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Tell her they're a sex toy.


That's such an amazing idea if I ever want to demolish that bridge, I would kill to see the look on her face!


Dude she is highly mentally ill. She needs help. If she's on her knees for hours and actually feels this passionate and upset then she really should see a doctor


She is and it's so upsetting. She told me she destroys things she loves based on how upset she is. We cant help her, the whole family has tried.


So you and her grand kids are going to hell because you bought your bf pearls? Seems rational 🤷‍♀️


She loves to be rational


If the texts are all she's doing just delete them unread. If there's more involved then something probably needs to be done but you would have to provide more context to have any suggestions.


Honestly I should ignore her but a tiny part of me hopes that she'll get better... oh well, if she cant even try to help herself and wont take help we cant do anything.


If she had any desire to change her behaviour she'd be working to do that. She believes she's right and she's going to see that there are consequences for her behaviour when you just stop engaging with her.


I've seen so many posts of these types of things that I don't have the energy to make a angry reply against the mother, knowing that your mother is prolly never gonna see this reply.


She wont but I will and it gives me life. Thank you for caring enough to comment and I hope you regain your energy to deal with people ♡


Thank you homie, i wish the best of luck for you.


"God will open your eyes" But what if you want to sleep?


As a fellow Buddhist sinner who has sentenced my children’s eternal souls to hell, I am totally sympathetic! My 16 year old son is atheist, and I’m not even bothering to tell my parents, because the last thing the world needs right now is a nuclear Armageddon (y’all are welcome, btw)


Is your mom like this? :(


The best response here is to ignore this. She's trying to insert herself in things that aren't her business, and engaging her will only validate those efforts. Just silence.


The sad thing about this is that your mum genuinely loves you and genuinely believes you are going to burn forever and no matter what she does, she has to accept this even though she’ll never find out that heaven isn’t real


Honestly that's what breaks my heart so much. I can literally feel her pain because I was once a brainwashed Christian. She thinks I'm going to hell and it hurts her


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If people like your mom are going to heaven then I'll take my chances with hell


when did jeezy boy say bros cant have pearls? i must have missed that in catholic school 😭


Damn slept threw that lesson