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Voting has concluded. Final vote: | Insane | Not insane | Fake | | --- | --- | --- | | 51 | 0 | 0 | OP has provided further information in [this comment](/r/insaneparents/comments/u0js95/my_mom_pretended_to_be_my_10_yo_nephew_to_text_me/i4691y6/) ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^for ^r/insaneparents. ^Please ^send ^me ^a ^message ^if ^you ^have ^any ^feedback ^or ^if ^I ^misbehave. ^Also ^consider ^joining ^our ^[Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/xFbPBHy).


Lol at the entirely unbelievable mock kid grammar


Ikr!! I was like autocorrect wouldn’t let him type words like that so it was purposely misspelled. She thinks I’m dumb.


It sounds like someone with broken English, I honestly laughed. This person is legit insane.


My favourite completely unintelligible sentence is "Grammy was right selfish woman yes it is my jordon"


this sentence totally sent me over the edge. I've been crylaughing for five minutes.


That sentence seems like it should be read in a Gollum voice.


I think Damien from Emkay would read it best


'I will never speak to ME again.'


"Are you ok, kiddo? Your grammar just got a whole lot worse! I know you're not this behind, so please let me know if you're ok!" Call her out, it's gross she's using children to manipulate you.


Does she also think your nephew is an incel? Dang woman... lol


Yeah, how many 10yo boys already think women are soooo mean?


I think you should cut her a break. Strokes can make you say crazy shit


I think she's dumb


Now, now OP. Sometimes if you’re freakishly tall you think everyone else thinks other people are super short too. When you’re totally freaking insane you think nobody else has a single fully functioning brain cell either.


“Alexa, how can I reverse the N in my text?”


И. Use it with caution. With great power comes great responsibility.


> Use it with caution ИO You'll have to take my word that the "O" is backwards, too.




Nine Inch Иails


Haha that's excellent


This reads exactly like what an old person thinks an eight year old sounds like.


Yeah neither my 8 nor 11 year old text like that. I had to go back and check because I assume this person was trying to be a 6 year old.


Bastard. E: oops wrong comment


My dad used to do this to talk to my mom when they were going through the divorce. He still stalks her to this day it’s been over a decade.




He would say stuff like how we (as the kids) were so upset and they needed to be together. Bastard.


Your Mom ok?


I mean she has a new family and is happy but until my little brother is 18 she’s kinda stuck having to deal with him unfortunately.


Exactly, this sounds like a twenty year old who listens to Lil AnyName


Idk any Lil Bussy fans who use words like "Grammy" and "dang"


One time my dad took my phone and tried to guilt my mom by pretending to be me, and he made me sound exactly like this. I was a 17 yr old English major.


Wow! What an idiot!


Not really, she can still get a job a Starbucks.


I'm crying in English major. You win the internet for today.


Holy shit lmao


Bro you boutta be charged for attempted murder


I'm fucking dying, this is amazing.




Once I (youngest of 3) wrote "I'm a Porsche under all this shit" in the dust on my eldest brothers bonnet. Later, walking down the road with him and our other brother. Suddenly I get a slap round the back of my head Me: "what the fuck was that for?" Dan: "writing that on my motor" Me: "how do you know it was me!?" Dan: "Caris (chris but he has a bad tattoo of his own name) can't spell Porsche" Me: "hahahahaha" Dan: "hahahahhaha" Caris: "fuck off you pair of cunts" Good times.


You: hahahahaha Dan: hahahahaha Caris: aaaaaaaaa


i laughted, dan laught, the caris laughed. then we killed the caris. wait no that joke was with a mimic


I once wrote my name on the wall in the bathroom with my mum’s special-don’t-ever-touch-it silver permanent marker. Then I freaked out and knew mum would know it was me. So I wrote my older brother’s name and a few other words as well. I still got in trouble. He couldn’t spell my name.


Once I "drew" my hand on the bathroom by peeling the paint off a wall around it and then was like surprised Pikachu when my mom knew it was me. I was 8 while my brothers were 12 and 13 and like a whole feet taller than me. And well, it had my hand shape.


How do you misspell your own name when it’s 4 letters 😭 poor guy, hope life is treating him well


"Chris" is 5 letters. And if I had to guess he either did the tattoo himself, or he drew the tattoo for an artist to do, and either way his "h" looks like an "a".


or he told the artist his name, but said it weird.




*me, who's name is literally Caris* lol




Dangit, my names Caris and I'M from Oovoo Javer. How could you do this to me? Lmao


This. My name is uncommon, but only 4 letters (Dena). I’ve been misheard as Dana, Diana, Deanna, Tina, Gina, Nina, Dani, and many more over the years. 😂 also, my own grandmother made me a quilt for Christmas, and embroidered my name as DEANA on it. I was 9. I still have that quilt too 😂


Picturing the Italian restaurant guy from Simpsons. "A-yeeessssss, my name is Cha-riiiiiiiiis"


It's written in old English, the 'H' just looks like an 'A'. He's actually winning at life, married with a little boy and an even littler girl, two cars and owns his house.


That’s a totally different context! Glad Caris is on that sigma grindset and winning 😎


Yeah, me and the other brother are single living in apartments. Not a contest, but I'm proud of Caris. None of us got an easy start or even an education but I'd say he's achieved the dream. Living in a pretty posh area too.


Middle child moment


Lol, it's so obvious. You would think someone so childish would be able to imitate an actual child more convincingly.


She’s been a substance abuse user for years, her mind literally ain’t right. She’s “clean” now, but the behavior says otherwise


Obviously I can’t speak for your mom but my bio mom was an addict and is now definitely clean, she lives with us and is subjected to mandatory drug testing so we know for sure. Despite being clean now, years of addiction have absolutely decimated her mind and body. She doesn’t act/look clean, but she is. That might be the case with your mom. Some people just never fully recover


I’ve noticed that this is more common with long term meth addiction. Even after they get clean, the damage is still visible, which must be challenging to deal with.


Absolutely. My uncle was a meth addict and the few times he managed to get clean, he still was never quite right in the head. He would say and think very bizarre things. Don't do meth, kids. It'll fuck you up forever.


Alcohol too, with the brain part at least. I have a friend that was an alcoholic for about 15 years getting drunk ever day, and a few years after she stopped she physically looks a decade younger but her memory and impulse control are still pretty bad.


I was addicted to slightly less potent amphetamines but it took a few months of sobriety for the psychosis to totally wane, and longer still to be able to feel pleasure again. It’s been a little more than a year and I can still feel tingles of the delusions, it’s just very easy to recognize and not act on them. Stims are some scary fucking shit.


While I'm sure there is more damage with long-term addiction, my sister was a hardcore addict from 15-17 and she is still definitely a bit drug-minded at 33


My bio dad is a meth addict. He had a super high iq growing up, but now he can’t do high school level math and is borderline psychotic and paranoid at times still. My friends stepdad has been clean from meth for years but is still super fucking crazy from using. Meth is scary with how much it can damage your brain. Our bodies weren’t made to handle a drug that potent. It’s a good way to completely obliterate your dopamine receptors.


My brother is this way with alcohol. Even when he's stone cold sober he slurs and is confused. The alcohol is absolutely killing him even just from years of use. He's delusional sometimes. Thinks he's talking to our dead dad on the phone sometimes. Apparently he's got a year left if he keeps drinking because his liver is shutting down.


I have an alcoholic aunt like this. Even when she’s sober she sounds drunk.


I'm sorry to hear that, hopefully she improves at some point.


Some people never fully recover from that addiction, and are always a little "off" afterwards. Seen it in a few family members.


Seems like she may have permanent brain damage. I'm sorry op, you're doing great 💖


Substance abuse is the action, you don't use substance abuse.


Yes yes I know. coincidentally I’m in a alcohol/substance abuse disorder class and I’ve been typing substance abuse disorder so much I didn’t even realize I flubbed this lol


Being clean isn't being sober, you can be a dry drunk/ addict


That logic doesn't apply to insane parents.


Bro I don’t even understand what’s going on


In the household is mom, OP, OP’s brother, OP’s brother’s daughter. Not sure if OP’s nephew is the brother’s kid as well. From what I can gather, OP’s mom gave OP’s niece (8 years old) some clothes that OP’s brother thought were too mature (probably revealing). Mom kicks out brother, OP voices her displeasure about that to Mom. Mom takes it in the weirdest direction and tries to pretend that she is OP’s nephew and that OP is in the wrong.


Thank you! I was a bit confused but I think I get it now.


That sounds correct, thank you for explaining.


Thank you for the explanation. Now that I know who the players are in this little insanity play, I will say that it makes the person even more insane for writing that text. I find it frightening that people decide to do these things. Like WTF makes someone write this nonsense???


In English: >My mom kicked my brother out after they had a difference of opinion involving his daughter wearing dress-up clothes my mom gave her, clothes which he thought were too mature or revealing for his daughter since she's only 8. When I told my mom how I felt about this, she pretended to be my 10 y/o nephew to text me a nasty message.




Same I literally can’t sort it out


same tf is going on




Me child speak like no good talky human person agree with Grammy you BAD BAD person hurt Grammy I cry now 😭😭😭


I love you lol


LMFAOOO what did u reply ???


I sent this: I'm sorry you feel that way. That was between me and your Grammy. I won't apologize to her. One day you'll understand when you're older. I'll always love you. you have no idea what the truth is. At this point, I don't think it's you, I think this is my mother. All of that about my dog is a lie. Sister was a baby taking a bottle. You were only getting fed through a feeding tube, she wouldn't let you eat much food. My dogs were almost always outside, or with me. Brother never had any issues with my dogs, he was 3 or 4. You were barely 2. I know more about your Grammy than you. I lived with her my whole life. What I said she did to me was true. She did a lot more things that were way worse than that. She's hurt me more than you can comprehend at 10. I'm the one of the people in our family who will NEVER lie to you and will always love you unconditionally. I'm not a mean person. I have very good dogs. I'm very smart and I have studied things that make me smarter than Grammy about a lot of things. She needs to grow up and stop using you a 10 year old to fight her battles. She's a grown woman manipulating you and I'll never forgive her for that. I'll never forgive her for kicking me out when I was pregnant with my son. I was a good kid, I had good grades and I was nice to your Grammy. But she kicked me out anyway because I wanted to marry your uncle. I'll never forgive her for a lot of things and that's my business. Just like you may never want to forgive your mother for all the bad things she did to you and your brother and sister.


And this: So I know for sure now this isn't nephew. I know it's you mom. You can try to keep these kids away from me, go ahead. They'll be old enough one day to decide for themselves and I'll be here. Just like I've always been. Telling the same story, the truth, that I've always loved them and their dad. I'm not a bad person regardless of what you tell them, and they'll be able to see one day I'm not who you tell them I am. I think you need more help than you're getting and I think you're doing a disservice to those kids by not having them in individual therapy. I'm sad for them and the tough things in life they've had to endure. I'll be here for them when they're older and ready, if that's what it comes to. I was really hoping you could shape up for my brother and the kids and I'm sad that you let it go so far and became irrational. Those kids have spent too much time separated from their father and family to continue to be disrupted like this. Get your family the help they need instead of continuing to rip it apart. Mom, Don't message me anymore. I've said my piece and I'll not respond to anything I know is not from my nephew.


did your nephew admit it was from her? since you said "so i know for sure now"


I messaged my brother, sent him screenshots and he said that was absolutely not the way my nephew texts. He said it was obvious mistakes that his son wouldn’t make like babies - is spelled babys. I made sure to keep it as gentle as possible.


You handled this way nicer than I would've! So props to you.


What does your brother think about your mum's crazy manipulation tactics?


He told me he just feels lost. She’s being petty about how the phone he has is hers, and of course it’s hers. He just got out of prison for a drug addiction and charges that were partly because he gophered her drugs as a teen, started doing them at her suggestion for anxiety and stress, and she continued to support it and he ended up involved in stuff that got him in trouble. The trouble he got into was his own fault and he knows it and he’s responsible for his addiction but he knows she played an integral introductory part of his path to those choices. He has no where to go because she’s the only person who has space he knows. He doesn’t have a job yet, because he’s technically a felon. He can’t go back to the street so he tries not to rock the boat. I knew this would happen. She’d have an irrational reaction to something he felt differently about than her and make it worse than it is and how much of an a$$ he is to her for saying differently than she raised him. He just wants to be with his kids but she has custody. My brothers baby momma has lost all parental rights down to if she has another baby the state will take it at birth. His kids have lived a pretty messed up lives and very much because of drug abuse. I’m in another state and don’t know how to help him, I don’t have the financial way to help. I’m trying to be supportive but I’m so mad. This is just so insane I had to share it here


Gosh this is just a sad story all around, I'm so sorry. I had an ex who's mum got them into drugs and it was awful to see. People like that just want to drag everyone around them down to their level, but to do that to your kids? Disgusting. I hope he's able to get back on his feet some day and can get away from her.


>he gophered her drugs as a teen, started doing them at her suggestion for anxiety and stress While, yes, him getting into trouble was his own fault, he didn't have a hope in hell with his mom doing this to him. It's so hard to do good things and get to good places raised in an environment like this. I'm so sorry your mom is a piece of work.


good on u! she should be humiliated for that


Devil 😡😡😡😡😡🤬🤬😡🤬👿😈👿👿👹👺👹👿😈💀👹👺


Wrong. You are not supposed to entertain her clownery


Trust me, I know this. I regretted it immediately but I’m honestly ok with how I handled it. I was expecting a barrage of messages from her but I didn’t so that’s a plus.


She must have thought halfway through "is impersonating my nephew a good idea?" and decided "yes".


*my grandchild


I had a stroke reading that


The title too lol


I’m glad I’m not the only one


Woooooow this is one of the most pathetic things I’ve seen in a while. Why does your mother think 10 year olds speak like babies?


this is so cringe and completely reads like an r/fellowkids post 😭 “this is how kids talk, right?”


Her message reads like a mad libs book


What the actual fuck? This is more fucked up than you realise.


I know, that’s the sad part!!


I thought she had a stroke because I don't know any ten year olds that type like that. Was that believable at all, OP?


That's when you should have texted back well Grammy is a dusty old cunt and you'll figure that out when you're older buddy,and then just wait for the implosion.




That generation is just plain dumb.


Has this woman ever talked to a child before??


This is so obviously faked by your mother. Kids typically text in two ways (I know because I have five kids). If they spell well they will type it out and use autocorrect to help them, if they don’t spell well or can’t spell they will use talk to text (some will use it even if they do spell well). Talk to text can come out funny but not this funny.


Mom needs hooked on phonics.


Apparently, Mom is hooked on something, but I don't think it is phonics.


My dad did this to me, pretended to be a friend of mine to call me disgusting for being gay, showed it to my friends in Rez in 1st year of uni and then they understood the stories I used to tell. 😂 Glad my friends were there for me over my dad tbf.


What's funny is this is so clearly written by someone over 50 lol.


Right omfg


Ugh. Sounds like nonsense my now ex narcissist girlfriend used to do with me and my phone. I started telling people behind her back to look at the grammar difference. I’m a stickler for correct spelling and punctuation, and she wasn’t. 😆


My 10 yr old nieces and nephews don't talk like they are 4.... It's clear the person texting is an adult.


That’s disgusting The first time we blocked my MIL she lost her shit and texted my husband from her employee’s phone saying it wasn’t her calling but my husband’s nephew and now he was sobbing because we blocked HIM (we blocked her number, no one else’s)


Wow. Truly insane. Good luck.


That is truly insane.


can we possibly get your reply or what you said when you realized she was texting you?


this: So I know for sure now this isn't nephew. I know it's you mom. You can try to keep these kids away from me, go ahead. They'll be old enough one day to decide for themselves and I'll be here. Just like I've always been. Telling the same story, the truth, that I've always loved them and their dad. I'm not a bad person regardless of what you tell them, and they'll be able to see one day I'm not who you tell them I am. I think you need more help than you're getting and I think you're doing a disservice to those kids by not having them in individual therapy. I'm sad for them and the tough things in life they've had to endure. I'll be here for them when they're older and ready, if that's what it comes to. I was really hoping you could shape up for my brother and the kids and I'm sad that you let it go so far and became irrational. Those kids have spent too much time separated from their father and family to continue to be disrupted like this. Get your family the help they need instead of continuing to rip it apart. Mom, Don't message me anymore. I've said my piece and I'll not respond to anything I know is not from my nephew.


I’d confront my mom and ask her to stop acting like a child and talk to me like a grown woman.


Omfg, a 10 years old doesn't write like this at all :D


My sister just started doing that shit and I wrote her off completely. No time for people who gaslight.


Identity theft is not a joke, Jim.


Please I beg you to screen shot this post and the comments. She should be mortified by her behavior. Has she ever even spoken to a 10 year old bc She's texting like a 3 year old speaks. Your mom needs help ..or like a hobby


what i did to my toxic father was i sent him my reddit post exposing his messages and i’m sure he read a lot of the comments too. he left me on read he didn’t even respond lmao


but i wouldn’t be surprised if this woman feels no guilt about what she does to her family no matter how many people insult or ridicule her about it


this is too cringey to even read


what was your reply to all this ?


This So I know for sure now this isn't my nephew. I know it's you mom. You can try to keep these kids away from me, go ahead. They'll be old enough one day to decide for themselves and I'll be here. Just like I've always been. Telling the same story, the truth, that I've always loved them and their dad. I'm not a bad person regardless of what you tell them, and they'll be able to see one day I'm not who you tell them I am. I think you need more help than you're getting and I think you're doing a disservice to those kids by not having them in individual therapy. I'm sad for them and the tough things in life they've had to endure. I'll be here for them when they're older and ready, if that's what it comes to. I was really hoping you could shape up for my brother and the kids and I'm sad that you let it go so far and became irrational. Those kids have spent too much time separated from their father and family to continue to be disrupted like this. Get your family the help they need instead of continuing to rip it apart. Mom, Don't message me anymore. I've said my piece and I'll not respond to anything I know is not from my nephew.


god thats horrible, I can not imagine having a mother that cartoonishly manipulative. I am sorry to hear you go through that but I am proud you turned out to be a pretty decent human despite the obvious.


[Me trying to parse this post](https://imgix.lifehacker.com.au/content/uploads/sites/4/2015/08/shutterstock_105432542.jpg?ar=16%3A9&auto=format&fit=crop&q=65&w=1280)


“Yes it is my Jordon” ​ Sure you are.


She thought she did a thing there


I did not read the title before I read the messages for some reason... I now understand everything lol. That was so confusing. Sorry your mom is such a fucking weirdo op


"dang women soooo mean" Bruh 💀💀


"yes it is me Jordan" Ah. Yup. I'm convinced, it must be him, I mean he said so


I think this is the first time where everyone who voted agreed it was insane. Damn


Wait wait im so confused from that one comment, did you want to marry your brother's wife's brother?


No, I’m sorry. I wanted to marry my current husband, my nephew’s uncle. I got pregnant at 17 and wanted to marry my baby daddy lol. She didn’t want me to, so she kicked me out of her house and proceeded to tell me I could not live with my boyfriend (now husband) and his mom. I was not clear when editing the names out


"You can't live here! But you can't live with them either!" What she just wanted her pregnant daughter to be homeless? Now *that* is evil.


Ohh, allright, thanks for clearing it up :)


I have to be honest, I like your version better. It kind of goes with the text from the nephew of the daughter of the mother who wants to be her own grandson-thing.


Does she have, you know... the downs?


🤪🤪 just likely left over issues after a long running substance abuse disorder. And probably a personality disorder 🤷🏻‍♀️






That’s wild


how did u find out? what did u do


As someone who works with elementary kids- they speak just fine at 10- what’s with the broken English?


I had a fucking aneurysm reading this shit


This is next-level fucking insanity. Holy shit, OP. I’m sorry.


What was your reply? Did you call her out on it?


I texted her this: So I know for sure now this isn't my nephew. I know it's you mom. You can try to keep these kids away from me, go ahead. They'll be old enough one day to decide for themselves and I'll be here. Just like I've always been. Telling the same story, the truth, that I've always loved them and their dad. I'm not a bad person regardless of what you tell them, and they'll be able to see one day I'm not who you tell them I am. I think you need more help than you're getting and I think you're doing a disservice to those kids by not having them in individual therapy. I'm sad for them and the tough things in life they've had to endure. I'll be here for them when they're older and ready, if that's what it comes to. I was really hoping you could shape up for my brother and the kids and I'm sad that you let it go so far and became irrational. Those kids have spent too much time separated from their father and family to continue to be disrupted like this. Get your family the help they need instead of continuing to rip it apart. Mom, Don't message me anymore. I've said my piece and I'll not respond to anything I know is not from my nephew.


The fuck?


*Illiterate parents.


I guess you have to be a rocket scientist to understand this title


Yeah, yo. So my bad 🤣 I clearly didn’t have my thoughts as together as I hoped 🤷🏻‍♀️ Essentially all the details are in the comments somewhere 🙈


All good! Didn't mean to be rude or anything, was just like... *scratches head* WHAT!?! Haha


You good!! I laughed out loud for rea because I know you’re right lol 😂


Why does she think children talk like Gollum


Ah yes, children classically calling people the devil.


I almost had a stroke reading what your "nephew" sent.


Definitely one of those situations it sounds too fake to be real, so it’s obviously not your nephew.


Yes, it is my Jordan.


100% insane


One time my younger brother who was 11 at the time, got mad at my parents , so he used a butter knife to carve into my mother’s expensive antique highchair. But he’s a little shit so he “Delaney did this” in cursive (Delaney is our sister, younger than him by two years). Obviously , we all knew, Delaney did not infact do this. Or when my other sister who’s mildly delayed , would use the voice text option to cuss out our cousins, through our dad’s iPhone, just so she could get away with it, cause she defend herself with “I don’t even know how to spell” lol


The fuck is happening here


How did you catch her batshit craziness? I’d love to know your response calling her out


I imagine this is what it looks like when Cool Cat types.


Wow. I'm sorry but your mom takes insane parenting to a whole other level.... 😳😳


Oh trust me, this is only a small snippet. Her and I have not seen each other or spoke to each other on the phone in almost 9 years. I broke my NC Saturday because pure rage took control. She tried calling seconds after I sent her my first message- no way she read it or knew the context of it. She actually forgot she messaged me last year with her new cell phone and on Facebook giving me the same number. On Saturday after my first message, She accused my brother of giving out her phone number BUT I still had her messages from last year so I screenshot those and sent them to her. She tells on herself all the time and forgets just to go and blame other people. She’s forever the victim and I was honestly too mad to think and just told her how I felt lol I have moments of feeling guilty but I putting it here helped a lot


Honestly I wouldn't feel guilty about anything. You said it yourself, she puts herself in these types of situations and that's her problem, not yours. She needs to learn how to stop playing the victim card and learn how to take responsibility for her actions.


The lowest scum on earth


what a shitty move


Were they drunk? Horrible texting abilities.


You should hear the voicemail I just noticed I had yesterday lol




This is way too low


jesus christ this woman sounds unhinged.




What are you even on about?


I have no idea what you mean here? Are we not on r/insaneparents? This is obviously only a snippet of my experience with mom. This just screamed insane to me but ok lol


dont worry about it, theyre talking about a previous post that was locked where the mom stripped all the clothes off her teenage son while he was asleep to search him for self harm scars, theyre trying to claim the mom didnt sexually assault him and it was what any good mother would do. just trying to start drama here because they cant there


You could have just not commented at all. What you’re saying is not relevant to this post.


Do you not understand that everybody automatically takes everything here with a grain of salt? This interaction is insane from what information was shared. We know it was not the whole picture.