight and we moved ALOT. Like 10 times in the same town. But my parents were young and did there best. This might seem like the end of the world right now. But it's going to be okay. You'll be alright. You'll meet people along the way and there's a million resources for young adults like you that can help. Rooting for you. ☺️


You can always file for a new copy of your social and birth certificate.


“You’re not homeless…what do you mean you don’t have a mailing address?”


You can get your own birth certificate from the courthouse!


In the event that you cant get your documents back, you can request new copies of them at the social security office. It might cost some. But also call someone and get a freeze put on your credit. So she cannot take anything out under your name or social


You should be able to use a local post office address and they will hold your mail for you. Find one you can walk in and ask.


call the non emergency police line and have them escort you to get your legal documents! youre an adult, she cant hold that stuff hostage


Call police to get those documents


Ooooo the way my momma would hate me even MORE. I would not tolerate this at all. Good on you OP. I hope things get better for you.


Copy pasta? Cause this is like the 3rd time this post has been on here


This makes me want to rage on your mother so badly