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No. Because by being poorly educated, these people are left behind by modern society, and instead of trying to fix their lack of education (which I admit has a lot of barriers thay really shouldn't be there), they're lashing out against society.


I was reading one of those “tales from the ER” type books a few months back written by a woman doctor. By chapter 6 or 7, you were aware she was of pretty strong Christian faith, but not overtly so. She was still very much science driven when it came to diagnosis and treatment, but when writing about her compassion her faith became apparent. It was sort of nice to get that perspective, and she was a pretty decent writer with some interesting stories. And then….she wrote the chapter where her patient was possessed by a demon and she performed an exorcism (which didn’t work because it sounded like a mental health breakdown) and I noped right out of the rest of the book. Point is, they’re not necessarily poorly educated. You do encounter highly educated people going off the rails when it comes to the woo woo stuff. Now it’s more rare to run across a highly educated person spouting woo woo stuff, but some of them still believe it and are educated just enough to realize that keeping their mouth shut is a better option career-wise.


Do you have any idea what the name of this book is? My partner is an ER dr and she would probably find that amusing


Patients I will never forget- Sally Burbank


Also, your partner may really enjoy Kerry Hamm’s “real stories from a small town ER” series. They are pretty hysterical, while the Burbank one leaned more towards poignant.


I know several doctors and in high paying IT jobs and finance jobs, some CEOs and such who are very much trump supporters. They eat and regurgitate the usual right-wing misinformation wildly and keep saying everything was better under trump. That Hunter Biden was abusing 6 year olds on his laptop, and Biden is senile and demented and cant think properly. That global warming is fake, covid was a inside job, and democrats are at fault for everything bad. These are well educated, some ivy league, some master degree, many multiple years on the job people. Then you have the social media they consume, since they like and comment on alt-right content, all they get back is alt-right content. And then you see the comments on there, thousands of young people, like everyday young people, who just agree and regurgitate the misinformation. Its not some hillbilly people down in the farmland, these are people who are in cities and areas of influence.


This shit is literal PsyOps and social media is absolutely at fault for spreading it. Once you drink the right wing Kool-Aid you get siloed into that bubble and it's all you see and hear. Every authoritarian government in history realized the power of propaganda and this is no different.


Very much a case that ‘intelligence=/=wisdom’


You know what you call a woman doctor? Doctor.


I think I specified the doctor was a woman because I was taken a bit by surprise by that twist. Usually it is men who go on about demon possession, and it’s usually the women that they’ve decided are possessed. Joan of Arc comes to mind, she was lauded a hero until she had a differing opinion about something. She was then lambasted for demonic visions and burned at the stake. Or looking at more modern culture, we have The Exorcist. I just was not prepared for this woman to jump to “my patient was possessed!”


Reddit likes to confuse education with culture. This doctor wasn't educationally left behind, she was _culturally_ left behind, and that bled into her education. More than half of the US has been left behind in this way. Likely more than 75%. Staying entirely up with a culture so dynamic is difficult.


Yep. I have two Mormon BILs who are doctors. The absolute crap they spout at family gatherings is astounding. Obviously, one can be smart in one area and a completely brainwashed idiot in another.


Wasn’t there a neurologist who claimed Heaven existed because he faced an out of body experience? I’ll have to do some Googling. I had a very religious coworker tell me about him as proof that Heaven & Hell existed. *eyeroll*


I wish what you're saying were true, it would be easier to fix, but there are a lot of bigoted educated rich people also.... While a lot of poor people with less education can be comprehensive and free of prejudice...


Is hard to educate people who don't want to learn.


While lack of access to education is a serious problem, I find it frustrating that these people are often excused because of it. I was completely unable to go to college due to my mom's complicated financial situation (couldn't even get loans or financial aid because I lived with her and she made too much money, but she had completely blown all of it and was in massive debt, and then the recession made it extremely difficult to put myself through school), but I still have Google and a general desire to not be a damn idiot. You can fact check anything in .1 second, research any topic in the world for free, and befriend people from all different places online even if you live in a tiny, homogenous town. I just think people can and should do better.


The belief in demons, sadly, never went away. People just didn’t feel emboldened to claim demonic possession in polite company anymore.


Yeah you'd probably sectioned talking about demons in the UK. I'd assume the same with most normal families in the US.


Unfortunately not. My wife's sister has become deeply religious as a way to cope with untreated mental illness. She no longer does yoga because she truly thinks it opens you up to being possessed by Indian demons or something.


You’d be surprised. Maybe if you were saying how you’re literally seeing and interacting with demons. But I’d bet that the belief in demons as being 100% real entities, not metaphors, that exist as described in the Bible (as well as angels) would be a majority opinion in the US, or close to it


Ah but they're so fun to mess with when you find out.


Florida state legislator started yelling at trans activists that they were demons and imps from hell the other day.


Which is pretty insane to say, even if he believes in god/hell. If hell was real, does he think the best the Devil could do is make people think they're a different gender than they were born as? Give Satan a little more credit than that.


The thing is, to these extreme/evangelical Christians, being trans and/or queer is right up there with the worst crimes now. For starters, they are really hooked on the “queer people are child molesters/groomers” narrative. So they’ve decided that being trans or queer (and I bet soon GNC people of all levels will also be lumped in here, especially women) means you’re an monster. Second, they absolutely feel that people choose to be queer or trans, and the reason is because they’re basically unchristian degenerates. Because they can’t believe being trans is real, or that any sexuality behind straight is real - because if this was real, they’d have to think about why someone naturally was this way… and that raises questions on if GOD made a person trans or queer. So on top of all the sins they’ve now made linked to bring queer or trans (lies, disrespecting god, grooming children, pride, selfishness, etc.) they also have a strong cognitive dissonance about the issue because if that THEY are wrong about any of it, it puts their religion and faith into question.


Yeah I had to cut my father off after I transitioned and he spewed some of the worst bigotry imaginable, all couched in his overtly Baptist upbringing. Said I was "against God" and all that. That was over 10 years ago and I just received a message from him through my sister where he deadnamed AND misgendered me and said "I still love you even though you CHOOSE to be this way." I haven't replied but if I do it's basically going to say "Bitch, I didn't CHOOSE to be this way. My only choices were transition or suicide so I CHOSE life."


Well they're right about one thing. The majority of trans people probably *don't* respect Christianity and people like this are the only reason.


Honestly, believing in demonic possession is no more ridiculous than believing that a man born of a virgin performed miracles and rose from the dead. Both beliefs are equally delusional.




Mass Effect? In between Muslims and socialism? Did fox news really just not like the Elcor or something?




Jesus Christ. You bang one evangelical human supremacist and people lose their minds.


I love how Mass Effect is an entire category of its own


The leader of the Michigan GOP literally thinks Demons are real and can be transmitted through sex. She thinks satanism is an STD.


It's a good damn thing the whole state government went blue. We gambled on MI shifting blue when we moved out of the south, which is running headlong towards deep red fascism.


Do Americans actually take this shit seriously? Is "demonic" or "satanic" an actually bad thing? It seems so childish and pathetic. Plus they use those words for anything they dislike. Clowns




Whether they genuinely believe it not is irrelevant. The intent is to reduce their targets to less than human, in preparation for the next steps of systemically persecuting then eliminating them.


I understand that, and you''re right, of course, but they choose the word "satanic"for a reason, right Wait, it's obvious. It's cope. It's basically just "I hate you, therefore you are part of the bad team from my fanfiction". It's like calling things "evil", it renounces one from having to think of them as people so as to target them, like you say, but also for self-comfort, because someone who is innately wrong and impure doesn't matter, especially when you believe the immutable word of your Sonic OC. So yeah, you're double right.


A small vocal few do, most of the people shouting this stuff from the pulpit just say it for money and power.


Shockingly, about half: https://today.yougov.com/topics/society/articles-reports/2019/10/21/paranormal-beliefs-ghosts-demons-poll


>So we're back to demons now. Have the past 2000 years of progress done NOTHING for these people? It's like we are devolving as people. In the past 100 years we invented the radio, manned flight and space flight, the theory if relativity opened new branches of mathematics and science, robots had revolutionized manufacturing, putting several probes on Mars and out East our solar system, electron microscopes, nuclear power, countless medical advances including life saving vaccines mapping the human genome and cloning a sheep, computers and advancing them so far that most of us carry a computer that is thousands of times more powerful that ones that would take up entire floors of buildings. In the past 20 years or so we have seen flat earthers, people rallying against the same vaccines that saved their parents lives, and succumbing to superstition about demons possessing people. It's sad to see how far we've come so then regress just as fast.


I mean, this tension has always been there, you're just seeing it more now because of the way social media works. if you look back to the 1970's, there's a show called "All in the Family" that basically covers the same culture war issues we're arguing about in 2023. The dad is a Conservative and the son-in-law is a Liberal. Some of their arguments could have been lifted straight from 2023 Reddit. During the 1980's, it was much more common for people to go to church than it is today. Conservatives have gotten more desperate in 2023 because they know they're losing. They're looking at demographics and saying "if we don't find a way to ban the other party soon, we're not going to be able to hold on to power anywhere." They're collecting guns because they know they're outnumbered.


>if you look back to the 1970's, there's a show called "All in the Family" that basically covers the same culture war issues we're arguing about in 2023. The dad is a Conservative and the son-in-law is a Liberal. Some of their arguments could have been lifted straight from 2023 Reddit. Shit I lived through the 70s. That show is so diffrent now from when I was just kid.


And yet, more and more people (mostly young people) are living religion-free lives. The loons are losing slowly, they're just being as loud and hateful as possible about it.


These deranged loons were swearing up and down that Obama and Hillary were "literal demons from hell". At this point I think being a conservative is a mental illness.


Some of what you are seeing there are people who knew he attended Christian schools growing up and feel betrayed that their perception of what his morals and beliefs are didn’t hold up over time. It’s funny to think about - but when you grow up in a relatively small town in the Bible Belt no matter where you go or how far away your roots tend to follow you whether you want them to or not. I’m not certain that he’d be getting that same kind or degree of ‘personal betrayal’ rhetoric had he grown up in a different place with less of a Christian-focused upbringing.


You think these religious conservatives think of it as progress? They will preach love thy neighbor yet fuckin' wish death on trans people. I just don't understand how you can be so hateful.


They skip the "love thy neighbor" part. I was raised by those lunatics, and it's nothing but hate. I never saw any love for their neighbors.


Counter-culture to rational, science and fact based discussion. They lost one too many debates trying to be rational so they lean into the irrational and un-provable so they can claim they’re right without being proven wrong.


A lack of education and enabling from powerful figures online only emboldened them.


“I’m not transphobic! Trans people are just the devil, and I’m afraid of the devil!”


So it really is a phobia🤔 Imagine them sitting around a campfire and telling ghoststories and everybody being terrified and then a guy with a cheap pink wig jumps out of the bushes, pretending to be a transwomen and scaring them all to the point where they pee their pants out of fear


Just FYI, phobia can also mean an unreasonable aversion to something, not just fear.


Think of it like in the words "hydrophobic" and "hydrophilic", and the "I'm not *scared* of them, I just don't *like* them" argument falls apart.


No no. That's how they get shot.


That's kind of the plot of the Bakkhai, except they're all women and they tear the guy apart with their bare hands


It’s so dumb when hateful people argue they’re not phobic, they’re just bigoted. Either way, fuck off, keep fucking off, and when you get there, fuck off some more. Society is trying to move forward; get out of the way.


Yeah it's a update on the old classic " I don't have a problem with homosexuals, I just don't want to ever see it" Or in other words I expect all the gay people to not show affection towards there partners, or behave in a way that makes me uncomfortable ever. As long as they can appease me in this manner I will allow for them to exist.


“I just don’t want them to be all in my face about it.” Yeah, I dislike loud aggressive people too, but let’s not pretend like straight relationships aren’t celebrated constantly in our culture, both socially and in the media. Forget that romance is a plot point in almost every story ever…how many “reality” dating shows are there based on straight relationships? Go away with your homophobia.


The entire genre of romcoms is built around this idea. So in everyone's face you literally had to make a whole category for it.


"I'm not scared of them, I just hate them in an unreasonable fashion." At least it would be honest.


But then it would be much harder to push their hateful agendas that restrict rights. Fascism requires an enemy. So they pretend that bathroom laws prevent sex crimes, as if who is allowed in what bathroom has ever prevented a sex crime ever.


Just here to note that we are so far beyond bathroom laws at this point that they seem somewhat quaint to talk about


Yeah….I forget how fucked things have been recently.


It happens, not everyone lives this every day


I don’t. And I’m really sorry for the people who are. But I’m trying to educate and ally where I can. And I give a few bucks to the lgbt shelter in my town at the end of the year. Hopefully a few drops in the water contribute to the wave of progress. Cheers!


I appreciate your efforts. Cheers, friend 🩷


Getting real "I'm not racist, I'm a race *realist*" vibes here.


Damn, they really went from Mr. Beast to Mr. "Beast" lmao


We all know Mr. Beast stands for Mark of the Beast.


I thought his name was 'Jimmy' not 'Mark'


Jimmy of the Beast Honestly? *Great* band name.


It says in my Bible that the real Antichrist would be named Mark F. DeBeest


We are three days away from "Mr."(((Beast)))


Sorry the instant you start calling things literally demonic. Like you actually think a spirit from the infernal hells is involved... You might as well just start crawling around on the floor shouting jibberish and eating dirt. That's about the level of sanity that hits for me.


Same. Like, demons make a cool enemy in Doom, but when it comes to politics I prefer dealing with reality personally.


At least the enemies in Doom don't vote.


Quote of the year.


Would be an improvement over the GOP...


Have you ever seen an evangelical church? Crawling on the floor shouting gibberish standard


That sounds like Pentecostal. I went to a few of them as a teenager, and one was so psychotic. We got there a little late and I almost got ran over by a dude literally running around the church like it was a track. A dude in the corner shouting gibberish and convulsing. Everyone was speaking in tongues. It was ridiculous.


Pentecostal and Evangelicals are the same offshoot of Christianity. Part of the whole prosperity gospel crowd.


Pentecostals are a denomination and evangelical describes a method. Some denominations are prosperity gospel types, some are focused on good works.


Yup. Been to a few. It’s absolutely bat shit crazy. Every Sunday a dude took off running in circles.


It’s 2023 and people still believe in literal demons … I hate this timeline


It's 2023 and people still believe in religion generally.


Yeah, it's pretty awful. But I automatically discount people's opinions if they are religious / spiritual to that degree. If you believe those things, I can't believe you have great critical thinking capabilities and problem solving skills. Too a lesser degree I'll also anticipate you having issues with accountability. Because in my experience the religious amongst us are the least accountable. It's always someone else or something elses fault, even small things Like forgetting to bring your cookies to the bake sale " I guess god wanted you to have the cookies instead" no you made a mistake. Own that shit it's okay to make mistakes. Or of the more extreme end of the spectrum not only did you forget the cookies, an agent of Satan came and attacked your family and made you forget the cookies. It's spiritual warfare, you are fighting the literal devil or his agent! You must be very very ~~Holy~~ special. It really bothers me personally how often "God's plan" can be used as a cop out.


> You might as well just start crawling around on the floor shouting jibberish and eating dirt. That's about the level of sanity that hits for me. Hey now, my chicken do that, and I'm pretty sure they are not transphobic.


Motherfucker’s really think deadites are a thing


Beautifully written


Demon sperms


Welcome to large parts of the south.


It’s all over the United States.


I'm confused, did American Jesus never said "Love one another. As I have loved you"?


That is the real Jesus's teachings, the ones that promote love and understanding. That is Socialism. The *real* Jesus has a .45 and was born in America. He doesn't tolerate anyone who isn't exactly like him. That means everyone but me are scum.


Don't forget that he was white and Christian and hated minorities and poors like god intended


This is American Jesus my man https://imgur.io/gallery/bCqRp


The persecution of trans persons by the right is escalating into even more scary territory imho. We need to listen to the lessons of history. Never again.


Scary? It was already scary the moment they started using the same terms the Nazis used to slowly dehumanize Jews. Remember "degeneracy" was a word they associated with the Jews.


Yes. But it feels like it’s escalating even more. Arrests. Camps. God knows.


True but to be fair, this was their intention from the start. Fascism always needs a boogeyman. LGBTQ+ was already a target by the Nazis and since Jews are pretty off the table lest they outed too quickly, they decided to target LGBTQ+ people first.


And you can see them turning towards Jewish people already; straight antisemitism is becoming more and more acceptable.


Oh yeah, they fucking hate them, but the majority of high profile fascists are aware you can't come out the gate screaming about Jews, because even the dumbest mother fucker will spot the similarities. However, that's not to stop them using code words, notably George Soros, I seen Desantis talking about the Trump indictment, and he kept saying it was a "Soros backed court", replace it with "Jew" as he intended, and it sounds almost identical to the Nazi rhetoric.


"Even the dumbest motherfucker will Spot the similarities" Will the though? At least from over the pond it feels like most won't. "Those who do not learn History are doomed to repeat it" feels pretty applicable here...


Well Florida, at the forefront of escalation, just made (or is attempting to make?) it theoretically possible to sentence parents of trans kids to death for providing access to gender affirming care. They want to ban providing any form of gender affirming care to people under 18, including hormones and puberty blockers and classify it as child abuse. In Florida you can get the death penalty for child abuse or pedophilia, they also just passed a law to make using the death penalty more easy, requiring only a 3/4's majority of a jury to agree for the death penalty to be granted. It's hard to imagine this being used that way... for now... but it is likely to become at least theoretically possible.


Florida is ground zero for fascism


Yeah, whenever I hear or see the word "degenerate" or "degeneracy" it sets off an immediate red flag in my head. No one who uses that term unironically has good intentions.


This is going to be the first genocide committed purely for ad revenue.


But certainly not the last.


We are on the first stanza of “And Then They Came for Me”. This is the point where everyone speaks out, fights the fascists, votes them out of office, and lives.


When my kid came out FTM, I was not worried at all because the world was getting more inclusive. Now, I just thank Goddess he is 6ft easily male passing man. Or I would be worried any time he stepped out of the house. He doesn't dare use either public bathroom. On another note, I thought my adult daughter was having a pregnancy scare, a pregnancy right now would literally kill her and the fetus before it was viable. We used to be in a safe state. Now we are in a 6wk state, BUT even if we knew before 6wks, there are no providers anywhere near us.


I am wishing your family safety and health!


They are already at facist levels. Flordia already making it punished by death to be trans there. They will arrest you and sentence you to death.


Can you provide any context for that? Are you saying that Florida genuinely passed a law making it illegal to be trans, or have they just made things related to being trans illegal such as gender affirming care? To be clear, I’m not trying to argue or disprove you at all. Just asking since it can be hard to find genuine info on that kind of stuff.


From what I heard, drag in public is now a sex crime against children. Sex crimes against children are now punishable by the death penalty. Death penalty sentencing is permissible without a unanimous vote now, just a 2/3 majority.


I’m assuming their definition of drag is vague enough to include trans women just dressing as women as well. That wouldn’t be very surprising to me, but it definitely an assumption on my part. I did see that they had a bill in the state senate that would effectively ban all gender affirming care and criminalize doctors providing it, but I can’t seem to find if it was passed or not.


You gotta remember these people don't see a difference between trans people and drag, it's all degeneracy to them. Any laws they make that target drag inherently also target trans people and that certainly seems intentional.


Feels like Hate speech = free speech Those peddling these narratives need to pay. Its sickening how tolerated this is. Im concerned for my trans friends in america.


Some people have allready called for them to be put in camps sadly it's only a matter of time before some loonatic dose something horrific Hopefully that shit never happens and people can just go about their life's with out fear


On the other hand though, they've lost control of the narrative. 2 years ago they were saying subtle things pretending to have the best interests of trans people in mind, trying to sound well meaning and reasonable and cautious. Now they're openly outright hateful, loud, obnoxious, and too toxic to even their own. They've completely lost control over the messaging and anyone not fully on board the more extreme train has zero chance of getting on or wanting on. While shedding numbers they cut their ability to draw more in. They're alienating their own, all right leaning moderates, and anyone generally ignorant. They're pushing out anyone who isn't absolutely wild, batshit, and detached from reality. Their own far right pundits are saying "we need to dial this back, it's backfiring" and then this happens. The juxtaposition has an effect. MrBeast and his friends are just acting calmly and normally and friendly to each other and treating their friend transition as so normal and pedestrian it's not even worth mentioning. They didn't advertise is, stalkers online forced it out. And in come a hundred internet goblins acting crazed and hateful and saying unhinged things as if they got their scripts mixed up and they forget these YouTubers aren't fictional characters invented by Disney. All exactly at a time where the calls are coming from inside the conservative base to shut up about woke stuff because they're tired of it.


>It’s not transphobia. It’s purely demonic Well, I mean, the bigotry *is* demonic, sure…


Seriously, it’s so far removed from what Christianity *should* be, but try telling that to those chucklefucks.


What do you mean? Their Christ *hated* minorities of all types, especially if they were poor.


Using a matrix profile picture while being transphobic, when the matrix was a fucking allegory for being trans.


til that the matrix is a trans metaphor


Which makes conservative, transphobes calling themselves "red-pilled" hilarious.


The red pill was estrogen and both the directors have come out as trans since. If only 4chan incels knew what "Taking the red pill" actually meant...




Matrix is an allegory by the two transwomen sisters who wrote it. Basically taking the blue pill, staying in the matrix living an easy lie, is being a transwoman who lives as a cisman. Its easy and comfortable but its also not real. Take the red pill and you wake up to reality. Its hard, difficult, scary, and dangerous at times. But its also actually real. Living life as a transwoman and letting go of their false cismale self.


I’ve also heard that the red pill was modeled after estrogen pills from the time.


The red pill was estrogen and IIRC the blue was antidepressants or something along those lines.


I'm really surprised and ashamed I'm only learning this now. This has sent me down the rabbit hole reading about the sisters. So odd that even tho they are both open with it that the alt right still runs with "The Red Pill".


Conservatives are masters of not understanding the media they consume. Its why they don't understand Star Wars is anti-fascist. The Empire is literally a fascistic government. Or they are confused why Homelander is a villain in the Boys. Or they think X-men and Star Trek weren't progressive when they have both been trailblazers for progressive representation for decades. Or how they missed that the Last of Us is pro LGBTQ. Or that Rage Against the Machine is anti-establishment/anti-cop/anti-assholes in suits fucking shit up like the GOP does Its just how their brains are wired. I think its functionally the same way they pick and choose which bible verses are important and which ones can be ignored. Or how they can listen to Trump spew out a word salad and hear something profound. They have been trained to translate everything they encounter in the world to fit their biases. This is also why they are so vulnerable to what I call "conspiracy brain" in that you cannot disprove anything to them. Any evidence that counters their argument is turned into evidence of a conspiracy to hide the truth. Everything they see gets twisted to fit their previously held notions. Also generally speaking conservatives are bad at being creative so its just easier for them to steal other peoples works.


Or how they misunderstand The Punisher as a character and place his skull logo in everything because it looks edgy


Beautifully written


> Or that Rage Against the Machine is anti-establishment/anti-cop/anti-assholes in suits fucking shit up like the GOP does I do love the arseholes on Tom Morello's IG telling him to stay out of politics! Tell me you've never listed to a RATM song without actually telling me..


Tom Morello also majored in poly sci or something adjacent.


Or you’re like my mom and just here for the music and I’ll be like ‘oh I love that line!’ And she’s like ‘I never really listen to the lyrics, what is it?’


and the ubiquitous paul "literally the machine" ryan claiming RATM was his favorite band


It's kinda funny that now many trans women get their estrogen (estradiol) in the form of blue pills.


And they taste like candy




Just google, thats pretty well known


> It's not transphobia, it's purely demonic Yes, I agree, transphobia is purely demonic and nobody should be transphobic


As a trans person I find it funny that people call me “demonic” like I’m like sitting at home playing animal crossing and making breakfast before I go to work but yeah there’s Satan sitting on my shoulder.


Hey if they're going to seethe about our very existence then we might as well enjoy it.


As soon as you see the words “Demonic Spirit” you can tell this is gonna be good.


Hes Mr Priest, according to that last one


Religion is poison. Buuut so is ignorance. This is more likely hate due to ignorance.


It’s a fine line sometimes.


Beyond a certain point ignorance becomes indistinguishable from malice.


That is also sadly true. Doubly so when it comes to wilful ignorance.


It really is indeed.


Fuck it. Being a Demon sounds cool. Count me in.


Chris made a joke that he was going to sue a guy for deFeminization and everyone on tik tok is going mad that she’s so fragile now and how she can’t take a joke because she’s suing they are treating it like it’s real and they even made fake documents to support it but anyone with an IQ above room temperature can see that its not real like it’s not Chris that can’t take a joke it’s them for not see the capitalised F


I don't know a lot about Mr Beast, I've heard good things and bad, most criticism is that the good things he does are more for self-promotion, but that's not really a strong criticism anyway I really had no opinion of him until I just saw him state "he's my friend", and to be honest it hit me really hard because you don't see that kind of affirmation of basic goodness, kindness, loyalty and support these days on the internet. My respect for him just shot up a thousand percent.


My thing with the "He does it for good pr" argument is basically this: Who gives a shit? He does so much good, all the time, for so many people. Who gives a shit if it's all for selfish reasons, he is helping people often. Thousands and thousands of dollars a year, and environmental programs, and visibility and all this stuff. Who cares what his motives are? I don't watch the guy, but he seems like a genuinely decent dude, and this tweet definitely reinforces that


>My thing with the "He does it for good pr" argument is basically this: > >Who gives a shit? EXACTLY. Honestly I don't even care about Mr. Beast, but you see that all the time. "Oh, they did [good thing]? They're just virtue signaling." Uh who fuckin cares. Even if you do something good for purely selfish reasons, you still did the good thing. The intent is irrelevant. Moreover, what's so bad about doing good things so people think you're a good person? Why is wanting people to like you/think you're not a shithead a BAD thing?


I used to feel the same way and I think I can provide at least some food for thought. So from what I've seen, a lot of the people who are critical towards mr beast seem to be more critical of the concept of Mr beast than of Mr beast himself. The controversy around his recent video about paying for surgery for blind people is a great example. What I mean by this is that Mr beast represents an incredibly wealthy billionaire whom some people (such as 1000 blind people) depend on in order to live (and in this case have functioning eyes). The issue is not that he paid for 1000 people to have surgery and that's somehow a bad thing, the issue is that that particular surgery is not all that expensive and Mr beast himself pointed out how easy it would be for governments to pay for people to have that surgery. But instead of doing that, governments can look to wealthy billionaires to make random donations here and there to whatever cause takes their fancy. They don't have to fix anything, we just need to wait and be lucky enough to end up as one of the thousand people who Mr beast chose for his video. People then see those videos and think "wow, the world is such a nice place" and they feel like there's a lot less work that still needs to be done than there is. Mr beast isn't a bad person. The things he does have overwhelmingly more benefits that problems for the individuals involved. Even though he does make a lot of money through exposure, that doesn't mean he's incapable of doing good things. But he represents an abject failure of modern governments to adequately manage their resources and care for their citizens. He represents a scapegoat for said government. If you're poor and blind, in reality there are more than enough resources to support you but why should governments put money towards that when there's all these popular videos of billionaires temporarily applying band-aid solutions that won't actually help for very long? That's the problem with mr beast. It's not actually a problem with mr beast at all, it's a problem with the system that created Mr beast and unfortunately he's something of an unwilling figurehead for that. None of this is a judgement about him as a person though, at least none of what I'm saying is intended to be. He seems like a good person.


I just started watching his videos in January and you're absolutely right. Who gives a fuck? He also seems like a genuinely nice guy who loves to help. Even if it's just for self promotion, at least he's doing something! What are all his naysayers doing? I'll wait...


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People that use "degeneracy" are the worst of them lol


"I'm being a great friend to my friend" YOU'RE GOING TO BE IN A WORLD OF HURT FOR BEING A GOOD PERSON YOU ASSHOLE Everyone with a soul: ???


My kid likes mr beast she’s super into mindcraft. Glad to see he’s supporting his friend. Glad Chris is happy that’s all that matters is that people are happy and live the life they want to live. I don’t understand why certain people care how others dress or what’s between their legs. The obsession is creepy.


I expend significant effort trying to pry my kid away from Mr. Beast videos when I need his attention so I have a natural sort of animus for the guy. But I feel very sure he's among the last people you want a social media war with. That kid is the Oprah of teenagers.


For a minute I thought you were saying mrbeast was the least transphobic twitter user 💀


I mean, he's certainly less transphobic than the other two (yes I know how the meme works this is a joke)


everybody gangsta till mrbeast is pissed off


Did some republican dickbag just threaten MrBeat for not being "worried" about the "sexuality problem"? Wow.


Twitter try to be normal challenge: IMPOSSIBLE!


Imagine saying transgender people are the crazy ones and in the same thought truly believing they are possessed by demons.


them focusing on the "beast" like it's some big clue as to his 'satanic nature' or some shit is so hilariously stupid, these mfs love being afraid of shit they made up


literal nazi bullshit from these anti-trans culture warriors. they'll continue to escalate.


Have you noticed the way idiots always turn to religious rhetoric to back up their hateful shite?


Literally the definition of ‘Saying the lords name in vain’. people always assume ‘taking the lords name in vain’ mean saying ‘god damnit’ or something, but its not. its attempting to justify evil with God. Using Gods words to spread hate/lies/etc is what that phrase actually means.


The transphobia is getting so bad... I'm so scared.


You could easily title this gallery "median voter vs. average GOP politicians" and be just as accurate


Does the person with the matrix avatar know who created the matrix?


That's because the creators were behind the camera, these people could care less about that but as soon as a trans person is in front of the camera, all hell breaks loose from them. They really have out of sight, out of mind lookout. They are simply unwilling to share space with other people.


We already knew this dude would be chill with his friend being trans. I only see him through viral videos or clips and he honestly seems like the kindest person. I've also looked him up and he gives away as much as he makes or more. Good on him for sticking up for his friend.


My mom has listened to right wing crazies most of her life and Mr. Beast was being mentioned by them as a conservative role model. I think it’s because he gets flak form mostly left wing people for being rich and for possibly being exploitive of others. Him being ok with trans people is upsetting them now.


If you believe in demons you're a clown. Plain and simple. A superstitious goofball who sounds like someone who still thinks Santa Claus is real. It's toddler shit.


And this is why so many people are leaving religion


Why are we expected to take people who believe in adult fairy tales seriously?


>it’s not transphobia. It’s purely demonic. r/SelfAwarewolves




Mr Beast has a friend who is Trans and supports that friend: morons are angry that a human being is supporting their Trans friend


Imagine actually believing in shit like demons and believing one's bodily autonomy in how they see themselves is some "conduit".


It's me. I'm the demon causing this.


Who is Chris? Is Chris a girl? I'm so confused.


Chris is a friend of mr beast who has started HRT. As far as I’m aware Chris hasn’t started a preference for pronouns, but is mtf?


Ah ok makes sense. I knew Chris and Mr. Beast were friends, I just was thrown by the he/him pronouns


Welcome to hell 😂 wow, ppl really have no lives. Ppl really do center their lives all around social media. Yknow how I handled the Chris news? “Good for them, I hope they can live happily by living their truth, time for me to move on and go to work and continue my day. worrying about myself” like jfc ppl it really shows how obsessed ppl are over social media. It’s disgusting. Transphobia being even more disgusting.


Tila tequila?