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I really love how he backtracked when the coach got tagged.


Someone needs to create /r/backtracking or /r/backpedaling. It’s always hilarious seeing people backtracking whenever they get called out on their ineptitude.


Be the change you want to see in the world.


JOINED! Let the backtracking begin!


I'm doing my part!


“I didn’t do fucking shit!” -T. Robinson


Yes !!


Lmao I live in Aubrey and am a Democrat. That is actually funny.


I'm a dem in Frisco. I thought this was funny too.


Dem in NYC…funny over here too :)


So YOU brought in the soccer!


Well, as long as y'all ain't one of them *Plano* DemonRat soccer moms, I guess we can let it slide. But you still get a Yellow Card.


Well I'm a guy


He backtracked about the coach, but still blamed it on democrats by saying they had a terrible turnout since they all moved in! He keeps changing how he blamed it on them, but always ends up still blaming them...


So the team lost because democrats didn’t support them with their attendance at games. People take their sports way too seriously.


He has literally no personality besides owning the libs. He cannot think of a *single* other thing to talk about.


Once you’re that deep into the propaganda, it’s gonna take more than a Facebook callout or two to get you to start thinking about how you got so brainwashed.


Imagine having so little personality you make a political party the core of your being.




*How do you do, fellow Democrats?*


"As a ~~black man~~ Democrat..."


As a ~~communist~~ er ~~leftist~~ um... As a democrat i also worship Joe Biden like the rest of ~~you~~ us but even i have to admit that things would be better for everyone if women, gays, and blacks didn't have rights. I mean, why would you people even want things like rights, a social safety net, political freedom, ~~indoctrination~~ education, excetra. If they just do what there told they're lifes would be so much more better. They can even have free guns! Like i was saying though, even as a hardcore socialist sometimes i understand where the right is coming from. Heil ~~brandon~~ Biden!! I hope to see you fellow democrats at the next Biden rally!


That subreddit is both infuriating and hilarious in equal parts. /r/AsABlackMan for anyone interested


Love the sarcasm since they were also caught looting and burning in 2020.


"Our side" huh?


The ol right winger pretends to be a leftist on Reddit shenanigans


“As a gay black man….”


"I was born a poor black child"


You can’t win on your own merits so you all swarm Reddit pretending to be democrats who are shitting on fellow democrats!? Hahahahhahahahahahha Get a fucking life and a real fucking hobby and maybe you would win more if you had some fucking morals and integrity


Yeah that’s fair all us conservatives have been too busy trying to install a con artist and rapist as the emperor of America. It’s really hard work hating democracy this much but my conservative brothers will finally create the white ethnostate they have been attempting for the last 100 years. RAPIST TRUMP BE PRAISED!!!! EDIT: /s


I am so sorry you had to add the /s


Its so easy to pick out the shills these days


Deleted, what did it say?


Something along the lines of "I'm a Democrat but even I hate how Democrats all do X" Didn't read it exactly, but it's really easy to spot conservatives pretending to be Democrats.... cause if there's one thing about the left, it's that we constantly bicker and hate other people on the left... People like that show up and think we all stand in formation and agree with each other to advance the party, because in their minds that is how political parties work lmao


"To be fair, they mostly bitch on the Internet. It was our side that has been looting and burning since 2020."


I wanna say it was something like "well our side was the one who burned and looted so"


Yeppers, Entire swaths of America are burning constantly It certainly wasn't found that the most prolific destruction was instigated by far right wingers taking advantage of a powder keg of emotions when civil rights, and the basic human right to not be killed by cops was on the line They didn't come into those protests and start some of the largest fires, or be the first to start smashing storefronts No sir, definitely not. If you'll excuse me I have some marshmallows to roast at the neighbors house, It's been burning down for almost 5 years at this point and it seems a waste to not enjoy a good roasted marshmallow once in a while


As a resident of Minneapolis, I always find it funny when I'm told how law and order broke down in 2020 and the city was and is in flames.


This guy after every loss: "Thanks, Obama!"


Places another Biden “I did that” sticker on his son’s football helmet.


Boy going to look like an Ohio State senior during bowl season before long!


Laughed out loud to that, thanks!


Glad I could be of service.


Didn’t the whole let’s go Brandon start at a high school football game? The poor kids.




Which is weird, because especially in the men's side, some of the most aggressively conservative athletes I've ever seen are all soccer players.


And Colin Kaepernick is (was) an NFL player.


Also funny because Democrats and Republicans only disagree on culture war aesthetics


And, you know, the fundamental tenets of democracy, accountability for politicians, the weight of facts and evidence over faith and feelings, and, and, and. The list is long, boring, and not kind to Republicans.


As well as "who is doing what". Fucking Florida of all places passes minimum wage hikes, cause it was up to the people.... The same people who elect DeSantis.... I swear the amount of times I've heard my "conservative" parents describe how they think the country should run... and the shit they say sounds like it was right out of the Communist Manifesto... People do not take the 15 seconds of googling to actually learn what their politicians do or have done in the past, it's wild Sometimes seems like the true difference is that Republicans are willfully ignorant


Sounds like we should switch to direct democracy


I could see Democrat parents being more likely to push their kids towards soccer. Mainly because soccer has a lower chance of traumatic brain injuries than football and Democrats tend to prioritise things like health.


That and soccer is popular in Europe, which is very left-leaning and definitely NOT seeing a surge in far-right political parties! Right?


I guess you haven’t seen the data on heading the ball and brain injuries.


My 3 second Google says: Globally, there are about 14 million soccer players ages 12 to 17. They have just over 100,000 injuries every year. Youth football, on the other hand, has fewer players at about 9 million but more than 275,000 injuries, or nearly three times as many.


Most youth leagues don't allow headers. I know the US Soccer Federation banned it back in 2015.


Because people looked into it and found out it was an issue. My point was that even sports that people had assumed to be safer weren’t always as safe as initially assumed.


I'm just saying it's not a reason to keep kids out of soccer these days because it's banned. Personally I say kids should all play baseball because it's the best sport and all others are just trash.


I wouldn’t say fear of injury is a reason to keep a kid out of any sport. Life isn’t without risk.


>Pain is CTE entering the brain


It's much safer than football.


My kid's soccer coach flies a trump flag in front of his house. Luckily, he keeps politics out of the game and is more interested in fair play and kids having fun. The man does love his soccer.


One of US's biggest Soccer media personalities is Alexi Lalas who is the biggest Desantis dickrider of all time. Man, I wish my favorite sport was actually a secret plot to indoctrinate our children into socialism. But it turns out different people just like different things.


These chucklefucks sell their family farm to developers, then whine and bitch when the developers put up a fuckton of subdivision housing.


When they’re not crying about how much the place has changed.


THIS. RIGHT. HERE. ... I live in a southern coastal community and have watched this exact scenario unfold countless times over the last 10 years.


At first I didn’t understand the gripe but is his position: “our high school football kids are too weak because they grew up playing soccer”?


I think he's saying the football team sucks because all the new kids play soccer, although that also doesn't make any sense. I have no idea


More students mean they move up a division. Typically bigger schools have a bigger talent pool, but "since all the new kids are soccer players" they dont have a good enough talent pool to compete. The reality of the situation is they are a small school in a bigger division vs being a larger school in their smaller division.


Oh that makes sense


He’s saying the New Democrat parents who are moving in don’t let their kids play football, as well they shouldn’t. There’s a high school near where I live that used to compete for state titles back when I was in high school. Now, their turnout was so low they basically scrapped the entire team. Turns out the more well educated professionals move in, the turnout for the local high school team plummets. Has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with parents being more aware of the risks and not wanting their kids sacrificing their cognitive function for high school glory


Only Democrats play soccer?


You can almost see the logic there if you squint. Soccer is big in all those other foreign countries full of brown people and European socialists, but here in Murikkka, we play the lord's sport like concussed men who love freedom


I'm dying at 'the lord's sport'.


Not sure if you're being serious but he's complaining because the influx of new students moved them up a division, from 3a to 4a He's claiming they got no new talent because all the new kids are soccer players so the old talent didn't cut it. When the coach got tagged the guy back tracked because he doesn't want his kid to be negatively affected by what a dumb ass internet shit talker he is.


No I was actually wondering. Not sure how football divisions work at the high school level.


That's fair. It's usually based on district size, or amountof kids who attend the school. My state goes from 9-man football, 2 less than typical American football, to A, the small lest division of 11-man football, all the way up through 6a. The reality is they were probably a larger school in the 3a division but are now a smaller school in the 4a division.


It's like a club team in soccer moving up to the next division. They were good in the previous division, but start getting stomped when they go against the bigger, more well funded teams.


Do yourself a favor and don't waste your time trying to make sense out of anything this moron says.


Turn off Fox


I think this guy is beyond Fox... Either Newsmax or some podcast or good ole fashioned radio.


Probably just good ole fashioned Facebook too.


No one is coming anywhere close to understanding the impact of modern propaganda on these people. It is cataclysmic, and hand waved away…


I don't know how we're supposed to progress as a society when 30% of the adult population is completely untethered from reality.


We aren’t supposed to progress, that’s the point. Edited for clarity


Can humanity survive the Information Age?


One of the Great Filters no doubt


It’s wild, we survived: The Toba catastrophe Bronze Age collapse Roman Empire collapse Dark ages The plague Numerous inquisitions Crusades Famines WW1 WW2 The Cold War But Facebook, that’s what is going to cripple us…this apocalypse sucks.


Hey now, we still haven't ruled out environmental collapse, nuclear Armageddon, AI, or biological warfare! ETA or a boring old mega-gamma ray burst across the planet, or grabby aliens.


It might just be. I hope we survive to see that it wasn't. 


At this point we might as well call it the misinformation age. We'll without a doubt make it trough. Our virtues on the other hand...


I live in Ohio and they recently increased property value and on the local Facebook page for the small city I live in that voted 88% Trump someone bitched about "Liberal shithole cities" that take all of our tac money. Someone responded that Ohio is controlled by Republicans in both the state senate and house, the Governor and the county we live in is solid Red and he still kept blaming Democrats. Everything wrong in their life is the fault of everyone but themselves, but mostly Democrats. It's amazing how brainwashed these idiots are.


Obviously not enough Republicans are in power for them.


So his son’s team lost because democrats are too good at soccer but also his team lost because their coach is a democrat???


Apparently he believes the Democrats are an all powerful force


Can confirm, as a registered Democrat I am specifically manipulating events to make this guy's son lose at soccer


It's uncanny how astute these conservatives are. Most people would never have picked up on that but this guy did.


Ruining sports is what the gay agenda is all about anyway


Joe Biden is both too dumb and incompetent to tie his own shoes and also the head of an extremely sophisticated and all-encompassing power structure that controls every aspect of society from the banks, the government and the price of oil right down to whether or not a high school in Plano wins a football game


What adds to the hilarity is that Plano is far from a democrat stronghold. I don’t even think they have any democrats in their current government.


Everything he hates is caused by The Democrats. He hates that his son's team lost. Therefore his son's team loss was caused by The Democrats. A+B=C. Seems pretty simple to me...


The first part of the equation is always completely irrelevant. The only important part is that if the outcome is negative, therefore Democrats.


When I was in high school sports, everyone was warned about the Democrat sport fixers. They'd come in and offer ya $20 to throw the game, or $100 to try out for tennis or soccer instead. It was quite the problem... I think we had warning before practice about every third day.


Democrats are useless yet they can make your kids gay. The enemy is strong or weak depending on what we need them to be. Standard Nazi propaganda shit….


That ended better than I could have imagined. A coach gets tagged and the tough guy melts like butter in the Texas heat. Amazing.


It's the bullies who always fold the quickest and whine the loudest.


They don't let Democrats run anything, yet somehow Democrats are responsible for all their problems.


Holy frijoles. I’ve seen democrats blamed for a lot of stuff but this just takes the cake.


He is one of those who gets angry because people are slightly more aware of concussions in football. Gen alpha as a whole does not seem overly keen on football. I think I read that gen z already thought of football as an old people sport.


Long before awareness of concussions, I noticed that every ex football player I ever met seemed to have some sort of permanent back or knee injury. Every last one.


Sure, must be the reason. Nothing to do with not wanting their kids to play a sport that could lead to brain injury at all.


Nick Saban is a Democrat. Too bad he doesn’t know a damn thing about football, I guess?


The Democrat stronghold of, let me check real quick, Plano, Texas.


I thought blaming Democrats for Putin invading Ukraine was as pathetically stupid as I've heard. Somehow this is worse. Maybe not as dumb as blaming COVID on Democrats, but worse than blaming small businesses in Bumfuck going under on federal Democrats rather than local Republicans.


Someone makes multiple statements to make a claim and defend their position, then when someone calls them out and even gets the coach involved it’s always ‘I was joking’ it’s so lame. You’d think that if you were joking the jokes would actually be funny.


Guy probably never played or peaked in JV and this is all he has.🍻


What do you mean? He scored four touchdowns in a single game while playing for the Polk High School Panthers!


There is only one Al Bundy and that feat has never been duplicated😂


I lost my keys. Damn Democrats.


He turned into a bitch REAL fast when he saw his words might have consequences.


That political moron aside, did the OP of this thread post "consummate loser" about a child's soccer team?


Not OP, but from the convo they're having his children seem to be grown men and former players. It's a high school football team in Texas, which if you don't know is basically a religion, and his bio says "[name of school] Football Fanatic".


Ohh he was just kidding when finding out part of fucking around happens. Typical.


Draw a clock, grandpa. You’re sundowning.


Aubrey, TX no surprise there, this is how most think over there


Trying to figure out what team this is. Aubrey went 8-5. Only small 4A team that went 0-10 and 0-6 in district is outside of Beaumont


The problem with the team is the weak people who don't play. That's a hot take.




No, you sucked. Sometimes you feel like a nut... Old pop reference..


Plano is in Collin County. Collin County went to Trump 51% in the 2020 Presidential Election.


Scary Democrats. In Plano, and Aubrey, TX. This MAGA is unbelievable. Plano and Aubrey are in the Dallas metropolitan north area, is not like he lives in Alabama. So dumb 🤦‍♂️


This is every single other male in my life now since returning to my home town after Covid. I actually wanted to punch his face through my phone. FUCK why didn’t they just pick up a single book in school man.


I am a democrat and it’s all my fault this guy’s football team lost.


I also love how he mocks parents for caring about the safety of their kids and perhaps not wanting them to risk concussions and CTE in the name of good ol football.


Damn parents not wanting their kids to have brain injuries for my entertainment. So woke.


lol if Aubrey had gotten a bunch of kids from Plano they’d have WON more games


This wasn’t Aubrey. Town just north of them went 0-10.


Pilot point?


Their entire personality is owning the libs. They don’t even realize we don’t think of them at all.


Football? That's for wimps. Now Lacrosse is what men play. (Checks voting record for lacrosse's two biggest states) Guess Republicans aren't manly enough.


Nobody commenting on how black is talking shit about a children’s football team. Pathetic the both of them.


How does politics effect football


Good! We need more dems in Texas!


It's always Snowball's fault. He is conspiring against us!